Rant: Since when did public schools != free?


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
<weak rant>

It irks me to no end that schools have fundamentally changed since I was there some 15-20 years ago. What the hell happened?

My wife informs me that my children require the purchase of specific school T-Shirts in order to be prepared for various upcoming school field trips. Of course, this conversation then snowballs.

Not only will the children require the shirts to go on their field trips, but the cost of the field trips themselves will have to be funded by... guess who? I dare you.

Let's continue shall we? School supplies at the beginning of the year. Why does my 8 year old child have multiple reams of photocopier paper listed on her required school supplies list? And Sharpies? What adult honestly things that handing an 8 year old a Sharpie is a good idea? Hand sanitizer? Multiple boxes of Kleenex? What, am I now the entire school's supply closet as well?

And of course the conversation with my wife rolls to "Wait until they get into middle school - where they have to pay fees for the classes." Wait... wut? Am I now sending my children to private school or college? What the hell?

It seems as if the "free" US Public Education system that used to be worth a rats ass has been transmogrified into a bastardized corporation that simply exists to look good on paper yet provide nothing in terms of public service. I'd like to know who is to blame with this, so that I can stuff a Sharpie up his or her nostril and express my frustration in writing upon the few neurons they consider a well educated "brain".

</weak rant>


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2004
Opt them out of the field trip?

And if you're very poor, you get reimbursed for school supplies.

Weak rant indeed. Nothing in the U.S. is "free."


Jun 15, 2001
I agree that the school system is fundamentally flawed, but I also think that it's total BS that I should have to pay just as much as you do for your kids to go to school just because I own a house.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
So far this year, I've had to pay for lockers (just the use of them), tshirts, school-sold school supplies, band uniforms, instruments, instrument accessories including music books, pre-game meals, and field trips. Not saying that I shouldn't have to pay for any of it, but it does suck when I already pay $9K in property taxes.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
I went to elementary school "15 to 20 years ago" and school supplies and field trips were funded by each student. We never had to do reams of paper, and that's the only thing new to me from this rant.

If you live in a much better or much worse than normal school district, then there might be more or less funding from the parents. Also, sending the child into the jungle to be raised by chimps or panthers is also a less expensive option.


Dec 7, 2004
If the schools had to pay for all that stuff then that would mean even less money for books, teacher pay etc. Which means schools in Alabama would suck even worse than they do now.

Plus, it's been that way forever. My parents had to buy that kind of stuff for me back in 1980.


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: CPA
So far this year, I've had to pay for lockers (just the use of them), tshirts, school-sold school supplies, band uniforms, instruments, instrument accessories including music books, pre-game meals, and field trips. Not saying that I shouldn't have to pay for any of it, but it does suck when I already pay $9K in property taxes.

Usually you get your money back when lockers are done. Band uniforms and gym uniforms are also things we had to buy. No idea about music or pre-game meals since I had nothing to do with those extra curricular. We had to pay a bit for our field trip to Disney World and class trip.

Not seeing anything special here. Are you going to be surprised when you have to pay for the football game's tickets to attend?

There's a lot more to funding a school than just school supplies and band uniforms.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: EGGO
Originally posted by: CPA
So far this year, I've had to pay for lockers (just the use of them), tshirts, school-sold school supplies, band uniforms, instruments, instrument accessories including music books, pre-game meals, and field trips. Not saying that I shouldn't have to pay for any of it, but it does suck when I already pay $9K in property taxes.

Usually you get your money back when lockers are done. Band uniforms and gym uniforms are also things we had to buy. No idea about music or pre-game meals since I had nothing to do with those extra curricular. We had to pay a bit for our field trip to Disney World and class trip.

Not seeing anything special here. Are you going to be surprised when you have to pay for the football game's tickets to attend?

There's a lot more to funding a school than just school supplies and band uniforms.

Yeah, I know, but it does pinch your pocket. As for the games, fortunately the HS my oldest attends has many of their games on TV. Texas HS football FTW!


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
I remember having to pay fees for science classes when I was in school, and I remember having to bring in tissues when I was in elementary school as well as having to pay for certain field trips (especially one in HS that involved going to the state capital and spending a night in a hotel to give us an extra day with the legislators).

Still, I would draw the line at hand sanitizer. I don't use that crap and I don't expect that my kids would bother with it either. Specific T-Shirts seem ridiculous as well; I managed to survive field trips just fine without having to wear a uniform.



Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
How about thoes of us who don't have children but pay high school taxes? Why can't I walk into a school cafeteria and eat what I want?
My school tax bill alone here in Western New York is higher than many people's entire property tax bill for a single year.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2003
I recall one time in the second or third grade when we were asked to bring in a bar of soap to do "soap carving" as an art project at school. My parents would buy Lux brand $0.32 soap, but they saw "soap carving" as being rediculous and wouldn't let me take a bar to school.

I was that kid who did some other lame art project while all the other kids did soap carving. It's been almost 30 years, and I'm still pissed off about this.

Freaking hand sanitizer is like $2.50. If you want to go cheap, I'm sure it can be had for somewhere near $1.00 if you go generic. It's a small price to pay so you kid doesn't have to be the "poor kid" or explain why his/her parents are infecting him with their antisocial "value" system.

Just consider for a few minutes how your actions might affect your kids at school... or send them into the woods and let raccoons raise them. At least they'll have a fighting chance at turning out normal.


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: SunnyD
<weak rant>

It irks me to no end that schools have fundamentally changed since I was there some 15-20 years ago. What the hell happened?

My wife informs me that my children require the purchase of specific school T-Shirts in order to be prepared for various upcoming school field trips. Of course, this conversation then snowballs.

Not only will the children require the shirts to go on their field trips, but the cost of the field trips themselves will have to be funded by... guess who? I dare you.

Let's continue shall we? School supplies at the beginning of the year. Why does my 8 year old child have multiple reams of photocopier paper listed on her required school supplies list? And Sharpies? What adult honestly things that handing an 8 year old a Sharpie is a good idea? Hand sanitizer? Multiple boxes of Kleenex? What, am I now the entire school's supply closet as well?

And of course the conversation with my wife rolls to "Wait until they get into middle school - where they have to pay fees for the classes." Wait... wut? Am I now sending my children to private school or college? What the hell?

It seems as if the "free" US Public Education system that used to be worth a rats ass has been transmogrified into a bastardized corporation that simply exists to look good on paper yet provide nothing in terms of public service. I'd like to know who is to blame with this, so that I can stuff a Sharpie up his or her nostril and express my frustration in writing upon the few neurons they consider a well educated "brain".

</weak rant>

What happens if you don't buy the t-shirt? Or sharpies? Or sanitizer, kleenex, paper? What happens if you don't send your child on the field trips?

I'm thinking that you can send your kid for an education whether or not you buy those things. What are they going to do, keep your kid out of class? Field trips are a luxury and not a requirement; it's up to parents to provide those types of diverse experiences, not schools.

That said, the school system administration mis-handles money and the effect is felt in the classroom. Nothing wrong with wanted your child's class to be well-provisioned and choosing to help supply some of those needs.


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by: AreaCode707
Field trips are a luxury and not a requirement; it's up to parents to provide those types of diverse experiences, not schools.

I was very surprised to learn that many times the teachers will pay out of pocket to fund the students that do not bring the money for the field trip. And then saddened to hear the number of parents that refuse to pay once they learn this.


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Pantoot
Originally posted by: AreaCode707
Field trips are a luxury and not a requirement; it's up to parents to provide those types of diverse experiences, not schools.

I was very surprised to learn that many times the teachers will pay out of pocket to fund the students that do not bring the money for the field trip. And then saddened to hear the number of parents that refuse to pay once they learn this.

Don't they require a permission slip to go? If the parent decides to not send their kid, whether that reason is financial and other, the teachers can't just decide to take them anyway...

Teachers shouldn't be forced to pay for any work-related expense out of pocket, absolutely agreed. But I do think the school system demands more from teachers than just teaching the students; the teachers are now expected to substitute for parents by making sure kids learn manners, get cultural exposure, have proper nutrition, socialize well and experiment with the arts. Those are jobs for the parents.

Teachers should be paid for and expected to educate on basic subjects. Holding them to only that expectation would put far less strain on them than the current system where some parents apparently think they can throw their kids in school and sit back and not do any actual parenting.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
tissues were a common thing to bring in. the school district didn't buy them so it was the only way to have tissues in the classroom.

my mom buys hand sanitizer for her classroom, the kids go through it pretty quick.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I forgot to mention above all else, the teachers fail to actually teach anything other than preparing for some arbitrary standardized test every year.

But honestly, I left a lot out to make it a weak rant. I suppose I should be thankful that I get daytime child care for free... oh wait, I forgot - I'm on call any time there is any sort of "issue" for that as well.


Jun 5, 2000
Let's continue shall we? School supplies at the beginning of the year. Why does my 8 year old child have multiple reams of photocopier paper listed on her required school supplies list? And Sharpies? What adult honestly things that handing an 8 year old a Sharpie is a good idea? Hand sanitizer? Multiple boxes of Kleenex? What, am I now the entire school's supply closet as well?

the copy paper and office supplies pisses me off and i dont send them with my kid on the first day of school. tissues i dont have a problem with


Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: SunnyD
<weak rant>

And Sharpies? What adult honestly things that handing an 8 year old a Sharpie is a good idea?
</weak rant>

I do, but then again, I raise my children to be responsible and well behaved. In general, I agree with your rant, but an 8 year old is more than capable of using pens, pencils, and markers responsibly.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
Originally posted by: SampSon
How about thoes of us who don't have children but pay high school taxes? Why can't I walk into a school cafeteria and eat what I want?
My school tax bill alone here in Western New York is higher than many people's entire property tax bill for a single year.

How about those of us who aren't on Medicare? Why should I pay Medicare taxes? And why is my income tax money being siphoned off for general fund spending in Alabama? I don't live in Alabama. I should get to allocate exactly which taxes I pay and exactly where every penny goes so that it benefits only those things I participate in. It's The American Way.


Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: AreaCode707
Originally posted by: SunnyD
<weak rant>

It irks me to no end that schools have fundamentally changed since I was there some 15-20 years ago. What the hell happened?

My wife informs me that my children require the purchase of specific school T-Shirts in order to be prepared for various upcoming school field trips. Of course, this conversation then snowballs.

Not only will the children require the shirts to go on their field trips, but the cost of the field trips themselves will have to be funded by... guess who? I dare you.

Let's continue shall we? School supplies at the beginning of the year. Why does my 8 year old child have multiple reams of photocopier paper listed on her required school supplies list? And Sharpies? What adult honestly things that handing an 8 year old a Sharpie is a good idea? Hand sanitizer? Multiple boxes of Kleenex? What, am I now the entire school's supply closet as well?

And of course the conversation with my wife rolls to "Wait until they get into middle school - where they have to pay fees for the classes." Wait... wut? Am I now sending my children to private school or college? What the hell?

It seems as if the "free" US Public Education system that used to be worth a rats ass has been transmogrified into a bastardized corporation that simply exists to look good on paper yet provide nothing in terms of public service. I'd like to know who is to blame with this, so that I can stuff a Sharpie up his or her nostril and express my frustration in writing upon the few neurons they consider a well educated "brain".

</weak rant>

What happens if you don't buy the t-shirt? Or sharpies? Or sanitizer, kleenex, paper? What happens if you don't send your child on the field trips?

I'm thinking that you can send your kid for an education whether or not you buy those things. What are they going to do, keep your kid out of class? Field trips are a luxury and not a requirement; it's up to parents to provide those types of diverse experiences, not schools.

That said, the school system administration mis-handles money and the effect is felt in the classroom. Nothing wrong with wanted your child's class to be well-provisioned and choosing to help supply some of those needs.

No, field trips are part of the learning process and should be covered by the school. If you want to take my kid to the state capitol to learn about government, great, but I've already paid for my kid to go to school so cough it up somewhere else.



Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2007
Gym uniforms are the only thing my parents had to buy when I was in school. Supplies like paper, notebooks and pencils too of course. But not reams of printer paper, or tissues, or hand sanitizer, and certainly not forced to buy clothing from the school's shop.

IIRC there were a lot of silly random things on the "required materials" sheet they would hand out that we never bothered to get and never needed. So that list was ignored and things were bought as they were needed.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: SunnyD
It seems as if the "free" US Public Education system that used to be worth a rats ass has been transmogrified into a bastardized corporation that simply exists to look good on paper yet provide nothing in terms of public service. I'd like to know who is to blame with this, so that I can stuff a Sharpie up his or her nostril and express my frustration in writing upon the few neurons they consider a well educated "brain".

I almost felt sorry for you until I got to this tripe. The amount you spend on school supplies and field trips is a drop in the bucket compared to the average of ~$7000 per year (much higher in some states) that is spent on your kids' education.

Quit your bitching.
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