RANT: What would you do.

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Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Koing
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: BigRigDriver
Been in your shoes Bro. Get out now & enjoy life as best as you can. You will have to pay thru the nose for child support & alimony.
Better yet beome a Truck Driver. Your on the road most of the time, high on meth and you get your pick of hookers at truck stops!

WHERE do I sign up

DHL is looking for drivers!



Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
UPS or UPC or whatever they are called are hiring in the UK. Saw quite a few of their adverts.



Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Koing
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: BigRigDriver
Been in your shoes Bro. Get out now & enjoy life as best as you can. You will have to pay thru the nose for child support & alimony.
Better yet beome a Truck Driver. Your on the road most of the time, high on meth and you get your pick of hookers at truck stops!

WHERE do I sign up

DHL is looking for drivers!

No Sh1t! DHL drivers are prolly the worst I have ever seen. Wherever do they find those losers?



Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
Forget about the sex dude. If it's that important to you then masturbate.

Let her go to the store without the kid.

Consider changing jobs so you are happier.

squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Ever here the phrase " its cheaper to keep her " ? Thats from the army of men who didnt have a perfect life so they went and fed a lawyer . Marriage takes a little work to get it right . Suck it up . Your child will thank you for it someday .


Mar 1, 2000
you arrogant self-centered jerk. The sex sucks so you want a divorce?
You do work and all she has to do is "make sure the kid doesn't trip"
Jeebus man, I can not tell you how stupid and wrong you are on every level. Sounds like she picked a real winner of a husband.

This post is a horrible joke and really saddens me, Not for you're sake, but for your kids sake and likely your wife's too.

Edit: Not to mention all the anti-marriage posts in here. If you popel knew half of what youre talking about I;d be impressed.

Marriage works fine, if you are even remotely mature, and love the person you are with.


Golden Member
Sep 26, 2005
Originally posted by: kmrivers
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: kmrivers
Why did you get married in the first place? Why is sex the only thing that matters? If you bugs you that much got to a sex therapist.

You are saying this is not an ideal situation, "its fvcking life". Then deal with it you pussy. You knocked her up, you married her and you have to work. Boo fvcking hoo.

If it is that bad then fix it. Get off the damn internet and have a talk. Not about sex. Get some counseling.

If you don't want to do that, then get a divorce. Either way get off your ass and do something. Posting your pathetic rant about how much your life sucks even though you are the dipshit that made it that way is not going to get you anywhere.

By the way.. marriage doesnt suck. You suck at marriage because you are too considered with your dick. Jump of a cliff and die.

You must either be completely "modernized" (ie, feminized and pussy-whipped) or not know any married women beside your wife (who, fortunately for you, sounds like one of the easier ones to live with). But don't act like its not a COMMON fvcking fact that ALOT of women act one way before they get married (sex all the time, having a job, etc.) to make the man think it'll be great to be married, and then change their tune as soon as the deal is sealed; first the sex dries up, then the money gets spent on frivolous bvllsh*t, and so on.

And "you are too considered with your dick"? You sound just like some women I know, trying to make their husband feel guilty for wanting to have sex with his wife on a regular basis, instead of just cheating on her like 75% of other men. One of the main reasons for most men to marry the woman they love is to have regular sex with her, and why is that so wrong? She liked it BEFORE marriage, so why not AFTER? Because it was a fvcking act, that's why.

Now I'm not implying that some men don't do the same thing (like hide the fact that they're heavy drinkers or something before the marriage), but if you've never heard this story before, you've been living in a bubble. Go ask a marriage counselor if I'm full of sh*t, and I promise you'll be surprised.

Of course I have heard this many times before. Take your useless assumptions somewhere else.

The fact it appears as an act is the problem. Have a damn partnership. Not a lets-fvck-all-the-time-ship. Obviously they have never had communication because if they did. This would not be happening. Even so...

So what if she doesn't want to have sex. Get a fvcking hobby. Go do something. Go out and do things together. Have a relationship that doesnt revolve around sex and complaining about one another.

You should feel guilty for wanting to have sex all the time. Obviously they aren't very responsible with sex, because from the sounds of it they didn't want to have a kid. Sex is great, but at some point your 24/7 need for it should go away. Sex is not the end all be all. If it is don't get married.

Cheating because of sex. Again, if sex is the only thing your wife can offer you and you need to go cheat to get it. You should not be married. NO excuse.

I am in no way shape or form, pussy whipped. Feminized, sure, i dont think women should be treated like objects. So yeah I guess so.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Maybe he's let himself go and is now big, fat and smelly and she just can't handle him laying on top of her sweating and grunting.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Maybe he's let himself go and is now big, fat and smelly and she just can't handle him laying on top of her sweating and grunting.
you should try standup.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Nebor
Marriage is a ridiculous idea, based on the idea of true love, which doesn't exist. So get a divorce, your kid will be fine, they all are.

Does that include gay marriage?


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Stumps
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Well .... we are 30 and 26. I'm 30. We have sex probably 6 times a month. WAY bleow average. And the sex sucks.

I have a 16 month old kid. he is awesome.

I think about divorce, probably 2-3 times a week.

I am fed up and am at the point where I'd rather be at work than at home.

My wife just knows how to piss me off sometimes, even though she doesn't always intend it.

To clarify. my wife is a stay at home mom. I bust my ass and the place is a damned pig sty among other BS errands she claims she needs to do when I am home. Tonight ... Friday night. She wanted to go fvcking grocery shopping. I can not stand it when she attempts sh!t like this. She has all day to shop and when I get home ... she decides she thinks it's time to go shopping. And yes, I ahve told her this pisses me off.

THoughts ...

you cry baby, at least your missus does the grocery shopping...In the last few months mine has refused to do anything at all.....claiming "I'm pregnant I can't do that stuff anymore" and yet she is only 11 weeks pregnant.

you think you got it hard...come and live my life and you will know what true misery is


My wife worked up until the week our son was born. In fact, she continued to work out all through her pregnancy.

BTW-Having sex with a preggers woman is great!!! If anything being pregnant stimulated her sex drive. I gotta knock that woman up again.

After 14 years of marriage I find that sometimes we'll have sex a few times a week but then there are times when we will go a week or two without it. Just depends on how tired we are usually or if it's that time of the month. I don't sweat it. Just enjoy it when I can get it.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Well, I am 24 and married to a 23 year old.. we have been with each other for over 4 years... we have lived with each other for 3 years... we've been married for almost 2 years... We get along perfectly, we both have independent hobbies, we both share hobbies. We do not have kids. We won't have kids for a few years, if ever. People who rush into marriage and have kids set themselves up for failure... I just don't get what the rush is... If the relationship is how you explain it, the best thing would be for a divorce. You could also try for custody. It is much better on the child to have a divorce than to bring him up in a miserable household. Don't rush into marriage next time.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Well, I am 24 and married to a 23 year old.. we have been with each other for over 4 years... we have lived with each other for 3 years... we've been married for almost 2 years... We get along perfectly, we both have independent hobbies, we both share hobbies. We do not have kids. We won't have kids for a few years, if ever. People who rush into marriage and have kids set themselves up for failure... I just don't get what the rush is... If the relationship is how you explain it, the best thing would be for a divorce. You could also try for custody. It is much better on the child to have a divorce than to bring him up in a miserable household. Don't rush into marriage next time.

I think a lot of people seem to think that marriage will solve their relationship problems. Or that kids will solve their problems. If anything it exacerbates the problems.

Our relationship is like yours. My wife and I share interests and we each have hobbies that we do by ourselves. It is not healthy to spend every waking minute of every day with the same person.


Mar 1, 2000
I think a lot of people seem to think that marriage will solve their relationship problems. Or that kids will solve their problems. If anything it exacerbates the problems.

Our relationship is like yours. My wife and I share interests and we each have hobbies that we do by ourselves. It is not healthy to spend every waking minute of every day with the same person.

yeap yeap



Golden Member
Mar 7, 2005
I've been married for 5 years, got divorced, no kids. Here's what I got from the experience:

You need 3 solid things from a relationship: Sex, Love, and Communication. You don't have 2 of those, from your point of view. I'm not so sure you have Love either the way you talk. You might be screwed. If one of those is messed up then you can probably fix it. When two of those are gone you better get your ass in counselling and do whatever it takes to save that relationship. Once all three are gone I don't know what to tell you. You still have hope though since I think a lot of this is in your head.

Marraige is damn hard and I didn't even have kids. I don't think people realize how much work goes into it. Dating is different since things do change once you get married. I'm sure there are some lucky ones out there but I personally experienced a change in the sex after marraige. Now that I have more experience I know that I should have seen that coming though and should have addressed it right away before we got married. I also think there was a tendancy to get lazy (on both our parts) once the ring was on the finger.

It's very easy to get divorced. Too easy. That's another problem that I see here. I tried everything other than divorce. I don't think you are. Then again you're at the last stages of your marraige the way you talk about it so you're giving up. Trust me you're not at the end. You're having sex at least once a week. That's not bad. If the sex is bad then maybe you need to spice it up by doing things like bringing out the toys or taking her to a bed and breakfast for the weekend. When was the last time you banged her on the kitchen floor? When was the last time you took a shower with her? How about giving her a massage a couple times a week if not every night? Get the grandparents to take the kid for the weekend. It'll take some work. Make it easier by solving your other problem and sit down and talk to her. Fight about it. Do whatever, but don't let it all stay inside you just making you angrier and angrier.

Now in my case I simply picked a women who I wasn't sexually compatable with, who had way different goals than me, and who would not compromise on way too many things. She was selfish and made me selfish. She was over emotional about everything and was way too clingy. That was a recipe for disaster. For me at least. I loved her though and didn't know any better. I know a lot more now though. You need to sit down and write down what you love about your wife and what you want her to change. Have her do the same. Then work them out. Get councelling and have a professional help you. I was a sceptic, and the marraige did fail, but I still think it was a great experience.

Trust me on one thing. Divorce is a terrible experience. With a kid I can only imagine how bad it will be. You do not want to go down that road.

You're sexually frustrated. She's drained. Fix it. Quiting is not the way out.

Dr. Detroit

Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2004
I would suggest you contact a lawyer for a 1hr consultation (bring cash, no trail for the wife to find a reciept). Have a list of questions so that you can prepare fo the day you "dump that bitch".

You need to understand if you will be paying alimony, lifetime or for how long, what happens to the assets? home/cars, 401K, Stock Options, retirment, pension....... child support, custody

Your relationship is close to being over so I say you protect yourself. More than 50% of kids grow up in a single paretn household, it will not make you a bad father, and may very well help the kids life as he will have happy parents, currently he has pissed off parents and that tension is evident to the toddler.

I did this when my daughter was about 7-months of age and was the best decision I ever made. I was clueless at the time and found out a lot. We have made our relationship work, but I am still unmarried. No chance I will ever get married.



Jun 4, 2005
see a councelor about it. your marriage is breaking the hell up. your wife's cheating on you, so it's your call whether you want to confront her about it, get counceling, salvage your marriage or if you want to give up like some chump.

8 times out of 10, it's the guy's fault the relationship falls apart and they don't even realize it.

ask your wife what YOU can do to help around the house or what you can do to be a better husband.


Aug 24, 2004
Tell her to act like a married woman. I think all women should be able to cook, keep the house at least decent looking and things like that.

Of course, I'm not married so take my advice with caution.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
you do realize that sex 6 times a month is still 8 times greater than what the majority of the guys here get


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2004
Originally posted by: drinkmorejava
you do realize that sex 6 times a month is still 8 times greater than what the majority of the guys here get

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