
Jan 12, 2005

Legitimate criticism for her white washing of 9/11 isn't racism. But, the leftists manufacture it as needed today. This is the result of the leftist brainwashing that says everyone that isn't white fits nicely into a victimhood container, every one is a victim of the evil white man. The left have watered down racism to the point it is little more than an emotional tactic to shut down an argument, but not based on substance any more. Criticizing Omar has nothing to do with her race or skin color here, but the leftists that manufacture racism just can't hep themselves, the real racists today.
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Feb 6, 2002
Criticism was completely illegitimate. You people take 4 words in a 20 minute speech out of context and make up some bullshit as if she is some kind of traitor to America. Run it through the right wing media laundering machine and blast it out over the airways

Meanwhile we have a President taking sides with Putin over America and you blow it off like nothing.

You are the phony and real traitor.

Talib is right about one thing. People of color are a frequent target of Trump (shithole countries) because his base loves it when we are attacked.
Reactions: Homerboy


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004

Legitimate criticism for her white washing of 9/11 isn't racism. But, the leftists manufacture it as needed today. This is the result of the leftist brainwashing that says everyone that isn't white fits nicely into a victimhood container, every one is a victim of the evil white man. The left have watered down racism to the point it is little more than an emotional tactic to shut down an argument, but not based on substance any more. Criticizing Omar has nothing to do with her race of skin color here, but the leftists that manufacture racism just can't hep themselves, the real racists today.

Meanwhile, Trump was bragging about having the tallest building in Manhattan on 9/11 and you worship the ground he walks on. Hypocritical piece of shit.
Reactions: dainthomas


Jan 12, 2005
Criticism was completely illegitimate. You people take 4 words in a 20 minute speech out of context and make up some bullshit as if she is some kind of traitor to America. Run it through the right wing media laundering machine and blast it out over the airways

Meanwhile we have a President taking sides with Putin over America and you blow it off like nothing.

You are the phony and real traitor.

Talib is right about one thing. People of color are a frequent target of Trump (shithole countries) because his base loves it when we are attacked.

Criticism of her white washing 9/11 and watering it down so much is completely legitimate Even if you feel the criticism doesn't hold water, it certainly has nothing to do with racism. But leftists will manufacture it when needed, the real creators of racism today.


Feb 6, 2002
One example of the right way to handle 9/11 which what Omar was discussing in her speech. GW Bush made a speech declaring we are at war against terrorists not Islam.


Trump bragging after 9/11 "I now have the tallest building in Manhattan"


Trump calls the Prime Minister of New Zealand after the Christchurch attack and asked her what he can do. She told him to make a statement showing support for Muslims around the world. Of course he couldn't do it. I guess showing support for those kind of people is outside his playbook.


Feb 6, 2002
Criticism of her white washing 9/11 and watering it down so much is completely legitimate Even if you feel the criticism doesn't hold water, it certainly has nothing to do with racism. But leftists will manufacture it when needed, the real creators of racism today.
She did not whitewash 9/11. You are being told to say that and like a good little parrot, you comply.

She was completely right. Muslim Americans were under attack by people in this country. Cab drivers were being dragged out of their cabs and beaten up.

Meanwhile people like you just want to accuse Omar of being uppity and a traitor.


Jan 12, 2005
She did not whitewash 9/11. You are being told to say that and like a good little parrot, you comply.

She was completely right. Muslim Americans were under attack by people in this country. Cab drivers were being dragged out of their cabs and beaten up.

Meanwhile people like you just want to accuse Omar of being uppity and a traitor.

Sure, there were isolated incidents of people being attacked because they were muslim after 9/11, you and I both agree that is wrong. But, as you leftists tend to do, you over magnify by a factor of 100 anything that has to do with race (or climate, or Trump). There was no large scale attack on muslims, no one was forcing them out of the country or looking to do away with their first amendment rights. No Democrat was in office to round them up and put them in internment camps like FDR did to Japanese Americans. Nothing like that happened to muslims.

And yes, she totally white washed 9/11 and marginalized it in her quote. Even if you disagree, saying complaints of her doing so are racist is an outright lie and a typical leftist tactic today. That's the subject of this thread.


Feb 6, 2002
Sure, there were isolated incidents of people being attacked because they were muslim after 9/11, you and I both agree that is wrong. But, as you leftists tend to do, you over magnify by a factor of 100 anything that has to do with race (or climate, or Trump). There was no large scale attack on muslims, no one was forcing them out of the country or looking to do away with their first amendment rights. No Democrat was in office to round them up and put them in internment camps like FDR did to Japanese Americans. Nothing like that happened to muslims.

And yes, she totally white washed 9/11 and marginalized it in her quote. Even if you disagree, saying complaints of her doing so are racist is an outright lie and a typical leftist tactic today. That's the subject of this thread.
Why whenever there is an outright assult of part our society you like to brush it off as isolated incidents

3 church burnings...…….isolated

Omar was correct that because of 9/11 all Muslims were being condemned as a whole. That was the subject of her speech. You people isolated 4 words out of 20 minutes and created fake outrage. I have no idea what it feels like to parrot everything some idiot tells you but you serve your role well.

Imagine of Trump had been President during 9/11. He would have had all Muslim Americans rounded up and put into camps. Think that is hyperbole? Remember Trump wanted to start a Muslim registry database. What the fuck do you think that was for? Remember the Muslim ban. Omar has a right to point out how Muslim Americans have been treated.

I don't see random white people being attacked because of the above incidents. I didn't treat any of my white friends differently because of the above incidents. Yet her point why do all Muslims get lumped into the terrorist bucket? Trump is the key fanner of that hate flame in this country.
Nov 29, 2006
Why whenever there is an outright assult of part our society you like to brush it off as isolated incidents

3 church burnings...…….isolated

Omar was correct that because of 9/11 all Muslims were being condemned as a whole. That was the subject of her speech. You people isolated 4 words out of 20 minutes and created fake outrage. I have no idea what it feels like to parrot everything some idiot tells you but you serve your role well.

Imagine of Trump had been President during 9/11. He would have had all Muslim Americans rounded up and put into camps. Think that is hyperbole? Remember Trump wanted to start a Muslim registry database. What the fuck do you think that was for? Remember the Muslim ban. Omar has a right to point out how Muslim Americans have been treated.

I don't see random white people being attacked because of the above incidents. I didn't treat any of my white friends differently because of the above incidents. Yet her point why do all Muslims get lumped into the terrorist bucket? Trump is the key fanner of that hate flame in this country.

You spend a lot of words on a hypocrite who is incapable of learning or thinking. Easier to just ignore his threads so he might someday go away. He is beyond saving.
Reactions: Homerboy


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I considered reading the links in the OP, but decided it would be less toxic to just find an open septic tank and dive in.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jun 23, 2004
You spend a lot of words on a hypocrite who is incapable of learning or thinking. Easier to just ignore his threads so he might someday go away. He is beyond saving.

HomerJS's well articulated argument benefits the audience. What we say is not necessarily for the benefit of the person we address.

For example, if a person shouts "Islam is terrorism", the counter argument is used to prevent them from swaying others. It's merely icing on the cake if your opponent is somehow convinced that they were wrong.


Jan 12, 2005
Why whenever there is an outright assult of part our society you like to brush it off as isolated incidents

3 church burnings...…….isolated

Omar was correct that because of 9/11 all Muslims were being condemned as a whole. That was the subject of her speech. You people isolated 4 words out of 20 minutes and created fake outrage. I have no idea what it feels like to parrot everything some idiot tells you but you serve your role well.

Imagine of Trump had been President during 9/11. He would have had all Muslim Americans rounded up and put into camps. Think that is hyperbole? Remember Trump wanted to start a Muslim registry database. What the fuck do you think that was for? Remember the Muslim ban. Omar has a right to point out how Muslim Americans have been treated.

I don't see random white people being attacked because of the above incidents. I didn't treat any of my white friends differently because of the above incidents. Yet her point why do all Muslims get lumped into the terrorist bucket? Trump is the key fanner of that hate flame in this country.

You have a hard time with things, I will try and help you out. First, yes, those were isolated incidents, you are correct. There was no movement on a broad level that caused those atrocities to happen. There is not a significant portion of America that is for what happened in the incidents you cite. (Which is unlike islam, where quite literally hundreds of millions of muslims, a significant portion of their population, perhaps as many as 25% plus, think jihad is just against America and are for sharia law, death for drawing their prophet, etc.)

But the point of the thread, which you seem incapable of grasping, is that Tlaib does the typical leftist thing and cannot take criticism of her emotional positions in regards to her evangelical leftistm, so she manufactures a claim of racism. Because the left has continued to do this, one of their regularly used tools in their toolbox, they have become the real race dividers and conjurers or racism in general today. Where none existed, they will build it. Also, because your kind continues to do this you have watered down what racism is or means today, resolving real issues is more difficult today because the left is so quick to pull the race card.
Nov 29, 2006
You have a hard time with things, I will try and help you out. First, yes, those were isolated incidents, you are correct. There was no movement on a broad level that caused those atrocities to happen. There is not a significant portion of America that is for what happened in the incidents you cite. (Which is unlike islam, where quite literally hundreds of millions of muslims, a significant portion of their population, perhaps as many as 25% plus, think jihad is just against America and are for sharia law, death for drawing their prophet, etc.)

So what about the 32-46% of Trump humpers? If they support Trump and he supports white terorism, guilty by association? I’m not saying you are a hypocrite or ignorant, but you display the symptoms.

I’m taking Jackalas’ advice.


Feb 6, 2002
You have a hard time with things, I will try and help you out. First, yes, those were isolated incidents, you are correct. There was no movement on a broad level that caused those atrocities to happen. There is not a significant portion of America that is for what happened in the incidents you cite. (Which is unlike islam, where quite literally hundreds of millions of muslims, a significant portion of their population, perhaps as many as 25% plus, think jihad is just against America and are for sharia law, death for drawing their prophet, etc.)

But the point of the thread, which you seem incapable of grasping, is that Tlaib does the typical leftist thing and cannot take criticism of her emotional positions in regards to her evangelical leftistm, so she manufactures a claim of racism. Because the left has continued to do this, one of their regularly used tools in their toolbox, they have become the real race dividers and conjurers or racism in general today. Where none existed, they will build it. Also, because your kind continues to do this you have watered down what racism is or means today, resolving real issues is more difficult today because the left is so quick to pull the race card.
As in a previous post Nadler has it exactly correct.

FACT: In the United States which is where we are discussing Islam is not the terrorism problem, its white nationalists. The countries crime statistics prove it but you'd rather ignore because it doesn't give you brown people to beat up on. Trumpian to a tee.

Since almost everyone here besides you can see it I'm finished.
Reactions: dank69


Jan 12, 2005
So what about the 32-46% of Trump humpers? If they support Trump and he supports white terorism, guilty by association? I’m not saying you are a hypocrite or ignorant, but you display the symptoms.

I’m taking Jackalas’ advice.

Trump does not support white terrorism, you are just making things up now.


Jan 12, 2005
As in a previous post Nadler has it exactly correct.

FACT: In the United States which is where we are discussing Islam is not the terrorism problem, its white nationalists. The countries crime statistics prove it but you'd rather ignore because it doesn't give you brown people to beat up on. Trumpian to a tee.

Since almost everyone here besides you can see it I'm finished.

In the last 20 years radical muslims are responsible for a much higher body count than radical white nationalists. (Candace Owens points out that white nationalism is not increasing, they've simply expanded the definition and agencies reporting on it... manipulating stats to scare minorities and get votes... the left, the real race dividers today)

There is not a significant portion of white people that are for shooting up places that minorities are found. You are talking about isolated fringe groups or individuals at best. America is less racist today than it was in 1960, yet minorities are often worse off because of leftist policies. There is reality for ya.


Jan 12, 2005
Hmm.. so in the other thread, Slow claimed that he condemned this inciteful propaganda. So much so that he had to create a new thread to keep pushing it. .

No, you too don't seem to understand the purpose of this thread. It is about the left manufacturing faux racism (again) over something that clearly has nothing to do with race. Being victims because that's what they've brainwashed them into thinking.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
No, you too don't seem to understand the purpose of this thread. It is about the left manufacturing faux racism (again) over something that clearly has nothing to do with race. Being victims because that's what they've brainwashed them into thinking.

I understand quite well that you are a shamelessly unabashed hypocrite.


Nov 11, 1999
I understand quite well that you are a shamelessly unabashed hypocrite.

Huh-uhh! Straight white males are the most persecuted people on the planet! You're the real bigot if you don't believe that, Libtard race traitor!
Nov 25, 2013
Sure, there were isolated incidents of people being attacked because they were muslim after 9/11, you and I both agree that is wrong. But, as you leftists tend to do, you over magnify by a factor of 100 anything that has to do with race (or climate, or Trump). There was no large scale attack on muslims, no one was forcing them out of the country or looking to do away with their first amendment rights. No Democrat was in office to round them up and put them in internment camps like FDR did to Japanese Americans. Nothing like that happened to muslims.

And yes, she totally white washed 9/11 and marginalized it in her quote. Even if you disagree, saying complaints of her doing so are racist is an outright lie and a typical leftist tactic today. That's the subject of this thread.



Jul 13, 2005
Trump does not support white terrorism, you are just making things up now.
actually Trump does support white terrorism! If we use your logic since Trump refuses to condemn white terrorism then we can rightly so believe that trump does support white terrorism!
To not say something is to agree!!
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