Radeon vs V5 5500

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Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Nobody wants me?? You've got to be joking.

Have you read my multi-sampling article at Firing Squad.

Firing Squad, Sharky Extreme and Anandtech all wanted to publish that article. The reason I stick with Beyond 3D as my core though is because our people there no more about graphics technology than the people on any other site. I might be so bold as to say that combined, Beyond3D knows more about graphics than all the other sites put together. (not to brag )

Just look at the message board to see.. lots of engineers and programmers in there...

Feb 9, 2001
Move along everybody, nothing to see anymore! Me and Dave are communicating thru the personal messenger now and it's quite fun and productive. We are having a good time and ironing out our differences in private.


Junior Member
Feb 11, 2001

<< performance is similar >>

uhm .. not. My roomate has a V5, I have a Radeon. I have way higher fps in any game we play. I usually play with all details on max, he plays at medium or low. I get about the same score in high as he gets in low or medium.

3 texture units (stupid from a design standpoint)
weak T&amp;L (insufficent vertex cache)
inflexible combiners (lacks a lot of features from DX8)

So, what's so bad about 3 texturing units?
Lacks features from DX8? LOL And that's why it's so bad compared to V5 ...


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Since I'm rather bored this morning and I don't feel like working right now, I thought I might do a bit of &quot;bashing&quot; of the V5, Radeon, GF and KYRO.


1) Lack of texture filtering modes
2) T-buffer combine causes a RAMDAC bandwidth problem
3) multi-sample combining has a greater memory overhead than over-sampling
4) insufficient fill-rate and memory bandwidth.
5) lack of advanced combine unit
6) texture duplication with SLI


1) insufficient vertex cache entries cripples T&amp;L
2) lack of T&amp;L flexibility
3) 3 texture units is a waste
4) weak anti-aliasing implementation
5) lack of combiner functionality
6) insufficient anisotropic filtering
7) alpha blending issues
8) z compression errors


1) lack of combiner functionality
2) lack of T&amp;L flexiblity
3) weak T&amp;L unit
4) insufficient memory bandwidth
5) lack of anti-aliasing quality
6) insufficient anisotropic filtering
7) S3TC issues


1) insufficient fill-rate
2) lack of combiner functionality
3) lack of advanced texture filtering modes



Senior member
Sep 21, 2000

Log the instantaneous frame-rate and compare. Benchmarks typically don't give valid results. You Q3 demo logging without actually using the timedemo. The results are greatly different.

3 texturing units.. 99% of the time you'll never use the third.

As for comparing to DX8. ATI markets the card for DX8, 3dfx doesn't...

As for the working out the differences thing.. I hardly call attacking me over PM working things out.
Feb 9, 2001
That last comment you made was a mistake Dave. A BIG one. Yes, I called you biased, and yes I joked about you not having a job, but I did not say anything like this comment you just made to me.

&quot;any time buddy. I'm smack you around so hard you won't know what hit you.. I've made people crawl away in shame before, and I've got no problem doing it to you too.&quot;

That was a bit extreme Dave and shows no self control on yout part. Are you going to deny that you sent this. I have it right here, it is in the Anandtech log, so there is no point in denying it. I will be happy to take a screenshot and post it.

I'm sorry Dave but this was overboard and you should not have sent it. Arguing about video cards in one thing, but taking it to this level is just wrong. I already had little respect for you or your site, but this makes it clear that you are a pretty messed up dude!

I am editing to ask a question. Does anybody have any available webspace to post a shot of the full personal message that Dave sent me? I can take a shot and send it immediately! What kind of person who supposedly runs (what he claims is) a respectable site would send me a personal message like that? Regardless of me calling him bias or whatever there was NO reason for him to send me that type of message!


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2001
I've got a Radeon 32MB DDR. No problems with drivers yet and I play a lot of games.

Its easy to find fault with anything, but sometime you'll still need to compromise on something. Right now the Radeon has the best bang per buck of ANY 3D card out.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
oh well.. don't start attacking me.. I do love how you post private messages.. That shows a real lack of maturity on your part though. I won't go to that level.

However, if you want to go here with me I will do what I said, and I don't think anyone will question that I can. Back off now.. little flies like you are just anoying.. I prefer people who can carry on a real conversation.. you can't.
Feb 9, 2001
Oh so you don't deny sending it. Well atleast you admit it now. That is the first sign of manhood I have seen from you.

Actually I was sending you the personal messages to avoid any further trouble in this thread. You then turn around and send me that message? What kind of person are you? That's pretty sick dude. There is no reason to pull that stuff.

I wonder how many other websites would be interested in seeing the screenshot of the abusive and offensive personal message you sent me? I wonder how it would look?

I wonder........


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
I'm sick? dude, it isn't like I'm threatening to hunt you down and beat you up or something.. that would be stupid, but could be called sick..

I'm saying if you want to keep having this conversation with me, I'm going to let lose on you.. I don't do it often, but if you want to keep pushing my buttons I will.. stupidity irritates me, and you are being pretty damn stupid..


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Holy cow, simmer down fellas!
I think the original poster was looking for some nice calm benchmarks or something to compare the two, not threats of posting who knows what and beating up who knows who.

For the record though, I think TheTrueEqualizer is a provoker whose bored at work/school today.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
lol.. I love this. Now I'm being threatened that he is going to post the messages on the net.. like I'm supposed to care.

oh well. this was fun, but now it is getting boring.


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2001

Dave, no need to &quot;let lose&quot;. Just take a deep breath and call your shrink. I think you'll feel much better after that.
Feb 9, 2001
Well I think that there are a plenty of people that would like to see the REAL Dave and how he treats people. And that message you sent was uncalled for. Like I said, just because I think you are bias and your site is a joke, that's no reason to send that kind of message to me.

Nobody who represents himself as some &quot;authority&quot; on something should have to react in such a violent and crude way. Do you think that people respect that? If you really were confident you would not be sending people messages like that! You wouldn't have to!

I know I was a little rude but it was only because I have found your comments to be biased and unprofessional. I also don't run a website that claims to be &quot;Smarter than all other sites combined&quot; like you so foolishly claim.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
blah, blah,blah.. hehe.. this is funny. I think I might have myself a web stalker here.

As for my little claim.. it isn't so much my claim as what I've been told on multiple occasions..
Feb 9, 2001
Like the other guy said Dave, CALL YOUR SHRINK!!!!! YOU NEED HELP!!!!!

Your ego is out of control, and the personal messages you sent me proves it!


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2000
Equalizer, you're showing yourself to be the fool. You attacked and insulted him personally several times, and then you have the nerve to ask someone for a website so you can post a personal message? Are you new to the internet or something?

If you start a flaming war, then be ready for the consequences.

If your pussy hurts because you got flamed back, don't be so pathetic as to post personal messages.

You have got to be kidding. Christ almighty, I wish forums had a killfile.



Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Since I'm being threatened with being exposed and all that BS. I thought I'd just copy and paste the chat log and save him the trouble. I wouldn't normally do this, but I thought it would make it easier on him. Start at the bottom


Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 11:13 AM
yup.. you're right.. they are..

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 11:10 AM
Yep, whatever.....whatever....

Just keep repeating that to yourself! Maybe it will all go away.


You blew it dude. People are already starting to see it!

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 11:06 AM
whatever dude.. whatever..

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 11:05 AM
Oh yes, you have commited a crime! A crime against people that look to sources on the web for credible information and professionalism. Which you have proven to have neither.

Thank You Dave. This might be a very interesting weekend around the web. If only you had thought before you ran your mouth. If you only had a clue who my friends are and what sites they run. Oh lord, this will be a FVCKING massacre.

The really cool thing is, they will add all kinds of &quot;Extra&quot; stuff to it to make it an even more exciting read for the viewers. And I believe they each get about 50,000 viewers a day!

Bye Bye!

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 10:52 AM
evidence? you act like I've commited a crime..

get a clue in that I could care less what you have..

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 10:49 AM
What's really cool is no matter what you or I say anymore, I have the FVCKING evidence right here. Already saved. It's a done deal!

If I never even come to this forum again, it was worth it!


Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 10:47 AM

you are starting to bore me now..

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 10:45 AM
Oh boy did you screw up. You couldn't let it rest like a man. You had to try and get that last shot in.

I have already captured the screenshot with your message and I will plaster this thing all over the web before the day is over if I have to. Some people don't appreciate others who talk like that and let their ego get carried away. I'm sure more than a few people would like to see the REAL Dave and how he treats people. Man, I know a couple websites in particular that will be very interested in this. They have a reputation for ripping people and they just eat this stuff up.

Dude, this will not help you or your website. I will wait 10 minutes for an apology and the removal/editing of your last couple posts to me. Otherwise, I off to send some emails!

Bye Bye

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 10:05 AM
I don't particularly care who you are.. it means nothing to me.

If you take note, you actually came after me.

I don't get into political crap...

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:54 AM
Yeah ok, whatever you say! You have no idea who you are even talking too, but that's ok.

Anyway, I'm still wondering why you chose me to attack. I was not the first to call you bias, and I don't even currently own a Radeon. I'm not going to back down though when somebody insults me.

BTW, are you a Republican or Democrat. I think we could really have some fun with that one.

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:46 AM
no.. actually working for myself means that I'm preforming a service and so others send me a check every month....

as for my knowledge.. any time buddy. I'm smack you around so hard you won't know what hit you.. I've made people crawl away in shame before, and I've got no problem doing it to you too.

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:44 AM
Haha. Is that what they call it now. &quot;Working for yourself&quot;?

The people on the news just call it &quot;Welfare&quot; or &quot;Unemployment&quot;.

HAHAHAHA, oh sh*t I gotta stop. This is too much. HAHAHAHAHAHA

For the record: your site is NOTHING! Really dude, you are just a kid who has a limited amount of information and a lot of time on his hands, but........ Good Luck With That!

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:40 AM
yeah.. working for yourself and making great money gives you the flexibiity to do pretty much what you want when you want.

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:38 AM
Haha, thanks for the fun! I never realized you were this young, but it explains a lot. I guess you have plenty of time to watch TV these days huh?

LOL!!!!! So easy......so easy!

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:36 AM
dude, I'm toying with you.. I'm just watching TV and toying with you.. thanks for the laughs..

Date Posted: Feb/15/2001 9:35 AM
Haha, you carry on like a 6 year old. All because some of us said you were biased? Geez dude get a life. And a JOB!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
Feb 9, 2001
Sorry Robo (or should I say Dave ) but you are wrong. The stuff we were arguing about is completely different than the type of message he sent me. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

I only asked about the space because I figured he would deny sending it, and I don't have the space to post it right now. It's not a problem though because he admitted he sent it, and I have just recieved an answer from a couple websites that said they would LOVE to post it. One of whom is a VERY close friend that seemed he wanted to add a few other interesting comments that Dave has made at his site, and make this a nice little article. It seems that he has been shooting his mouth off at a few other places too. Even though his losing his temper is funny and amusing, this is personal now. Needless to say, this will not help him or his site.

Oh well.

Bye Bye, this is over. (here atleast)
Feb 9, 2001
Actually Dave you are leaving out one message you sent. Be honest now Dave! COMPLETELY honest!

LOL!!!! I'm happy to know that I have occupied your morning and wasted all this time of yours!

Feb 9, 2001
Moderators I am sorry for getting carried away with this person and continuing to argue with him. When I asked for a simple apology and he didn't give it, I should have just moved on and let it go. I was wrong.

Not only will I not speak to him anymore, but I am hereby banning myself. That's got to be a first! I will not use this name ever again, or return to the forums anytime soon. When I do return, I will exercise better judgment when dealing with egomaniacs, which he cleary is one.

Members I am sorry for my part of the contining crap in this thread. I know better. I was wrong!

I still believe he is an idiot and I invite you to check out his site and make your own decision. It is poorly written, and looks like sh!t too. BTW, they are sponsored by a video card manufacturer (and guess what, it's not ATI), and they DO accept PAID endorsements. Most of the time, the site isn't even functioning correctly. Oh yeah, them some really smart people over yonder I truly believe this, and it's not flame but my opinion which I am entitled too.

I still should have excercised better judgment however and I apologize to all.

Goodbye and I can find the door myself. Thank you very much!



Platinum Member
Dec 3, 2000
TheTrueEqualizer is a fake, just like the fake in &quot;I come to you, the experts&quot; thread. come on, can't you see it? just look at how absurd and pretentious the name, sig and picture are together. it's just another member knocking around in another name. it was also a stupid comment to mention Taz.


Jun 12, 2000
LOL, Flame wars again.

well one thing for sure, The drivers sure Sucked when I had the Radeon in my Pc. I pulled it out Dec. 8 2000, using win 98se, at that date I had the most current drivers,........they sucked.

I ran plenty of Quake3 benchmarks, comparing the Radeon to V5, mostly at 1280x1024x32 max.
benchmarks scores and actual game play are not the same, benchmarks are very deceiving..........
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