Rainbow Six: Vegas > Gears of War

Oct 19, 2000
I've put in many, many hours into Rainbow Six: Vegas this week, and I can say that without a doubt, it easily trumps Gears of War for game of the year on the 360. It just so happens that both games employ the exact same game mechanics, i.e. using cover. Having played through and basically beat GoW (haven't figured out the last guy yet), and putting in plenty of hours with RS:V (on the last level I believe), I've got a lot to base my opinion on.

First up, IMO, RS:V easily equals GoW in the graphics department. GoW impressed me with the attention to detail, but it was always confined to smaller venues. With RS:V, there are moments with larger, open spaces, and there's just so much to look at without the game ever taking a hit in the frame rate. The casinos and hotels are gorgeously modeled, with Dante's casino one of the best looking levels I've ever played in a video game. On par is the mansion in the single-player portion of GoW. Both games gave me "wow" moments, where I would just stand around and look. The respective teams on these games did an amazing job.

The AI seems about equal in both games. While GoW enemies do move around a bit more, the smaller levels do not showcase this. In RS:V, enemies use cover quite well, and while they don't always try to flank you, they do move and spread out quite well. You always have to be thinking of where your best cover is at any given moment, all the while trying to direct your two friendlies into higher ground to give you cover (or vice-versa).

The place where RS:V easily ousts GoW is easily being able to direct your friendlies to do a myriad of actions, especially when entering doors. I hope with the next version that you can direct individuals instead of giving a global order, and I also hope for being able to path your friendlies into position instead of the whole line-of-sight system used right now. The control RS:V gives you over your friendlies gives such a tactical edge to the game over GoW, something I really, really like.

Like mentioned before, I think the RS:V maps/levels trump what GoW has going on. GoW is too linear compared to RS:V, although RS:V isn't that open itself. In GoW, you could always tell when you where going to be in a battle, as there was an open space and plenty of small cover littered around. In RS:V, you just don't know what's ahead.

In terms of length, RS:V has proven to be a lot longer than GoW. Both games have great replayability in terms of co-op through the single-player campaign, which is awesome. However, RS:V provides 4-player co-op compared to GoW's 2-player.

All-in-all, RS:V is an amazing game, and I give it the game of the year over GoW. They are equal in many ways, but RS:V just has way more depth and options. It's an easy pick for me.

So what do you guys think?


May 4, 2001
Is the cover system in RS:V as easy and intuitive as the system in GoW (aka, hitting 'A' for just about everything)?
Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Gooberlx2
Is the cover system in RS:V as easy and intuitive as the system in GoW (aka, hitting 'A' for just about everything)?
It is. In RS:V, you have to hold the left trigger to take cover, which can be against basically anything. As long as you hold it, you're in cover. In order to pop out, you push the analog stick in the direction you want to go. Let go of the stick, and your guy will dart back into cover. A little different as far as button layout goes compared to GoW, but essentially the game.

Atleast with RS:V, you still have a crosshair while in cover, so you can line up your shot before you pop out. In both games, you can blind fire, also.


Aug 12, 2005
I haven't been able to find out much about the PC version of RS:V which is coming out in mid December I believe. GOW was an easy choice being 360 only.

Any thoughts on the PC vs. 360 version?



Golden Member
Sep 24, 2006
GoW is way better than RS:V in my opinion. I hate how shiny RS:V is; it hurts my eyes. I also don't like having to always pay attention to your squad, and the cover isn't as simple and easy to use as GoW. I've always hated squad based crap...


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Well if you can't choose then choose the game that both of each game designer love : dead rising. Cliff B GOW and frech dude Rainbow V , both love dead rising.



Golden Member
Nov 16, 2004
Originally posted by: 40sTheme
GoW is way better than RS:V in my opinion. I hate how shiny RS:V is; it hurts my eyes. I also don't like having to always pay attention to your squad, and the cover isn't as simple and easy to use as GoW. I've always hated squad based crap...

It's all a matter of taste I guess. If you like simpler, straightforward action, GoW is better. If you like squad-based tatics with more open environments, then RS:V is better.

Personally, I love the hardcore tactics and completely open environments of Operation Flashpoint, and am eagerly waiting the UK version of Armed Assault (Op Flash 2).

Apr 17, 2005
i wanna play both. i dont have a 360, but i'm strongly considering it or a ps3. On the other hand, R6 on the PC should be good too but I'm not to sure since GRAW or pc was dissapointing


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
I think each of the games has their advantages/disadvantages over each other, but when it comes to multiplayer and all of the options available, R6:V blows GoW out of the water.
I have had a ton of fun playing R6 online. NOt saying that I don't enjoy GoW as well, but not near as much.

Sharpshooter, retrieval, attack and defend, coop, terrorist hunt, etc etc etc so many choices


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
I own both, and both are fun, but I think GoW wins. It really just depends on what kind of game you're into. Both are well worth your money if you're a fan of shooters. They're certainly the two best games on the 360 in my opinion.

One thing is for sure: any shooter released from this point forward will be signing its own death warrant if it doesn't have a cover system. So many gamers - myself included - have stated they simply cannot go back to playing older titles because they don't have a cover mechanic. Personally, I can't believe something so intuitive to gameplay took this long to implement and implement well. I think it's the main reason people are passing over Call of Duty 3 (aside from the fact that it's YAWWIIG). I haven't played ANY of the CoD games, and I was thinking of CoD3, but without a cover system, there's no way I'd enjoy it.


Senior member
Mar 13, 2004
So far, I prefer Gears by quite a bit. Also, R6:V's cover system isn't as fun, imo. My only real issue with Gears is that jumping over objects should have been a wee bit easier. Perhaps an L3 or R3 click if you're close enough to an object. Or perhaps melee should have been bound to R3 (freeing up B), so you could move around with the chainsaw a bit better. Heck, the Y actions could have been moved to somewhere else, since they're not desperately important.

In fact, I think all games should allow you to move around any action to whatever button you wish. If you "break it" (like the same button for aim and jumping), all you gotta do is rebind.

I agree about future shooters being damned. I felt silly the other day when I was circle-strafing in HL2.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: chrisg22
I think each of the games has their advantages/disadvantages over each other, but when it comes to multiplayer and all of the options available, R6:V blows GoW out of the water.
I have had a ton of fun playing R6 online. NOt saying that I don't enjoy GoW as well, but not near as much.

Sharpshooter, retrieval, attack and defend, coop, terrorist hunt, etc etc etc so many choices

QFT.. the multi in R6 kicks the crap outa GoWs POS 4 on 4 DM..

R6 is also 2x the solo game that GoW is as well.. Im selling my GoW copy for either Forza2 or GH2 for 360 when they are released.
prolly before that and just get a large credit for it so it doesnt depreceiate anymore.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2003
I think both games are wonderful, and plan on getting both. I have only played the demos (both single and multi-player) for Rainbow Six: Vegas, but from what I can tell the combat system is almost identical.

However, GoWs combat was just a little more fast paced, which meant that for me, I could enjoy the game more. That and it was a sci-fi shooter, and I love sci-fi shooters.
Jun 14, 2003
i've only played the RS:V demo and i thoroughly enjoyed it, gonna be picking it up for sure.

GoW was amazing though, if a little short. currently replaying through on hardcore mode with my buddy over xbox live. for me this is where gears really shines...... no more "down again dom". your team mates in GoW have balls thats for sure, but their skill is also balls. GoW gets insanely good when you have another human player.

if only RS:V had that too.......it would be frickin sweet. maybe they could add it via patch?

EDITh what! its got co-op mode for the "single" player game? F'ing sweet

this rocks


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
i've only played the RS:V demo and i thoroughly enjoyed it, gonna be picking it up for sure.

GoW was amazing though, if a little short. currently replaying through on hardcore mode with my buddy over xbox live. for me this is where gears really shines...... no more "down again dom". your team mates in GoW have balls thats for sure, but their skill is also balls. GoW gets insanely good when you have another human player.

if only RS:V had that too.......it would be frickin sweet. maybe they could add it via patch?

EDITh what! its got co-op mode for the "single" player game? F'ing sweet

this rocks

4 players vs 2 in GoW... and 16 in multi vs GoWs 8..

big differnce as well as MANY more modes that are all different..
Coop terrorist hunt is by far my fave... 4 real peeps vs 50 realistic tangos.. better use teamwork and cover or youll die in seconds.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
EDITh what! its got co-op mode for the "single" player game? F'ing sweet

this rocks

Yup, you also get an achievement unlocked if you beat the game via Co-Op mode .

I have to say that so far I probably enjoy R6V more than Gears of War, albeit I haven't played both that much and I haven't played Gears of War on my new TV yet. Rainbow Six Vegas did make go out the night I played the demo and buy the game though, which is quite the testament to how much fun it is.

The cover system being in the game makes it much nicer for the console as I still stand by my opinion that consoles are absolutely horrible for aiming! I was playing the Lost Planet demo last night (also a very fun game... grappling hook ftw!) and trying to aim and move at the same time was just frustrating. Fortunately, this is what the cover system helps avoid by being stationary and aiming instead of having to adjust your crosshairs for every position change you make.

I won't cast a vote yet, but I'm betting that once I start playing multiplayer, I'll be quite happy with R6V over GoW as it'll also bring back lots of old memories of playing the original Rainbow Six with my friends on MSN Zone . Feelings of nostalgia will simply give it the edge I think.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Aikouka
I was playing the Lost Planet demo last night (also a very fun game... grappling hook ftw!) and trying to aim and move at the same time was just frustrating.

The default aiming speed in the Lost Planet demo is sluggish at best. Feels like it takes forever to move.



Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
I haven't played R6V, but so far I can say playing the campaign in GoW in Co-op is the most fun I've had with a console shooter like...ever.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2005
Originally posted by: CVSiN
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
i've only played the RS:V demo and i thoroughly enjoyed it, gonna be picking it up for sure.

GoW was amazing though, if a little short. currently replaying through on hardcore mode with my buddy over xbox live. for me this is where gears really shines...... no more "down again dom". your team mates in GoW have balls thats for sure, but their skill is also balls. GoW gets insanely good when you have another human player.

if only RS:V had that too.......it would be frickin sweet. maybe they could add it via patch?

EDITh what! its got co-op mode for the "single" player game? F'ing sweet

this rocks

4 players vs 2 in GoW... and 16 in multi vs GoWs 8..

big differnce as well as MANY more modes that are all different..
Coop terrorist hunt is by far my fave... 4 real peeps vs 50 realistic tangos.. better use teamwork and cover or youll die in seconds.

Coop Terrorist hunt is great. Can be hard as hell though. In previous R6 games they would kind of stay in one location, in this one they are all over the map following you. I hate the ones with the SPAS shotguns



Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: Aikouka
I was playing the Lost Planet demo last night (also a very fun game... grappling hook ftw!) and trying to aim and move at the same time was just frustrating.

The default aiming speed in the Lost Planet demo is sluggish at best. Feels like it takes forever to move.

I don't think the speed bothered me, I think it was the fact that I kept moving too erratically, because I'm a PC FPS gamer. I'm used to the higher precision of a Mouse rather than a Joystick. It was just very hard to move and aim at the same time, which isn't hard for me on a PC. That's what the cover mechanism helps to alleviate, instead of trying to move and aim, you're taking cover ( i.e. being fairly stationary ) and aiming. The ability to take cover and aim is very easy in R6V as someone said, you still have your crosshairs while behind cover. So aim while under cover and fire when convenient!


Sep 27, 2003
Agreed. I haven't touched GoW (only on the 3rd campaign/thingy?) since I got RS:V. Even my roomie who loves GoW thinks RS:V kicks so much ass.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Noema
I haven't played R6V, but so far I can say playing the campaign in GoW in Co-op is the most fun I've had with a console shooter like...ever.

enjoy it for all of the 6 hours it is... just finished and thought I was only 1/3 through the game and the game ended.. LAME and SHORT.

R6 = 10+ and MUCH harder and way better done...

not to mention shoddy multi in GoW which offers much less replayability


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Aikouka
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: Aikouka
I was playing the Lost Planet demo last night (also a very fun game... grappling hook ftw!) and trying to aim and move at the same time was just frustrating.

The default aiming speed in the Lost Planet demo is sluggish at best. Feels like it takes forever to move.

I don't think the speed bothered me, I think it was the fact that I kept moving too erratically, because I'm a PC FPS gamer. I'm used to the higher precision of a Mouse rather than a Joystick. It was just very hard to move and aim at the same time, which isn't hard for me on a PC. That's what the cover mechanism helps to alleviate, instead of trying to move and aim, you're taking cover ( i.e. being fairly stationary ) and aiming. The ability to take cover and aim is very easy in R6V as someone said, you still have your crosshairs while behind cover. So aim while under cover and fire when convenient!

It's probably due to the crosshair moving in Lost Planet. In most third person games, the crosshair is static.
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