R520 Benchies at HA

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Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Must have missed something, wasn't aware that sanders violated NDA. And good morning.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: ronnn
Must have missed something, wasn't aware that sanders violated NDA. And good morning.

I'm not sure how the law works with NDA info and unreleased products.

The people who gave him the info surely violated the NDA they signed. Whether Sassen has any liability for being the one who published it, when he clearly knew it was NDA material on an unreleased product is a question for a judge.

I'd think there would be some liability, otherwise NDAs would be meaningless. People who had the info would just leak it to those who hadn't signed NDAs and we'd get the info.

If the benchmarks are inaccurate and low, I'd think it would be easy to prove damages.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: CaiNaM
Originally posted by: Creig
If these benches hold true, consider the fact that a 16 pipe card from ATI is hanging with not only the 20 pipe 7800GT, but also the 24 pipe 7800GTX. R520 may not be an Nv killer, but think what a 24 or 32 pipe card could do (R580?).

gee.. and what would a 7800 do w/32 pipes @ 600mhz?

Sorry for the belated post, but I was sort of thinking the same thing. Like how the x1800XT would do at 430/1200. My guess is it would run with, or very slightly better than a X850XTPE if there is any truth to improved pipelines and memory controller.



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: ronnn
Originally posted by: ZobarStyl
What happened to actually objectively talking about what the benches mean if they are correct? Why did the fanboys have to instantly turn this into a smear campaign rather than even discuss them in slightest?

Here's a thought: assume these benches are truly representative of R520 performance. No amount of character assassination attempts on Sander Sassen or complaining about the sources of said information is going to make R520 any faster. If this truly is what we're getting, what then, fanboys? What's the next plan of defense for R520?

I'm not particularly partial to either company, but I'm seriously saddened to see that a thread I hoped to get decent discussion out of instead degenerated so quickly into fanboy silliness. For god's sake, it's a corporation. At the end of the day, they all just want your money: there's nothing inherently more special or honorable about either company.

Absolutely impossible as the nvidia fanboys were so busy insulting ati and anyone who could accept these as real and not that bad. Actually I suggested they may be real and if paired with IQ and feature advantages, could actually be good. Only response was a fanboy comment about seeing a silver lining or something. Not possible to discuss ati in a calm way on this forum.

My silver lining comment was not an insult. Sorry if you took it that way. I agreed with your post to a degree. How a 16 pipe card did pretty well. But then remembered the high clocks this thing runs at. So take it as you will.



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Rollo
Another thing to consider is that it may be fairly dangerous for Sassen to post those benches if they aren't real.

I'd think ATI would have some cause for a lawsuit for loss of sales if he posted inaccurate info?

i already covered that = the benchs are NOT sanders = they are from an UNNAMED ATI PARTNER [which may be sander's fabrication]


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Rollo
Another thing to consider is that it may be fairly dangerous for Sassen to post those benches if they aren't real.

I'd think ATI would have some cause for a lawsuit for loss of sales if he posted inaccurate info?

i already covered that = the benchs are NOT sanders = they are from an UNNAMED ATI PARTNER [which may be sander's fabrication]

Nonetheless, Sanders asserts they are real in his lengthy post at B3d.

Until we have contradictory benches, they have as much likelihood of being real as fake. Sanders may have a grudge, but posting fake info about the R520 would seem more damaging to him than ATI. If the actual benches come out much different than his, he loses all credibility and his site loses readers?


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Rollo
Another thing to consider is that it may be fairly dangerous for Sassen to post those benches if they aren't real.

I'd think ATI would have some cause for a lawsuit for loss of sales if he posted inaccurate info?

i already covered that = the benchs are NOT sanders = they are from an UNNAMED ATI PARTNER [which may be sander's fabrication]

Nonetheless, Sanders asserts they are real in his lengthy post at B3d.

Until we have contradictory benches, they have as much likelihood of being real as fake. Sanders may have a grudge, but posting fake info about the R520 would seem more damaging to him than ATI. If the actual benches come out much different than his, he loses all credibility and his site loses readers?
i'll try just once more . . .

he has a way out . . . THE BENCHS ARE NOT HIS . . . he can deny deny deny after the r520 is officially released

when determining "truth" - do not forget "motive" and "responsibility" . . . Sanders has motive and no responsibility . . .


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Well, try this....

He can deny deny deny all he wants. It still won't remove the bad taste in everyones mouth if the benches prove to be wrong. Everyone will associate these benches with Sander whether they are his or not. It would seem the enthusiast PC community does not forgive, or forget very easily.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Well, try this....

He can deny deny deny all he wants. It still won't remove the bad taste in everyones mouth if the benches prove to be wrong. Everyone will associate these benches with Sander whether they are his or not. It would seem the enthusiast PC community does not forgive, or forget very easily.

they are NOT Sanders' benchs [period]
everyone still reads the Inq.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Well, try this....

He can deny deny deny all he wants. It still won't remove the bad taste in everyones mouth if the benches prove to be wrong. Everyone will associate these benches with Sander whether they are his or not. It would seem the enthusiast PC community does not forgive, or forget very easily.

they are NOT Sanders' benchs [period]
everyone still reads the Inq.

They may not be his, but he is still the only one they can be associated with. In other words, somebody has to take the fall if they're faked and he is the "only" target for a lack of any other.



Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Well, try this....

He can deny deny deny all he wants. It still won't remove the bad taste in everyones mouth if the benches prove to be wrong. Everyone will associate these benches with Sander whether they are his or not. It would seem the enthusiast PC community does not forgive, or forget very easily.

they are NOT Sanders' benchs [period]
everyone still reads the Inq.

They may not be his, but he is still the only one they can be associated with. In other words, somebody has to take the fall if they're faked and he is the "only" target for a lack of any other.
what fall?

his possible consequences are "minor" . . . as he is "reporting" the news he claims to have received


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Whatever fall there is to be had. Minor, major, ridicule for eternity. Whatever.
He could be used to make an example. Don't know how and don't care really. But, just my opinion.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Sander got what he wanted, website hits and a lot of them. He also admitted he made a good deal of money because of this controversy. If you didnt read that post of his and still believe these benches, well then best of luck with your life.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Sander got what he wanted, website hits and a lot of them. He also admitted he made a good deal of money because of this controversy. If you didnt read that post of his and still believe these benches, well then best of luck with your life.

Hey goofball if any of this was a hoax then HA has but his butt on the chopping block for a huge slanderous lawsuit and little money a hardware site makes will pale in comparison to his legal bills...

NO think we are so stupid to buy that kind of reasoning....

The person who needs luck for life is the guy who takes these numbers has a hit to his e-penis. It is not the end of the world, but most of the ATI fanboys now are acting as if it does...


Senior member
Jul 25, 2005
This whole mess is insane. Persionally i think that Sander *BELIEVES* that the benchmarks he posted are accurate, simply because for reasons mentioned earlier in this thread it would be suicidal in a business sense for him to post fake benchmarks. His possible bias against ATI in this case may have made him more eager to post benchmarks that show ATI losing to Nvidia in the latest round, but he still probably believes the benchmarks. Weather the benchmarks are accurate or not is a different question, as even Sander can't verify the validity of the benches himself, so it is possible that somebody fed him false information possibly knowing that he would believe it at put it up on the web because it makes ATI look bad. It's also entirely possible that the tests were not run as accurately as they could have been. There is an incredibly wide range of possibilities as to how valid the benchmarks themselves are, but to say that Sander just made them up or knowingly posted bad benchmarks is IMO insane.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Goofball ? Nice try hypocrite. You asked Rollo not to attack people and do it yourself. Practice what you preach "duvienile". And to think you are trying to become a mod, is that a joke on Anandtech ?

I dont see ATI suing the guy, he wasnt under NDA. It is absolutely pathetic to even give an ounce of support to Sassen, read his pathetic lame ass replies on other boards before jumping to defend him.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Goofball ? Nice try hypocrite. You asked Rollo not to attack people and do it yourself. Practice what you preach "duvienile". And to think you are trying to become a mod, is that a joke on Anandtech ?

I dont see ATI suing the guy, he wasnt under NDA. It is absolutely pathetic to even give an ounce of support to Sassen, read his pathetic lame ass replies on other boards before jumping to defend him.

It was a ploy to get attention to the trolls in the cpu forum...I knew it had no reality....Plus I cant stand most of you punks so I would much rather be an arse.....

Rollo and I had a battle on another topic but it wasn't anything as clear as this with empirical numbers....Rollo was out of line then and got a vacation....He since then has done great testing on both lines of the card...I can respect what he has done since....You guys are attacking a man who has data to prove what he is stating, and have nothing to prove what you are saying....

What does it have to do with NDAs you retard??? That is about releasing info ahead of agreed upon contract. He had no agreement so he doesn;'t have to abide...if he was putting out false info, lies, simulating older card, etc could be slander...The monetary impact could be large and if there was any truth to it ATI would have had lawyers shut it down quickly with threats.....

The joke on anandtech is the ppl taking this soo seriously instead of just saying..."i hope at release and with some more wildey respected sites the numbers will be a bit better"...that is all that has to be said instead of the whinning and excuses from the likes of imbeciles like you....


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Duvie
.Plus I cant stand most of you punks so I would much rather be an arse.....

The joke on anandtech is the ppl taking this soo seriously instead of just saying..."i hope at release and with some more wildey respected sites the numbers will be a bit better"...that is all that has to be said instead of the whinning and excuses from the likes of imbeciles like you....

LOL :beer:


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Goofball ? Nice try hypocrite. You asked Rollo not to attack people and do it yourself. Practice what you preach "duvienile". And to think you are trying to become a mod, is that a joke on Anandtech ?

I dont see ATI suing the guy, he wasnt under NDA. It is absolutely pathetic to even give an ounce of support to Sassen, read his pathetic lame ass replies on other boards before jumping to defend him.

It was a ploy to get attention to the trolls in the cpu forum...I knew it had no reality....Plus I cant stand most of you punks so I would much rather be an arse.....

Rollo and I had a battle on another topic but it wasn't anything as clear as this with empirical numbers....Rollo was out of line then and got a vacation....He since then has done great testing on both lines of the card...I can respect what he has done since....You guys are attacking a man who has data to prove what he is stating, and have nothing to prove what you are saying....

What does it have to do with NDAs you retard??? That is about releasing info ahead of agreed upon contract. He had no agreement so he doesn;'t have to abide...if he was putting out false info, lies, simulating older card, etc could be slander...The monetary impact could be large and if there was any truth to it ATI would have had lawyers shut it down quickly with threats.....

The joke on anandtech is the ppl taking this soo seriously instead of just saying..."i hope at release and with some more wildey respected sites the numbers will be a bit better"...that is all that has to be said instead of the whinning and excuses from the likes of imbeciles like you....
The joke on anandtech was that you had your name up for a future mod, obviously you couldnt get a crstal clear comment.

And thanks for the insults, it reflects your upbringing and the kind of your maturity level. Thankfully I wont be returning all those insults back at you because I dont want to stoop down to your level. Thanks for playing and showing your true character, good luck becoming a mod with this kind of maturity level.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Sander got what he wanted, website hits and a lot of them. He also admitted he made a good deal of money because of this controversy. If you didnt read that post of his and still believe these benches, well then best of luck with your life.

Hey goofball if any of this was a hoax then HA has but his butt on the chopping block for a huge slanderous lawsuit and little money a hardware site makes will pale in comparison to his legal bills...

NO think we are so stupid to buy that kind of reasoning....

The person who needs luck for life is the guy who takes these numbers has a hit to his e-penis. It is not the end of the world, but most of the ATI fanboys now are acting as if it does...

how do they sue an "unnamed partner"? . . . again, the benchs are NOT Sanders'

[someone else made them up]


Senior member
Aug 18, 2004
Originally posted by: crazydingo
The joke on anandtech was that you had your name up for a future mod, obviously you couldnt get a crstal clear comment.

And thanks for the insults, it reflects your upbringing and the kind of your maturity level. Thankfully I wont be returning all those insults back at you because I dont want to stoop down to your level. Thanks for playing and showing your true character, good luck becoming a mod with this kind of maturity level.

So taunting him, then implying that he's immature as well as on a "lower level" doesn't fit into the insults category? You ARE stupid.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Kalessian
So taunting him, then implying that he's immature as well as on a "lower level" doesn't fit into the insults category? You ARE stupid.
I didnt use any abusive words to make my point. He acted immature and I called it, you want me to turn a blind eye towards it ?

And thank YOU too for bring to the fore your upbringing.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2004
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Kalessian
So taunting him, then implying that he's immature as well as on a "lower level" doesn't fit into the insults category? You ARE stupid.
I didnt use any abusive words to make my point. He acted immature and I called it, you want me to turn a blind eye towards it ?

And thank YOU too for bring to the fore your upbringing.

Oh please. Remarking on his "upbringing" and claiming he's too inadequate to become a mod are much more personal attacks than a simple "goofball" and "stupid". Stupid.
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