Radeon vs V5 5500

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Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
well, Equalizer is obviously just a goofball newbie

"Sorry Robo (or should I say Dave )"


I'm much more handsome than Dave is, so there's no way you could mix us up <hehehe...>


Thank you for banning yourself. Dave posting your ridiculous PM war is hysterical. You acted like a child trying to bait him, and he essentially acted like you were a flea buzzing around his head.

Now please, go away.

and HG2 hit the nail on the head, benchmarks can be VERY deceiving.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 1999
Wow what did I start....I have a V5 5500pci...the image in 3d is great with 2xfsaa...just wanted to get people's opionion regarding what they thought

I think the V5 is limiting some of my o/cing(i had it orginial in a bx mobo with a piii700@945 1.65v fsb of 135,pci bus at 34.5...could not with increased voltage run any faster...built an Amd system took out the V5 pci card and put in a g400 agp and now I can run the piii700@980 at 1.7v stable with lower cpu and system temps...the g400 agp is way out of spec on the bx msi 6163pro at fsb 140)

So Ithought if I dump my V5 and go with a Radeon that maybe I will run a bit faster since the agp slot shout be near spec whereas I think the V5 5500 pci does not like a &quot;high&quot; pci bus...in the amd system I am running at 140fsb or 35 mhz pci bus

The other pci cards I had in bx system were aureal sound card and 3 com nic

The amd system has sb live and 3 com nic with V5 in pci slots (the 3com nic did fine at 140fsb in bx system)

Anyone think the order of pci card and the slots they use could affect the o/cing...
pci 1 sb live
pci 2 3 com nic
pci 3 or 4 V5 can not remember

When I had the nic after the V5 system locked up and would not boot at default 1.2ghz



Nov 28, 1999
Well i had a 32 meg ddr Radeon and i sold it for $50 bucks.I still have my 5500.The radeon was slower and had a whole list of reg hacks to get it to run games or just to run good. Serious sam about killed the poor card as it would pause constantly.So i like the 5500 better.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
Is he gone now?
Yeesh.... Equalizer. People like that aught'a lose their license to post on BBSes.
What? There's no posting license?? Well there SHOULD be!

3 texture units does seem kind of weird, until you throw in bump-mapping to use that third texture unit.

Doesn't the KYRO lack T&amp;L? Why doesn't anyone jump on them about that one instead of still beating on the dead Voodoo4/5?

I'd still pick up a V5 if one got cheap enough.
As it is, the Radeon LE looks like a SMASHING deal right now!


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
heh.. he might not be posting here, but he is still PMing me. It is actually pretty funny. I'm not sure if he is trying to make me mad or something. Anyway....

I'm not sure why KYRO isn't being picked up more. It is a good card. No, it doesn't have T&amp;L but as long as you've got a decent CPU that isn't really an issue.

As for the 3rd TMU, even with EMBM there is a good chance it won't do anything. Developers will just about always specify the number of texture units used, and that specification is always set to 2. With DX8, that will change to 4. Even then though Radeon will still take 2 passes. They'd have been much better off sticking with 2 texture units and a loopback. It would have been much more efficient in terms of transistor counts and they could have done 4 textures for DX8.

Edit: This post is so funny, I just had to include it. Check it out, I think he thinks I'm Robo or something.

&quot;Haha, yeah you are &quot;All over the web&quot;.

Dude, you are 19-20 year old KID with NO college education who started a POS website that most people laugh at. For a few months, you worked for a dying company that would have hired ANYBODY. You try to impress the younger kids at the forums but more often than not, you are smacked down like the amateur you are.

You are a failiure, and you will NEVER be a respected ANYTHING in the video industry. The only reason that your one simple (and highly flawed) article was put on Thresh's is because they needed &quot;something&quot;. It was &quot;filler&quot;. LOL!!!!!!

BYW, getting an article on a teenager's gaming website isn't exactly a great accomplishment anyway Dave. The fact is, the REAL experts are working in the industry and don't waste time in forums chatting with kids.

HAHA! What a f*cking loser, fake, MORON!!

Bye Robo....I mean Dave!!!!!

My PM's are off BTW! &quot;

Is somebody a bit jealous? heheh


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
no kidding dude. HE definitely thinks we're the same person. After reading what he wrote you, then seeing the 3 PM's he just sent me, OMFG, he is a child. Perhaps still excited about his newly grown pubic hair.

He said the same thing to me &quot;my PM's are off&quot;, so I &quot;have to stew in it, hahaha&quot; or whatever.

<shakes head>

some people's children. I thought for sure there was a way to block PM's from certain people. Anyone?
Feb 9, 2001
Haha, Robo you are a liar. You made a big &quot;Goodbye&quot; thread about being in the military and going away, but then suddenly you don't have to go afterall. You are not in the military. You are a disgrace to people who actually serve the country. You are YELLOW!

The closest you will ever get to the military is when you buy Girl Scout cookies!!!! LOL!!!!!
Feb 9, 2001
Everybody remembers the BIG GOODBYE thread you started. Was that just for attention? What happened, did the military decide they didn't need you?


Why don't you tell us the FULL DETAILED story about why you suddenly didn't have to go? Are you afraid someone might be able to prove you wrong?



Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
to the fellow that had issues with overclocking - have you tried up'ping the I/O voltage and disabling the windows splash screen? also, try to connect it to its own power lead (or one that has a few smaller fans, floppy drive, etc.) as opposed to one that is already taxed by HDD's or CD-ROM's.

Also, some humor from the whack-job's PM's to me(start at bottom). My brief comments are in bold, edited for profanity:


Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 4:37 PM
Only the lowest form of scum would PRETEND to be in the military. You are YELLOW! You are FAKE!

The closest you will ever get to the military is when you buy Girl Scout cookies!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 4:35 PM
I have my PM's back on you MORON. What you gonna do about it? <yawn> Mr FAKE military man!


Oh no please don't report me. LOL. If I get booted from the forum I will have to get another free isp and that will take..... 5 minutes. LOL!!!!!!

you grossly overrate your importance here. You're not worth that kind of effort

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 3:06 PM
BTW, Dave..Robo. I guess that flea must have taken a BIG ASS CHUNK out of you for you to get so upset and spend all fvcking morning going back and forth.

ALL FVCKING MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 2:50 PM
BTW, my PM's are off now so you will have to stew on that last one for a while!!!!

yes, I am stewing. Stew, stew, stew. I'm done stewing now, I feel much better. Thanks.


Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 2:48 PM
#1- I know you are really Dave and I just got confirmation of it. Haha, what a pathetic loser!

interesting. Whoever your source is...you may want to reconsider. He/she/it is misinformed.

#2- You aren't even in the military you liar. Haha, what a lying pretender. You make a big &quot;Goodbye&quot; post and now you suddenly don't have to leave???? Yeah ok, sure buddy! Right now you are swallowing your own tongue because I have just BUSTED your ass wide open. 5 different people have sent me PN saying that YOU are Dave, and YOU are not in the military. If I was you, I would be ashamed to even show my face around here again.

Just out of curiosity, how would they know if I was or wasn't Dave, and how would they know if I'm in the military or not? Already explained why I didn't go (yet). Again, assuming you're not full of it, those 5 people shouldn't be used as sources

Dude, you are a disgrace to people who are actually in the military. You are a coward who couldn't get into the boy scouts. LOL!!!!!

Bye DAVE!!!! It was nice OWNING you!


okay man, whatever


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
1) Already explained why I'm not going after all (at least not yet) If you knew anything about the military, you'd understand the concept of &quot;change.&quot;
2) Please stop the PM's. I'm trying to pick up a few things from the Buy/sell forum. I'm sure this will just make you PM me even more...
3) Sorry this thread has been populated so heavily by the BS. I apologize to the originator of the thread.

Equalizer, either you are an Anandtech regular (former) who is a coward and changed his name (or got kicked off the forums), or you were so bored, you went and read every single one of my posts from the last few months or so.

I'm trying to think of immature children I've pissed off from this forum, and I can only think of one, but Doomguy seemed neither as profane nor annoying as you. Interesting....
Feb 9, 2001
Like I care OldFart?????

I am not going to take sh!t from a lying Military WANNABE and a video FAILURE. Sorry!

For the record, I am using a FREE ISP at the library, and if I get booted from the forum, it will take me all of 5 minutes to get another FREE isp and be back on. What are they gonna do, ban the whole library?

I'm going to go now because it's getting crowded and we have to share. I have nothing against Anand's, but those two lying fvcks can kiss my ass. They send ME PM's and then twist it around. Half the stuff they printed is a complete fake and I never said it. I guess it's ok for them to print stuff that I NEVER said, but it's not ok for me to react to it? Yeah ok, sure!



Senior member
Dec 17, 2000
nealh - Just a thought I always place my vidcard in PCI #1 then the other cards I work my way up from the bottom as a rule I place my network cards in the bottom slots/then sound and leave the open space in between vid and whatever else is below.

Ive noticed on every prebuilt system I have ever opened has had the modem in the lowest PCI slot or in the older ones the lowest ISA so I just went with it as having some reason???? Im using an AGP card but just a for instance my modem is in #5/nic in #4/sound In #3/space/space/AGP it also gives my fans some open air.


Senior member
Oct 1, 2000
&quot;I'm going to go now because it's getting crowded and we have to share.&quot;

Yeah, get out of here you fat loser!

This has got to be the most annoying, childish crap I've ever seen anyone post on these forums. What a fvcking loser.


Senior member
Dec 17, 2000
Geeze by the time I got back from typing,I catch up on the thread and I begin to wonder if I'm off topic. LOL
Feb 9, 2001
I have turned off my PM now so that Dave &amp; Robo can't send me any more messages. I tried to end this twice already but they just kept sending the messages. I did respond very strongly to them but only because THEY kept sending the messages. If they had quit antagonizing me I would have never said another word after that post when I was leaving, but I kept seeing that little blinking light showing me that they kept sending the messages. So I guess they are innocent huh? LOL!!!! Yeah ok !!!

Like I said, I have nothing against Anand's or the mods, but I'm not going to take sh!t from guys who are nice in the thread, but two-faced and nasty in the PM's. If I get booted, no problem. I couldn't care less and it won't affect me for more than 5 minutes.

The fact is that anyone who had any class or was a real professional like Dave claims to be, would not have continued to send me messages when I was trying to stop the whole thing. But I see that nobody comments on that! LOL!!!!! Yeah ok guys! And Robo, well he is just some person (prob Dave) who has a military fantasy. It's pathetic!

Bye Bye



Senior member
Sep 21, 2000

I just LOVE how this guy tries to play the victim when he was the one that started with and kept the PM thing going the whole time.. even without responses he just keeps going. It is very funny.

Oh god. Now he is saying what is said is fake. What a liar. I've got nothing to gain out of it. Run along now with your tail between your legs. I told you to back off a long time ago, but you wouldn't listen. I too can take screenshots of what you said if I wanted...


Dec 31, 2000
What I'm wondering about is why either one of you (Dave or Robo) are even bothering to reply to the guys private messages?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 1999
With the V5 placing a nic after it causes problems...saw this reported elsewhere and after placing nic in slot 4 with V5 in slot 5 ...system would not boot.

The problem with the V5 is it is so long if in the wrong slot it almost blocks the ide connector or promise ide connnectors on the Asus A7V133...so that is why I moved it down in the slots


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Bashing B3D??????

ROTFLMAO.... You can disagree with Dave's views, even though for the most part he has simply stated fact in this thread(where bias, if any was present, is irrelevant) but bashing B3D? Why don't you name one, just one site that is more respected in the 3D arena. For that matter, why don't you email any site you think is more respected in the field and see what they have to say about B3D.

Dave He's a waste of time, you and anyone else with a faint hint of intelligence know how ignorant his statements have been. Course, if you want to get fired up(thought for sure by the time I read through this you were going to rip him a new one) and toast him he definately deserves it yet again(this troll has been around many different times using different names, and always accuses others of doing the same, mods will ban him again soon enough).

Robo I'd love to see this twerp say some of that to your face


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
I have turned off my PM now so that Dave &amp; Robo can't send me any more messages. I tried to end this twice already but they just kept sending the messages


here are the 2 messages I sent to you:

message #1:

&quot;<yawn> &quot;

message #2:

&quot;you're a highly entertaining individual. Thanks for putting some life into my Thursday. &quot;

but I'm not going to take sh!t from guys who are nice in the thread, but two-faced and nasty in the PM's

I'm truly sorry I yawned at you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.


Robo I'd love to see this twerp say some of that to your face

heh...I think I'd be laughing too hard to even bother turning green. <g>

Dave? I'm confused. Am I you, or are you me? Are we we? I feel so...so....Zen-like.

I normally don't like to screw with trolls, but for the love of God, you gotta see the PM's this knucklehead sends me. He's quite entertaining, actually. At least he's fun.
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