Remember that shutdown Trump WILL have?

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Aug 2, 2001
“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”- Clinton, 2015

And she voted for the TTP before she was against it.

Didn't work out for her did it?

That's irrelevant however. Trump's ask is for me the taxpayer to pay for his fucking wall. I will pay exactly $0 to do that.

Don't like it? Go get Mexico to buy the land from the landowners and build the wall. I ain't paying shit.

Where's that middle class tax cut btw? Quit wasting our time and do some real work.
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Mar 25, 2001
There’s lots of stuff I don’t think my tax dollars should go towards but they do. I don’t get to (directly anyways) say nope sorry government go frick yourself.

Edit: I don’t want a middle class tax cut, not at the moment anyways. The taxes on the rich need to be raised. Not sure where that came from or what it has to do with anything


Feb 1, 2008
I LOVE THE SHUTDOWN because.....
Many of these unpaid workers and furloughed workers had VOTED FOR TRUMP in 2016.
They really believed Donald Trump was THEIR BUDDY.
And the people Trump demonized were "THOSE" people, never them.
Well.... as I said many many times during the campaign, a friend today is the enemy tomorrow. Meaning that Donald Trump's hate has no end. And I warned that eventually and inevitably Donald Trump would find reason to TURN ON THEM, the very people that elected Donald Trump.

The chickens have come home to roost.
Donald Trump in no uncertain terms has made it quite clear what he, Donald Trump, thinks of his loyal supporters.
Just as with everyone else, Donald Trump doesn't like you that much.
In fact, Donald would threaten their very lifestyle and financial survival in order to promote Donald Trump.
He doesn't care about YOU, you silly nilly.
All Donald Trump cares about is ME ME ME.
Oh the poetic justice you Donald Trump supporters.
As they say, you have made your Donnie bed. Now go sleep in it.
Ha Ha Ha.... I LOVE IT.
And never say you didn't seen this coming because everyone else seen it coming.
Anyone with a brain could have figured this out long before casting that vote for Donald Trump.
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Feb 4, 2009
K. Republicans are stupid, I don’t really disagree. You said a wall doesn’t equal border security but it seems Hillary disagreed to some extent. It provides a barrier where one didn’t exist before. The protection provided isn’t fool proof but neither is locking our doors but I bet you still do.

It’s not a silver bullet but it’s better than doing nothing and that’s what I don’t think the left is explaining to the right very well. The right doesn’t think it impenetrable either, but they certainly see it as better than nothing. So why not? Forgo a jet or two and build a damned wall.

It was a compromise, more fencing & more border security for immigration fixes.
Republicans have been particularly difficult to compromise with since 2008.
People hate Hillary types because they work on Solutions not complete victories
Graham is similar but his work leans Republican. I respect Graham for attempting to get stuff done, even if I’d never vote for Graham if I could.
Reactions: ivwshane


May 15, 2000
“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”- Clinton, 2015

Why don't you quote her entire answer? You stupid fucking parrot. Oh I know why, because it takes more work than simply parroting right wing media talking points. Brainless moron!

Well look, I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders. But I think that it’s also true that we need to do more to try to number one, deal with the people who are already here, many of whom have been here for decades. Because it is just never going to happen that we’re going to round-up and deport 11 or 12 million. I don’t care how tall the wall is or how big the door is, that is never going to happen. And I think it is an unnecessarily provocative thing to say.

We need to secure our borders, I’m for it, I voted for it, I believe in it, and we also need to deal with the families, the workers who are here, who have made contributions, and their children. Mexican immigration no longer is really the issue. The Mexican economy is doing well enough, we’ve had no net Mexican immigration in the last several years. We now get immigrants from Central America and Latin America. And a lot of them make a very dangerous trip with smugglers and traffickers to try to get in to our country. And we need to do more to try to put some resources into those countries to try to deal with some of the conditions particularly the violence, the drug dealers and the like, that create that.

And we have an example of how effective the United States can be. When my husband was president, as you remember, there was a war going on in Colombia by drug traffickers and insurgent rebels. It was such a violent war that elected officials, business leaders, academics were being kidnapped, many of them murdered, others held for ransom. And we did something called Plan Colombia. Where we helped the government figure out how to secure their country from drug traffickers and rebels. And it took a number of years but now it’s a success story. So we can do more to stop the problem from where it starts. We can do more to secure our border and we should do more to deal with the 11 or 12 million people who are here, get them out of the shadows.

Because we will have a better economic outcome if we do that because what happens now is if you’re undocumented, you will work for as little as you can be paid. And that influences the labor market and takes away jobs from Americans because there’s no even playing field. If we get them out of the shadows and we enforce the labor laws, we will see a much better labor market for Americans and we will also see much more contribution into the Social Security and Medicare system, as well as the taxes. I mean right now we know that undocumented workers pay into the Social Security system, many billions of dollars, but it could be even more. So yeah we have to do all of that and to talk about just one piece of it I think is misleading and doesn’t help us get to where we can solve the problems that we face.
Reactions: Meghan54


Aug 2, 2001
If you Trumpy dopes were actually masters at negotiation, you'd get Mexico to build the wall on their side of the border and concede the Rio Grande to us.

Instead you have them laughing at us dumb gringos who's going to waste our money, to build a wall on top of our farmland, and cut ourselves off from the river.


Aug 2, 2001
There’s lots of stuff I don’t think my tax dollars should go towards but they do. I don’t get to (directly anyways) say nope sorry government go frick yourself.

Edit: I don’t want a middle class tax cut, not at the moment anyways. The taxes on the rich need to be raised. Not sure where that came from or what it has to do with anything

Yes you do. You had a chance on Nov 6th. Trump lost, bigly.

Don't like it? Trump should have done something earlier instead of dicking around and getting 0 accomplished.

Otherwise, go waste your own money and donate to that wall go fund me page.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
There's expected to be a big snow storm this weekend along the east coast.

Serious Question:

Will the shutdown have an affect on any emergency services that may be needed during blizzards? Not plows, obviously, but possibly FEMA responses to major catastrophes?
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
There's expected to be a big snow storm this weekend along the east coast.

Serious Question:

Will the shutdown have an affect on any emergency services that may be needed during blizzards? Not plows, obviously, but possibly FEMA responses to major catastrophes?

Most of those services are local so I wouldn't think it's a big issue unless some major unforeseen disaster happens.

FEMA would have some trouble responding to any new disaster while the government is shut down though. They've wound down a lot of their contracting that affects readiness and think there are some limits as to what can be processed.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Heard on the radio that Miami International Airport shut a terminal down due to TSA shortages. As more and more people get fed up without pay (or go broke) and leave, it will get worse. Hell, it might take a long time to dig out from this AFTER the government is reopened.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Mar 25, 2001
Oh lord I’m sitting in my car and the NPR reporters saying this is largely a fight over symbolism not policy.
Dec 10, 2005
Oh lord I’m sitting in my car and the NPR reporters saying this is largely a fight over symbolism not policy.
So? The symbolism is still an important fight in this case.

Plus, there is a larger policy goal worth fighting for: stopping the precedent that the president can do what he wants if he takes the federal government hostage.

Everyone always loves to complain about the ever-increasing power of the executive - here's a place to make a stand.
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
My sister is a stay at home mom and her husband is coast guard. They had out of state ballots for Florida for the last two elections and she never took the time to vote. Her response "It's just too much time to figure out who to vote for".

Now she's on facebook bitching about not getting paychecks.

Welp. Elections have consequences.
Reactions: ivwshane


Oct 6, 2009
My sister is a stay at home mom and her husband is coast guard. They had out of state ballots for Florida for the last two elections and she never took the time to vote. Her response "It's just too much time to figure out who to vote for".

Now she's on facebook bitching about not getting paychecks.

Welp. Elections have consequences.
Democrats' fault. They are such obstructionists. If they could just compromise like the GOP does all the time we would all be better off. In fact, I think it is time for the GOP to start considering being less flexible until the Democrats learn their lesson.
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Feb 4, 2009
Democrats' fault. They are such obstructionists. If they could just compromise like the GOP does all the time we would all be better off. In fact, I think it is time for the GOP to start considering being less flexible until the Democrats learn their lesson.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or not

Times are getting weird


Golden Member
May 14, 2011

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Oh lord I’m sitting in my car and the NPR reporters saying this is largely a fight over symbolism not policy.

Uhh, that's exactly what it is. The "wall" is Trump and his bases "FUCK YOU, STAY OUT" symbolism of MAGA. Nothing more. The end.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
It's amazing that the Trump wall "symbolizers" have conveniently forgotten that BOTH SIDES had already agreed to a CR that DID NOT include funding for the wall with a UNANIMOUS voice vote from the senate. This was based on an understanding between the dipshit occupant of the Oval Office and McConnell -- until the dipshit's Maga whisperers, Limbaugh and Coulter, hurt his feewings by saying he'd lose The Base™ if he couldn't deliver on the wall promise. A promise he has already broken because he said Mexico was going to pay for it and they never will. The only people who are unable to extricate themselves from making such a ridiculous, empty promise are his sympathizers and the dipshit himself.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Uhh, that's exactly what it is. The "wall" is Trump and his bases "FUCK YOU, STAY OUT" symbolism of MAGA. Nothing more. The end.

It really, really isn't. As Paratus put so well if the Democrats give in to Trump he will simply take the government hostage again the next time these bills' funding expires.

This is why you can NEVER give in to hostage takers, it just makes them take more hostages. If the government has to stay shut down until Trump loses in 2020, so be it. It's a better alternative than showing that hostage taking works.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Bitek


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's amazing that the Trump wall "symbolizers" have conveniently forgotten that BOTH SIDES had already agreed to a CR that DID NOT include funding for the wall with a UNANIMOUS voice vote from the senate. This was based on an understanding between the dipshit occupant of the Oval Office and McConnell -- until the dipshit's Maga whisperers, Limbaugh and Coulter, hurt his feewings by saying he'd lose The Base™ if he couldn't deliver on the wall promise. A promise he has already broken because he said Mexico was going to pay for it and they never will. The only people who are unable to extricate themselves from making such a ridiculous, empty promise are his sympathizers and the dipshit himself.

As someone mentioned (I don't remember who) it's very interesting that he views his promise to make a useless wall to be so vital as to shutter the government and cause pain to countless millions of Americans but he apparently did not view his promise to give Americans affordable, quality health care to be particularly important.

I wonder why that is.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
It really, really isn't. As Paratus put so well if the Democrats give in to Trump he will simply take the government hostage again the next time these bills' funding expires.

This is why you can NEVER give in to hostage takers, it just makes them take more hostages. If the government has to stay shut down until Trump loses in 2020, so be it. It's a better alternative than showing that hostage taking works.

Yep this...The dems have exactly zero extricating to do. They've offered a clear way out - a clean CR, the same one that passed the senate with full consensus not two months ago. This has passed the house; there's no reason it couldn't pass the senate. But McConnell won't let the senate vote on it unless Trump agrees to sign it. And Trump won't agree to sign it if we don't include funding for his pet vanity project as a "symbol" to his perceived greatness - a pet project that he says is required, but also sometimes says is currently being constructed and also that MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT, according to this dementia-addled old man.

This is a republican shutdown. It started when republicans controlled every branch of government, and it has only gotten easy for republicans to extricate themselves from once the democrats took over the house of representatives - but McConnell won't let it happen because he doesn't want to force a confrontation with Trump. Trump personally claimed responsibility for it on live TV in front of Pelosi and Shumer!

Sometimes it's hard to apportion blame when disagreements lead to a shutdown or a debt ceiling fight. Usually, the side offering a clean CR is in the right, because they're making it clear they're willing to argue for their position without holding the government's basic functionality hostage in the process. In this case, there is simply no argument to be had. Trump shut down the government to get his wall. Trump is bragging about shutting down the government to get his wall. And McConnell and his cronies are enabling him.
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