R290X Crossfire V NVDA's SLI 780s/Titans from [H]

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Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
You clearly don't know what default means.
By your "logic", every option you can set in the drivers is default mode :hmm:

Good luck with that telekinesis...but wait...that would also be user intervention. I guess you need to wait for some poor dud in a factory to make a mistake and set the uber mode. Then you can call it default.

Uber mode exists in the card without user intervention.

Good luck having the card automatically open the box, install itself in the PC slot, download and install drivers.


Senior member
Feb 18, 2013
I did a break down


14.75% faster than Titan SLI
23.25% faster than 780 SLI

The thing is, one can now purchase GTX 780 SC editions for less than $549 USD that will outperform Titan (let alone a stock GTX 780), all while being cooler and quieter than 290X. So the overall performance difference in SLI relative to 290X Crossfire "Uber" mode would be closer to 10% (or possibly less depending on variant).

Considering how hot, noisy, and power consuming two 290X would be in Crossfire, this added perf. may or may not be a good tradeoff. "Uber" mode is already loud with a single 290X (to the point where some reviewers felt it was nearly unbearable over extended periods of gameplay), so that becomes significantly worse in Crossfire. Same goes for power and heat too. And when benchmarked in "Quiet" mode (which is really not that quiet in the first place) Crossfire 290X vs. SLI GTX 780 SC would be basically a wash in terms of overall performance, with Crossfire 290X still being hotter/louder/more power consuming. 4K performance is relatively impressive though, but 4K gaming is realistically some ways off due to the very high cost of 4K monitors. 4K gaming at higher details would require an investment of many thousands of dollars due to a need for both monitor and multiple GPU's.
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Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2012
We both know if the roles were reversed you'd be playing on the other side of the field.

It's like doing a 7970 vs 680 review, except Nvidia released the 680 with a 170w bios and a 240w bios with a screamer fan and reviewers didn't even bother to overclock the 7970 to compare them.

Right now Nvidia has the better coolers and the better overclocking cards because of their already to market advantage, and yet we have to go through review after review of uber bios selected and stock Nvidia products.

It was a smart move by AMD, and many reviewers are just sad. It's a good thing we have fresh blood like Linus which always tests overclocking. Sure showed a lot of people how good 7xxx series was compared to Nvidia counterparts with all their overclocked reviews.

In the Linus review at 1440p the 780 is faster, clocks are +125 +300, so not even a big overclock (netted them 1110 core), R290X was at 1050/1300 /w 70% fan speed.

dude the avg % nos at 5760 x 1080 are 15% above GTX Titan and 23% above GTX 780. 4k is even worse for Nvidia because Metro LL scaling is broken at 4K. thats a TWIMTBP game released 6 months ago. there is no reason for Nvidia to have issues after blowing the 4k horn in Sep. Without including Metro LL R9 290x is 20% avg faster than Titan and 30% avg faster than GTX 780.

Nvidia started the fight but AMD has surely settled it. :biggrin: This is a thorough and complete dismantling of Nvidia at the high end. the Titan was the poster child for high res gaming and now that goes to the new king in town - R9 290X.

few key observations.

1. 1.5 slots gap between the cards for good airflow . crucial for keeping temps under 95c and not badly affect clocks. still these cards throttle as proven by various reviewers like hardocp, hwc, computerbase etc
2. uber mode
3. the cards were still very hot.

so now how high do the GTX 780s need to clock to match R9 290X cards
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Will Robinson

Golden Member
Dec 19, 2009
Originally Posted by BallaTheFeared
We both know if the roles were reversed you'd be playing on the other side of the field.

It's like doing a 7970 vs 680 review, except Nvidia released the 680 with a 170w bios and a 240w bios with a screamer fan and reviewers didn't even bother to overclock the 7970 to compare them.

Right now Nvidia has the better coolers and the better overclocking cards because of their already to market advantage, and yet we have to go through review after review of uber bios selected and stock Nvidia products.

It was a smart move by AMD, and many reviewers are just sad. It's a good thing we have fresh blood like Linus which always tests overclocking.



Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
Uber mode exists in the card without user intervention.

Good luck having the card automatically open the box, install itself in the PC slot, download and install drivers.

It doesn't matter what exists, but what is selected. Default is exactly one (1) state, not two, not three, not a hundred.


Senior member
Jul 22, 2009
Well played by AMD, though it is becoming more and more clear why we aren't seeing OC vs OC reviews. Linus only managing 50 MHz on the core at 70% fan should be some indication of this, even stating that they could go higher but the card would just throttle and be slower.

Not all 290x clock that poorly on air, I managed to get mine up to 1100 MHz at 55 % fan speed.

Monitored the clock with MSI Afterburner and it didn't throttle at all during a ~2 hour session with BF4.

Techpoweredup up got theirs to 1125MHz, but they don't mention the actual fan speed.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
It doesn't matter what exists, but what is selected. Default is exactly one (1) state, not two, not three, not a hundred.

The fact is that the 290X has 2 presets settings, both under warranty, both equal to everyone.

It is not a driver setting you change, it is a flip of a bios switch.

Obviously a switch can only be in one position, but both positions are part of the card.

AMD was fairly criticized by having a preset setting in their 6990 that voided warranty. This is the opposite case.

But bios are default bios.

Or are you saying that the uber bios is not a factory default bios?


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
Absolutely incredible ultra high rez performance I was not expecting this. I also figured that Titan would go uncontested until we hit 20nm, nope. Amazing performance for such a relatively small die. Only downside is the stock cooler, it's going to be very hard to resist the 290X when custom versions show up.

Now I see very clearly why Nvidia has slashed prices and are coming out with higher spec cards in short order, love competition. :thumbsup:


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator <br> Video Cards
Apr 6, 2004
It doesn't matter what exists, but what is selected. Default is exactly one (1) state, not two, not three, not a hundred.

Uber mode is also referred to as "Normal Mode" btw.

Actually who cares. Turn the fan cap off the Titan and watch it still get owned by the 290x. Who cares if its faster, its a good thing because it pushes tech forward. Quit trying to downplay something it's not. It just sounds like you are trying to justify that the Titan is not inferior for the price.
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Jan 12, 2005
The thing is, one can now purchase GTX 780 SC editions for less than $549 USD that will outperform Titan (let alone a stock GTX 780), all while being cooler and quieter than 290X. So the overall performance difference in SLI relative to 290X Crossfire "Uber" mode would be closer to 10% (or possibly less depending on variant).

Considering how hot, noisy, and power consuming two 290X would be in Crossfire, this added perf. may or may not be a good tradeoff. "Uber" mode is already loud with a single 290X (to the point where some reviewers felt it was nearly unbearable over extended periods of gameplay), so that becomes significantly worse in Crossfire. Same goes for power and heat too. And when benchmarked in "Quiet" mode (which is really not that quiet in the first place) Crossfire 290X vs. SLI GTX 780 SC would be basically a wash in terms of overall performance, with Crossfire 290X still being hotter/louder/more power consuming. 4K performance is relatively impressive though, but 4K gaming is realistically some ways off due to the very high cost of 4K monitors. 4K gaming at higher details would require an investment of many thousands of dollars due to a need for both monitor and multiple GPU's.

You can afford some pretty good GPU coolers for the money you'd save with a multi-290X setup vs. multiple Titans.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
What are people going to argue about when the custom 290x's get released? Noise? Nope Power consumption? I'm curious about this one on custom cards. I'm betting it will go down about 20 watts. In uber mode some reviews had power consumption going down 10w vs. quiet mode because it kept the chip cooler.

If they get a decent cooler on this thing it shouldn't be too much more power consumption than titan all while sustaining high clocks at all times.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
The fact is that the 290X has 2 presets settings, both under warranty, both equal to everyone.

It is not a driver setting you change, it is a flip of a bios switch.

There is no difference, the outcome is the same: more thermal headroom. To say a hardware switch is valid but a software switch is not is idiotic.

Obviously a switch can only be in one position, but both positions are part of the card.

So are all positions from 80C to 95C on any Boost 2.0 card from Nvidia. It's hair splitting, really.

AMD was fairly criticized by having a preset setting in their 6990 that voided warranty. This is the opposite case.

Neither AMDs nor Nvidias solutions void warranty. Moot point.

But bios are default bios.

No. There cannot be two defaults. Read up on what default means.

Or are you saying that the uber bios is not a factory default bios?

That is exactly what I'm saying and I have quoted proof earlier. Quiet mode is the factory default bios. You can open 1000 290X boxes, the dip switch will always be set to quiet mode.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2010
How much noise do these generate at 100% fan? Must be deafening.

If I was 12 years old, I would run all my fans at 100% Now, I value silence so I can concentrate on what I am doing. I linked a video from YouTube showing how much noise the 290X makes in load, so I can only imagine what two at 100% would make. I imagine it is absurd.

Raw performance is great, but noise is also a performance measurement as far as I am concerned. People can try to downplay it all they want, but there is a difference between being able to hear something and then something being intolerable except to people with hearing problems.

Not hating on the raw performance of the 290X, but seriously...I can handle not having an extra 5fps on average if I don't have to put up with a 747 in my case. Reviewers can't just gloss over that because there are people out there who take those things into consideration when making purchases.
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Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
dude the avg % nos at 5760 x 1080 are 15% above GTX Titan and 23% above GTX 780. 4k is even worse for Nvidia because Metro LL scaling is broken at 4K. thats a TWIMTBP game released 6 months ago. there is no reason for Nvidia to have issues after blowing the 4k horn in Sep. Without including Metro LL R9 290x is 20% avg faster than Titan and 30% avg faster than GTX 780.

Nvidia started the fight but AMD has surely settled it. :biggrin: This is a thorough and complete dismantling of Nvidia at the high end. the Titan was the poster child for high res gaming and now that goes to the new king in town - R9 290X.

few key observations.

1. 1.5 slots gap between the cards for good airflow . crucial for keeping temps under 95c and not badly affect clocks. still these cards throttle as proven by various reviewers like hardocp, hwc, computerbase etc
2. uber mode
3. the cards were still very hot.

so now how high do the GTX 780s need to clock to match R9 290X cards

LMAO...no one is going to run 290x XF mate, not without spending at less another $300 to keep them cool. Once again AMD has half completed the job, and by the time the AIBs complete it with a adequate cooler, 780Ti will be here to cement the crown...There was never any new King im afraid, AMD never gave the chip a change with that cooler.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2010
LMAO...no one is going to run 290x XF mate, not without spending at less another $300 to keep them cool. Once again AMD has half completed the job, and by the time the AIBs complete it with a adequate cooler, 780Ti will be here to cement the crown...There was never any new King im afraid, AMD never gave the chip a change with that cooler.

These people live in an alternate reality. Best to just ignore them, or just laugh at them in pity.


Jan 12, 2005
LMAO...no one is going to run 290x XF mate, not without spending at less another $300 to keep them cool. Once again AMD has half completed the job, and by the time the AIBs complete it with a adequate cooler, 780Ti will be here to cement the crown...There was never any new King im afraid, AMD never gave the chip a change with that cooler.

Why would you need to spend that much to keep them cool? For these resolutions you could always downclock the 290X to get a lower performance level, say to match the 780's performance, and probably undervolt/lower the fan speed. Then you'd have the extra memory which is a benefit for these types of set ups. Of course the 290x setup is more money.

But then again just a few months ago FPS didn't matter, all that mattered was 'smoothness', which again the 290X seems to pull ahead in that category.

The 290X CF set up is simply a more versatile option, but it comes at a $50/card premium when compared to the 780. Titan isn't even worth mentioning given it's price, really.


Aug 10, 2009
The thing is, one can now purchase GTX 780 SC editions for less than $549 USD that will outperform Titan (let alone a stock GTX 780), all while being cooler and quieter than 290X. So the overall performance difference in SLI relative to 290X Crossfire "Uber" mode would be closer to 10% (or possibly less depending on variant)

Quit pulling numbers out of thin air. This is ref vs. ref. We'll see how the Matrix and Toxic variants, etc.. perform when they arrive. Besides, for whatever it's worth, even by your estimates the 290X will be faster and that doesn't change the observation that the 290X's was noticeably smoother.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
If I was 12 years old, I would run all my fans at 100% Now, I value silence so I can concentrate on what I am doing. I linked a video from YouTube showing how much noise the 290X makes in load, so I can only imagine what two at 100% would make. I imagine it is absurd.

Raw performance is great, but noise is also a performance measurement as far as I am concerned. People can try to downplay it all they want, but there is a difference between being able to hear something and then something being intolerable except to people with hearing problems.

Not hating on the raw performance of the 290X, but seriously...I can handle not having an extra 5fps on average if I don't have to put up with a 747 in my case. Reviewers can't just gloss over that because there are people out there who take those things into consideration when making purchases.

Completley agree, the noise is a huge factor for me because my tower sits on my desk next to me. Having a jet engine next to my ears wouldn't be very fun. I try to minimize the noise as much as possible and given the minimal difference in performnace at 1440P between 290X and Titan, I'd much rather have a cooler and quieter Titan than to deal with a GPU that runs at 94-95C constantly and requires a jet to cool it.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
Why would you need to spend that much to keep them cool? For these resolutions you could always downclock the 290X to get a lower performance level, say to match the 780's performance, and probably undervolt/lower the fan speed. Then you'd have the extra memory which is a benefit for these types of set ups. Of course the 290x setup is more money.

But then again just a few months ago FPS didn't matter, all that mattered was 'smoothness', which again the 290X seems to pull ahead in that category.

The 290X CF set up is simply a more versatile option, but it comes at a $50/card premium when compared to the 780. Titan isn't even worth mentioning given it's price, really.

You are right!...The Titan isnt worth mentioning, and hasnt been since the 780 was released.
What I dont understand is your downclocking to keep them cool?....extra memory, please!, every time AMD build a card with extra memory, some smuck comes out with the games gonna require more memory BS.
And while you downclock your XF 290x is uber mode with 55% fan just about keeping them cool, the SLI 780 will be clocked to equal the 290x, while still quiet, oh, and cheaper.

As for smoothness, its great AMD has finally got XF working correctly, and lucky for them their fans are patient and understanding. Im sure once 4k comes into its own, NV will be ready with suitable drivers.


Diamond Member
May 16, 2008
LMAO...no one is going to run 290x XF mate, not without spending at less another $300 to keep them cool. Once again AMD has half completed the job, and by the time the AIBs complete it with a adequate cooler, 780Ti will be here to cement the crown...There was never any new King im afraid, AMD never gave the chip a change with that cooler.

Reality and benchmarks prove otherwise.


Golden Member
Nov 27, 2007
Pretty sure 3db is doubling. These things are stupidly loud in Xfire. Imo you gotta water cool them or you go nvidia. I'm all for more performance but it's no good if you can't provide a cooler that's up to the job. 95 degree temp target, [H] recommend 100% fans on a brand new dust free card in the winter, 65db noise shows the cooler can't hack it.

Psychologically I always try to think a year or two down the line - while it's the fastest thing on the planet you might almost excuse being unable to hear your game, but when it's just another 2 cards you'd think why am I trying to play next to a jet engine?

Uh, no. Our ear's perception of volume is logarithmic - 3dB increase is to perceived as 1.23x louder. If 3dB was perceived twice as loud, rock and roll could have started much earlier and cheaper.

Here's the basic breakdown:

3dB = twice the power
6dB = twice the amplitude
~10dB = twice the perceived volume
Adding up two 12dB noise sources will get you, on average, 15dB (which will not sound twice as loud)

Here's a great little chart: http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/voltageloudness.html

While the AMD vs nVidia debate will never be settled, at least we can agree on basic audio measurements.
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