Question to my fellow pro-lifers on the killing of abortion doctors

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Nov 30, 2006
My view is that human consciousness, a personality, starts to develop sometime after birth. In the womb, there is nothing to really perceive, so even assuming that a fetus's brain were capable of forming a consciousness, it can't do so because there is nothing to perceive, no perceptions (nothing) to think about, and no need to think about anything.

However, for societal purposes we need to have clear, well-defined laws. The logical place to draw the line is thus at birth. At this point the baby is now individuated and no longer living inside of the mother and we know that it doesn't yet possess a human consciousness. It makes sense to use it as a dividing line for legal purposes. Also, since it's impossible to determine when an infant starts to have a human consciousness, it's a safe place to draw the line and we don't have to deal with two month-long court hearings to make that sort of decision.
So...perception is reality? Is that the argument you're making? Do you have children?

What you described is unfortunate and we can feel badly about it. It's just not an argument against legal abortion.
Tell me all the problems with making abortion illegal and I'll tell you how unfortunate those problems are and we can feel badly about it. And then I'll tell you that it's just not an argument for legal abortion. Since it's your logic I'm using...I imagine that would make perfect sense to you.

Today, yes. At the time of the abortion, no.
Yes...I see....just an unfortunate actuality of little consequence.


Jun 4, 2004
Well technically I guess that is true. But the development of a fetus is risky, sort of like childbirth and childhood was before modern medicine. Would you say that families "killed" 50% of their children back in the middle ages when the infant mortality rate was that high? Again I guess you could technically make that claim but we are just playing semantics here. And besides, the fact that the "fetus mortality rate" is high is immaterial to the question of whether it is justified to intentionally end that life.

Using your logic, if we were living 500 years ago when the child mortality rate for children under 10 was substantial, you are saying that this fact would therefore make murder of children under 10 acceptable since they had a relatively high chance of dying anyway?

You're correct in that we don't "have a right to be conceived", the notion of which is nonsensical. How could a life which has not been created yet have a right to ensure its own creation? However once we are conceived, we are a separate being which should have the same right to exist as any other.

I'm not saying you can murder a 10 year old, I'm saying logically following your beliefs how can you morally justify having the child in the first place when you know it's life hangs by a coin toss.

Also you said that after conception you are now a separate being. What do you mean by this?

Are you saying 1 fetilized embryo = 1 baby?. Or are you saying it's separate from it's mother?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
I'm not saying you can murder a 10 year old, I'm saying logically following your beliefs how can you morally justify having the child in the first place when you know it's life hangs by a coin toss.

Life doesn't have to be guaranteed to succeed in order for its existence to be justified. I am not the one claiming to have the power to justify whether life should be allowed to exist or not, you are.

You could be killed in a car accident today. How can you justify your continued existence, consuming the resources of society, when your life hangs by a coin toss? Better to do everyone a favor and kill yourself now.

Also you said that after conception you are now a separate being. What do you mean by this?

Are you saying 1 fetilized embryo = 1 baby?. Or are you saying it's separate from it's mother?

1 fertilized embryo + time = 1 baby, yes. Unless the process is terminated by either natural causes or forceful termination.

I have no doubt that in the near future, it would be possible to grow a human starting from an embryo in an entirely artificial environment. It's only a matter of technology (although whether it would be ethically a good idea is a different topic altogether... although it would probably settle the whole debate once and for all if it were possible, unwanted fetuses could be transferred to test tube to complete development, etc).

Based on this assumption, that an embryo could survive and eventually grow to be a fully developed human, the location of the embryo is irrelevant to the question of whether it is a separate being or not. A fetus is not just simply a part of the mother - it is a separate being growing inside the mother.


Feb 24, 2009
Actually, many states have jailed women for using drugs/drinking while pregnant, the charge usually being one of child abuse. Odd that you can kill a fetus, but you can't damage the heck out of it.

You do realize that for the most part none of these laws existed until the butt hurt pro-lifers forced them down everybodies throats since they couldn't get there way with the SCOTUS on abortion.


Jun 4, 2004

So a fertilized embryo is not in and off itself a baby? It requires time too? If that's the case we have the same view point and the only sticking point is when to call it a baby.

You also maybe interested to know that a single fertilized embryo may actually be 2, 3, 4 or more babies......

Did you know that the sperm and egg were alive before conception?

Once implantation occurs the fetuses circulatory system is most definatley not separated from the Mother. But a circulatory system does not make a person right? It would have separate DNA but DNA by itself does not define a person or we'd give cancer a status as an individual.

Maybe it's when the fetus developes a separate awareness?

It sure seems to me to be alot more of a gray area than you are making it out to be.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
By the laws of man, abortion doctors are totally innocent as long as they follow the law. By the laws of G-d - well, fear the man who says he knows G'd's will to a certainty. I suspect that morally abortion is murder, especially abortion of a viable fetus. I KNOW that morally killing an abortion doctor is murder.

I would prefer to define a fetus as a separate, genetically unique person deserving of life as soon as it is viable outside the womb. Given modern (American) medical science, that's probably twenty weeks or so. Just as society cannot force a mother to give a dying child one of her healthy kidneys, neither should society force a mother to carry a child when only she can do so, but I think it is perfectly fine to offer a choice of induced labor or carrying the child once that child would be viable outside her womb. But I recognize that the law is a creation of society rather than of myself. I have no problem with those who picket abortion clinics as long as they do so peacefully, but harming an abortion worker is taking on G-d's role for oneself.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
My simple view is a fetus is not a child, the same way a child is not a mature adult. But to me, a fetus is a human being, albeit in its most primitive stage of life.

I think abortion is pretty barbaric... I abhor it, in general. But murder? No... it is not the same as killing a self sustaining human being. Killing abortion doctors is absolutely out of the question.


Oct 12, 1999
I think it can be answered definitively, but I'm an atheist and I believe that reality is objective in nature and that no God-beings exist.

From a moral perspective its irrelevant as it pertains to an actual abortion whether a person is atheist or believe in God. Its just natural human instinct that finds having an abortion affects most on some degree that this isn't right. I think its just normal human compassion to want to protect life. But abortion is legal and sometimes necessary to preserve the life of the mother. So killing a person who perfroms this medical procedure is wrong plain and simple.

Whether a person is innocent on some spiritual level no matter how we believe can't answered till after death. We know he is well within legal grounds, but from a spiritual perspective only after he leaves this world will he judged if God exists.


May 1, 2006
Disclaimer 1: Even if I had a good argument for it, I would never kill anyone for acting legally, abortion doctors included.
Disclaimer 2: I don't want this to morph into yet another debate about abortion in general, so please keep trolling and personal attacks to yourself, regardless of what side you're on.

Question: Are abortion doctors innocent?

I've always struggled with this issue.

I equate abortion to an advanced stage of slavery. Slavery took only liberty necessarily, whereas abortion goes beyond even that, and takes life. It is the wholesale denial of the most basic civil right to an entire class of people, based on factors (such as race and age) entirely beyond their control. And that's the nicest thing I can say about it. It has killed millions. That's a fact. If abortion is murder, then we are casually allowing the slaughter of millions of not just humans, but babies for christ's sake.

If abortion is such a horror, then it follows that we must go to extreme measures to stop it. How extreme? A war was fought to end slavery. Are we willing to use violence, even killing others, to secure the right to life? Can it be secured peaceably? How many kids will die by then?

My dad, who ran an adoption agency for awhile, asked this question of his priest (namely if God wanted him to bomb abortion clinics). The priest said that he had seen war (I think he was a Korea vet), and that even abortion didn't justify murdering doctors. If violence isn't the answer to the killing of children, then to what can violence ever conceivably be the answer? Catholics and Christians aren't pacifists.

I asked Peter Kreeft a similar question in an email. He simply responded that he had no disagreements to what I said. He agreed that abortion was an abomination, but that killing abortion doctors was murderous.

The issue, I think, cruxes on whether or not abortion doctors are innocent. If they are, killing them is murder.

My answer is I don't know, and therefore I can not responsibly act. In the eyes of the law they are innocent. In the eyes of God, I don't know. There are passages in the bible that say to respect the human rules of law, because it is divinely granted.

We live in the freest, most benevolent and humane world power ever to exist. I cannot expect perfection. But how humane is a nation that allows the killing of the most disadvantaged of its citizens?

Ask yourself the same question with "mother who chooses to abort her fetus" replacing "abortion doctor". It seems the same issue.


Feb 5, 2006
Even if you believe abortion is "murder," then the doctor is just a "hitman," the person initiating the "murder" and ordering the hit is the woman. So targeting the doctor and not the customers is a bit unfair, even if you think it's "murder."


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Basically you do sympathize with the murder of abortion doctors.. Why not just admit it? If you really believe something is murder, I don't see how you can say you don't support the arrest or murder of people who do that "something".
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Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
From a moral perspective its irrelevant as it pertains to an actual abortion whether a person is atheist or believe in God. Its just natural human instinct that finds having an abortion affects most on some degree that this isn't right. I think its just normal human compassion to want to protect life. But abortion is legal and sometimes necessary to preserve the life of the mother. So killing a person who perfroms this medical procedure is wrong plain and simple.

Whether a person is innocent on some spiritual level no matter how we believe can't answered till after death. We know he is well within legal grounds, but from a spiritual perspective only after he leaves this world will he judged if God exists.

If you don't believe in god then its a little harder to wait for some afterlife justice.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Basically you do sympathize with the murder of abortion doctors.. Why not just admit it? If you really believe something is murder, I don't see how you can say you don't support the arrest or murder of people who do that "something".

Ergo the colossal danger of linear absolutism, no thought for the horror of the forced subjugation of women by men unrelated and uninvolved in their personal issues and so willing to think for them.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2007
Ergo the colossal danger of linear absolutism
Absolutism however, is exactly what the anti-abortionist movement is all about... There, there are no shades of grey, just black or white. You can't "murder babies", period.

The mother's situation or the events surrounding the conception of the foetus is never a consideration, never a factor in the equation. That's taking an absolute stance, if anything is.

Worse yet, most of the (typically christian, conservative - oxymoron in itself, as Jesus was what's comparable now to a revolutionary marxist, olol) anti-abortionists can't be bothered to give a shit sideways about the baby once it's actually been born.

As long as it's still in the mother's womb, they'll yell and scream and bible-thump up and down the streets, but once born and the mother can't support it or take care of it properly, it just becomes a liability to society, a burden on those nice upstanding christians' tax payments.

And who wants to pay taxes, amiright or amiright!!


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
If you want my answer as a Catholic, I'd say that God's choices are beyond our ability to comprehend.

I have no problem whatsoever with controlling our instincts, but killing our own progeny is a bit of a stretch. Just because there's too many hats doesn't mean you start lopping off heads.

If god's choices are beyond our ability to comprehend then we cannot evaluate god...positive or negative
Jun 26, 2007
No they don't - the DNA patterns are very different!

Actually, they are exactly the same, unless you are talking about epigenetic bonding which is a lot different even in parts of the same human.

I don't think you have the faintest clue what you are talking about.... "DNA patterns"...

It's quite disturbing when christianised fucktards try to use proper scientific terms, it's even worse when they make up their own.
Oct 30, 2004
So...perception is reality? Is that the argument you're making? Do you have children?

My view is that if your senses are functioning properly, then you are perceiving reality.

Tell all the problems with making abortion illegal and I'll tell you how unfortunate those problems are and we can feel badly about it. And then I'll tell you that it's just not an argument for legal abortion. Since it's your logic...I imagine that would make perfect sense to you.

The argument in favor of making abortion illegal is that a fetus doesn't have and cannot have any rights since there isn't anyone inside of it. The problems associated with abortion being illegal are a compelling reason for it to be legal.
Oct 30, 2004
Even if you believe abortion is "murder," then the doctor is just a "hitman," the person initiating the "murder" and ordering the hit is the woman. So targeting the doctor and not the customers is a bit unfair, even if you think it's "murder."

Excellent point. However, the Christians wouldn't dare advocate going after the women who have abortions. They know that it would make them akin to being the Taliban in most Americans' eyes.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Absolutism however, is exactly what the anti-abortionist movement is all about... There, there are no shades of grey, just black or white. You can't "murder babies", period.

The mother's situation or the events surrounding the conception of the foetus is never a consideration, never a factor in the equation. That's taking an absolute stance, if anything is.

Worse yet, most of the (typically christian, conservative - oxymoron in itself, as Jesus was what's comparable now to a revolutionary marxist, olol) anti-abortionists can't be bothered to give a shit sideways about the baby once it's actually been born.

As long as it's still in the mother's womb, they'll yell and scream and bible-thump up and down the streets, but once born and the mother can't support it or take care of it properly, it just becomes a liability to society, a burden on those nice upstanding christians' tax payments.

And who wants to pay taxes, amiright or amiright!!

You understood, I hope, that was my point.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2003
I believe the dominant Catholic tradition would view the killing of an abortion doctor as murder because it is being done without the authority of the state. Romans 13 seems to indicate that the "power of the sword" is given to governments, not private individuals. An intentional killing done by an individual is per se illegitimate, and thus murder; that person is usurping a power not granted to him. An intentional killing done by the government is not per se illegitimate (and thus not per se murder), though of course that is not the end of the inquiry. Just because the "power of the sword" belongs to the government does not mean that all uses of this power are proper. The proper bounds of this power are a bigger question that I'm not addressing here. One could colorably argue within the Catholic tradition that the state's execution of abortion doctors is or is not murder, but one cannot colorably argue that an individual's killing or an obortion doctor is not murder, because the Catholic tradition views "the sword" as a power not entrusted to individuals.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
If one uses the Bible as a guide, perhaps one should first find where in the Bible does it say Abortion is Murder.

Protip: It doesn't.


Jun 23, 2004
If one uses the Bible as a guide, perhaps one should first find where in the Bible does it say Abortion is Murder.

Protip: It doesn't.

So a particular form of murder is okay, because it is not specified as murder in an ancient text. :hmm:
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