Radeon HD X2900 XT or Nvidia 8800 GTS 640mb


Mar 9, 2000
depends ... for me it was mostly "price" ... i got my 2900xt for $320 on sale in June [with Valve's Orange box bundled with it] - the GTS 640-OC was $70 more [no games] so i returned it to Best Buy and kept the 2900xt.
--looking *today* at Best Buy, VisionTek/ATi video cards are again 20% off thru midnight tonight ... but the 2900xt is back-ordered; so i am not sure you can actually get it for $320.

Several of us compared the 2900xt with the GTS 8800-640 - i actually purchased the OC version to benchmark it against the 2900xt:
[posts 1-3, and in [long] post #5, i benchmark them both in Vista and XP]


they are competitive cards ... in some cases the 2900xt actually encroaches on GTX' territory ... BUT the GTS is a bit quieter and requires a lesser PS ... the 2900xt needs a 550w PS

in the end, price decided for me ... and the fact i have a X-fire MB weighs also; i am getting another 2900 for crossfire

Max PC? perhaps PowerColor just signed a big ad deal with them
-- who knows? The AMD partners have pretty similar cards ... look individually at the "features" and warranty; price decides for me.


Jun 23, 2001
You need to look at the games you play. The 2900XT and GTS640 are both very powerful cards, though each have their 'favored' games.


Oct 6, 2005
I'm quite happy with my 8800GTS 640. I bought it way back before the 2900XT came out. It has turned out to be fairly adequate for gaming at 1920x1200. I suppose if I needed to game at 2560x1600 or with absolute maximum eye candy then I might need something better. It was good for the price at the time although I still kick myself once in a while but that is the nature of the beast.


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2004
Originally posted by: apoppin
depends ... for me it was mostly "price" ... i got my 2900xt for $320 on sale in June [with Valve's Orange box bundled with it] - the GTS 640-OC was $70 more [no games] so i returned it to Best Buy and kept the 2900xt.
--looking *today* at Best Buy, VisionTek/ATi video cards are again 20% off thru midnight tonight ... but the 2900xt is back-ordered; so i am not sure you can actually get it for $320.

Several of us compared the 2900xt with the GTS 8800-640 - i actually purchased the OC version to benchmark it against the 2900xt:
[posts 1-3, and in [long] post #5, i benchmark them both in Vista and XP]


they are competitive cards ... in some cases the 2900xt actually encroaches on GTX' territory ... BUT the GTS is a bit quieter and requires a lesser PS ... the 2900xt needs a 550w PS

in the end, price decided for me ... and the fact i have a X-fire MB weighs also; i am getting another 2900 for crossfire

Max PC? perhaps PowerColor just signed a big ad deal with them
-- who knows? The AMD partners have pretty similar cards ... look individually at the "features" and warranty; price decides for me.

I'm pretty much in the same boat you are...Purchased the XT & now looking for another...I've checked & don't see the 20% off at Best Buy...Mind providing me with the link?



Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2004
Originally posted by: apoppin

shows it to be "select" cards ... not 'all' like when i got mine ... sorry for my false alarm.

a good try at the moment seem to be finding a $250 2900pro for the 2nd GPU and OC'ing it to match the 2900xt

What's funny is I was in the midst of editing my post & got distracted, but I was actually removing the last part since I found the coupon, but you can't use the coupon for the XT.

Anyway, can you use the 2900Pro in X Fire with an XT? Will that work?


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: djnsmith7
Originally posted by: apoppin

shows it to be "select" cards ... not 'all' like when i got mine ... sorry for my false alarm.

a good try at the moment seem to be finding a $250 2900pro for the 2nd GPU and OC'ing it to match the 2900xt

What's funny is I was in the midst of editing my post & got distracted, but I was actually removing the last part since I found the coupon, but you can't use the coupon for the XT.

Anyway, can you use the 2900Pro in X Fire with an XT? Will that work?

yes ... since x1950 series you can pair non-identical cards. Both cards will then run at the slowest card's speed [i think; that may be changing ] ... since i can probably OC the 2900p, i should suffer little performance penalty.

... i got your PM, thanks .. i replied


Aug 14, 2000
I'd pick the 8800 GTS because of more consistent performance when AA is enabled; even after numerous driver updates there are many games where the 2900 absolutely tanks even with just 4xAA.

Also nVidia allows AA in many UT3 engine games like Bioshock and MoH Airborne while ATi doesn?t currently allow such functionality.

That and the GTS is far cooler and quieter.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: BFG10K
I'd pick the 8800 GTS because of more consistent performance when AA is enabled; even after numerous driver updates there are many games where the 2900 absolutely tanks even with just 4xAA.

Also nVidia allows AA in many UT3 engine games like Bioshock and MoH Airborne while ATi doesn?t currently allow such functionality.

That and the GTS is far cooler and quieter.

i'd agree - but *only* if you are talking resolutions above 16x10 ... the 2900xt has plenty enough muscle to enable AA at 'middling resolutions' up to 16x12.

... and i am SO glad that nvidia driver support has improved enough for you to recommend them over an AMD solution. Good to see the driver issues are mostly settled for you.

BUT - *nonsense* on your "far cooler and quieter" ... i had them both -2900xt is a bit louder under load ... the 'cooler' issue is not only hotly disputed but it is totally moot as the hot air get exhausted out of the case anyway.


Aug 14, 2000
BUT - *nonsense* on your "far cooler and quieter" ... i had them both -2900xt is a bit louder under load ... the 'cooler' issue is not only hotly disputed but it is totally moot as the hot air get exhausted out of the case anyway.
How can you "hotly dispute" it? Look at any temperature reading on the web and you'll see it's far higher on the 2900.

My 8800 Ultra is significantly hotter and louder than my 8800 GTS and I also know from websites' heat, power and noise measurements the 2900 ranks even higher than the 8800 Ultra.

Most will notice a significant difference between the 8800 GTS and 2900 in terms of thermal characteristics.


May 22, 2007
that's true about exhausting the air out the back, but let's also keep in mind that, for many of us, our computers generate way too much heat as it is. I'd be interested to see how much TOTAL heat is generated by different cards, not just what shows up as gpu temp.


Aug 14, 2000
The G80 evicts hot air out of the case too. Perhaps not as much as the 2900 but it's still significant.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: JustaGeek
Would this help you choose...?


actually it is not updated enough to be useful for this kind of decision
Tom's guide is better suited for rough comparisons of older cards

if you really want the latest benchmarks, they are quite easy to find and most of the latest find the GTS640 trading blows with the 2900xt; in some cases the 2900xt is even faster then the GTX ... i'd say look to see which games you like to play and determine what resolution you want to play them at

then look at your PS

and compare price

and game bundle

the HD2900xt is approximately equal to the 8800 GTS640

Originally posted by: BFG10K
The G80 evicts hot air out of the case too. Perhaps not as much as the 2900 but it's still significant.
... significant to whom? by possibly heating your house in Winter by an extra unmeasurable amount

some people can't stand ANY extra noise either ... they are "sensitive"

--if either of these are "issues" - by ALL means get the GTS


Aug 14, 2000
... significant to whom? by possibly heating your house in Winter by an extra unmeasurable amount
You misunderstand what I?m saying.

What I was saying was the 2900 evicts a lot of hot air (a good thing to lower case temps) and while the 8800 Ultra doesn't do as much, it's still significant (i.e. if you put your hand to the back of the grill you can feel it).


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: BFG10K
... significant to whom? by possibly heating your house in Winter by an extra unmeasurable amount
You misunderstand what I?m saying.

What I was saying was the 2900 evicts a lot of hot air (a good thing to lower case temps) and while the 8800 Ultra doesn't do as much, it's still significant (i.e. if you put your hand to the back of the grill you can feel it).

i am sorry ... i completely misunderstood you

yes, of course you are right ... i compared both cards in my case and the 2900xt seems to just exhaust a higher volume of hot air


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: bryanW1995
that's true about exhausting the air out the back, but let's also keep in mind that, for many of us, our computers generate way too much heat as it is. I'd be interested to see how much TOTAL heat is generated by different cards, not just what shows up as gpu temp.
Yeah there's that plus the fact that these cards cannot get *all* of the heat out the back of the case. The card itself gets blazing hot and radiates heat throughout the case no matter what you do to it (extreme measures aside).

25% more power/heat isn't too bad, especially considering that it only happens under load which is not all that often. I could still see the heat affecting a CPU overclock though. Say, for example, you have a CPU that is Prime stable, but your computer crashes in games because your GPU wasn't taxed during Prime.


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: BFG10K
BUT - *nonsense* on your "far cooler and quieter" ... i had them both -2900xt is a bit louder under load ... the 'cooler' issue is not only hotly disputed but it is totally moot as the hot air get exhausted out of the case anyway.
How can you "hotly dispute" it? Look at any temperature reading on the web and you'll see it's far higher on the 2900.

My 8800 Ultra is significantly hotter and louder than my 8800 GTS and I also know from websites' heat, power and noise measurements the 2900 ranks even higher than the 8800 Ultra.

Most will notice a significant difference between the 8800 GTS and 2900 in terms of thermal characteristics.
Yeah but how does it affect most users aside from seeing a higher number on the 'GPU thermometer'?

My one concern would be needing a better PSU. That's a huge annoyance when you already need pretty much a 600w unit for an 8800GTS. 700w+ PSUs are *expensive*. You could pretty much buy a midrange CPU for less money than a good 700w PSU.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: BFG10K
BUT - *nonsense* on your "far cooler and quieter" ... i had them both -2900xt is a bit louder under load ... the 'cooler' issue is not only hotly disputed but it is totally moot as the hot air get exhausted out of the case anyway.
How can you "hotly dispute" it? Look at any temperature reading on the web and you'll see it's far higher on the 2900.

My 8800 Ultra is significantly hotter and louder than my 8800 GTS and I also know from websites' heat, power and noise measurements the 2900 ranks even higher than the 8800 Ultra.

Most will notice a significant difference between the 8800 GTS and 2900 in terms of thermal characteristics.
Yeah but how does it affect most users aside from seeing a higher number on the 'GPU thermometer'?

My one concern would be needing a better PSU. That's a huge annoyance when you already need pretty much a 600w unit for an 8800GTS. 700w+ PSUs are *expensive*. You could pretty much buy a midrange CPU for less money than a good 700w PSU.

what are you talking about? *Show me the links!* i missed the "far higher" and "significant difference" you claim for thermal differences between r600 and g80. Wasn't the XT using only few dollars more electricity a YEAR? Unlike the power-hungry monster you are attempting to portray.

the HD2900xt requires a 550W PS
-750w for Xfire

Yeah there's that plus the fact that these cards cannot get *all* of the heat out the back of the case. The card itself gets blazing hot and radiates heat throughout the case no matter what you do to it (extreme measures aside).

25% more power/heat isn't too bad, especially considering that it only happens under load which is not all that often. I could still see the heat affecting a CPU overclock though. Say, for example, you have a CPU that is Prime stable, but your computer crashes in games because your GPU wasn't taxed during Prime
again - Fact: the 2900xt card itself does NOT get blazing hot - well within thermal tolerances of its rather extreme [for stock] HS and ... my case actually runs slightly COOLER with a 2900xt in it then with a GTS OC ... but the difference was ... negligible .. and only MAYBE a degree or two hotter at the XT's exhaust under full load ,,, but i don't have an infrared sensor; at full load the 2900xt's fan is pushing maybe 2X the volume of air as the GTS' fan ... [guessing]

so ... what are you talking about?
really >

surely you exaggerate


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Originally posted by: BFG10K
BUT - *nonsense* on your "far cooler and quieter" ... i had them both -2900xt is a bit louder under load ... the 'cooler' issue is not only hotly disputed but it is totally moot as the hot air get exhausted out of the case anyway.
How can you "hotly dispute" it? Look at any temperature reading on the web and you'll see it's far higher on the 2900.

My 8800 Ultra is significantly hotter and louder than my 8800 GTS and I also know from websites' heat, power and noise measurements the 2900 ranks even higher than the 8800 Ultra.

Most will notice a significant difference between the 8800 GTS and 2900 in terms of thermal characteristics.
Yeah but how does it affect most users aside from seeing a higher number on the 'GPU thermometer'?

My one concern would be needing a better PSU. That's a huge annoyance when you already need pretty much a 600w unit for an 8800GTS. 700w+ PSUs are *expensive*. You could pretty much buy a midrange CPU for less money than a good 700w PSU.

what are you talking about? *Show me the links!* i missed the "far higher" and "significant difference" you claim for thermal differences between r600 and g80. Wasn't the XT using only few dollars more electricity a YEAR? Unlike the power-hungry monster you are attempting to portray.

the HD2900xt requires a 550W PS
-750w for Xfire

Yeah there's that plus the fact that these cards cannot get *all* of the heat out the back of the case. The card itself gets blazing hot and radiates heat throughout the case no matter what you do to it (extreme measures aside).

25% more power/heat isn't too bad, especially considering that it only happens under load which is not all that often. I could still see the heat affecting a CPU overclock though. Say, for example, you have a CPU that is Prime stable, but your computer crashes in games because your GPU wasn't taxed during Prime
again - Fact: the 2900xt card itself does NOT get blazing hot - well within thermal tolerances of its rather extreme [for stock] HS and ... my case actually runs slightly COOLER with a 2900xt in it then with a GTS OC ... but the difference was ... negligible .. and only MAYBE a degree or two hotter at the XT's exhaust under full load ,,, but i don't have an infrared sensor; at full load the 2900xt's fan is pushing maybe 2X the volume of air as the GTS' fan ... [guessing]

so ... what are you talking about?
really >

surely you exaggerate
Have you touched the back of a graphics card lately? I challenge you to leave your finger on there for more than 5 seconds while the thing is under load. They get *hot*. Probably hot enough to cook food on. My gf was amazed to see my CPU temps approach 70C at one point and commented that she could bake cupcakes at that temperature. :light:

As for the PSU, would you *really* use a 550w PSU on a 2900XT with a quad-core CPU? I wouldn't. My case came with a good 500w PSU and I couldn't run my 8800GTS on it with a single-core Opteron.

Like I said, most users don't overclock and don't even know what a 'GPU thermometer' is (nor do they care).

Personally I do know what that stuff is, and I do care (albeit not all that much).


May 22, 2007
I'd use a 520 w psu (from corsair) on a 2900xt with a quad in a heartbeat. Of course, I do have an hx 620 lying around just in case I decide to xfire. You didn't have a "good" 500w psu if you couldn't run an 8800gts with a single core opteron on it.
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