Question for current iPhone owners: If a new 3G iPhone came out today, would you buy it?


Golden Member
Apr 6, 2001
Only if T-Mobile got 3G. They are suposed to get it soon hopefully.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
I answered "No." I like my iPhone but wifi is good enough for me now. If they offered a generous trade-in I might be tempted but it would have to drop the cost down to at least $200 for me to consider it.



Diamond Member
Feb 23, 2002
If I currently owned one, there would have to be some other features to make me do a switch. However, since I don't own one that would definitely push me over the edge. I'm getting one in June, unless there is some huge announcement that they will be releasing new ones a few months from then.


Senior member
Aug 28, 2007
I would be tempted, but EDGE is actually pretty decent for browsing as long as there is a strong enough signal, and in areas with a weak EDGE signal, the 3G would be just as weak or nonexistent, so really the benefits wouldn't be quite good enough to go out and spend the money, especially since I just spent $500 on my iPhone a few weeks ago.


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
Only if T-Mobile got 3G. They are suposed to get it soon hopefully.
Even when they finally get around to releasing their 3G service, T-Mobile USA's 3G network is planned for the AWS band of 1.7GHz. There is very little chance that a 3G iPhone would be compatible with this set of 3G spectrum since no one else in the world is on 1.7GHz.

To answer the original question. I have an unlocked iPhone on T-Mobile. If Apple does release a 3G iPhone that works on T-Mobile's 3G network, and T-Mobile finally enables their 3G network, and I can unlock the 3G iPhone, then, yes, I'll switch in a heartbeat. But if I have to switch to AT&T to use the 3G iPhone, then I probably won't buy it. My T-Mobile plan is so much cheaper than AT&T's comparable iPhone plans, I couldn't bring myself to switch and commit to a 2 year contract.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2000
i no longer have one, but yes i would. once they add exchange direct support AND 3g it will be a much better phone.

high speed and the ability to get your email AND talk at the same time. I'm often on conference calls using my bluetooth headset and it means that i don't have my email until its over. This is also a major problem with my blackberry and I will be upgrading that when the 3g 9000 series comes out


Senior member
Jan 18, 2007
I think that would depend on what else the 3G iphone offers beyond 3G, if that makes any sense. If 3G is the only upgrade over the current generation, I'll be sticking with my phone as is. I just don't think its a big enough upgrade features wise to justify the expense.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: pm
Only if T-Mobile got 3G. They are suposed to get it soon hopefully.
Even when they finally get around to releasing their 3G service, T-Mobile USA's 3G network is planned for the AWS band of 1.7GHz. There is very little chance that a 3G iPhone would be compatible with this set of 3G spectrum since no one else in the world is on 1.7GHz.

To answer the original question. I have an unlocked iPhone on T-Mobile. If Apple does release a 3G iPhone that works on T-Mobile's 3G network, and T-Mobile finally enables their 3G network, and I can unlock the 3G iPhone, then, yes, I'll switch in a heartbeat. But if I have to switch to AT&T to use the 3G iPhone, then I probably won't buy it. My T-Mobile plan is so much cheaper than AT&T's comparable iPhone plans, I couldn't bring myself to switch and commit to a 2 year contract.

What he said. And unfortunately that's a lot of if's...


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2000
I waited on the streets of NYC for 9 hours on June 29th to be one of the first with an iphone V1.0 and I loved it like a girlfriend for months and months. After the novelty wore off and people everywhere had an iphone, I found myself really not liking it very much. Yes it is a great device but it is still essentially a novelty at this point. The phone part of the iPhone is really pathetic in terms of the signal. The email is slowly improving although it is IMO still mediocre and without Gmail push it is sub-par. I can go on and on about the faults I have with the device but overall I would say that I would be hard pressed to find another "mobile device" that offers a better experience.

With that said, I use my iphone primarily as a music player and internet browser when I am not at a computer. I find that having the internet available in my hand to be worth the price alone. EDGE is slow but for the most part it works well for me.

I guess the point of this is that yes I would buy a 3G iphone based on the fact that 3G is not going to be the only new feature.


Nov 9, 1999
Probably not. Although I got mine two weeks ago, and I'm content with EDGE access (for now). It seems decent enough and I'd rather have Exchange support out now rather than 3G access. It's more of a cost factor for me though.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Originally posted by: Ultima200
I waited on the streets of NYC for 9 hours on June 29th to be one of the first with an iphone V1.0 and I loved it like a girlfriend for months and months. After the novelty wore off and people everywhere had an iphone, I found myself really not liking it very much. Yes it is a great device but it is still essentially a novelty at this point. The phone part of the iPhone is really pathetic in terms of the signal. The email is slowly improving although it is IMO still mediocre and without Gmail push it is sub-par. I can go on and on about the faults I have with the device but overall I would say that I would be hard pressed to find another "mobile device" that offers a better experience.

With that said, I use my iphone primarily as a music player and internet browser when I am not at a computer. I find that having the internet available in my hand to be worth the price alone. EDGE is slow but for the most part it works well for me.

I guess the point of this is that yes I would buy a 3G iphone based on the fact that 3G is not going to be the only new feature.

Does any phone have push gmail?

Also, what aspect of it as a phone do you not like?


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Yes, I would buy a 3G version. Especially if it came in a 32gb flavor EDGE is fine but too slow for my's embarrassing showing off the Internet feature with 5 full bars and the EDGE icon lit up, only to have the Weather app take a good 30 seconds to load up. Then you're cool. It only takes forever to use when you're not at home


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: TheStu
Does any phone have push gmail?

Also, what aspect of it as a phone do you not like?

There are two things that bug me:

1. Speakerphone
2. Headphone jack

The speakerphone is phenomenally useless. I mean, even a FAR RAZR's speakerphone is better than my $600 iPhone. That's pretty disappointing. If someone calls while I'm driving, I want to be able to hit the Speakerphone button instead of having to hook up my Bluetooth. The solution is to either get a Bluetooth headset or a Bluetooth speakerphone. The hassle if that you have to set it up each time you hop in the car, and try a few times to get it to pair correctly and then act right and not go to the earpiece or whatever. It's just a small hassle to do Bluetooth on the go when the Speakerphone should work fine. BTW the BlueAnt Z9 Bluetooth headset is amazing.

The headphone jack is retarded. It's recessed. I don't understand why they did that. IIRC they iPod Touch has a non-recessed jack. The problem with it being recessed is that 90% of headphone cables don't fit into hole; you have to get a $9 adapter (which Apple doesn't even make, so it's not like they did it to make an extra buck) to fit in a regular cable.

Also EDGE is annoyingly slow but it's better than nothing. 3G will make the phone more infinitely useful as an Internet phone on the go. I do have a gripe about AT&T in general; they get terrible reception indoors (my CDMA phones from Verizon always got at least 2-3 bars indoors) and the coverage is not that great in my area. On most parts of campus, I get "No Service", even when standing in the middle of a clearing or field



Golden Member
Jan 23, 2000
Originally posted by: TheStu

Does any phone have push gmail?

Also, what aspect of it as a phone do you not like?

Umm yes iPhone supports push email from Gmail, Yahoo, and .Mac as far as I know....

If you read my post I tell what I don't like about the phone....the signal strength is pathetic. I have suspected since I first used the phone that this is directly related to the design of the device where the antennae is concealed inside and can be blocked easily by the hand/face. The speaker phone is not as bad as everyone claims to be but it is essentially useless outdoors/indoors unless it is dead quiet. I use the speakerphone only when I am indoors and there is very little ambient noise.

Aside from those issues, the firmware is still riddled with various annoying bugs and as I said in my previous post, the device is essentially a toy at this point.

The recessed headphone jack was necessary as the compact design made this a necessity. If you take 30 seconds or so and study the aesthetics of the iphone you should be able to understand why they recessed jack is necessary. I personally bite the bullet and use the lousy apple headphones (which I have gone through 3 pairs already) as the jack extender is very awkward to use.

3G coupled with the current hardware and battery would drain the battery EXTREMELY quickly. Its really that simple. Apple is not out to make you suffer with EDGE....they technology available at the time would have made the device unpractical. Battery life of the current phone is actually exceptional given what it does and relative to what is currently available but the best way to see how much power 3g would use is to just browse using wifi.



Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Ultima200
If you read my post I tell what I don't like about the phone....the signal strength is pathetic. I have suspected since I first used the phone that this is directly related to the design of the device where the antennae is concealed inside and can be blocked easily by the hand/face.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is complaining about this. I posted it at Howard Forums and several Mac forums and people were like coverage area blah blah blah. But there are tons of people with AT&T phones who get better reception than I do in the same areas, so it's just a first-gen problem or a design problem.

The speaker phone is not as bad as everyone claims to be but it is essentially useless outdoors/indoors unless it is dead quiet. I use the speakerphone only when I am indoors and there is very little ambient noise.

lol...not as bad as everyone claims...yet useless indoors/outdoors? The speakerphone is pathetic. I have never had a cell phone with a speakerphone as poor as the iPhone's. I'm hoping hardware rev2 (with 3G please!) fixes this issue.

Aside from those issues, the firmware is still riddled with various annoying bugs and as I said in my previous post, the device is essentially a toy at this point.

I think it has a few bugs but nothing terrible - the major problem I have is that complex websites crash Safari, in which case you just tap the Safari icon and it pops open again. I haven't really had any other major issues. Some of the other apps crash from time to time, but it doesn't lock up the whole system, so re-opening them is as simple as tapping on the icon.

I wouldn't say the phone is a toy, either. It has a lot of very useful functions in its present state. The Contacts system is super easy to use; I can jump to any of my contacts within seconds and not have to deal with a weird QWERTY system on a numberpad. The mobile Email is FAR better than ANY system I have ever used - Treos, Axims, Moto Q, etc. The Email feature alone makes the phone worth buying. The browser is also the best of any mobile device I've ever used. The alarm system is great; I can set multiple alarms with it very easily (although I wish I could name them!). etc. etc.

The point is, if you're an app junkie, it's not a good time to buy the iPhone unless you are planning on hacking it. When the Developer Store opens, things will start getting better pretty quickly. If you're a business user, same deal - right now it's a consumer or small business phone, definitely not a corporate device. But once iPhone firmware 2.0 hits, I think it's going to stand a good chance of knocking out Crackberries.

On a separate but related note, I think that 99% of the users are simply enthralled with the idea of being able to install tons of apps on their phone, but hardly anyone I know actually uses them. I have a lot of friends with various smartphones and it usually boils down to electronic readers, entertainment stuff (music & video players, Orb or Slingbox kind of stuff too), and games. It's fun to install a bunch of different apps, but very, very few people I know use all that stuff more than once or twice after playing with it. Mostly a phone is a phone plus an entertainment/info device.

The recessed headphone jack was necessary as the compact design made this a necessity. If you take 30 seconds or so and study the aesthetics of the iphone you should be able to understand why they recessed jack is necessary. I personally bite the bullet and use the lousy apple headphones (which I have gone through 3 pairs already) as the jack extender is very awkward to use.

I have the opposite viewpoint - the iPod Touch is nearly the same device, yet the headphone jack is flush with the case instead of recessed. And it's THINNER! The recessed jack is a cop-out from Apple and they fixed it with the Touch. I'm hoping the next iPhone release does the same thing, just a small case redesign. There is absolutely NO REASON why it needed to be recessed. It didn't even have to be flush - having a small lip on the outside (like portable CD players) would have been just fine.

3G coupled with the current hardware and battery would drain the battery EXTREMELY quickly. Its really that simple. Apple is not out to make you suffer with EDGE....they technology available at the time would have made the device unpractical. Battery life of the current phone is actually exceptional given what it does and relative to what is currently available but the best way to see how much power 3g would use is to just browse using wifi.

I have the opposite viewpoint here too. Moto RAZR phones have 3G and a tiny battery, and yet their battery life is just fine. Jobs' statement on 3G draining the iPhone battery is another cop-out, mainly because they needed a hot "new" feature for their Rev. 2 iPhone release. The battery already lasts ALL DAY with EDGE surfing and Push Email, so 3G wouldn't take a terrible toll, especially if the RAZR can do it with that paper-thin battery. I don't know anyone who spends hours surfing the net on their iPhone anyway, so that point is moot. Most people spend a couple minutes looking for something, checking their email, etc. If you used EDGE for more than an hour or two, the battery life drops pretty quickly - and that's a low-power, low-speed connection (I know because I've done it, hehe). It all boils down to marketing - this is their first release and they need something to improve on for their next release other than a memory upgrade.


Senior member
May 29, 2005
i have an iphone now, and sense i am almost off to college, the money is going to be tight, so probably no. However, in a few years, when they upgrade it AGAIN, I might get one. Edge sucks, but i am almost always on a wifi (it's everywhere!). So, yea i'll stick with my current iPhone.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2000
The point is, if you're an app junkie, it's not a good time to buy the iPhone unless you are planning on hacking it. When the Developer Store opens, things will start getting better pretty quickly. If you're a business user, same deal - right now it's a consumer or small business phone, definitely not a corporate device. But once iPhone firmware 2.0 hits, I think it's going to stand a good chance of knocking out Crackberries.

Good points but the fact is major enterprises (10,000-50,000++ employees) have invested large sums of money in equipment and software based on the blackberry enterprise you believe they will suddenly ditch this gear just to get some iphones??

Hacking an iphone leaves you with little regarding practical apps...currently nothing is even remotely what IMO is satisfactory. This is understandable though given there is no official Apple SDK...or for that matter had been available when the devteam began last summer.

I have the opposite viewpoint here too. Moto RAZR phones have 3G and a tiny battery, and yet their battery life is just fine. Jobs' statement on 3G draining the iPhone battery is another cop-out, mainly because they needed a hot "new" feature for their Rev. 2 iPhone release. The battery already lasts ALL DAY with EDGE surfing and Push Email, so 3G wouldn't take a terrible toll, especially if the RAZR can do it with that paper-thin battery

Not a fair comparison as iphone has a much larger screen with more pixels and the hardware in an iphone is much more powerful than the razor. Emails usually are small files which is why you can get by with push email. Browsing though is different as your are transferring reasonable amounts of data. With edge it just takes longer and/or you may just decide you can wait to view the page on a regular computer browser....the point is edge browsing still uses a significant amount of battery. Probably 75% of the total use i get from my iphone is edge browsing and it uses battery relatively quickly. Steve Jobs was not "copping out" as you term it. At the time for FCC approval, the 3G chipsets available were not as efficient as was needed. Do you think he enjoys using edge?? Please, Jobs is not out to get you...



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I voted NO because EDGE is fast enough for me as long as their is good signal. Even on Wi-Fi, the iPhone is still very slow loading complex pages.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2002
If it's just 3G then it may not necessarily warrant an upgrade for some (or most) people since the AT&T 3G rollout isn't nationwide yet.
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