Received eviction notice. Need advice.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
I was served an unlawful detainer notice by my landlord on Thursday nov 11 that was dated on Wednesday nov 10. I have until Monday to file a response or be automatically evicted. I need some unofficial advice before proceeding. The area of jurisdiction is San Diego, CA.

My roommate and I were supposed to be out of the apartment on nov. 1. The land lady talked to me on Oct. 31 and said that any time after that she would charge me a prorated fee for everyday we stay past that. I informed her that I was moving back to northern California and my last day of work here in SD was nov 14 and I wouldn't stay any longer than that. She was a little annoyed and repeatedly told me that I would b paying nearly half the rent.

I wasn't sure exactly how long I would be staying so there was no point in giving her any money for rent until I knew how much I owed. I decided that I would just stay until the 14th and pay my half of the rent that I would have owed anyways. This was a better alternative than moving all my stuff twice, once to a friends and then again a few days later to norcal.

On Wednesday night (10th) the owner of the building caught me outside by my car and we started a heated argument. He was under the impression that I was ducking out on the rent completely. After several minutes of calmly explaining that I was going to pay the prorated rent based on what day I left when I turned my keys in so that I wouldn't over/under pay, he calmed down. He told me that if I gave the landlord $200 the next day as an act of good faith and paid the balance on the 14th it would be acceptable.

When I cam home from work on thursday nov. 11, there was an unlawful detainer notice posted on my door saying I had 5 days to file a response with the court or be automatically evicted. The notice was dated nov 10, so they had filed against me before the owner even talked to me and made our verbal agreement. I went to the landlord and told her about my discussion with the owner. She called the property manager and neither one of them had been told about our agreement by the owner. The property manager told the landlord that she would contact the attorney and have them cancel the unlawful detainer and to accept my $200 payment. Today I turned in the balance of the prorated rent as promised, but when I asked if the suit had been dropped, I was told that thy had left a message for the attorney but received no response to confirm. The manager again accepted my check and told me to call the property manager on Monday after 9am to see if it had been cancelled. I have a photocopy of both checks signed and dated by the landlord saying she received these checks.

Obviously I have to prepare my response and be ready to turn it into the court on Monday to cover my own ass and not receive an automatic judgement against me in the event it doesn't get dropped.

Based on these facts, in case I do have to go to trial, what are my chances of winning? The owner entered into a verbal agreement with me after the unlawful detainer had been filed, I kept up my end ofthe bargain with signed copies of checks, and those checks were accepted by the landlord with permission from property management company. The cause for the unlawful detainer is rent has not been paid. That is no longer true, it has been paid in full.

Anyone with knowledge or similar experiences?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
I was served an unlawful detainer notice by my landlord on Thursday nov 11 that was dated on Wednesday nov 10. I have until Monday to file a response or be automatically evicted. I need some unofficial advice before proceeding. The area of jurisdiction is San Diego, CA.

My roommate and I were supposed to be out of the apartment on nov. 1. The land lady talked to me on Oct. 31 and said that any time after that she would charge me a prorated fee for everyday we stay past that. I informed her that I was moving back to northern California and my last day of work here in SD was nov 14 and I wouldn't stay any longer than that. She was a little annoyed and repeatedly told me that I would b paying nearly half the rent.

I wasn't sure exactly how long I would be staying so there was no point in giving her any money for rent until I knew how much I owed. I decided that I would just stay until the 14th and pay my half of the rent that I would have owed anyways. This was a better alternative than moving all my stuff twice, once to a friends and then again a few days later to norcal.

On Wednesday night (10th) the owner of the building caught me outside by my car and we started a heated argument. He was under the impression that I was ducking out on the rent completely. After several minutes of calmly explaining that I was going to pay the prorated rent based on what day I left when I turned my keys in so that I wouldn't over/under pay, he calmed down. He told me that if I gave the landlord $200 the next day as an act of good faith and paid the balance on the 14th it would be acceptable.

When I cam home from work on thursday nov. 11, there was an unlawful detainer notice posted on my door saying I had 5 days to file a response with the court or be automatically evicted. The notice was dated nov 10, so they had filed against me before the owner even talked to me and made our verbal agreement. I went to the landlord and told her about my discussion with the owner. She called the property manager and neither one of them had been told about our agreement by the owner. The property manager told the landlord that she would contact the attorney and have them cancel the unlawful detainer and to accept my $200 payment. Today I turned in the balance of the prorated rent as promised, but when I asked if the suit had been dropped, I was told that thy had left a message for the attorney but received no response to confirm. The manager again accepted my check and told me to call the property manager on Monday after 9am to see if it had been cancelled. I have a photocopy of both checks signed and dated by the landlord saying she received these checks.

Obviously I have to prepare my response and be ready to turn it into the court on Monday to cover my own ass and not receive an automatic judgement against me in the event it doesn't get dropped.

Based on these facts, in case I do have to go to trial, what are my chances of winning? The owner entered into a verbal agreement with me after the unlawful detainer had been filed, I kept up my end ofthe bargain with signed copies of checks, and those checks were accepted by the landlord with permission from property management company. The cause for the unlawful detainer is rent has not been paid. That is no longer true, it has been paid in full.

Anyone with knowledge or similar experiences?
No worries, by the time the County Sheriff gets the order to evict you you'll be long gone. Just pay what you owe and make sure the APT is clean and in good condition when you mover out.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
It's probably just a formality in case you don't leave. It takes over 30 days to evict someone in CA. 90 if they fight it.
I used to have to go with the sheriff and lock people out when I worked property management. It was sad.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
It doesn't matter if I'm long gone before the sheriff forces me out. There will still be a judgement against me and I'll be blacklisted and never be able to get an apartment again.


Nov 5, 2009
uh, well, first they have to hand you a "3 day pay or quit notice". California tenant laws are very specific. They have to be followed in order and precisely. If they never handed you the 3 day notice, mention that during your response and the suit will be thrown out. In the case that you should go before a judge, mention what you have here and the judge should understand and not put a judgment against you. Honestly though, I wouldn't expect any problems. You don't sound like a deadbeat who's trying to get free rent.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2004
If the owner will vouch for you and say that you entered into the verbal agreement I don't think you should worry. However, if they blow you off I think you're screwed. Aren't you moving out today anyways? If so don't you have until tomorrow before you are automatically evicted? Sounds like your landlord is on a powertrip. Tell her to call the owner and sort things out, and after she does that, I'd tell her to fuck off and diaf.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
It doesn't matter if I'm long gone before the sheriff forces me out. There will still be a judgement against me and I'll be blacklisted and never be able to get an apartment again.
Judgment for what, you'll be out and paid up. To get a judgment against you they have to go to court. If you are not there there's no need to go to court. Like Olds I use to be a Property Manager and like he said this action taking was just in case they needed to take you to court to get a judgment, nothing more.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Judgment for what, you'll be out and paid up. To get a judgment against you they have to go to court. If you are not there there's no need to go to court. Like Olds I use to be a Property Manager and like he said this action taking was just in case they needed to take you to court to get a judgment, nothing more.

It is my understanding that they have already taken action against me. They went to court and filed to have me officially evicted. The unlawful detainer is basically a court summons that requires me to file an official response with the court or they hand down a judgement against me whether I am still in the apartment or not.

Epic Fail

Diamond Member
May 10, 2005
What is your definition of owner and landlord?

I wasn't sure exactly how long I would be staying so there was no point in giving her any money for rent until I knew how much I owed. I decided that I would just stay until the 14th and pay my half of the rent that I would have owed anyways. This was a better alternative than moving all my stuff twice, once to a friends and then again a few days later to norcal.

That was your initial problem, can't say you can blame anyone.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
What is your definition of owner and landlord?

That was your initial problem, can't say you can blame anyone.

Owner = plaintiff listed on unlawful detainer. Trustee of property.

Landlord = onsite manager. Person I turn rent into.

I'm not saying that none of this is my fault. It is my fault and I'm not trying to place blame on anyone. I'm simply trying to figure out how to proceed going forward based on these facts. It was a miscommunication by both parties that went too far. Unfortunately, I am the only party that stands to lose anything in this.


Jun 5, 2006
No worries, by the time the County Sheriff gets the order to evict you you'll be long gone. Just pay what you owe and make sure the APT is clean and in good condition when you mover out.

Evictions go on your credit report, don't they?


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Why would they?

an eviction is considered a matter of public record. When a rental company runs your credit, it also searches your public record for prior evictions. If one shows up, most automatically deny you. That's what I was referringto when I said I would be "blacklisted".


Nov 23, 2002
Why would they?
It's a Legal Civil Judgement adjudicated by a Court of Law. You bet your ass it goes on your credit report. Like a bounced check/Small Claims/ Superior Court judgement would be.

To the OP: sounds like they skipped the all- important "Three Day or Quit" notice, as required by CA law, although given what I know about "Apt. Mgrs" they will lie about posting it. You need to document the discussions you had, stay consistent with the story and GET OUT NOW.
You need a signed off Final Walk Through to get out clean, although you'ld be best having a witness (3rd party if you can get it)and videos of the final condition to CYA in court, if it goes that far. they want you out mainly. Their money above all.
The fact that they can't rent it out in this market is not cause for extended damages, afaik.
Also San Diego County may have a tenant's rights organization. Check them out for help / resources.

Good Luck.


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2001
an eviction is considered a matter of public record. When a rental company runs your credit, it also searches your public record for prior evictions. If one shows up, most automatically deny you. That's what I was referringto when I said I would be "blacklisted".

It's not on the credit reports I get for my tenants. i.e it doesn't say Eviction at such and such place for $X. Sometimes count judgements get put on the reports, but you don't really know what they are for. It will say something like. Joe Blow, Civil case, $2000. I have no idea if that is for an eviction or not. Sometimes it will have the company name, like Robot Arms Apts. That may be for an eviction or it could even be damage cost.

With apartment vacancies at an all time high, most places are taking anybody with a pulse and money in their pockets.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
Boring... You paid and you have proof. They filed in case you were planning on skipping out on rent, it takes a long time to evict someone. Nothing to worry about...


Nov 23, 2002
Boring... You paid and you have proof. They filed in case you were planning on skipping out on rent, it takes a long time to evict someone. Nothing to worry about...
Wrong. An unanswered Legal Filing can result in a default judgement against you, without your presence in Court.
That judgement will show on a Credit Report.
Ignoring it will not make it go away.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Your mistake was not paying the full rent upfront at the beginning of the month like usual, and letting them refund you the difference once you moved out. You were basically living there rent-free "on your word" that you'll pay at your leisure when you decide to move out. That ain't how it works, homeboy.

Can't blame them for taking action. Next time be more responsible.


Feb 22, 2007
It is my understanding that they have already taken action against me. They went to court and filed to have me officially evicted. The unlawful detainer is basically a court summons that requires me to file an official response with the court or they hand down a judgement against me whether I am still in the apartment or not.

They did not go to court. My brother deals with renters all the time. All they did is go to the county office and take out an official notice that they are going to start eviction procedures, not that they are having you tossed out on the street, that isn't how it works. It is a 5 minute process anyone can do in their county. The notice is just a way for the owner to show that they told you they haven't received rent and that they expect to be paid or else. I got one myself last year when the payment got lost in the mail for my apartment. Came home and got handed it. Called them up and they said it was just standard procedure to protect the owner. Paid the rent and never heard from it again, no court, no anything.

It will not show up on credit reports or anything else as it isn't anything but an official notice that they haven't been paid in case they do have to do more to get out a non paying renter. It sets a date the courts can look at as to when they notified you. If you do not pay by the eviction notice date then you still have 30 days before they can make you leave, at that point then they can harm your credit with any fees not paid.

I don't think people are aware how hard it really is to get someone out of a home you are renting. Lots of landlords say things that are not true. It can be a major pain to get someone evicted , sometimes taking months.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Your mistake was not paying the full rent upfront at the beginning of the month like usual, and letting them refund you the difference once you moved out. You were basically living there rent-free "on your word" that you'll pay at your leisure when you decide to move out. That ain't how it works, homeboy.

Can't blame them for taking action. Next time be more responsible.

Ya. You said you're going to leave on the 14th. So pay half a month's rent. Are you really being anal about over or underpaying 3 or 4 days of rent? For what? Now you've got all this grief and a stupid situation because of 50 bux or whatever.
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