R520 Definitely 16 Pipes, Confirmed at AnandTech

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Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Acanthus
I agree, it would be an enormous increase in transistor count. Dont forget, this is on a die shrink, and has 8 pipes less than the GTX, and required 4 tape outs. It very well could be a huge chip, even for 90nm.

Let us hope (for ATi's sake) that the 90nm R520 doesn't turn out to be like Prescott...(as in a die shrink that actually resulted in INCREASED power consumption.)


Senior member
Aug 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Soccerman06
Originally posted by: KristopherKubicki
So R520 here we go. I've got it confirmed twice over now, Definitely 16 pipes, definitely 600MHz core and definitely 700MHz GDDR3. Kinda in line with what we've said before, but now there is no doubt about it from anyone.

R520 LE (or vanilla to some) will only have 12 pipes.. but all will have 256bit mem bus.


You got a link to any of this? Your blowin smoke until you give us some proof because no one can go on your "word."


Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
You know what I don't care . R520 and R580 will run on Vista but not really well. The G70's aren't even supported. What a load of crap . spend $500+ now or more if you buy Crossfire or SLI . Than turn around in 1 year to buy again . NO thanks . I will keep what I have. I thought R520 were Direct X 10 capable their not so the hell with them all.

The 90n R520 the same size as the R420 so thats what 350 million transistors look like in a GPU


Senior member
Aug 11, 2004
It may have 16 shaders because originally they designed a 32 pipe 16 shader part but that didn't work. Perhaps they decided simplest way to cut back was to leave the shaders alone and just drop pipes (first to 24, now to 16) hence it's now a bit shader heavy.

Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
Actually Microsoft did an about face on that and they are now calling it direct X 10 . Isn't that amazing . It started as Direvt X10 than it became Direct X next than it became WGF1.0 than it became WGF 2.0 Now its back to Direct X10 isn't it a crazy world we live in . Here,s a teaser if you still don't believe I can't help it because the truth hides behind a vail of lies.


The next generation 3D API from Microsoft appears to have gone through an interesting cycle as to what it will be called and when it would appear. Following the path of DirectX releases the initial natural evolution was for a "DirectX 10", but in the early stages of development it was referred to as DirectX Next. It known that the new version of DirectX would be tied to Microsoft?s next generation Windows OS, codenamed Longhorn and now officially named "Windows Vista", which has a substantially different driver model requiring both significant changes to the API and hardware driver. Windows Vista will also have a new graphical user interface requiring DirectX9 3D support - initially the DX9 interface was to be known as DirectX 9.L, to signify the changes required for the Longhorn version, however over time DirectX was to be known as "Windows Graphics Foundation" (WGF) with DX9.L being WGF1.0 and DirectX Next to be WGF2.0.

Longhorn?s development process, to becoming Windows Vista, has been a fairly lengthy one, seemingly because of the complexity of the changes being made to the OS. Because of the imposed release schedule a number of features have been dropped for later updates ? it was reported not long ago that WGF2.0 was also a feature that wouldn?t appear in the first release of Windows Vista.

ExtremeTech are reporting, though, that there is now a reversal in both of these facets ? the new API will be called DirectX10 and it will ship with the initial release of Windows Vista. The report doesn?t indicate appear to detail any changes of functionality from our "DirectX Next" article, published over 18 months ago, still with the stipulation that there will be no Caps bits, a unified Vertex and Pixel Shader model and Geometry Shader functionality.

Even with some give and take on the final functionality, if Windows Vista is now scheduled to appear with DirectX 10 out of the box we could suggest that this may be indicative of the timescales the IHV?s are planning their DirectX 10 architectures for so there will need to be time with both hardware and the API for it to be fully tested and realised prior to the release of the OS.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Again, there is no DX10. There never will be DX10.

The next generation Microsoft API is Windows Graphics Foundation 1.0.

Turtle has it. MS has now started referring to it as DX10 again.


Apr 4, 2005
Originally posted by: gsellis
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Again, there is no DX10. There never will be DX10.

The next generation Microsoft API is Windows Graphics Foundation 1.0.

Turtle has it. MS has now started referring to it as DX10 again.

So the G70 is not even supported and the R520 and R580 are partially supported? I'm all for looking to the future but come on! That's a bunch of horse crap if this is true! By the time I'm done with my system, I will have spent nearly $1800 on my upgrade and now it may not even be fully supported??

I will probably upgrade again in 2007 but it's not a sure thing. If I can't then as much as WinVi looks good, I'll stay with XP until I can run WinVi with 100% efficiency. By that time I'll hopefully have a Athlon 64 X4 6400+ or so and either a Radeon X??00 or a GeForce "9800" GTX(I wonder if they'll use the 9800 number since ATi did first)...lol

Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
Yes it is a bunch of crap . Normally I would say well XP pro is nice but if you go to the First link up above and read it. I will want vista it sounds really good . If its as good as their talking we will all want vista I kid you not . This really sucks. I was going to upgrade but now I think I will wait this thing out . I was waiting for conroe any way but I was thinking a GPU upgrade not a chance of that now . I well wait for R600 that's that. I am Pi$$ed. My neighbor was telling me about this stuff just last weak . I got to listen to that guy more.


Apr 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Turtle 1
Yes it is a bunch of crap . Normally I would say well XP pro is nice but if you go to the First link up above and read it. I well want vista it sounds really good . If its as good as there talking we well all want vista I kid you not . This really sucks. I was going to upgrade but now I think I well wait this thing out . I was waiting for conroe any way but I was thinking a GPU upgrade not a chance of that now . I well wait for R600 that that. I am Pi$$ed. My neighbor was telling me about this stuff just last weak . I got to listen to that guy more.

Do you upgrade every few years or every 1 or 2 years. It's pretty obvious my new state of the art A64 X2 4400+@4700+ and whatever high end vid card I buy won't cut it but if I'm able to upgrade again in '07 I'll be fine. If your system will run everything right now and looks to run everything in the future then you'll be ok.

This WinVi business reminds me of both ATi and nVidia cutting off AGP support with their new cards. It's not official for ATi but according to their roadmap, they aren't supporting AGP for the X1800 card. They had originally said they had planned to support it. I think it's wrong for both ATi and nVidia to cut support for AGP. I have a PCI-E mobo but that's crap!

Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
I was hoping to up grade in baby steps . I am still on AGP so its not that bad but I was hoping for a R520 Agp that doesn't sound like it will happen . So I will sit on what I have X850XTpe is not a bad setup anyway . I was just kinda hyped on the R580 . but no way unless ATI does a AGP . If I were them I would. That would be their money maker.

So after a little more thought I am actually sitting pretty good. 2 weeks ago I was all ready to go nvidia sli Amd 64 FX57 G70's . Since I buy all my parts from my neighbor and he helps me with my builds as he does for most everyone around here. I told him what I wanted to do and he laughed at me and said I was on my own . He told me than what was going on. But it didn't sink in until tonight. I really got to go over tomorrow and give him a big hug . If I would have bought that stuff I would be pi$$ed. I couldn't understand why he said nvidia was not the way to go and ATI wasn't much better .
Well I see the light now. I guess were I got confused was when he was talking about WGF 1.0 . I thought that was Direct X 10. Its not Its DirectX9.L. Hell he is probably reading this right now as I am linked threw his computer I have WIFI he has the DSL.
No way he would never intrude he just isn't that kind of guy. I get so compulsive at times. Its like he said I have a good system by any standard right now. Have patients. and go to forums and learn and search. A lot of info on the web isn't there . Some good some bad mostly good.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Soccerman06
Originally posted by: KristopherKubicki
So R520 here we go. I've got it confirmed twice over now, Definitely 16 pipes, definitely 600MHz core and definitely 700MHz GDDR3. Kinda in line with what we've said before, but now there is no doubt about it from anyone.

R520 LE (or vanilla to some) will only have 12 pipes.. but all will have 256bit mem bus.


You got a link to any of this? Your blowin smoke until you give us some proof because no one can go on your "word."

Maybe it is time to find a different forum or something :roll:

Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
Hay guys whats up here? This is strange . The words Well and will keep changing on me whats up with that. I got to get some snap shots of this. I edit same will 5 times and it keeps changing to well. How is that possiable.

Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
WGF 1.0 = DirectX 9.L so its the same as R520 but not DirectX10 so it will run in vista but slower than in windows XP Pro same as ATI.


Were all being scamed Why aren't the review sites reporting this stuff?

Here's one we can talk about. Is this saying that R580 will be WGF 2.0 ready. Its confusing


Dave Baumann25-Jan-2005, 13:25

The reports state that ATI have confirmed they are due to launch their new architecture, the basis of the R5xx series, in the first half of 2005. Goldman also believes the architecture to be based on Shader 3.0 and be very focused on the memory interface and bus. The expectation is that GDDR4 memory technology will ramp in production in late 2005 and the memory interface will be compatible with it and be designed to scale to speeds of 1.2GHz (2.4GHz effective) over its lifetime.

rwolf27-Jan-2005, 00:41

The reports state that ATI have confirmed they are due to launch their new architecture, the basis of the R5xx series, in the first half of 2005. Goldman also believes the architecture to be based on Shader 3.0 and be very focused on the memory interface and bus. The expectation is that GDDR4 memory technology will ramp in production in late 2005 and the memory interface will be compatible with it and be designed to scale to speeds of 1.2GHz (2.4GHz effective) over its lifetime.

Perhaps they are adding an XDR interface

Dave Baumann25-Jan-2005, 20:27
Considering GDDR4 isn't really giving any hints about being about I don't expect we'll see it on R520 in its lifetime, more likely towards R580 - but that doesn't preclude the memory bus to be designed with GDDR4 in mind. I've mentioned before that I've heard of a tweak to GDDR3 and that may end on R520 if they are targetting in the 600-700MHz range.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Cookie Monster (and Acanthus), "DX10" = WGF2.0. WGF1.0 = DX9L.

keys, that doesn't mean 16 vertex shaders. Kris was emphasizing how pixel pipes and pixel shaders may not be coupled as closely as with previous GPUs. (Besides, 16VS at 600MHz would just be wasted die space if G70 is stuck with 8VS at <500MHz.)

Acanthus, I'm guessing its pixel pipes will still be arranged in quads for efficiency, but it's possible they'll move to a more Xenos-like arrangement. Again, 16VS is just ludicrous overkill next to 16 pixel pipes or even double ALUs per pipe. There are way more pixels than vertices per scene, so I don't believe VS power needs to be anywhere near the level of PS power.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek

Ronnnn f*** off. YOu know full well that when i said perhaps 2 months that i was merely speculating based on the earlier delays. So stop bringing that crap up again. As for heat issues and low yields.... sorry but that is fact.


Links for the heat issue and low yields? I do know that heat issues were wild speculation a while back and they were having yield issues with what seems to have been a soft ground problem, but yields seem ok now (maybe). Actually I wasn't thinking of your two month statement or your low than maybe acceptable yields - more thinking of what fun you have calling ati fanboys douche bags - so was just teasing.


Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
This WGF 2.0 thing is really really bothering me. This thing doesn't make any since what so ever!
We are talking about microsoft here. This is strange . Things are not adding up .

Why would microsoft Bring XBox2 to into the market with the R500 unified shaders and all this new tech from ATI. If infact Xbox 2 wasn't already WGF 2.0 and SM4 ready.

Everthing is a blur here. I am beginning to believe that R500 has SM4 and Xbox will have WGF 2.0 already installed . Why would microsoft launch their next generation console with out it. It just doesn't make since.
Playstation 3 isn't due for what 9 months.

Microsoft will lose money on every console it sells. All these rumors and delays from ATi . No problems reported on the R500 . A more complex GPU than the than R520.

The R520 launch pushed back to just before Xbox launch. Things are not making any since at all.
The biggest question I have and its really puzzeling is why would microsoft the creator of WGF 2.0 not have it installed in Xbox 2 a consol with a life exspectancy of 5 years .

Bill Gates didn't get to were he's at because he's retarded thats for sure.

Noway guy's this thing is really smelling bad.

Here's one more thing that doesn't make since this link isn't my source but it tells a strange story strange indeed.


Something really strange going on here there's way more to this story than the inquirer is telling . I will check this out further befor I comment on it .

Alright we all know microsoft and ATI are in bed together correct. Whats the best way to to keep a secret.

The best way is to create a deversion get peoples att. focused on something completely differant than what it should be focused on .

Well I think Microsoft and ATi may have pulled it off . Well find out everthing very soon.

Turtle 1

Sep 14, 2005
OK I went over talked to my neighbor he's going to work. I told him what I thought. He laughed and said. I am glad your using your head now but think it threw a little more. I said I was getting a headache tring to figure it out. So he said he would tell me one more thing and that was it. No more. He asked me if I really thought microsoft and ATI were interested in misleadig me? Than he hopped in his truck and went to work.
Thats it I believe I got it. No way does microsoft or ATi care what I think not a chance in hell.
So who are they misleading. There is only 1 ans. to that question its so simple.
Microsoft gave ATI the full specs for WGF2.0 along time ago so they could get SM4.0 ready for R500 . So why keep it a secret? Another simple ans. Vista is 1 year away. So ATI having SM4.0 ready now does't help them out at all . But when microsoft releases Xbox 2 the secret will be out and microsoft will have to release the full specs for WGF2.O. That will leave ATI in the Captains chair with a already working GPU with SM4.0 . When Vista is released Ati will have the only WGF2.0 compliant GPU . If Nvidia lags on SM4.0 like ATI did on SM3.0 . Ati is going to own the market as far as the Vista OS is concerned. Thats hugh All the OEM'S will have to use ATI cards . If they want Vista to run at full performance. Now thats a good theory. It is also legal. A little underhanded but legal. Microsoft gets back at nvidia for XBOX1 . Ati makes a bundle of money and takes market share.

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