Quantum Physic's Tella-Transportation & Life After Death


Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
well, consider this;

either you think there was a beginning or not.

If there was one, you are confronted with an illogical argument. How could something emerge from the void, from complete emptyness, that we can now be part of it and see it ?

Otherwise, it means everything is eternal, it's always been there, just changing forms and shapes.


Senior member
Aug 14, 2011
Alternate States of Matter - It's not there, unless we SEE IT?

Wait, what?

Two sentence fragments does not a question make.

There are a lot of things we can only see indirectly. We "know" the Higgs Boson is real, but we only "know" this by the extremely subtle change in energy profile released from a high-energy collision. We're not seeing Higgs particles. We're not even sensing them.

We're sensing a third-level decay of them, but it fits so precisely with expected models of how a Higgs Boson would behave, that it is considered to be true.

Are you making some claim about the afterlife by claiming that dark matter cannot be observed, and therefore both are equally true?

Russel's teapot ever?


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Actually I was thinking about Quantum Mechanics and the weird properties of entanglement and spooky action but I was under the influence of a few beer and got lost ;o)

Physicists really can't explain the weird properties of entanglement other then profess spooky action exists. Right now they are experimenting with the Quantum Computer, Tell-Porting molecules using entanglement and disusing parallel universes over this phenomena.

This U-Tube Documentary is astonishing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv1_YB1IedE
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
you can't send information with quantum entanglement.


Entanglement and Spooky Action is how the Quantum Computer handles information. If you are referring to the 21 grams the body supposedly looses at the instance of death - Perhaps so.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010

Entanglement and Spooky Action is how the Quantum Computer handles information. If you are referring to the 21 grams the body supposedly looses at the instance of death - Perhaps so.

What the heck are you talking about?

I mean exactly what I said, there is no way to know the results until measured. You can't put a state that you want onto an entangled particle. In order know what the state of the particle is you need to measure it, and by doing that you destroy the entanglement.

So lets say someone sends me a bunch of entangled particles, I measure them to see what the results are. I will get the same results if I was sent a bunch of particles that weren't entangled. The results will be random.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
I agree with you but for simplicity say I sent you the - spin electron and I kept the positive spin electron of the entangled particle then added a photon to mine - Would you not instantly observe a photon at your end, considering I live on Mars and you on Earth.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
I agree with you but for simplicity say I sent you the - spin electron and I kept the positive spin electron of the entangled particle then added a photon to mine - Would you not instantly observe a photon at your end, considering I live on Mars and you on Earth.

If you know the spin then your particles are no long entangled.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
I was only using spin to differentiate the particles in the entanglement; in other words, we don't have to know the spin when it comes to spooky action. The fact is all you need is one particle of the entanglement and I the other, take for example the LaPamla/Tenerife matter transportation experiments using entangled Photons.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
I was only using spin to differentiate the particles in the entanglement; in other words, we don't have to know the spin when it comes to spooky action. The fact is all you need is one particle of the entanglement and I the other, take for example the LaPamla/Tenerife matter transportation experiments using entangled Photons.

that wasn't matter transportation, it was quantum entanglement. You can think of it as a transportation of quantum states from one particle to another. But once again you can't send any information through this since you can't know the state of the particle before you transport it.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
that wasn't matter transportation, it was quantum entanglement.
OK - Cloning Matter via Quantum States; either way, does that not constitute the transfer of information as we have changed the results at the other end where Parallelism and the numbers of computations is a factor.

Classical computers use bits as a 0 or a 1 where as the Quantum Computer uses Qubits as a 0 and a 1 at the same time.

U-Tube - How a Quantum Computer works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_IaVepNDT4

How would you measure the results of a Quantum Computer - Isn't Measurement and Entanglement the same thing?
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Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
OK - Cloning Matter via Quantum States; either way, does that not constitute the transfer of information as we have changed the results at the other end where Parallelism and the numbers of computations is a factor.

no, you can't send any information as there is no way to know anything about the quantum states of what is sent or received till it's measured.

Classical computers use bits as a 0 or a 1 where as the Quantum Computer uses Qubits as a 0 and a 1 at the same time.

U-Tube - How a Quantum Computer works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_IaVepNDT4

How would you measure the results of a Quantum Computer - Isn't Measurement and Entanglement the same thing?

No, it seems you really don't understand much of what is being said. If you are really interested I would look for online books or explanations of the basics, and why things work the way they do.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
I know a lot more then you assume and puzzled why you blatantly back out by saying stuff like "What the heck are you talking about?" and "No, it seems you really don't understand much of what is being said." Makes me wonder if it's you who should look into doing more research.

Perhaps I should answer the Question as to "Isn't Measurement and Entanglement the same thing?".

Here's a typical Quantum Theory Answer to this question: http://physics.stackexchange.com/qu...ment-functionally-equivalent-to-a-measurement

It is difficult to say what it would mean for entanglement to be "the same as measurement", given that entanglement is essentially the phenomenon of the measurement outcomes of two systems being apparently random, but correlated to each other, in more than one basis of measurement. (Entanglement does exist as a concept independently of the measurement process — a pure state of two systems is entangled if and only if it does not factor as a tensor product, for example — but the "physical" significance of this is that the observables on the two factors will have correlated expectation values.) To quote a reasonably well-worded paragraph from the introduction to the Wikipedia article on entanglement:

Quantum entanglement is a form of quantum superposition. When a measurement is made and it causes one member of such a pair to take on a definite value (e.g., clockwise spin), the other member of this entangled pair will at any subsequent time be found to have taken the appropriately correlated value (e.g., counterclockwise spin). Thus, there is a correlation between the results of measurements performed on entangled pairs, and this correlation is observed even though the entangled pair may have been separated by arbitrarily large distances.

Regardless of the reason for this correlation of measurement outcomes, what characterizes entanglement as distinct from "classical randomness" is precisely that the measurement outcomes are correlated in a way which is not straightforwardly explainable in terms of local hidden variables, unless your theory of particle behaviour allows faster-than-light signalling between particles. The "hoopla" comes from attempts to reconcile this in a way that we can picture in terms of classical probabilities, or from explicit rejections of the possibility that we can find such a reconciliation.
Let me add: Scientists and Physicists still can not differentiate the difference between Measurement and Entanglement. other then dismissing the fact that Particles can not travel Faster then the Speed of Light - The Phenomena is referred to as Spooky Action or Behavior.

I really hate having to say something like this to another Forum Member: but, I kinda thought members interested in this topic would participate with Constructive Criticism so we could share our views. Evidently, Paul, you take more joy in belittling then participating.

On the other hand, my Best Professors and Mentors displayed this demeaning tactic to entice students that research is the key to learning.

There's no need to grade me as I know it's worth a 90% mark and possibly 98% rebuttal when I prove my argument mathematically.

I want to explore any imaginative view on this topic and I believe Anand Tech Forum Members have a lot to contribute ;o)
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Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
It is not simple, and works very different than how you think things should work. The problem is that when these physicists say one thing if you don't really know what they are talking about you can end up thinking they are saying something totally different. Also they try to dumb things down so that people can get a general idea about how things kind of work. This leads to incorrect understandings about how things actually work.

But you continue to completely miss understand what is actually being said. If you really want to understand you need to start with the basics and get rid of what you think should be true.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
If you really want to understand you need to start with the basics and get rid of what you think should be true.
Are you comparing Einstein? I like Bohr and Bell not saying Einstein wasn't the Father of Relativity.

G*d D*^n it Paul I wish you would open up.
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Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010

If you want to talk about something you need to make your posts clear so others can know what you are trying to say or trying to understand.

Do you understand why you can't send information with quantum entanglement? If you still think you can, what would you do to send me a simple message?


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
monsanto is blocking it with their jamming frequencies. use tinfoil hats beware.

but actually, that's an interesting thought. The entanglement.
Are you stocking me - Now that Pot is being legalized can you imagine if it where Entangled with Monsanto - LOL

It is interesting and I can't believe we can't use Quantum Mechanic's Spooky Behavior for Information - Someday we may.

Here's an interesting read on the Spooky behavior of Entanglement in Quantum Mechanics: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~yikes/spooky_action.html

It's as if there was a Worm Hole between the Entangled Particles as they interact simultaneously with info that travels faster then the speed of light but it disappears when we look at it. They are building a Quantum Computer for calculations - I wonder how they propose to view the answer.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
This topic still rattles me from "Time to Time" ;o)

I haven't used my calculus in years but I still retain a fair logic of it.

As to the Question: Why is Quantum Mechanics Weird?

Perhaps Quaternion Calculus done in space time may provide answers where we can use entanglement for information in the future.

Here's a uTube illustration of Quantum Entanglement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGkx1MUw2TU

and here the Stern Gerlack Experiment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXvZpn_dnMs

Seems to me if we could harness this phenomena it would easily Quadruple the amount of Information we have compared to the Binary System and possibly do it faster then the speed of light.

For your entertainment here's Oppenheimer's Lecture at Berkley titled "Spooky Actions At A Distance": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta09WXiUqcQ

I feel there is something missing in Quantum Physics. Accepting the properties of Entangled Particles as like the flip of a coin where there is a 100% probability it will be either heads or tails is against human curiosity and we will find an answer.
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Apr 2, 2011
Perhaps Quaternion Calculus done in space time may provide answers where we can use entanglement for information in the future.

The future will be , well , no future , that is , absence of future
and a world that is constantly at a same moment or so , i.e ,
it is always the present with no future wich mean an universe
totaly stable , of course this will happen in a distant future,
something like 10^1500 years from now....


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
The Universe is a Unified Field of pure abstraction like Quantum Mechanics suggests through the Stern Gerlack experiment and entanglement; in other words, what we perceive as reality is a holographic illusion. I was always fascinated with the movie "The 13th Floor" were all information exists beyond Space & Time.

Was it not Chalmers that said "How does something such as immaterial as consciousness arise from something as unconscious as matter." I always asked: What is the purpose of the universe if it were not for intelligent consciousness?

Are particles made of matter or are they wave frequencies which seem not to exist unless we observe or say they exhibit objective reality not relative to the way we now perceive Space, Time and Matter. If we see consciousness all around us as the essence of everything perhaps the Universe may reveal itself.

Beyond the 4 Forces of Gravity (Newton), Electromagnetism (Faraday/Maxwell), Nuclear: Weak dealing with planetary objects (Einstein's Relativity) & Strong dealing with sub atomic particles (Quantum Mechanics) there is a 5th Force called Dark Energy and Matter which Einstein said was his biggest blunder and yet from his mistakes we are learning.

Until the proof of the Higg's Boson, Quantum Physics really didn't account for gravity as compared to Einstein's 4 Dimensional Theory of Relativity; however, relativity fails at to describe events within Black Holes and the instance of the Big Bag. Relativity postulates that nothing escapes a Black Hole, in other words, all information is lost forever. We now know feeding Black Holes become Quasars that emit tremendous energy in the form of radiation and light, so is information lost? Astronomers and Physicists will be for the first time observing our Milky Way's own Black Hole feeding on a gas cloud this summer.

The String Theory is basically a way of observing cosmic soup by bringing in Extra Dimensions and the possibility of Multiple Universes which may allow us to build a Unified Theory that will help us find answers to questions like: What is Dark Energy and Dark Matter, is Time Fundamental or are there Gravitons ... etc?

Professor Kaku is a Theoretical Physicist exploring String Theory - Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NbBjNiw4tk NOTE: This presentation was before completion of the Hadron Colider and discovery of the Higgs Boson. Back in the early 70's while attending University Majoring in Physics and Math we touched on the String Theory but did not dwell on it.

There is some 96% of the universe filled with Matter and Energy which we can't see and know nothing about, yet it's all around us. We now call it Dark Matter and Dark Energy when we once called it Nothing but Empty Space.

I've a feeling we are shortly in for an astounding revelation from Physics. Einstein admitted there was an underlying consciousness in the Quantum Universe and we are about to unlock the door to a Unified Field that may change us forever.

In Rebuttal:

Paul98 - You're right Quote:
It is not simple, and works very different than how you think things should work. The problem is that when these physicists say one thing if you don't really know what they are talking about you can end up thinking they are saying something totally different.
Answer: Why? We simply do not know and Physicist tend to lead us down Dodgson's (Lewis Carol's) Rabbit Hole and Huxley's "Brave New World".

ABWX Quote:
The future will be , well , no future , that is , absence of future
and a world that is constantly at a same moment or so , i.e ,
it is always the present with no future which mean an universe
totaly stable , of course this will happen in a distant future,
something like 10^1500 years from now....
I like your thinking questioning Time but is Time a Fundamental issue when it comes to understanding the Universe within a Unified Theory? Time is a big issue for me when we haven't heard a WHIMP from Dark Matter.

And lastly from the 1st responder VELIS quote:
I suspect this is more of a philosophical question than highly technical.
Answer: You are correct to assume this topic is philosophical considering we are not Physicists but doesn't mean Geeks do not think like a Physicist and the topic not technical.
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