Redskins to become Bravehearts

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Oct 18, 2009
Name them the Washington Republicans, and have the mascot be Abe Lincoln riding an elephant.

I don't think replacing something seen as racist by some with another icon of perceived racism, Lincoln, would do much to help.


Jun 22, 2001
Sounds like a mixed response. It doesn't look like it's an overwhelming amount of Native Americans who oppose the current name. I don't know if it's worth changing just to satisfy the percentage who are offended by the name. There will always be people who are offended by something someone else does, and changing the name doesn't change the historical reality.

What matters more is that no one in the Redskins organization or NFL means for the name to be offensive. Intentions matter more than old names or words used for the sake of continuity and team legacy.

We should instead conduct a poll asking, "should the American government give ALL the land back it took from your forefathers?", and if the answer is "yes", well maybe we should give them back America. Because honestly what was done was worse than what was said, if simple polling of opinion matters at all.

P.S. I'm an Indian-American and am highly offended by your misapplication of the term "Indian". It's been a few hundred years, you should know by now that this continent isn't India.

lol, ok I mean Native American. Can we still say dot or feather? j/k.

A poll does and would not mean anything after 1.2 million Native Americans' representatives are plaintiffs on the lawsuit. If 1.2 mil are upset, then change the stupid name. Just more ethnocentric American stupidity which is why Americans are treated like shit overseas. The world doesn't revolve around Anglo-America (i.e. the majority and popular opinion) and there is always backlash when this image is shattered to pieces by facts. This thread is a good display of our ignorant, uninformed stupidity based on anecdotal evidence from the Native American minority, not majority (which the lawsuit represents).


May 21, 2003
The original assertion was that no Indians gave a shit, which is patently false. Your goalpost moving of 45K does nothing to change that.

BTW, you are incredibly ignorant of the issue if you think it's just 45K:

Lazy dipshits, google is your friend. Try using it sometime.
I never said no Indian cared, goal post shifting not found. No doubt some of the 45K don't give a shit.

"90 percent of respondents did not consider the term offensive, although many question the cultural credentials of the respondents."

“It more or less shows that they approve of our history,”

"In 2004, the National Annenberg Election Survey asked 768 people who identified themselves as Indian whether they found the name “Washington Redskins” offensive. Almost 90 percent said it did not bother them."

These quotes are among the ones saying it is offensive in the link.

Sounds like the issue isn't...

Black and white.



May 21, 2003
A poll does and would not mean anything after 1.2 million Native Americans' representatives are plaintiffs on the lawsuit. If 1.2 mil are upset, then change the stupid name.
The listed population of Indian tribes is around 1.2M. I think is safe to assume excludes most 1/16th Indians, like myself, who simply don't care enough to register.

Now we're up to nearly 100% of population?

Please stretch your facts more.

"the National Congress of American Indians, the largest intertribal organization, which represents more than 250 groups with a combined enrollment of 1.2 million."

Obama represents the U.S., do all Americans agree with everything he says?


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999

We have bowed to the pressure and officially changed our name because of all the negativity, shame, humiliation, dissent, polarity, adversity, defiance, hatred, animosity, contempt, discrimination, division, violence, counter productivity, ill-spirit, un-Godliness, and hostility associated it.

From now on we will be known simply as the Redskins.


Senior member
Aug 16, 2005
I am of Scottish descent and find that offensive, but they can have Haggis if they want, Washington Haggis, sounds good taste like shit. Mascot can be a blob that rolls around on the ground.


Jun 22, 2001
The listed population of Indian tribes is around 1.2M. I think is safe to assume excludes most 1/16th Indians, like myself, who simply don't care enough to register.

Now we're up to nearly 100% of population?

Please stretch your facts more.

"the National Congress of American Indians, the largest intertribal organization, which represents more than 250 groups with a combined enrollment of 1.2 million."

Obama represents the U.S., do all Americans agree with everything he says?

Holy shit, you cannot read or write. The total population of Indians is not "1.2 million", it's 5.2~ million as evidenced in the article.

<<But the thoughts and beliefs of native people are the basis of the debate over changing the team name. And looking across the breadth of Native America &#8212; with 2 million Indians enrolled in 566 federally recognized tribes, plus another 3.2 million who tell the Census they are Indian &#8212; it&#8217;s difficult to tell how many are opposed to the name.>>

Let's look at the logic path that you have decided to take so far:

1) A lawsuit was filed in 2013 by Native Americans representing 1.2 million people/50%~ of all tribes in the US because they found "Redskins" to be derogatory.
2) You quote a survey from 2004, or 9 years ago, that surveyed 768 people who don't mind "Redskins" and voluntarily claimed to be Indian.
3) With the evidence presented, you still preposterously feel the need to speak for all Native Americans and tell us that they think "Redskins" is still ok with them.

Either present stronger evidence or concede that your stance is based on a flimsy survey.


Golden Member
May 6, 2013
Blame it all on poor sunscreen lotion or none at all back in the olden days when they were out in the sun all day hunting buffalo. They got sunburned and all red and so the name stuck, it's not a racial thing afterall.


Feb 2, 2005
For some reason I didn't even connect the name to Native Americans until the recent controversy came up. I don't care what they call the team, but if no one is even thinking about the term "beloved patriot" as anything but a football team, how is it offensive? Doesn't offense need to be given first before it can be legitimately received? Maybe we need to start working on separating "perceived" offense from actual offense, and only take action on the latter. Right now we have fallen into the mindset that EVERYTHING anyone can imagine a reason to be offended by deserves attention and correction, when obviously that isn't the case. Intention is everything here.


Aug 8, 2001
For some reason I didn't even connect the name to Native Americans until the recent controversy came up. I don't care what they call the team, but if no one is even thinking about the term "beloved patriot" as anything but a football team, how is it offensive? Doesn't offense need to be given first before it can be legitimately received? Maybe we need to start working on separating "perceived" offense from actual offense, and only take action on the latter. Right now we have fallen into the mindset that EVERYTHING anyone can imagine a reason to be offended by deserves attention and correction, when obviously that isn't the case. Intention is everything here.

I think "Community" has predicted where we'll end up with mascots becoming all politically correct now:



Sep 3, 2001
lol, ok I mean Native American. Can we still say dot or feather? j/k.

A poll does and would not mean anything after 1.2 million Native Americans' representatives are plaintiffs on the lawsuit. If 1.2 mil are upset, then change the stupid name. Just more ethnocentric American stupidity which is why Americans are treated like shit overseas. The world doesn't revolve around Anglo-America (i.e. the majority and popular opinion) and there is always backlash when this image is shattered to pieces by facts. This thread is a good display of our ignorant, uninformed stupidity based on anecdotal evidence from the Native American minority, not majority (which the lawsuit represents).

And America was named after a European, Amerigo Vespucci. Way to keep rubbing it in.


Sep 22, 2007
Holy shit, you cannot read or write. The total population of Indians is not "1.2 million", it's 5.2~ million as evidenced in the article.

<<But the thoughts and beliefs of native people are the basis of the debate over changing the team name. And looking across the breadth of Native America — with 2 million Indians enrolled in 566 federally recognized tribes, plus another 3.2 million who tell the Census they are Indian — it’s difficult to tell how many are opposed to the name.>>

Let's look at the logic path that you have decided to take so far:

1) A lawsuit was filed in 2013 by Native Americans representing 1.2 million people/50%~ of all tribes in the US because they found "Redskins" to be derogatory.
2) You quote a survey from 2004, or 9 years ago, that surveyed 768 people who don't mind "Redskins" and voluntarily claimed to be Indian.
3) With the evidence presented, you still preposterously feel the need to speak for all Native Americans and tell us that they think "Redskins" is still ok with them.

Either present stronger evidence or concede that your stance is based on a flimsy survey.

Who cares? Should we keep renaming things just because people get offended? If they don't like it, don't follow the team or come up with the $1 billion+ required to buy the team and then change it.


Jan 29, 2005
Well, the Browns are named after Paul Brown, the Redskins should follow suit and come up with a prominent historical figure with the last name of White or Black and follow suit just to fuck with everyone and start a whole new debate all over again.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Would the mascot be a matzo ball?

and the tunnel is in the shape of an Oven. So at the start they run out! ywahhhh! halftime they run in...boooo.

third period run out again! woooo!

now the good part. IF they lose they gotta run the oven again. boooo

if they win!? they stay out on the field to celebrate! AWOOOOOOo!



Jun 22, 2001
Who cares? Should we keep renaming things just because people get offended? If they don't like it, don't follow the team or come up with the $1 billion+ required to buy the team and then change it.

I would agree with you but it's over a million people, which is a lot. We aren't talking about some stupid school district that's mad about something. Imagine if 1 million Native Americans were outside of your door ready to kick your ass because you kept calling them a racial slur. You'd be scared shitless, so cut the American ethnocentric greater-than-thou-b/c-I'm-the-racial-majority attitude and show some respect to your fellow Americans. You don't go up to black people calling them the N word, do you? It's no different, and I'm not embellishing here. Just ask the National Museum of the American Indian director about it:
<<"It is the equivalent of the n-word," Gover said. "That's how it was used when I was a child. That's the name people chose to call me if they wanted to hurt my feelings, and I think that's still the case in many circumstances.">>

Amazing that your parents never taught you how to treat other people, I would have kicked the shit out of you if we were in high school and you called one of my friends a racial slur. In fact, I have kicked the shit out of a racist Nazi motherfucker who called my friend the N word (said he was just a dumb N) right in back of a restaurant while we were on duty. He left crying, bloody, and with broken glasses. Don't be that kid who was raised to hate others.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You don't hear the Scandinavians complaining about a certain NFL team name.

lol! I love it when this comes up!

Vikings vs Redskins! so comparable!

how about:

Cossacks vs N*ggers! so comparable

How about

Raiders vs Kikes! so comparable!



Aug 8, 2001
lol! I love it when this comes up!

Vikings vs Redskins! so comparable!

how about:

Cossacks vs N*ggers! so comparable

How about

Raiders vs Kikes! so comparable!


Yeah, because people often go around calling Native Americans "redskins" as an insult these days. Ask black people if the "N word" is offensive. I'm sure you'll get 90% plus "yes" because it's still used today by racists as an extremely offensive word. beloved patriot wasn't a deliberately offensive word, and no team would have a derogatory word to represent their team spirit and unity. The point of the team name and symbol/logo was to represent strength, and a Native American warrior was seen as tough and stoic. The word "beloved patriot" wasn't meant to be any more offensive than saying someone is "white" or "black" today, it's just a descriptor of a people group. Hence I think "Vikings" is comparable. You have a similar warrior type of the past, though calling a Scandinavian person a Viking today would be met with weird looks and yes, maybe someone would take offense at the caricature.

My point is that if people can't see the name as being honorable or at least as neutral, then we really can't have anything except animals representing mascots unless there is some magical level of approval or disapproval that decides whether it's okay to use a name. I don't think it's necessary to revise the branding of something just because people today find it offensive though historically that wasn't the case, at least not in every situation or this one in particular.

In any case, I don't think we get to decide whether the term is offensive or not (unless you are Native American, I suppose), but I'm not going to say spending money and time to change the team name everywhere is a necessity. You can disagree and I'm sure many do, but I think it's unnecessary.
Last edited:


May 3, 2004
They should be called the Hoovers, in honor of J. Edgar.

And because they suck.


Jun 22, 2001
Yeah, because people often go around calling Native Americans "redskins" as an insult these days. Ask black people if the "N word" is offensive. I'm sure you'll get 90% plus "yes" because it's still used today by racists as an extremely offensive word. beloved patriot wasn't a deliberately offensive word, and no team would have a derogatory word to represent their team spirit and unity. The point of the team name and symbol/logo was to represent strength, and a Native American warrior was seen as tough and stoic. The word "beloved patriot" wasn't meant to be any more offensive than saying someone is "white" or "black" today, it's just a descriptor of a people group. Hence I think "Vikings" is comparable. You have a similar warrior type of the past, though calling a Scandinavian person a Viking today would be met with weird looks and yes, maybe someone would take offense at the caricature.

My point is that if people can't see the name as being honorable or at least as neutral, then we really can't have anything except animals representing mascots unless there is some magical level of approval or disapproval that decides whether it's okay to use a name. I don't think it's necessary to revise the branding of something just because people today find it offensive though historically that wasn't the case, at least not in every situation or this one in particular.

I'm pretty sure if there was a team proposal called the Blackskins or the Whiteskins it'd be shot down with fervor. Many people take "red" as an adjective which is the problem, they aren't seeing beloved patriot as a noun. For example, Bravehearts isn't making reference to anyone's skin, regardless if beloved patriot = same meaning as a Braveheart. For another analogy, look at the controversy around "Negro Mountain" which was named after a heroic black slave who fought in the French and Indian War:
The mountain was named after skin color which is the problem, and "negro" can also be derogatory to a chunk of blacks. That is the crux of the matter. The spirit of the name (brave and heroic people) is not the same as the letter of the name (negro, red) which can be viewed as derogatory to big chunks of each demographic.


Aug 8, 2001
I'm pretty sure if there was a team proposal called the Blackskins or the Whiteskins it'd be shot down with fervor. Many people take "red" as an adjective which is the problem, they aren't seeing beloved patriot as a noun. For example, Bravehearts isn't making reference to anyone's skin, regardless if beloved patriot = same meaning as a Braveheart. For another analogy, look at the controversy around "Negro Mountain" which was named after a heroic black slave who fought in the French and Indian War:
The mountain was named after skin color which is the problem, and "negro" can also be derogatory to a chunk of blacks. That is the crux of the matter. The spirit of the name (brave and heroic people) is not the same as the letter of the name (negro, red) which can be viewed as derogatory to big chunks of each demographic.

Your bringing up the real problem here: ignorance of history. I don't think simply changing everything because people are offended is the right way to go. There's even a opportunity presented to learn here if everyone can just realize that just taking offense to something doesn't benefit us as a society, not when such offense is needless in the light of historical context.


Sep 22, 2007
I would agree with you but it's over a million people, which is a lot. We aren't talking about some stupid school district that's mad about something. Imagine if 1 million Native Americans were outside of your door ready to kick your ass because you kept calling them a racial slur. You'd be scared shitless, so cut the American ethnocentric greater-than-thou-b/c-I'm-the-racial-majority attitude and show some respect to your fellow Americans. You don't go up to black people calling them the N word, do you? It's no different, and I'm not embellishing here. Just ask the National Museum of the American Indian director about it:
<<"It is the equivalent of the n-word," Gover said. "That's how it was used when I was a child. That's the name people chose to call me if they wanted to hurt my feelings, and I think that's still the case in many circumstances.">>

Amazing that your parents never taught you how to treat other people, I would have kicked the shit out of you if we were in high school and you called one of my friends a racial slur. In fact, I have kicked the shit out of a racist Nazi motherfucker who called my friend the N word (said he was just a dumb N) right in back of a restaurant while we were on duty. He left crying, bloody, and with broken glasses. Don't be that kid who was raised to hate others.

Cut the internet ethug bullshit. It scares no one and makes you look like alkemyst jr.

The team name has been around 80+ years and now we have people who get sand in their vaginas and are "offended" and want it changed. Guess what? They can be offended all they want. If they want it changed, come up with the $1 billion+ to buy the team and change it.

I love how you're portraying (or is it advocating?) violence for name calling. Seriously? Is that how YOUR parents raised you? To be an over-sensitive sissy who cries a river and threatens to "beat people up" if they say something you don't like? My parents raised me to turn the other cheek and walk away from name calling and insults -- which is the right way to behave instead of trying to be an ethug and threaten people.
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