R520 in September

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Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: KeepItRed
Originally posted by: DarkKnight69
ATI was supposed to release before Nvidia, when the 520 comes out it will compete directly with the G70, the G80 is for the R580!

Yea that's it.

EDIT: LMAO! Rollo just owned himself, picture taken from him:


If other words from posts above:

"Who's biased now?"

It was a joke KeepItRed. Everyone here knows I liked my X800XT PE a lot, it was a very nice card. (was hard to sell that one)


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I cannot believe the flak that many of you are giving Rollo. You are correct, that it is impossible to be 100% unbiased, but it is possible to very close to it. I believe Rollo is the type of person that buys whatever is best for him as a consumer. This is better than being a fanboi and buying only from the company your rooting for. A lot of you are acting like children "My daddy can beat up your daddy"... Come on people, it is just a forum for open conversation. You guys act like he is some criminal or something.

Rollo may prefer the nVidia over ATI as a company, but when it comes to the final product he is rooting for the same thing I am, and the same thing that everyone should be rooting for, which is "the best product, no matter who makes it".

I have owned ATI and nVidia and I am rooting for them both, so that we as consumers get better bargains, and ensures us of rapid technology advancement.

I honestly have nothing against Rollo, I just don't like his posts that show "7800 GTX SLI vs X850!" Obviously two can outperform one.

What is wrong with those pictures? They are for comedy... Should I take one of a ATI 9500 Pro shooting SLI 7800 GTX? Would that bother you? That would be histerical...

Gosh darn it... All this talk about Rollo is making me hungry for those little things.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2005
I honestly have nothing against Rollo, I just don't like his posts that show "7800 GTX SLI vs X850!" Obviously two can outperform one.


Golden Member
Nov 20, 2001
Originally posted by: KeepItRed
I honestly have nothing against Rollo, I just don't like his posts that show "7800 GTX SLI vs X850!" Obviously two can outperform one.

And why would a post that compares video card setups to each other "bother" you in a video forum? Isn't that what is supposed to be here? It might bother me if it were posted in P&N.

I can think of many good reasons why such a comparison would be important.... one of which would be that person with an x850 who's wondering just how much of a boost they would get with dual 7800GTXs.

Hell, once the GTX came out, the FIRST thing I looked for was to compare how much improvement there would be over my 6800GT SLI. I'm glad someone did those tests and posted the info because it helped me make my decision to keep my GTs for a little longer. The performance increase between the GTX and SLI 6800s is really only there at 20x15 and I play at 16x12, where the GTs perform just as good, if not better in many cases.

I'd ask why everyone cares if someone has a bias or not, but it sounds to me that everyone is more upset that he hasn't admitted he has a bias. Why does that matter to anyone? Geez. I'm not willing to admit that I like to spank myself and call myself b!tch when I masturbate.

I've said it before, and people keep proving it true. Rollo could post a thread asking what time it was, and the responses would be:

-"yeah, real nice flame against ATI since another hour has passed and they still haven't release R520 yet. way to start another flamewar."
-"what, your precious 5800U can't tell you the time too?"
-"why don't you go SLI your clocks together so they can tell you the time faster, idiot"


Golden Member
May 26, 2002
I'm crossing my fingers for something like the 9700 days here. If ATI can throw out a 32 pipe part then that should be good enough to put them back in the driver's seat. I don't see the point in favoring either of these companies though, I want ATI to put Nvidia under some pressure before prices ramp up too high. Once more competition ensues prices will be lower and we will be the ultimate benefactors.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
And why would a post that compares video card setups to each other "bother" you in a video forum? Isn't that what is supposed to be here? It might bother me if it were posted in P&N.

I can think of many good reasons why such a comparison would be important.... one of which would be that person with an x850 who's wondering just how much of a boost they would get with dual 7800GTXs.

Hell, once the GTX came out, the FIRST thing I looked for was to compare how much improvement there would be over my 6800GT SLI. I'm glad someone did those tests and posted the info because it helped me make my decision to keep my GTs for a little longer. The performance increase between the GTX and SLI 6800s is really only there at 20x15 and I play at 16x12, where the GTs perform just as good, if not better in many cases.

I'd ask why everyone cares if someone has a bias or not, but it sounds to me that everyone is more upset that he hasn't admitted he has a bias. Why does that matter to anyone? Geez. I'm not willing to admit that I like to spank myself and call myself b!tch when I masturbate.

I've said it before, and people keep proving it true. Rollo could post a thread asking what time it was, and the responses would be:

-"yeah, real nice flame against ATI since another hour has passed and they still haven't release R520 yet. way to start another flamewar."
-"what, your precious 5800U can't tell you the time too?"
-"why don't you go SLI your clocks together so they can tell you the time faster, idiot"



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: deadseasquirrel
I've said it before, and people keep proving it true. Rollo could post a thread asking what time it was, and the responses would be:

-"yeah, real nice flame against ATI since another hour has passed and they still haven't release R520 yet. way to start another flamewar."
-"what, your precious 5800U can't tell you the time too?"
-"why don't you go SLI your clocks together so they can tell you the time faster, idiot"


it would be even funnier if it wasn't so true.
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
And why would a post that compares video card setups to each other "bother" you in a video forum? Isn't that what is supposed to be here? It might bother me if it were posted in P&N.

I can think of many good reasons why such a comparison would be important.... one of which would be that person with an x850 who's wondering just how much of a boost they would get with dual 7800GTXs.

Hell, once the GTX came out, the FIRST thing I looked for was to compare how much improvement there would be over my 6800GT SLI. I'm glad someone did those tests and posted the info because it helped me make my decision to keep my GTs for a little longer. The performance increase between the GTX and SLI 6800s is really only there at 20x15 and I play at 16x12, where the GTs perform just as good, if not better in many cases.

I'd ask why everyone cares if someone has a bias or not, but it sounds to me that everyone is more upset that he hasn't admitted he has a bias. Why does that matter to anyone? Geez. I'm not willing to admit that I like to spank myself and call myself b!tch when I masturbate.

I've said it before, and people keep proving it true. Rollo could post a thread asking what time it was, and the responses would be:

-"yeah, real nice flame against ATI since another hour has passed and they still haven't release R520 yet. way to start another flamewar."
-"what, your precious 5800U can't tell you the time too?"
-"why don't you go SLI your clocks together so they can tell you the time faster, idiot"


Then establish your friggn reputation in a good manner. It's like the boy who cried wolf. If you screwed your reputation up, we don't give a damn what you say now. Rollo deserves what he gets now.


Golden Member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Intelia
Ya I just read them last night I will get the links
I was able to go to the site before but I made the mistake of not loggin out of here I was blocked from reaching the page. Here's were I got the information. As for the R520 benchies thats old news here. As is this.

XtremeSystems Forums - 15k Broken in 05 with Crossfire...
... Broken in 05 with Crossfire... ... Posts Mark Forums Read 15k Broken in 05 with Crossfire... Page 1 of 7 1 2 ... X850 with Crossfire now has the crown in 05...and I'm sure Macci has his sights set on 03 and ...
Iam going to msn right now than to bed I will get you the links later or you could go to the above forums and find it yourself. First things first I got to get this hacker off my back.

Your talking about a benchmark created by one of the best overclockers in the world. A normal consumer Crossfire system would barely break the 10k part without OCing. and please back up your information with links rather than tell us i will provide you with links. i do a lot of research and havent come across any R520 benchies like what you have posted.


Golden Member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Intelia

Actually it was faithful nvidia FANs like Rollo that stirred people to bad cards. Because they couldn't or wouldn't except the truth kinda like me with intel vs. Amd. Except we wouldn't sell and intel p4e to our customers. ON high end gamer pc's

Can you point me to one forum where Rollo advised someone to buy a bad card?? your biased attitude toward nvidia is definetely showing in your posts.

Originally posted by: Intelia

So whats your point . It didn't matter who did it or how I stated only facts.

You do realize that nvidia would have not had the record if they couldn't use 2 cards don't you .

Now the 7800 does have the record and they deserve it . But its only for a very short time . real short now like 1 more month

Seriously how old are you intelia?? just because some Ocer got the world record for ATI doesnt mean squat about either companies cards. i dont think this record is going to do ATI or you any good. Crossfire solutions still havent entered the market and noone really knows when.


Golden Member
Nov 20, 2001
Originally posted by: DLeRium
If you screwed your reputation up, we don't give a damn what you say now.

How did he screw his reputation up? By saying that, in his opinion, through his testing methods, nV has better high-end cards right now? I don't see how that screws anything up, whether you agree or not. He's simply stating his opinion, biased or otherwise. ALL you can do is decide if you feel his bias has corrupted his testing methods, and then, therefore, his results.

I still don't see how a bias has any negative repercussions on how one posts in a video forum. Anytime anyone posts a "which card should I get" thread, everyone's response is simply an opinion, biased or not. It is up to those people to back their opinion with actual facts and good benchmarks in order for their opinion to be considered any more worthy than any other opinion. You may feel his benchmarks and facts are tainted and then, therefore, his opinion is unworthy. That's fine. That's your assessment and you're entitled to it.

Rollo deserves what he gets now.
What exactly is he getting? And what does he deserve? People following him around from thread to thread to crap in behind him? Sorry, but nobody deserves that. Not him, not the thread starter, and not the rest of us forum members having to read that junk.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
What exactly is he getting? And what does he deserve? People following him around from thread to thread to crap in behind him? Sorry, but nobody deserves that. Not him, not the thread starter, and not the rest of us forum members having to read that junk.



Senior member
Jan 13, 2005
What he deserves is to have his comments taken with a large grain of salt, given his clear bias for Nvidia. I am more willing to seriously consider the comments of others that I believe to be manufacturer-neutral. I still read what Rollo has to say, and sometimes appreciate it, but again I just try to keep in mind that he isn't necessarily stating things from an objective viewpoint.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
Sure sounds to me like you don't read what he says at all. His threads generally create a clear concensus of both sides of the coin, and because he has a favortism to nVidia, he gets raped? That's not fair to him, or the rest of the forum folks. What ends up happening is that those that try to provide the information, whether it be from experiences or otherwise, get shat on by the flamers, and the fanbois from the other side of the fence, and then it ends up not being worth it to post to begin with.

For example, I'll be the first to admit the x850 blew away my 6800's (all of them, including the 6800UEE that I have, save the 2x6800U's), which is why I ran it full time in one of my primary systems. However, I definitely have a favortism to nVidia myself. That doesn't mean it jades my view of performance, visual accuity, or other video card related things.

The problem with the Video forum (just like the CPU one) is that you DO get severely jaded views of such things, and the people that are extremely blatant about it screw it up for those of us that are just trying to provide what we know to the masses, and while we expect the information to be taken with a grain of salt, we certainly don't expect it to be forced into a flamefest, especially from some of the more respected people on these forums. It ends up being counter-productive.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
You mean the 6800UEE that you claimed ran at 50C load on stock cooling and 40C with the NV5?


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Ronin
And you are a perfect example of people who troll threads for nothing more than being an annoyance.

And yes, the UEE does run on those temps.

Annoying you is so easy it's almost funny.

50C load for an Ultra and 40C load with a NV5, thats funny, never heard people having those temps before, maybe you have a magic card or air conditioned system.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
And you are a perfect example of people who troll threads for nothing more than being an annoyance.

And yes, the UEE does run on those temps.


Actually, these forums are better than most, but they still suck (as far as the communities go). for every reasonable mature person on this forum, there are 4 morons to balance it out... I guess it is all about balance, isn't it?

I, too, favor nVidia as a graphics company, but I certainly didn't let that hold me back when I purchased my Radeon 9600 Pro It ran like a charm and I recomended it to other people. Bias never has to get in the way with recomendations, but sadly, few people understand that.

I prefer BMW over Honda, but that does not mean I am going to recomend a BMW to everyone... Some people have different needs and therefore, a different product is what they require.


Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2005
Originally posted by: ArchAngel777
I cannot believe the flak that many of you are giving Rollo. You are correct, that it is impossible to be 100% unbiased, but it is possible to very close to it. I believe Rollo is the type of person that buys whatever is best for him as a consumer. This is better than being a fanboi and buying only from the company your rooting for. A lot of you are acting like children "My daddy can beat up your daddy"... Come on people, it is just a forum for open conversation. You guys act like he is some criminal or something.

Rollo may prefer the nVidia over ATI as a company, but when it comes to the final product he is rooting for the same thing I am, and the same thing that everyone should be rooting for, which is "the best product, no matter who makes it".

I have owned ATI and nVidia and I am rooting for them both, so that we as consumers get better bargains, and ensures us of rapid technology advancement.

I honestly have nothing against Rollo, I just don't like his posts that show "7800 GTX SLI vs X850!" Obviously two can outperform one.

What is wrong with those pictures? They are for comedy... Should I take one of a ATI 9500 Pro shooting SLI 7800 GTX? Would that bother you? That would be histerical...

Gosh darn it... All this talk about Rollo is making me hungry for those little things.

I'll just show you this one topic,

He says how the 7800GTX runs the game better than the x800xtpe while being an ATI game it's like saying that the x800xt runs DOOM3 better than a fx5950 and it's ironic that a nVidia game works better on the x800xt...
So basically he's biased, he also said, if i remember, that he knows for sure that the 7800gtx will score higher than 10000, or maybe I'm wrong, I don't remember...
There's more, but he's considered biased for a reason...


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: BouZouki
Originally posted by: Ronin
And you are a perfect example of people who troll threads for nothing more than being an annoyance.

And yes, the UEE does run on those temps.

Annoying you is so easy it's almost funny.

50C load for an Ultra and 40C load with a NV5, thats funny, never heard people having those temps before, maybe you have a magic card or air conditioned system.

That's truly something to aspire to Bouzouki.

How old are you anyway?

Hint: when we grow up to be adults, we don't try to "annoy" people.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: linkgoron

He says how the 7800GTX runs the game better than the x800xtpe while being an ATI game it's like saying that the x800xt runs DOOM3 better than a fx5950 and it's ironic that a nVidia game works better on the x800xt...
Errrr, so what? I didn't say anything that wasn't true in that thread.

So basically he's biased, he also said
So what? nVidia made the games you'll be playing next year possible, and SLI owns all. Maybe soon Crossfire R520s will own all and I won't be able to say that, but for now there are pretty good reasons to be nVidia biased. :roll:
You people slink around hissing "Biased" like it's some crime against humanity, anybody with any brains is laughing at you. We're allowed to have preferences in life. I haven't let mine stop me from buying a sample of most high high end cards and evaluate them as I see them, and I can honestly say I've been "biased" for ATI, nVidia, and 3dfx over the years. What matters is that you don't let it stop you from posting facts, not whether you have preferences. Anyone who says they don't have any "bias" is not telling the truth.

, if i remember, that he knows for sure that the 7800gtx will score higher than 10000, or maybe I'm wrong, I don't remember...
Total lie. Post link or retract please.

There's more, but he's considered biased for a reason...
Why don't you just tell us what's really on your mind?
Like it angers you when I post things that don't agree with your views, so you start hissing "Biased" and posting links to a thread where I said it's ironic ATIs best card can barely run a GITG title.



Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: BouZouki
Originally posted by: Ronin
And you are a perfect example of people who troll threads for nothing more than being an annoyance.

And yes, the UEE does run on those temps.

Annoying you is so easy it's almost funny.

50C load for an Ultra and 40C load with a NV5, thats funny, never heard people having those temps before, maybe you have a magic card or air conditioned system.

That's truly something to aspire to Bouzouki.

How old are you anyway?

Hint: when we grow up to be adults, we don't try to "annoy" people.
How old are you anyways?

Maybe you should tell your mother next time.

Hint: when we are adults, we don't cry to forum issues because we get our feelings hurt.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: BouZouki
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: BouZouki
Originally posted by: Ronin
And you are a perfect example of people who troll threads for nothing more than being an annoyance.

And yes, the UEE does run on those temps.

Annoying you is so easy it's almost funny.

50C load for an Ultra and 40C load with a NV5, thats funny, never heard people having those temps before, maybe you have a magic card or air conditioned system.

That's truly something to aspire to Bouzouki.

How old are you anyway?

Hint: when we grow up to be adults, we don't try to "annoy" people.
How old are you anyways?

Maybe you should tell your mother next time.

Hint: when we are adults, we don't cry to forum issues because we get our feelings hurt.

So Bouzouki, what is it you're trying to compensate for here with your spiteful little rants?

Don't get the girls you want?

Lack of education?

No friends?

Jealous about others possessions?

Don't like the way you look?

I'm curious. People don't spend the amount of time flaming that you do without some underlying motivation. It seems to me you're a pretty bitter person, you can bet I don't care enough about you to flame you as much as you have me.

Honestly, I don't care whether you exist at all.

As I haven't done anything to you personally to drive your pathetic little vendetta, care to share with the board where you think this anti-social attitude is coming from?

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