Nice, a chemistry project!
Thanks for the pointer. I added their news feed to's Distributed Computing News. is still empty. Once files show up there, expect coverage in our Weekly Stats.
I wonder how hard it could be to make it run on Linux via app_info.xml. Also…Windows only atm, 1 task her host. vbox only.
…some sanity checks that the application is doing what it is specified to be doing would be good. I have no idea how to approach this though, beyond looking at what files are in the VM image. Looks like the code was free and open in older versions but is proprietary in the current version (download site).At least it's not another Russian math project.
From the basic info, it looks like it's attempting to predict the Ion Conductivity of Lithium Phosphides, at least in part to try to improve battery technology. Could be interesting, but probably won't be added to the stats sites for a while due to the .ru site domain.
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