Question: RAM and the CUSL2


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Well right now, I'm planning to upgrade to a CUSL2, and I need to buy new RAM, seeing as the i815E seems to be picky with certain RAM types, I was wondering if anyone has run the following with the CUSL2, or which would you recommend, both are same price ($149.99 CAN)
Infineon 128MB
Micron 128MB

Thanx for your input.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Infineon is good, I would choose that.

I would choose the MSI 815E pro over the Asus CUSL2 also.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
if you decide to go with micron, buy from and get the 7E stuff. Very good stuff.



Junior Member
Oct 22, 2000
I have the cusl2, such a sweet motherboard except for one flaw...

cold boot problem. grrr..
read about it at forums sometime..

I did some memory tweaks on my mushkin rev 2 and i get the memory up to BX levels with the latest bios releases (there have been like TWELVE new bioses since i got the board in august)

Midnight Rambler

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< I need to buy new RAM, seeing as the i815E seems to be picky with certain RAM types >>

I don't know where you got this info, but it's not correct. Then again, ANY motherboard can have troubles if you stick a crap (ie. poorly made) memory module in it, no matter what brand/type of memory chips are on the module. As long as the PCB is of good quality, Micron or Infineon either one will work just fine.

And stick with the Asus CUSL2, it offers far more potential - more FSB settings, ability to clock the memory separately from the CPU, etc. The MSI is a close second. And if you don't overclock, I'd recommend an Intel mobo over either one.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
<<And stick with the Asus CUSL2, it offers far more potential - more FSB settings, ability to clock the memory separately from the CPU, etc. The MSI is a close second. And if you don't overclock, I'd recommend an Intel mobo over either one.>>

More FSB that you'll never use. The ability to set the memory clock separate from the CPU is also available on the MSI. If you're looking to overclock, and you dont want to go through all the hassle, why not use MSI's fuzzylogic to do everything for you? It'd be nice to see Asus implement D-LED and give more space clearance around the socket(kiss good bye to big heatsinks with CUSL2). Oh yea, it'd be very nice too if the CUSL2($135) is as cheap as the 815E Pro($112)


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Never heard the CUSL2 was picky about ram.

LXi, do u have one of them, or just pimping?

I have a CUSL2 (P3-700 @938, 1.8v, 2x128 Mushkin PC133) &amp; looked at the MSI 815e Pro b4 buying the CUSL2. Nobody had one.

Asus is #1 manufacturer of mobos (in the world), and was first to market 815e. CUSL2 has its own site (cusl2) where u can ask any question. Somebody there prolly already had same prob, &amp; knows solution.

In his 815e round-up, Mike Andrews (Anandtech stud) rated the CUSL2 #1 &amp; the MSI board #2. (see here)

Conclusion says this:

&quot;The ASUS CUSL2 was the most stable motherboard overall, running all of the out of spec configurations we threw at it without even flinching. Toss in the far and away best feature set in this roundup and it's no surprise that ASUS was able to maintain their Editor's Choice Gold status with the CUSL2. Like we said when we first looked at the CUSL2, ASUS has raised the bar once again, and it's going to be tough to beat them, much less match them.

The Microstar 815E Pro finishes a close second place, thanks primarily to top notch stability, expansion, and a very good feature set. The 815E Pro is an excellent board that comes in second only because there is an even better board out there (albeit only slightly better).&quot;

He has this to say about the MSI 815e Pro:

&quot;Once again, we found that 3 DIMM's were not stable at 133 MHz.&quot;

which is prolly why so many ppl have gone with the CUSL2, while the economic forces of supply &amp; demand have caused prices of the 815e Pro to drop.

$112 is a great price for those wanting 815e on the cheap, but I'd gladly pay the extra bucks for the better board.


Junior Member
Oct 22, 2000
my memory is generally fuzzy but i heard that VIA and INTEL had DIFFERENT PC133 specs....stupid as that sounds.

hopefully im wrong

CUSL2 rocks in all formats.

Big heatsinks fit fine

I have an alpha on mine..

It performs lovely on my lapped 700 at 933...


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000

No, I dont own neither. To start things off I own Asus boards myself. I have had experience with these two boards over the summer and I've come to the conclusion that the MSI is a better board. Even though its just my opinion.

<<I have a CUSL2 (P3-700@938, 1.8v, 2x128 PC133) &amp; looked at the MSI 815e Pro b4 buying the CUSL2. Nobody had any.>>

Im sure you get that over 1GHz with the MSI. But well, they're widely available now.

<<Asus is #1 manufacturer of mobos (in the world), and was first to market 815e. CUSL2 has its own site (cusl2) where u can ask any question. Somebody there prolly already had same prob, &amp; knows solution.>>

Does #1 make them the absolute best? Nope. Asus' quality has been going down hill in the past few years as they try to slap every feature they can and be the first to the market. Usually that means big screw ups and sacrafice of quality.

<<In his 815e round-up, Mike Andrews (Anandtech stud) rated the CUSL2 #1 &amp; the MSI board #2. (see here)

Conclusion says this:

&quot;The ASUS CUSL2 was the most stable motherboard overall, running all of the out of spec configurations we threw at it without even flinching. Toss in the far and away best feature set in this roundup and it's no surprise that ASUS was able to maintain their Editor's Choice Gold status with the CUSL2. Like we said when we first looked at the CUSL2, ASUS has raised the bar once again, and it's going to be tough to beat them, much less match them.

The Microstar 815E Pro finishes a close second place, thanks primarily to top notch stability, expansion, and a very good feature set. The 815E Pro is an excellent board that comes in second only because there is an even better board out there (albeit only slightly better).&quot;>>

I can care less about what he says. Many sites, including Toms, Anand, FS... are biased towards big companies. Nobody has the guts to give it to MSI even though they did make a better board.

<<He has this to say about the MSI 815e Pro:

&quot;Once again, we found that 3 DIMM's were not stable at 133 MHz.&quot;>>

Excuse me? That problem exist on the CUSL2 as well. Its more like a problem with the i815E, noticed Mike said &quot;Once again&quot;?

<<which is prolly why so many ppl have gone with the CUSL2, while the economic forces of supply &amp; demand have caused prices of the 815e Pro to drop.>>

Whats the logic in that? Anandtech use to give every single AOpen board they review, do you see everybody rushing to buy them? The reason why many people bought CUSL2 is because that it came out before the others. Im very glad MSI took their time and avoided many problems the CUSL2 did.

<<but $112 is a great price for those wanting 815e on the cheap>>

Aboslutely, even if the MSI is priced the same it'd be still a better buy.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
You are game debater (i like) - but should read b4 posting.

The CUSL2 did *not* have the stability probs at PC133, like the MSI 815e Pro did.

See here for copy-n-paste quote:

&quot;Potentially more important than any tweaking options was the stability of the CUSL2 in our tests - not only was it rock solid, but it remained so with the memory timings at their fastest settings with 3 DIMM's running at 133 MHz - a feat no other motherboard in this roundup could accomplish.&quot; --> Link

Blows your 'take-the-time-and-do-it-right argument outta the water. Lotsa folks at forums running with all three DIMM slots full of PC133 sticks - post a question there yourself if ya don't believe. Need to pack up that pimp-machine, and send it home.

Many other nice quotes I can pull out, if you'd like.

How can u pimp a board u don't even own? Hard to take someone seriously if they have no real-life experience. Makes u sound like ur talking out ur arse. What do u have to do for 'Golden Membership'?

Nobody's saying the MSI board sux. It doesn't. But it ain't as sweet as the CUSL2.

Great user's guide for the CUSL2 here. Thrown together by someone who actually owns &amp; uses the board. Can u point me to one for the MSI board?

Asus Germany is cranking out bios versions like Big Macs at MacDonald's (good sppt) .. every one a bit better than the last. Most recent is 3 beta 4, on the 17th - 5 days ago (using 3 beta 3 myself).

If u wait a couple more weeks, you'll prolly be able to get an even *better* price on that 815e Pro.


Junior Member
Oct 22, 2000
hahah yes

Not only can the CUSL2 run three sticks of memory, ive seen people overspecing sticks to 133 and having them all run fine...

It is truly a kickass board...


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
<<You are game debater (i like) - but should read b4 posting.>>

Not fun when you're losing the debate heh? Was there a winner in last week's presidential btw?

<<The CUSL2 did *not* have the stability probs at PC133, like the MSI 815e Pro did.>>

Ok, you win. Im not afraid of admitting that I lost. I was misinformed and thank you for pointing that out. Im not perfect, and I can't possibly be, but I'll try not do that next time.

<<See here for copy-n-paste quote:

&quot;Potentially more important than any tweaking options was the stability of the CUSL2 in our tests - not only was it rock solid, but it remained so with the memory timings at their fastest settings with 3 DIMM's running at 133 MHz - a feat no other motherboard in this roundup could accomplish.&quot; --> Link

Blows your 'take-the-time-and-do-it-right argument outta the water. Lotsa folks at forums running with all three DIMM slots full of PC133 sticks - post a question there yourself if ya don't believe. Need to pack up that pimp-machine, and send it home.>>

I always try to take my time and do it right. I dont claim to be most knoledgable or intelligent, but I do know that Im very careful and thorough when I give answers. And uh... dont try to be such an ars when you know you've won the battle, it doesnt make leave a very good image of yourself in other people's memory.

<<Many other nice quotes I can pull out, if you'd like.

How can u pimp a board u don't even own? Hard to take someone seriously if they have no real-life experience. Makes u sound like ur talking out ur arse. What do u have to do for 'Golden Membership'?>>

I believe that you do NOT have to own something to make sound judgements and good recommendations. I have had hands-on experience with these boards like I told you. I know how they run and how they behave. Although I dont think Im as experienced as the owners of these boards, but I think I can make some good advice base on that.

<<Nobody's saying the MSI board sux. It doesn't. But it ain't as sweet as the CUSL2.>>

Sure you're not saying it sucks. But deep in your heart, you're still saying &quot;my board is the best&quot;. It shows, every statement you made in this thread is trying to imply that the Asus is superior to everything else regardless of whether MSI sucks or not. Clearly, that is false. I tip my hat to you for the accurate info, you obviously made some convincing statements about the RAM thing. However that still doesnt make MSI a worse board than Asus considering that many people are NOT using 3 DIMMS and I believe that it's a problem MSI can solve with their next BIOS update. Just what can the Asus do that the MSI cannot? Besides the RAM problem. MSI is everybit as sweet or sweeter than the Asus, it gets better if you include the price factor.

<<Great user's guide for the CUSL2 here. Thrown together by someone who actually owns &amp; uses the board. Can u point me to one for the MSI board?>>

MSI owners dont need those. They make better manuals than Asus, I know this for a FACT because I've seen them. I own Asus boards myself and I know what their manuals look like.

<<Asus Germany is cranking out bios versions like Big Macs at MacDonald's (good sppt) .. every one a bit better than the last. Most recent is 3 beta 4, on the 17th - 5 days ago (using 3 beta 3 myself).>>

Good, Im happy, I get frequent BIOS updates for my P3V4X and Im happy with Asus' support. But sadly the CUSL2 is problematic with the alarming system and faulty temperature readings and they have not been an issue with the MSI. Does that justify Asus being worse? Not saying that cause I know they can fix this with BIOS updates.

<<If u wait a couple more weeks, you'll prolly be able to get an even *better* price on that 815e Pro.>>

Absolutely, now if Asus can do that too... now didnt you say that the CUSL2 is gonna be cheaper if you wait a couple of weeks?


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Respect that u came back. Takes big person to admit error. Most would just let the thread fade gracefully into oblivion.

When I first started learning about PCs, was misled by ppl who talked like they knew what they were talking about, but (in reality) were simply talking out their arse's. Cost me money (that I work hard for). So maybe I'm a bit sensitive to bs (talking about things u don't know about, like u do). I don't usually drive the point home so hard .. unless someone is defending an obviously weak position, and refuses to admit it. Influencing how ppl spend their hard-earned money is not something that should be taken lightly.

(I think) ppl should try to limit their replies to what they *know* (for sure) at these forums. First-hand experience is always superior to 2nd-hand knowlwdge. Hard to know something with any real depth if u don't spend some time with it. Obvious point to me. If I comment on something I don't know for sure, I'll preface with, &quot;I don't actually have one, but this is what I heard ..&quot; .. so the readers know I'm not talking about 1st-hand experience.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
<<Respect that u came back. Takes big person to admit error. Most would just let the thread fade gracefully into oblivion.>>

Now I like debating, thats for sure. And debating does not include escaping reality and Im sticking to that. If Im wrong, I admit it, no hard feelings. I learn by my mistakes and next time I'll be smarter when I get into a situation similar to this.

<<When I first started learning about PCs, was misled by ppl who talked like they knew what they were talking about, but (in reality) were simply talking out their arse's. Cost me money (that I work hard for). So maybe I'm a bit sensitive to bs (talking about things u don't know about, like u do). I don't usually drive the point home so hard .. unless someone is defending an obviously weak position, and refuses to admit it. Influencing how ppl spend their hard-earned money is not something that should be taken lightly.>>

I agree. But just to let you know Im not a person that likes to fool around with your hard earned money when I make recommendations. I, myself, is a very poor person barely built this machine so I can enjoy this debate. When I make recommendations I always look at whats best for the money, I know what sucks and what doesnt, thats why I avoid Abit motherboards. I use to be very zealous about Intel, but realized that its wrong, so I dont tell people to buy P3s anymore because it's not worth your hard earned money. Like I said Im not the most knowledgable guy, nor the most intelligent, nor the most experienced. Im just happy that I visited my friend who works at a computer shop so I got a chance to work with CUSL2 and 815EPro, we built a few machines with those boards and we found out that the MSI worked better.

<<(I think) ppl should try to limit their replies to what they *know* (for sure) at these forums. First-hand experience is always superior to 2nd-hand knowlwdge. Hard to know something with any real depth if u don't spend some time with it. Obvious point to me. If I comment on something I don't know for sure, I'll preface with, &quot;I don't actually have one, but this is what I heard ..&quot; .. so the readers know I'm not talking about 1st-hand experience.>>

But its NOT what I heard, it's what I experienced, even if the experience was brief it still counts. I do agree 1st hand is always better than 2nd hand. But it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out which board works better right out of the box. Now think about it, do Anandtechs own those boards? Do other web sites who reviewed these products also own them? Probably not since the products were given to them. Do they spend months and experiment with them before writing the review? No. Your point is only owners who have spent a lot of time with the product are qualitied to comment or make recommendations? That would make this forum mighty boring considering many people only have experience with a few certain hardware. Again I believe everyone who's had some experience should comment(well of course we dont want BS from somebody whos totally talk out of their ars), I was merely stating what I experience and my point of view, and I figured the MSI would be better for his money.

<<Take the Iiyama Vision Master Pro 450, for example .. you know, the one with the DiamondTron NF tube? the 300MHz dot clock? 1920x1440 max rez? recommended rez of 1600x1200 @85Hz? with 5BNC connectors?>>

Yea, my counter example was the Samsung SyncMaster 900NF, DiamondTron NF tube, the 240MHz pixel frequency, 2048x1536@69Hz max rez, recommended rez of 1600x1200 @85Hz(89Hz max), with 5BNC connectors, and a price tag of $150 lower than Iiyama.

Pricewatch: Iiyama VisionMaster 450 Pro -$602 have Iiyama): Samsung SyncMaster 900NF -$445

<<Know the one? I have this monitor. So I feel qualified to talk about it with folks who wanna know what's sup with it. I would never say that it's better than another monitor, cuz it's the *only* one I have. But, since I've had this monitor since it first came out in Dec, '97 (~2 yrs ago) I (obviously) know it pretty well. It's a beautiful monitor, and would be a shame to see someone miss out on such a sweet piece of hardware cuz somebody bad mouths it. Catch my drift?>>

Great, Im glad you bought yourself a good monitor. You sure are qualitied to talk about it and people should respect your comments because you're a 1st hand owner. While I may not be an owner of the Iiyama, but that doesnt mean I should not comment. I have full knowledge of what Im talking about, I have seen both Iiyama and Samsung, in fact a lot because Fry's is right across my street. Now Im can't provide info on how reliable they are or the kinds of problems they have because I dont have any long time experience with them. But I can tell you which is a better buy base on the sources I gathered. Specwise they're almost identical, image quality wise they're equal because both have DiamondTron NF tube. Warranty, well, I dont know about the Iiyama but I know for a fact that the Samsung one is very good. Pricewise, well you know what I mean, $150 difference. It is clear to me that Samsung is a much better buy than Iiyama for your hard earned money. Does it take an owner to figure that out? I dont think so. Unless you own both monitors, my suggstion will be as good as yours.


Junior Member
Oct 23, 2000
for best results check the intel website and check the compatibility options with the 815e chipset. that's the wises thing to do but FYI i have the infineon too.


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Haha - thx for the link.

I can deal w/ someone who can admit when they're wrong. That means ur more interested in learning than proving ur right.


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000
LXi I wounder if you even have a computer!!,you jump from one extreme to another saying one board (any porduct)is better than another.Why don't you talk about something that you have,so you don't haft to cut and paste other findings to prove your point.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Hehe... even our loyal owners here have to copy and paste. Again the forum will be mighty boring if you just talk about things you have. It doesnt take a owner to make recommendations.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Hehehe, it's amazing how a simple questions grows into full out debates...
Thanx for all the help everyone, heh, feel free to debate on


Midnight Rambler

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Asus CUSL2 - cheapest price on Pricewatch is $129 + $10 or more shipping, average price is $136 + $10. Not listed on

MSI 815E Pro - cheapest price on Pricewatch is $125 + $6 shipping (but fine print says its only $6 for pkgs. 1 pound or less, so it's likely to be more), only one other price listed $136 + $10 to ship from AllStar.


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2000
Midnight Rambler:

It's easy to get confused, but you shoulda typed &quot;MicroStar 815E Pro&quot; as the keyword, comes up to be $112 with $5.12 shipping. Unbeatable heh?


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
I saws the $112 price. Thot he was BS'ing me, so I checked. Gotta search a certain way tho.
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