Question about commuting around San Francisco


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2005
Need to go into San Francisco on Friday morning, heading to Bryant Street, and was wondering if I should drive, take BART and walk, or take the bus.

BART web site says closest station is 16th St. Mission Station, and the place is about 0.75 miles away walking distance. Have to walk on 18th, Harrison and Folsom St, essentially, to get to the destination.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2005
Yeah, I know driving is often pure insanity, but I'm wondering what kind of neighborhoods we'll have to go through to get to our final destination. There are a few people in the group who probably don't want to walk through the hood.


Dec 28, 2004
Definitely take BART. Whoever told you that's the hood is a fucking dumbass. There are a lot of white people living in Potrero neighborhood. The hood is in the south east corner of the city.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Don't know those particular neighborhoods, but from all I hear, avoid the MUNI at all costs. (lots of crime/problems) I've taken BART several times into the city...IF my destination is very close to a station. (couldn't walk .75 miles in less than a life-or-death emergency...maybe not then)
MOST of the time, I drive. Yes, traffic sucks, but usually, parking sucks more.
(does EVERYONE in San Francisco have a handicapped placard/plate? seems like it)


Dec 28, 2004
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Don't know those particular neighborhoods, but from all I hear, avoid the MUNI at all costs. (lots of crime/problems)

Yes, because this happens everyday on MUNI. :roll: If you don't live in the city and commute on MUNI everyday, don't pass around that retarded info.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006

"Felony crimes jumped in late 2008
Muni's on-board surveillance cameras capture strong-arm robberies and assaults on city buses.
Statistics from the SFPD show that all major felony crimes on Muni jumped during the last three months of 2008, compared to the same period the year before.
Thefts increased about 50 percent, from 102 to 150. It was the same for robberies, jumping from 38 to 57. Aggravated assaults doubled, from six to 12. "

just a couple of the multitude of links found by googling "San Francisco MUNI crime."

Does serious crime happen daily? Maybe...Maybe NOT, but it happens often enough to be a concern, especially for us out-of-towners.

Having worked in/around SF for many years, the radio news (KCBS) always had stories about stabbings, robberies, and assaults on the MUNI.
You can't deny that it happens..


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I work in this neighborhood. Watch out for used condoms and contaminated needles on the ground. Get off at 16th and Mission by BART and walk about ten minutes to 18th and Harrison st.

Opps! You can also take the 22 Fillmore bus from 16th and Mission to Bryant but I would walk.


Dec 28, 2004
Clearly you have no idea WTF you're talking about, so you used google to pull random stories out of the blue to trash my city. Do you know how many people commute on MUNI annually? 200 million. Out of those 200 million, 12 got assaulted. That's 1 assault per 16 million. Gimme a major city with lower ratio. Go work your google magic and let me know, 'cause now I'm really curious.

KCBS is a commercial radio station that report their stories based on the sensationalism principal, of course they're gonna talk shit about how bad the MUNI system is. They don't talk about how on time the buses are, 'cause people like you don't give a fuck. I used to listen to KCBS, but switched to NPR 'cause I got tired of their shit.

Of course there is gonna be crime in any city, but compare to all the other major cities, SF ain't as bad as you're trying to put. I've been commuting on MUNI for more than 20 years and I've only encountered thugs a couple times. Grow some fucking balls if you don't wanna be a victim is my advice to you if you're afraid to go out to the public.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Funny, but today I took Muni because of my car having problems. I took two buses from mission st (16th st corner) to the Ocean beach. I ride Muni about four times a year. On the first bus, a man tried to board the bus without paying. The bus driver said he was not going to move the bus until he leaves the back of the bus and comes forward to pay his fare. Some stranger gives him his bus transfer and he takes it up to the front of the bus to show the driver that he paid. The bus driver was white and the man who tried to sneak aboard the bus was black. The black guy gives the driver a attitude about being white racist and a civil servant. He was a arrogant prick to say the least. The bus driver was correct in my eyes.

A few blocks later, a white guy enters the back of the bus illegally. The bus driver tells him to exit the back doors and come up to the front door and show his fare/transfer. He did and the bus driver let him on.

On the second bus, there was a hispanic dude making loud chicken noises and was being extremely obnoxious. I think he was nuts/stoned. Until a senior white lady basically tells him to shut up and stop being so annoying. He did. Until the lady got off the bus.

Some people were smelly and others were disruptive/loud. I purposely took the bus right before the public schools let out around 3pm, too. The kids are even worst.

Now I know why I avoid MUNI when I can.

By the way, I am sure that there are more than 12 assaults a year on MUNI. Most just goes unreported.



Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2002
What time are you coming into the city? Driving around downtown SF really isnt that bad if your coming in after commute hours, I drive around downtown all the time during the day.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Baked
Clearly you have no idea WTF you're talking about, so you used google to pull random stories out of the blue to trash my city. Do you know how many people commute on MUNI annually? 200 million. Out of those 200 million, 12 got assaulted. That's 1 assault per 16 million. Gimme a major city with lower ratio. Go work your google magic and let me know, 'cause now I'm really curious.

KCBS is a commercial radio station that report their stories based on the sensationalism principal, of course they're gonna talk shit about how bad the MUNI system is. They don't talk about how on time the buses are, 'cause people like you don't give a fuck. I used to listen to KCBS, but switched to NPR 'cause I got tired of their shit.

Of course there is gonna be crime in any city, but compare to all the other major cities, SF ain't as bad as you're trying to put. I've been commuting on MUNI for more than 20 years and I've only encountered thugs a couple times. Grow some fucking balls if you don't wanna be a victim is my advice to you if you're afraid to go out to the public.

Sounds like you're just so used to the conditions, they don't even register on you notice the myriads of homeless people in the city? Those who sleep on the sidewalk grates in the business district, the encampments all along 101/280?
Not much crime in SF? ROFL! I used to have to drive into Hunter's Point on at least a weekly basis...if not daily. the 3rd street/Bayview district is pure ghetto...and crime is rampant there.
Besides...I've watched "The Streets of San Francisco" with Karl Malden and Michael Douglas...I KNOW there's crime there...I saw it on the TeeVee!

You're just pissed because for SOME stupid reason, you think I'm attacking San Francisco...which I'm not...just pointing out that there is quite a bit of crime on the MUNI, whether you want to admit it or not.

Y' defend SF pretty strongly...yet aren't you one of the people who bash the concept of patriotism?
(I could have possibly mistaken you for one of the other "hippie avatars")


Jan 13, 2000
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Originally posted by: Baked
Clearly you have no idea WTF you're talking about, so you used google to pull random stories out of the blue to trash my city. Do you know how many people commute on MUNI annually? 200 million. Out of those 200 million, 12 got assaulted. That's 1 assault per 16 million. Gimme a major city with lower ratio. Go work your google magic and let me know, 'cause now I'm really curious.

KCBS is a commercial radio station that report their stories based on the sensationalism principal, of course they're gonna talk shit about how bad the MUNI system is. They don't talk about how on time the buses are, 'cause people like you don't give a fuck. I used to listen to KCBS, but switched to NPR 'cause I got tired of their shit.

Of course there is gonna be crime in any city, but compare to all the other major cities, SF ain't as bad as you're trying to put. I've been commuting on MUNI for more than 20 years and I've only encountered thugs a couple times. Grow some fucking balls if you don't wanna be a victim is my advice to you if you're afraid to go out to the public.

Sounds like you're just so used to the conditions, they don't even register on you notice the myriads of homeless people in the city? Those who sleep on the sidewalk grates in the business district, the encampments all along 101/280?
Not much crime in SF? ROFL! I used to have to drive into Hunter's Point on at least a weekly basis...if not daily. the 3rd street/Bayview district is pure ghetto...and crime is rampant there.
Besides...I've watched "The Streets of San Francisco" with Karl Malden and Michael Douglas...I KNOW there's crime there...I saw it on the TeeVee!

You're just pissed because for SOME stupid reason, you think I'm attacking San Francisco...which I'm not...just pointing out that there is quite a bit of crime on the MUNI, whether you want to admit it or not.

Y' defend SF pretty strongly...yet aren't you one of the people who bash the concept of patriotism?
(I could have possibly mistaken you for one of the other "hippie avatars")

I agree with Baked. I also work in SF at a Software company and most of my colleagues who are engineers commute on MUNI. MUNI is not as bad as you think it is. It pretty much has no more issues than what any other public transportion in any other city would have. In fact most of my colleagues really prefer it over other modes of transportation.

Hunter's Point has been crime infested cesspool for god knows how long now. I'd like to point out however that it does not make SF a bad place since the bayview-hunterspoint area is out of the way right in the lower east corner and not really an area a tourist would want to go to. Heck, I've never really gone there and I've lived in the bay area most of my life.
Yeah there are homeless people in SF. Which city doesn't have em?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: zoiks
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Originally posted by: Baked
Clearly you have no idea WTF you're talking about, so you used google to pull random stories out of the blue to trash my city. Do you know how many people commute on MUNI annually? 200 million. Out of those 200 million, 12 got assaulted. That's 1 assault per 16 million. Gimme a major city with lower ratio. Go work your google magic and let me know, 'cause now I'm really curious.

KCBS is a commercial radio station that report their stories based on the sensationalism principal, of course they're gonna talk shit about how bad the MUNI system is. They don't talk about how on time the buses are, 'cause people like you don't give a fuck. I used to listen to KCBS, but switched to NPR 'cause I got tired of their shit.

Of course there is gonna be crime in any city, but compare to all the other major cities, SF ain't as bad as you're trying to put. I've been commuting on MUNI for more than 20 years and I've only encountered thugs a couple times. Grow some fucking balls if you don't wanna be a victim is my advice to you if you're afraid to go out to the public.

Sounds like you're just so used to the conditions, they don't even register on you notice the myriads of homeless people in the city? Those who sleep on the sidewalk grates in the business district, the encampments all along 101/280?
Not much crime in SF? ROFL! I used to have to drive into Hunter's Point on at least a weekly basis...if not daily. the 3rd street/Bayview district is pure ghetto...and crime is rampant there.
Besides...I've watched "The Streets of San Francisco" with Karl Malden and Michael Douglas...I KNOW there's crime there...I saw it on the TeeVee!

You're just pissed because for SOME stupid reason, you think I'm attacking San Francisco...which I'm not...just pointing out that there is quite a bit of crime on the MUNI, whether you want to admit it or not.

Y' defend SF pretty strongly...yet aren't you one of the people who bash the concept of patriotism?
(I could have possibly mistaken you for one of the other "hippie avatars")

I agree with Baked. I also work in SF at a Software company and most of my colleagues who are engineers commute on MUNI. MUNI is not as bad as you think it is. It pretty much has no more issues than what any other public transportion in any other city would have. In fact most of my colleagues really prefer it over other modes of transportation.

Hunter's Point has been crime infested cesspool for god knows how long now. I'd like to point out however that it does not make SF a bad place since the bayview-hunterspoint area is out of the way right in the lower east corner and not really an area a tourist would want to go to. Heck, I've never really gone there and I've lived in the bay area most of my life.
Yeah there are homeless people in SF. Which city doesn't have em?

Which city?

Vatican City



No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Originally posted by: zoiks

I agree with Baked. I also work in SF at a Software company and most of my colleagues who are engineers commute on MUNI. MUNI is not as bad as you think it is. It pretty much has no more issues than what any other public transportion in any other city would have. In fact most of my colleagues really prefer it over other modes of transportation.

Hunter's Point has been crime infested cesspool for god knows how long now. I'd like to point out however that it does not make SF a bad place since the bayview-hunterspoint area is out of the way right in the lower east corner and not really an area a tourist would want to go to. Heck, I've never really gone there and I've lived in the bay area most of my life.
Yeah there are homeless people in SF. Which city doesn't have em?

Ok, bad. I guess I believed all the news stories about crime on the MUNI.
Shame on me...:roll:

Let it hereby be proclaimed that the San Francisco MUNI is paradise on wheels...

BTW, I wasn't claiming that it's worse than the transportation systems in any big city...Hell, AFAIK, the same stuff happens everywhere. (NY subways, Chicago Loop, BART, etc...if BART didn't have crime problems, why are there so many BART cops? same with other large metro transit systems)

Disowning Hunter's Point/Bayview doesn't make it NOT part of SF...No, it's definitely NOT a traditional tourist area...


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2005
0.75 miles? I'd walk one day to see what its like... if its sketchy then I would take the transit
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