R420 Shows up at IDF

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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Rollo, IMO a big purported benefit of DX9 is that anyone can use it to create nice effects, not just the Carmacks and Sweeneys of the world. TR:AoD seems like a good example of that, and it shows that Radeons may perform better in "unoptimized" DX9 games.

Ben, sure Halo may be a decent engine to benchmark, but the default flyby benchmark doesn't seem to highlight any differences in PS2.0 performance.

I didn't know TR:AoD came after the PS2 version.

Carmack's thoughts are spot on ... for nV parts. The 9700P appeared to be the first card that could offer "next-gen" features with very playable speeds, and benchmarks seem to bear this out, no? (Or did the G400M and GF offer 60+fps with their bleeding-edge features? I honestly don't know, I wasn't as involved in the 3D discussion back then.)

Sure, the 5800 was decent, and it was a good leap above the GF4. But the 9700 offered comparable performance in almost everything, along with nicer AA and the promise of far better DX9 performance. Most people don't upgrade cards as often as you, Rollo, so future performance may be an important consideration to some people. Granted, I've yet to see DX9 effects in games that blow their DX8 counterparts out of the water, but at least the possibility exists with 9700s.

But maybe I remain overly principled about DX9. Sadly, we still have to wait to see if DX9 speed concerns were justified. But 5800s and 9700Ps are still very fast cards, so it's not like their performance in new titles will be so slow as to be irrelevent.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Rollo, IMO a big purported benefit of DX9 is that anyone can use it to create nice effects, not just the Carmacks and Sweeneys of the world. TR:AoD seems like a good example of that, and it shows that Radeons may perform better in "unoptimized" DX9 games.

You haven't seen TRAoD running on a R3x0 board have you? The game is poor in every area, including visuals. If anything it gives people the impression that people other then Tim and Carmack can't make killer looking games no matter what they have at their disposal.

Ben, sure Halo may be a decent engine to benchmark, but the default flyby benchmark doesn't seem to highlight any differences in PS2.0 performance.

The issue here is that people were expecting the rift in synthetics to be anywhere close to real world in games, that was never going to happen within the lifetimes of the boards, I'll expand on this below.

Carmack's thoughts are spot on ... for nV parts. The 9700P appeared to be the first card that could offer "next-gen" features with very playable speeds, and benchmarks seem to bear this out, no? (Or did the G400M and GF offer 60+fps with their bleeding-edge features? I honestly don't know, I wasn't as involved in the 3D discussion back then.)

This ties in with the last part. Back during the launch of the original Radeon there was a lot of talk about how much weaker its hard T&L unit was compared to the GeForce- that was true from a synthetic point of view. Real world either you supported the feature or not, no developer was going to rely on it overly much as the overwhelming majority of their audience was going to be lacking hard T&L. My comments from that era are still in the forums and people can feel free to verify the fact that despite my very strong support for hard T&L, I did state numerous times that the Radeon's considerably slower performance in synthetics would never materialize in games, devs would not allow that to happen.

Now for offering reasonable performance for new features, not only did both the NV10 and R100 offer features that performed at reasonable speeds, they saw significantly faster adoption in the gaming community then any of the new DX9 features. Within a year of the NV10s launch almost all of the titles for best graphics relied heavily on features that were new to market in hardware a year earlier(Evolva, Sacrifice and Giants-HardT&L, Dot3 for a few off the big visual hits from 2K). Look at the situation now, we have that one port of a console title that is even close to comparable, and most people think CoD, MP2 and the like look a lot better. Pixel Shader 2.0 to date has been an abject failure in the marketplace compared to every new 'major' feature introduced in the last five years every way you look at it outside of marketing.

Sure, the 5800 was decent, and it was a good leap above the GF4. But the 9700 offered comparable performance in almost everything, along with nicer AA and the promise of far better DX9 performance. Most people don't upgrade cards as often as you, Rollo, so future performance may be an important consideration to some people. Granted, I've yet to see DX9 effects in games that blow their DX8 counterparts out of the water, but at least the possibility exists with 9700s.

The thing is it really doesn't exist. Check out the upper limits of what can be done with DX8 level shaders compared to what can be handled in game by any current part at reasonable speeds. We have already seen Half-Life2's differences, noticeable but minor, and DooM3 using its DX7 era register combiner tricks still looks quite a bit better to me which is really the big issue. Most people do not understand what has been possible with hardware for a long time now, the problem was that the DX7 era cards were too slow to really show what the technology was possible of when pushed, same is true with DX8 era boards and the same is without a doubt the same about the current DX9 parts. They are simply far too slow, even the 9800XT, to come remotely close to pushing what PS2.0 is capable of.

But maybe I remain overly principled about DX9. Sadly, we still have to wait to see if DX9 speed concerns were justified. But 5800s and 9700Ps are still very fast cards, so it's not like their performance in new titles will be so slow as to be irrelevent.

Eighteen months. You take a board that launched with DX7 and move eighteen months forward in time you are looking at ~six months in to DX8's lifetime. Think about that. The R9700Pros shader performance was always a non factor in the real world, and that isn't looking to change within two years of its launch(if not longer). I'll tell you what Pete, I know you read a lot and you read a lot written by some very intelligent people. Some of the people you read thoughts from have a history when it comes to predicting the future 3D gaming market and they haven't been correct on a major feature shift ever. You can check some of their history on it.

There was no chance DX9 was going to take off quickly, it was never a remote possiblity. This was painfully obvious to anyone who followed the gaming market instead of focusing all of their efforts on the hardware side. Simply look at what the market looked like at the time. Within a year of the launch of the DX7 era boards we had a selection of parts in the ~$100 street range that offered performance comparable, or superior, to the original 'high end' DX7 part, the GFSDR. Look at the launch of DX8 and move forward a year and we didn't have quite the same situation and ended up seeing slower adoption, although XBox ports helped mask this somewhat(still took longer then DX7). Look to the launch of the R300 and move a year forward and we didn't have a part close to $200 that could touch the R9700Pro's level of performance, and what's more we all knew that would be the case long before that point in time actually arrived.

From a developers standpoint what do you spend more time on, a feature that less then 2% of your potential market will be able to use, or one that will benefit the other 98%. Look at the feedback on Halo's visuals for evidence of what the majority of the market wants. Another element is that DX9 performance is far too slow even on the fastest part to see the theoretical limits remotely approached in terms of what the tech is capable of. Sure you can make a tech demo that impresses, Dawn blew people away(and that was on the 'bad' DX9 board), but getting acceptable levels of performance out of a DX9 class shader that is a big improvement over its DX9 counterpart in game with current boards? Very clearly the developers have spoken as here we are a year later and the only two titles we have to talk about are ports.

I'm running a R9800Pro right now and can say with absolute certainty that its DX8 performance is a much larger concern for me then its DX9 performance. It is far too slow running PS2.0, and too limited for that matter, to offer a substantial increase in visuals over what is possible with DX8 level shaders for real time gaming. Halo, TRAoD and now FarCry all back up the fact that the difference in visual quality is noticeable but slight, certainly not worth all the hype that some sites want to place on what is shaping up to be the most useless feature for end users to get close to the amount of hype it did.

Too many sites this gen have fallen in for the hype on PS 2.0. You take a look at recent reviews on numerous sites and you may seem something like 30% of the benches they are running PS 2.0 limited tests. I've seen Anand criticized numerous times because he doesn't replicate this incredibly misleading stance. You read a review and one board dominates 30% of the tests but they don't tell you that that actually translates in to one game, and even then you won't actually want to play that one game anyway

ATi's PR department is likely loving it, and they have been utterly brilliant in their execution to exploit this(not an insult in any way, I honestly admire them here). They use a meak demeanor with, how can I say this in a diplomatic fashion, the sites that are very confident in their stances, and simply guide them to loudly boasting a direction they know full well the gaming market isn't going to take anytime close to soon(never correcting them of course, they would be fools to). For those that have a more realistic grasp on the gaming end of the market, they pull an event like Shader Day which has a dual purpose. First they got Newell hook line and sinker to go on the rampage about PS 2.0 performance which was a brilliant move on their part($6Million well spent), they used this in conjuction with his engine and nV's problems to put a perception in place that this game coming out real soon(within weeks according to what they were saying back then) would only run decently if you had a R3x0 based part in your rig. This had a huge impact on the community and even managed to convince a lot of the more down to earth sites that DX9 was going to be a big factor soon. Brilliant execution on their part.

On the other side, nV went totally the wrong way with their architecture. If they were smart, they would have pushed the new lifelike lighting system their board was shooting for. By going this route, they could have set up a stand off of sorts between shaders and shadows and had a good rift in the community. Instead, they also decided to hitch their PR line on the shader stance. This was their biggest blunder this generation. Had they focused on their shadowing from Day one they could have then presented the DooM3 event as proof positive that they were right without having to say it for themselves(their marketing department needs a bit of work on subtle guidance). Because of this, they set themselves up for a comparison they couldn't win, and what's worse they did it for something that doesn't even matter(their PR department really fvcked up this gen).

Realisticly, the features that matter the most on the current boards is the ones we have been using all along. DooM3 and HL2 will hit along with FarCry- some sooner then others, but even when they do nothing we have seen indicates a big edge running the whiz bang DX9 shaders over their outdated DX8 counterparts. We can all tell the difference between running a game @1280x960 w/2xAA and no AF and running it @1600x1200 w/4xAA and 8/16x AF.

What this rant comes down to is this, the 5800Ultra, as an actual end product, had one major problem, its loud fan. The rest of the perception of problems with the board surrounded sub optimal early drivers and the misplaced emphasis on DX9 performance. Is there really much of a difference between the 5800 and 9700 for end users today? Not really, certainly nothing resembling the perception of how the board was.


Aug 14, 2000
Saw them on the "Use Your Illusion" tour at a big outdoor amphitheatre. They really rocked, a great show. Personal favorites from concert: "Mr. Brownstone", "Paradise City", and "Live and Let Die".
Yeah I've seen music videos of them live and they absolute go off. Also I consider Slash to be one of the best guitarists ever.

Some of remaining GNR members have formed a new band with ex-STP front-man Scott Weiland and the first single off it sounds pretty good. You can definitely heard Slash's guitar style in there.

You very clearly don't own Halo
Lower the CPU speed and you'll get lower results. Besides, Gearbox have admitted they screwed up the shaders and have promised a patch that will raise performance by up to 60%. There's no question that Gearbox's porting abilities are very poor.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Lower the CPU speed and you'll get lower results. Besides, Gearbox have admitted they screwed up the shaders and have promised a patch that will raise performance by up to 60%. There's no question that Gearbox's porting abilities are very poor.

Slightly(~1-2FPS), not nearly what I see downclocking the vid card(nigh linear- the earliest segment of the bench is still slightly CPU limited at that res with my rig). Simply look at the charts on the link to Tom's provided in this thread, the game is probably the most GPU intensive bench of any decent game released to date.

As far as GearBox's porting ability, the game runs a lot faster on the PC then it does on the XBox(I own both), even with comparable specs. You can blast Bungie's engine if you'd like, but GearBox did an extremely good job getting the performance up from the XBox.


How much did Nvidia pay Activision?

Likely comparable to what ATi paid Valve, but nV did not exploit it properly(while ATi clearly did).


Aug 14, 2000
It depends where and what you're benchmarking. It's certainly GPU intensive I'll give you that but not enough to claim that 1024 x 768 is a pure GPU bench in the entire game.

but GearBox did an extremely good job getting the performance up from the XBox.
Actually by their own admission they didn't.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It depends where and what you're benchmarking. It's certainly GPU intensive I'll give you that but not enough to claim that 1024 x 768 is a pure GPU bench in the entire game.

Halo has a built in bench, it's what almost all the sites use. It isn't quite a pure GPU bench, but the results end up being almost entirely GPU limited- just look at the charts the Tom has up.

Actually by their own admission they didn't.

Play both. Maybe they think they could do better, but the game runs much faster on the PC. On the XBox you rarely saw framerates hit 30, most of the time it was in the mid 20s with a lot of time spent in the teens and too frequently in the single digits.


Aug 14, 2000
If they've promised up to a 60% increase then their port is far from optimal. Running faster on the PC is something I'd expect from using PS 2.0 instead of PS 1.x and a faster GPU. The key is how much faster.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
If they've promised up to a 60% increase then their port is far from optimal. Running faster on the PC is something I'd expect from using PS 2.0 instead of PS 1.x and a faster GPU.

I'm mainly talking about running PS 1.3 on a NV25(Ti4200), the same shaders and slightly lower performance levels then the XBox GPU. It is significantly faster there- a great deal of the time more then twice as fast. PS2.0 is slower across the board then PS1.x. Obviously the game is going to be much faster on what I'm running right now, but it was much faster before I upgraded too.

The key is how much faster.

I'd say typical performance on a Ti4200 was ~50%-80% faster then on the XBox, in a few isolated instances that would go much higher(sometimes it would drop to the ~30% faster range too).

Take Carmack's comments that a game running on dedicated hardware should perform roughly twice as fast as it should on the PC(you can create much tighter code), and I think GearBox did a very good job dealing with a very sluggish engine. Instead of seeing the 50% performance drop you should be able to expect moving from dedicated to open, we saw an even larger gap going the other way.


Apr 8, 2002
And then future games come out....

Like Sept of 2004?

By then the argument is a non-factor. Just like the rest of the hype.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Thanks for taking the time to type up such a detailed reply, Ben--much appreciated. I agree with you on pretty much all of it that I feel informed enough about to venture an opinion. I've been banging the DX9 drum pretty loudly and pretty apparently cluelessly, given the dearth of DX9 titles 18 months after the 9700P's debut. I suppose I'll have to put the drum down sometime, but hope dies hard. I want my overbright, dammit!

The new rumors about R420 being only PS2.0+ and NV40 being PS3.0 are very interesting, though. Should prove fertile ground for more misjudgements, misunderstanding, and good old arguments.


Jan 11, 2002
Yeah I've seen music videos of them live and they absolute go off. Also I consider Slash to be one of the best guitarists ever.
It was a good time for a much younger man in college.

Some of remaining GNR members have formed a new band with ex-STP front-man Scott Weiland and the first single off it sounds pretty good. You can definitely heard Slash's guitar style in there.
This could be good as well if Mr. Weiland can deal with his errrr....hobbies.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've been banging the DX9 drum pretty loudly and pretty apparently cluelessly, given the dearth of DX9 titles 18 months after the 9700P's debut. I suppose I'll have to put the drum down sometime, but hope dies hard. I want my overbright, dammit!

I don't want anyone to take my comments the wrong way, I'd be thrilled to start seeing a slew of titles taking advantage of DX9's features, it simply was not close to viable to expect that to happen in a timeframe remotely close to what a lot of sites were pushing. With the upcoming parts we should see shader performance improved considerably and that could likely start the ball rolling for some heavier useage of PS 2.0 or higher level shaders, and utilization in a way that we will all appreciate. As far as overbright is concerned- I'm with you there but you only really need FP16 to handle that. DooM3 hopefully will see at least a demo launch to tie in with the NV40 and we can start to see the advantages of that element at least.

The new rumors about R420 being only PS2.0+ and NV40 being PS3.0 are very interesting, though. Should prove fertile ground for more misjudgements, misunderstanding, and good old arguments.

Expect a lot of sites to show a radical departure over what they have been saying if that does happen. We have been listening to the PS 2.0 is crucial line for a year and a half now with next to nothing to show for it. Even if PS 3.0 saw significantly quicker adoption(which wouldn't take much- four games by Q1 '06 would be twice as fast as PS 2.0 ) they will instead change their position to state it doesn't matter that much. In realistic terms it won't be that big of an issue, but for those that made a big deal over PS 2.0, if they want to avoid a double standard they need to do the same with 3.0 shaders.

On a realistic level, PS 2.0 has enough power and flexibility to give us close to off line CGI levels of quality in games, the only problem with that is none of the boards have close to enough power to realize that. PS 3.0's biggest advantage will be the potential performance increase by allowing for reduced complexity in shaders(with the initial parts anyway), and the possibility of allowing the graphics card to handle tasks outside of the spectrum of what a GPU has been doing in the past(it may end up being that a F@H client, or something comparable, could show up that will run on a PS 3.0 level GPU- and it should run a lot faster then on a CPU).

A lot of people will try and say that the launch of a PS 3.0 part is a lot different then the PS 2.0 parts if it does end up being one vendor misses it(no matter which one it is). How they will spin it will depend on which vendor were to end up missing the functionality. It won't be any different, or perhaps I should say if it is any different, it can only be that it will see a slightly faster adoption rate then PS 2.0 did(slightly faster in terms of number of titles to support it, percentage wise it will be fairly easy to exceed it by a significant margin).


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: BenSkywalker
it may end up being that a F@H client, or something comparable
I read an article a while back where a x86->PixelShader Compiler was used to run a CPU benchmark on a FX5900. It was proven that the FX5900, was the equilivent of a 10Ghz P4. Now considering that both next gen and current gen radeons will/have better PS performance that the FX5900, we could see GPU/VPUs with enough processing power to do a complete work unit of Seti in a few hours, or even minutes.


Aug 14, 2000
I'm mainly talking about running PS 1.3 on a NV25(Ti4200),
OK, I see. I was talking about the PS 2.0 performance, as in high end cards like the 9800 running poorly when they shouldn't be.

This could be good as well if Mr. Weiland can deal with his errrr....hobbies.
Yeah, Weiland has been in and out of rehab more times than I can remember. Still, if Axl wasn't such a prick GNR would've probably never split up and we wouldn't have a problem.
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