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Jun 30, 2004
Generally, any given racist has 350 points on his compass: Japanese, Chinese, Indians and Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Mexicans . . . Africans.

They cannot feel good about themselves for anything else than lack of pigment and ties to the Gurr-reat Roman Empire.

In essence, they are Race Traitors of an all-encompassing type. They are Traitors to the Human Race.

If a person ever travelled overseas, if he ever made friends with the "others," he would feel fellowship with the others and could not be a racist. It's an irreversible process. Racism is a major aspect of Tribalism. A person imagines that passing their genes into the future is either meaningful or somehow an accomplishment. But if you understand evolution like Jack London tried to understand it, it doesn't matter. Statistically, even the strongest wolf on the ice-floe can by mischance slip and be torn apart by his lessers, and the most agile tiger with the sharpest claws will get swallowed here and there by the La Brea tar pits. Those people are so devoid of an acceptable sense of themselves and their own value that they've focused all their energy on a mere imagination of immortality in a Future somehow leading up the evolutionary tree. And to them, it's all about pigment, religion, and other superfluous things that separate people.

And -- as I said -- they've separated themselves from the people of the Human Race.

I suppose I'm chauvinist about racists as unworthy to the Human Race.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I suspect you're aware of how conservatives feel about women.
I've never let it bother me. I'm not an insecure woman nor do I rely on men to validate me. Does that make me a nightmare? At the very least a woman permanently on her period <--- hence the hysterectomy.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Well, I sorta just look at every destroyed community in Chicago that was once nice, look at the communities that are being destroyed (I'm presently living in one), and ask myself: Do I or anyone I know behave and have the values that caused this to happen? The answer is of course, No, as that's why these places were formally nice. Then I ask myself: What is the common denominator in these communities being destroyed? I'll just put it like this...Unfortunately for the White Guilter crowd, that's a very uncomfortable answer.

We can then live 30 years embedded with these same people (not to be confused with the ones that looked the same at the start of those 30 years, who just happened to act like and have the same values as me/mine - and for the ones I'm still in contact with, still do), experience all the racism that Intellectuals swear on a stack of studies can only exist with Whitey (sorry pmc, did it again), <TedKennedy>Nevah Evah Nevah minorities</TedKennedy>. So eventually, if one hasn't been mind F'd by the uber PC and White Guilt that white kids are subjected to these days, one realizes quick that having this certain people around, on the whole, isn't really a good thing. Racist? Absolutely? Realist? Absolutely. Accurate? Absolutely.

Have a lot going on that makes my attention to this thread hard toanage, but my sense is that you don't have much use for the kind of black culture that causes and sustains ghetto life and it's that criticism of black behavior that makes liberals call yourself a racist. If so then I guess I am one too, because I see a side of modern black reaction to the damage done to it by racism as a mirror of that sickness. Many Black people have been very damaged and that damage is concentrated where ghettos exist. There is a ghetto mentality that is very unhealthy. That isn't racism in my opinion. Its fact. Liberal lack of realism here is in my opinion bull shit. There are, however reasons why ghettos exist that are in part, the result of white indifference and denial. Blaming people for problems based on race will not solve the problem. Decent and available jobs would do more to fix the situation, I think.


Jun 9, 2016
Have a lot going on that makes my attention to this thread hard toanage, but my sense is that you don't have much use for the kind of black culture that causes and sustains ghetto life and it's that criticism of black behavior that makes liberals call yourself a racist. If so then I guess I am one too, because I see a side of modern black reaction to the damage done to it by racism as a mirror of that sickness. Many Black people have been very damaged and that damage is concentrated where ghettos exist. There is a ghetto mentality that is very unhealthy. That isn't racism in my opinion. Its fact. Liberal lack of realism here is in my opinion bull shit. There are, however reasons why ghettos exist that are in part, the result of white indifference and denial. Blaming people for problems based on race will not solve the problem. Decent and available jobs would do more to fix the situation, I think.

Just look at how much Mr. 4D chess sucks up to race realists nowadays begging for their patronage.

Called it.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Have a lot going on that makes my attention to this thread hard toanage, but my sense is that you don't have much use for the kind of black culture that causes and sustains ghetto life and it's that criticism of black behavior that makes liberals call yourself a racist. If so then I guess I am one too, because I see a side of modern black reaction to the damage done to it by racism as a mirror of that sickness. Many Black people have been very damaged and that damage is concentrated where ghettos exist. There is a ghetto mentality that is very unhealthy. That isn't racism in my opinion. Its fact. Liberal lack of realism here is in my opinion bull shit. There are, however reasons why ghettos exist that are in part, the result of white indifference and denial. Blaming people for problems based on race will not solve the problem. Decent and available jobs would do more to fix the situation, I think.

Observing reality as it is without tinted glasses is left to those who want to observe reality rather than make it up.

Many people (of all colours) are hurting in an endless cycle that begets itself and getting out is damn near impossible since they are raised by the streets on the streets (or travelers grounds as we have here, trailer parks as you have over there) and they never, EVER blame anyone but "the other" because that is the reality they were taught is real.

Liberals do not lack realism, we observe reality and decide that we want you to have every right to be happy and prosperous but we're not going to do the work for you. You have to fix yourself.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Observing reality as it is without tinted glasses is left to those who want to observe reality rather than make it up.

Many people (of all colours) are hurting in an endless cycle that begets itself and getting out is damn near impossible since they are raised by the streets on the streets (or travelers grounds as we have here, trailer parks as you have over there) and they never, EVER blame anyone but "the other" because that is the reality they were taught is real.

Liberals do not lack realism, we observe reality and decide that we want you to have every right to be happy and prosperous but we're not going to do the work for you. You have to fix yourself.

I don't blame you for your ignorance. You are the condition you describe. There is no way that you can know the ego is a delusion that believes it can fix itself. You have not faced real hopelessness nor exiperienced real surrender. There are not so very many you will meet that can tell you this.


Jun 9, 2016
I don't blame you for your ignorance. You are the condition you describe. There is no way that you can know the ego is a delusion that believes it can fix itself. You have not faced real hopelessness nor exiperienced real surrender. There are not so very many you will meet that can tell you this.

Frankly in a way I really feel bad for Moonbeam. Had you jumped hard on this white populist wannabe wagon a year ago you might still be sitting pretty, but you waited until right before the nazi terrorism episode. The political market on "econ nationalism" just drove off the cliff with bannon shown out the white house. Where you gonna go now? Smarter liberals already dropped you like a hot potato and the reception with that klan flock looks lukewarm at best. Personally I'd say save yourself, start bashing all things trump, and maybe the dumbshit tier will allow you back into their good graces.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
I don't blame you for your ignorance. You are the condition you describe. There is no way that you can know the ego is a delusion that believes it can fix itself. You have not faced real hopelessness nor exiperienced real surrender. There are not so very many you will meet that can tell you this.

I do blame you for yours since it's seemingly self acquired. No one can forgive you for your transgressions against yourself but you. You remain unforgiven even though when you are sober, you are OK.

If you are interested at all in how I forgave myself completely for all transgressions and realized my humanity then you can PM me, I don't want to bring that up in public.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Why be a kent though? I mean, what possible good can come out of this for you?

The good was that he got to (in his mind) debase a woman. I'm fairly confident he sported a semi whilst typing. That always feels good... right? I can only guess, my hard-ons don't require a penis. I get 'em and then I'm like a dog with a bone until I've been satisfied. Is that how men feel?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I do blame you for yours since it's seemingly self acquired. No one can forgive you for your transgressions against yourself but you. You remain unforgiven even though when you are sober, you are OK.

If you are interested at all in how I forgave myself completely for all transgressions and realized my humanity then you can PM me, I don't want to bring that up in public.
If you don't want to deal with it in public I will let the matter drop and thank you for the offer. I believe there is some reason why you believe in yourself as the source of your understanding and I believe in something more like grace. I also feel the distinction is an important one , something for me that proved of enormous value and thus one I would seek to share publically. I have to put my aim, therefore, above my curiosity. Thank you again.


Dec 9, 1999
I'm skipping replying to your other post because ugh!

You have no clue what you're talking about. You have hate, that's all you have. You speak filth, live filth and filth dwells within you. You are not enlightened, you are a horrible human being who somehow believes there is a difference between humans by the color of their skin. That's a level of stupid not even you will ever be able to properly comprehend because well, you're too stupid. Rather than chalk your bad experiences up as bad experiences you've invented some philosophy to keep the bad people down/away. You manage to convince yourself that certain humans are different or worse than you. Chucky, bad people are bad people. The reason you keep having bad experiences is because YOU are the bad person. You are absolutely gross. Even your "humor" can't make up for any of it and I'm a sucker for funny people. At least for you, you take great pride in being a useless person.

LOL, I know it's painful to realize you can't BS me. "Bad experiences" are like 20-30 years of direct experience in how these towns go downhill when a certain demographic moves in. You can "gross" and "ugly" obfuscate that all you want, but that's true Reality. Look, lets put it in a way even Libs can understand: Black people that can get out of these areas that black people have ruined do so. Where do they move if they're able? Not black areas. Clearly, these blacks are as racist as

Lol! Your posting history says otherwise but tell yourself whatever you want. You live in a shithole because you choose to and then you complain about it. What a fucking genius you are!

What would I have to tell myself that I can't just jump in my truck and go tour the area and see? I live in a declined area now, but it wasn't always this way - I was here long before it declined. If what you Libs purport to be true, that there's nothing to worry about, Integrate!, then how is it possible the area declined? Tell me: How much does it cost to not throw your Shark's garbage out of your car window? A certain income level is required for that, where I should give this certain demographic a pass because they're not rich enough (yet, they do dress well, many do have non-clunkers, which would indicate somehow that even if broke = can't not litter, they'd be able to not do that)? I'm curious how you rationalize it...
Last edited:


Dec 9, 1999
Have a lot going on that makes my attention to this thread hard toanage, but my sense is that you don't have much use for the kind of black culture that causes and sustains ghetto life and it's that criticism of black behavior that makes liberals call yourself a racist. If so then I guess I am one too, because I see a side of modern black reaction to the damage done to it by racism as a mirror of that sickness. Many Black people have been very damaged and that damage is concentrated where ghettos exist. There is a ghetto mentality that is very unhealthy. That isn't racism in my opinion. Its fact. Liberal lack of realism here is in my opinion bull shit. There are, however reasons why ghettos exist that are in part, the result of white indifference and denial. Blaming people for problems based on race will not solve the problem. Decent and available jobs would do more to fix the situation, I think.

I don't have much use for the white trash culture either, they both yield destruction in their path. One culture though can be publicly demonized with zeal and it's looked favorably upon, the other is sacrosanct unless one is shedding huge crocodile tears about it. I think the Libs here are just mad that I don't toe the PC line and have the temerity to actually not suck-up to one of their key voting blocks like they need to; hey, as long as the more well off Libs don't have to live by them, it's all good.

Decent and available jobs would go a huge way. The problem there is, the types of jobs these folks can work aren't going to be high end jobs, they simply in many cases don't have the manners and/or the smarts needed. Well paying nlue collar jobs would easily be the best bet for them, and in the past they'd happily do those. Except, we've now offshored many of those jobs, technology has wiped out a ton, and for the past short few decades, we've encouraged the illegal invasion to come and try to take the rest. I've said it before: I live in an area with high young male black's not a newly hit metric. How do our elected representatives (both Fed, State, and local) combat that? By letting every illegal they can in (with some fake Oh we're trying! small finger in the broken dam to give them political cover)/making Chicago a Sanctuary City. Now, HowTF does that help all these out of work/underemployed/underpaid US Citizens? It won't. I don't even live in an area that has a substantial Latino population and, save for large union jobs (and even then we see lots of Latino labor, so they're now taking good union jobs when those would have been available before to others), who is doing the vast bulk of the well paying blue collar work? Latinos. How insane is that? We haven't even touched on the crazy bad work ethic (a large part why people hire Latinos/immigrants) and entitlement issues...


May 15, 2000
LOL, I know it's painful to realize you can't BS me. "Bad experiences" are like 20-30 years of direct experience in how these towns go downhill when a certain demographic moves in. You can "gross" and "ugly" obfuscate that all you want, but that's true Reality. Look, lets put it in a way even Libs can understand: Black people that can get out of these areas that black people have ruined do so. Where do they move if they're able? Not black areas. Clearly, these blacks are as racist as

What would I have to tell myself that I can't just jump in my truck and go tour the area and see? I live in a declined area now, but it wasn't always this way - I was here long before it declined. If what you Libs purport to be true, that there's nothing to worry about, Integrate!, then how is it possible the area declined? Tell me: How much does it cost to not throw your Shark's garbage out of your car window? A certain income level is required for that, where I should give this certain demographic a pass because they're not rich enough (yet, they do dress well, many do have non-clunkers, which would indicate somehow that even if broke = can't not litter, they'd be able to not do that)? I'm curious how you rationalize it...

Just like for you, its not my problem.

Wow, now I see why you have such an attitude, its so easy!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
LOL, I know it's painful to realize you can't BS me. "Bad experiences" are like 20-30 years of direct experience in how these towns go downhill when a certain demographic moves in. You can "gross" and "ugly" obfuscate that all you want, but that's true Reality. Look, lets put it in a way even Libs can understand: Black people that can get out of these areas that black people have ruined do so. Where do they move if they're able? Not black areas. Clearly, these blacks are as racist as

What would I have to tell myself that I can't just jump in my truck and go tour the area and see? I live in a declined area now, but it wasn't always this way - I was here long before it declined. If what you Libs purport to be true, that there's nothing to worry about, Integrate!, then how is it possible the area declined? Tell me: How much does it cost to not throw your Shark's garbage out of your car window? A certain income level is required for that, where I should give this certain demographic a pass because they're not rich enough (yet, they do dress well, many do have non-clunkers, which would indicate somehow that even if broke = can't not litter, they'd be able to not do that)? I'm curious how you rationalize it...

You're a poor excuse of a human being. Blaming an entire group of people for the acts of some is the very smallest you can be. Good Job (if that's what you're aiming for)! I'm guessing you are no exceptional gift to any where you choose to live. I'd go so far as to say you're equal to what ever problems do exist. You must hate yourself a load hey? The ugly things you must think of yourself, ya know, if you're being fair and all.

Humans are human... Rich ones are rich ones, poor ones are poor ones, undereducated ones are undereducated ones, educated ones are educated ones, ass*oles are ass*oles, bad ones are bad ones... Also, good ones are good ones, kind ones are kind ones and those people come in all different shapes, sizes, consenting sexualities, colors, religious or political views. That's a fact chucky. <--- in your case, stupid ones are stupid.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
What would you want him to criticize? It's a completely based in Reality post. I for one find it comforting as hell that blacks (no caps pmc) that can get out, agree with me. Who knew they were racist against blacks (2x in a row!) as well, eh?

I haven't read this whole thread (or any of it really) out of interest are you inferring that there is a criminal element which is black and a black element who are not criminals and this somehow makes the latter racist? If so that is a fascinating argument. Although it pains me to say it I have associated with criminals (petty admittedly) and drug addicts in my time and they were all white.

In the end I stopped associating with them because they were criminals and would steal shit from my house when they came aorund and stuff like that. They were junkies but does that make me a racist? Perhaps it makes me bigoted against junkies (is that a hate crime?)? So saying prejudice can be based on personal experience is very true. It can also be (and far more commonly) based on a stereotype which is a useful way of labelling and dehumanising a group of people.

However it is a fun topic.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I don't have much use for the white trash culture either, they both yield destruction in their path. One culture though can be publicly demonized with zeal and it's looked favorably upon, the other is sacrosanct unless one is shedding huge crocodile tears about it. I think the Libs here are just mad that I don't toe the PC line and have the temerity to actually not suck-up to one of their key voting blocks like they need to; hey, as long as the more well off Libs don't have to live by them, it's all good.

Decent and available jobs would go a huge way. The problem there is, the types of jobs these folks can work aren't going to be high end jobs, they simply in many cases don't have the manners and/or the smarts needed. Well paying nlue collar jobs would easily be the best bet for them, and in the past they'd happily do those. Except, we've now offshored many of those jobs, technology has wiped out a ton, and for the past short few decades, we've encouraged the illegal invasion to come and try to take the rest. I've said it before: I live in an area with high young male black's not a newly hit metric. How do our elected representatives (both Fed, State, and local) combat that? By letting every illegal they can in (with some fake Oh we're trying! small finger in the broken dam to give them political cover)/making Chicago a Sanctuary City. Now, HowTF does that help all these out of work/underemployed/underpaid US Citizens? It won't. I don't even live in an area that has a substantial Latino population and, save for large union jobs (and even then we see lots of Latino labor, so they're now taking good union jobs when those would have been available before to others), who is doing the vast bulk of the well paying blue collar work? Latinos. How insane is that? We haven't even touched on the crazy bad work ethic (a large part why people hire Latinos/immigrants) and entitlement issues...

Firstable (<--- it's funny that's why I said firstable, there's a back story you need know nothing about), I grew tired while reading this post so I stopped.

Secondly, however do you endure such all-consuming overwhelming weight feeling superior to almost everyone? You've a tough go of it in life don't ya little person? ... Wait just a tick... You do it with hate. Must be warm and soothing to a soul like yours. I can only assume, I don't live with hate in my soul.
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