Rampage, the new looooser...

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Dec 7, 2000

<< he was the epitome of the hardware zealot. While we all have our favorite companies, GUTB would declare everything that Intel did glorious, and everything AMD pitiful >>

Man, i really laughed when i read this thread, isn't this EXACTLY what Dave always does?? He comes into a thread thrashes nVidia and praises 3Dfx, when anyone asks him why, he hides behind his NDA's, now isn't that a cool unbiased, non bullsh!t guy??

If the description of GUTB was a correct one, then i would say that the new GUTB would be Dave.

It really doesn't matter what anyone says about nVidia, no matter how much sense he makes and how intelligent he sounds, no matter how right he is, along comes Dave, who always states that he knows more than anyone else, and trashes nVidia, and while he is at it, he throws in those little &quot;3Dfx is much better&quot; remarks along the way. Am i really the only one getting tired of this or are ther others who won't come forward, because they are afraid of being flamed by all those &quot;we believe in Dave, we do not know why, cause he cannot tell us, but he says so&quot; guys.

nVidia has got something good going, why do you think that they are only second to ATI now, and why do everyone believe that they are going the wrong way, if they are, so are ATI, and a whole bunch of other video card makers, so the only one believing in 3Dfx is 3Dfx employees, and all of you guys who think that those employees are gods.


Am NOT speaking for nVidia


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Wow.. he actually has the nerve to show his face again...

Secondly, I've never said everything they do is bad. That is hardly the case. However, there are key issues that I don't like about their products.. those just come up the most. If you look at all my posts, you will see I have said good stuff and to a couple of people even suggested them.

As for where NVIDIA is headed, I have no doubt it is the wrong road. However, how do you suddenly know where everyone is going? You don't... however, I know to a large extent where they are and what they are doing. Who is to say they aren't headed in a direction similar to 3dfx? (I'm not saying they are, but who is to say?) For all you know, NVIDIA could be the only ones headed in that direction... Others who are trying to go that direction might even be giving up on it because it simply isn't efficient or cost effective (and no, I'm not saying who it is...)


Dec 7, 2000
Yes, he has the nerve.

I did a search, and i couldn't find ONE single post where you stated anything positive about nVidia. And i could not find any post where you mentioned 3Dfx as anything but superior to all other video cards.

Hmm, maybe this sounds strange to you, but you are welcome to link to those threads where you stated something postitive about nVidia and something negative about 3Dfx.

I am sorry Dave, but all of your posts are looking much like 3Dfx PR.

Everyone else, have a look around, do a search, can you find anything different?

Dave used to be an unbiased individual, but not now, not anymore, forget his older days and look at him now, now he is totally into 3Dfx, and he bashes and smashes every alternative, usually the arch enemy nVidia.


Am NOT speaking for nVidia


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Sorry you couldn't find them.. check the general forum and look hardware.. I'm going to waste my time looking for them.

As for me being PR, that is hardly the case. If I wanted to be PR, I would have applied for a job in PR/marketing. Rather, I wanted to go the engineering route...

So tell us.. are you still an engineer at NVIDIA?


Dec 7, 2000

<< I'm going to waste my time looking for them. >>

Maybe you would not look for them just because that would be a waste of time, there are none. I am pretty sure you did search, and when you couldn't find any you posted this answer.

Yes i still work for nVidia.

I have a connection with an engineer at 3Dfx who like my opinions, especially since the Rampage will not be released.

I really do not care if you don't consider yourself a 3Dfx PR guy, you sure are acting as if you were one.


Am NOT speaking for 3Dfx


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000

You again prove that you don't work at NVIDIA.. especially when you couldn't even say when NV20 taped out.. or at least the day of the week. Once you do that, I'll give consideration to the possibility that you might work at NVIDIA. Until then, I'll just keep getting a laugh (as will everyone else btw).

Rampage will never come out? Wow.. news to me. lol

This guy is a joke... lol...


Dec 7, 2000

<< This guy is a joke... lol... >>

Well, this is why i started to post on this forum in the first place, Dave will never give up, everyone else does not know anything, even though they prove to know more than him, even about 3Dfx products (PC Resources vs Dave3B regarding the driver issue and V5).

Still he states that he is the almighty allknowing Dave, and guess what, most people actually takes his word for it, even though he is wrong (oh, he cannot ever prove his point, NDA you know).

Dave, one thing you have to agree about, you ALWAYS state how bad nVidias products are and you ALWAYS state how much better 3Dfx products are... Well even if someone proves you wrong, you just bash them...

Earth calling dave.... come down to earth and discuss all of this with us other mortals, maybe you have a serious problem and i should not post it, (but you will surely ignore it anyway, as you do with anything that you do not like (i work for 3Dfx so i know everything about nVidias future products and they are all BAD) you sometimes seem like that guy who sits on top of the world (in your imagination) but you really are sitting on a small rock.

I urge you all to check out his posts, what do you find, well a LOT of nVidia bashing and a LOT of 3Dfx praising.

Oh, and the day the NV20 taped out, well i am under NDA.


Am NOT speaking for nVidia


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
lol..... fanboy speak again..

Oh, and the day the NV20 taped out, well i am under NDA.

This is pathetic and BS. You CAN say what day of the week it taped out.. I mean was it a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.. tell me that, I'll confirm if it is true or not.. if it is, will go from there. If you won't say this or get it wrong, I suggest you stop posting here as your lying will remove anybody even considering anything you ever say to be true.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Yeah, I'm even more sure now that Solo is Josh3D. Such fanboys.. Rather, I should say ignorant fanboys.. (btw, I'm not a fan.. I'm an employee. a difference )


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
Was just thinking... I would say if I'm anything, I'm pro-deferred rendering. I think that is safe to say. I think deferred rendering is the unquestionable path to go. So, with that in mind... is it really that I'm so pro-3dfx for the future?? Perhaps yes, but the fact remains that I'm very pro-deferred rendering and 3dfx doesn't even do that right now....


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
just curious dave, how do you explain the v 6000. If 3dfx was so smart why would they make such a financial mistake like that? That mistake and others could cost them their future if they aren't safe.


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
umm.. The &quot;4-way SLI&quot; solution (ugg.. I hate saying that ) was licensed to Q3D.. so it was hardly a waste... and besides, you act like millions were spent on it or something..


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
well, quantum is such a specialized and tiny company now, I seriously doubt they made much money at all on it. The big money was supposed to come from the retail market sales of the v6k. Anyways, why do people keep saying that 3dfx lost 100 mill. on the v6k. How much did they lose? Btw, when is rampage coming out? after nv20?


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000

<< Joshua

Am NOT speaking for 3Dfx

I dont know about you, but i found this kinda funny coming from an nVidia engineer Look a few posts up

As for the V5-6K, i would say it was more a waste of time rather than a waste of money. Trying to get the AGP bridge chip working was futile, and in the end was solved by changing the chips itself. It wasn't even 3Dfx's problem, it was Intel's bad design, but who paid the consequences? The engineers at 3Dfx's time is very valuable, they can't miss out on this cycle, the company's future depends on it. As for the capital involved, im sure it wasn't very much....

Also, 3Dfx didn't really intend to cash in on the big $$$$ potential of the V5-6K, everyone knew it wasnt going to sell very well in the first place, and was really only there to satisfy the hardcore enthusiast. IMHO, 3Dfx should have trashed the V5-6K, or &quot;4-way SLI design &quot; earlier, and spent their precious hours working on the rampage. Who knows, maybe they were and that's why it took so long to get a solution to the 6K problems.

That's really the problem, we don't know guys. I imagine Josh3d, now he has found a fanboy buddy, will continue to spill sh!t out of his mouth, yet trying to keep 'engineer level' conversation with dave (oh dont make me laugh josh....). At least dave can prove himself, he has done in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. If you really want an engineer level conversation with him, join up the Tiler thread and share your thoughts. I really find the whole thread fascinating, and has opened more doors for me. If you really found this to be a 'nice' board, quit filling it up with your posts that no-one cares about. I sure as hell dont, and if you want proof, I'll start up a poll thread about who thinks Josh works for nVidia, or is a troll. Im sure they'd be some interesting results.

If you are an engineer, then STFU and start acting like one, at least contribute to intelligent conversation. If you aren't, pack up and leave, we DO NOT want your trolling @ss around here... If you want proof about that, another poll would give us an insight.

Read this post. Hard. Consider it. Make a decision. Follow that decision. Stick to it.

If you cant understand that










Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
Oh, and in light of DominoBoy, hi dave

Did you end up writing a reply to that filtering question soccerman and I asked? If you did, which you probably did, i've missed it, you wouldn't happen to remember the title for it would you? thanx


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
which question is that?? I don't recall it.. feel free to ask it again though and I will..


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
fine, don't say hi back then just look what you've gotten yourself into... hehehe

sorry for being a bit vague earlier, it had to do with how mipmapping, anisotropic, bilinear and trilinear filtering worked. Ben gave me a link a while back regarding anisotropic, but knowing my format-every-second-week computer, it got lost

anyway, thanks for your time, i really appreciate it


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
ah that.. yeah I did answer it.. don't remember where.. being that it is almost 2:30 am, it will have to wait for tomorrow though... check and see if you can pull up the post, if not I'll explain it again (I can explain some of the points a bit better anyway...)

btw, hello


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
okies no problem, thanks anyway

*sees edit*

damn, i cant find the thread, would you mind going over it for me in the morning? thanks man, i really appreciate it


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Hmm, it appears Nvidia was so impressed by his performance as a spokesperson, that they just had to snatch Bubba away from 3dfx. In return, Bubba now inhabits our nice little forum spreading his informative &quot;technical&quot; discussion about his new and former company. I think we should all gather around and welcome &quot;Josh3D&quot; to our family! It will be swell having yet another engineer around who can help guide us lay people to a greater understanding of the hardware that we all love!

On behalf of everyone Josh, I extend my hand in welcome!



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Okay Josh3D, you say you are an Nvidia engineer, and from the looks of it, you will probably continue to post here. Since you have yet to post any sort of email address or any other valid way of confirming your employment with Nvidia, here is part one of a test of your &quot;computer engineering&quot; abilities. This should be incredibly easy for you.

Give the Boolean equation for a 4-to-1 multiplexor with control signals S0 and S1, and input signals I0, I1, I2, and I3.


Junior Member
Nov 14, 2000
S1 S0 Y
0 0 l0
0 1 l1
1 0 l2
1 1 l3

and I am not even an nVidia engineer! seriously: you can't test people with simple stuff like this. I am only a second year student Computer Science.

Well... if Josh is really from nVidia, I would like to know the following:

How do you feel about nVidia 'hijacking' Matrox engineers? A bit easy to 'steal' engineers from your competitors by offering a higher pay and stuff, just because you can afford to because your leading the market!

No company with even the slightest amount of pride would do this!

I hope you lose badly in court over this matter!


Senior member
Jan 7, 2000
No the Geforce isn't the best thing happend to mankind(in videocard biz). It was Voodoo1 man it was freakin state of the art videocard this was the first time i truly experienced 3D. NO one touched when it came to performance to bad they are going downhill nowadays i hope they will pull it off with rampage.


Senior member
Jun 23, 2000
dangit dZeus. you didn't give him enough time to answer! you let him off to easy i think, heh. here's an easy easy one that should be simple if he is an nvidia engineer. if you had a STRICTLY combinational network, with a x, y, z, as inputs, going to a 3-and gate, and y and z' going to a 2-xor gate, then have the xor and AND gates go to a nand. now, this output, call it M, goes to a T flip flop and a JK flip flop as the only input to them. Tell me what the next state would be if x=0, y=1, and z=1, if your present state is determined by the bit-vector xyz. the next state goes back into the xor and AND gates. this should be a very very simple question. those of you who know the answer, or the trick to this question, shoosh.
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