Republican debate on ABC

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No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Paul is the only reason to get excited in the Repub candidates. The rest are tits. I can't believe people would actually vote for Rudy.

McCain, God love him, is also a dumb sh*t, before Iraq telling us it would be a cake walk and later claiming that he'd always said it would be hard and anybody who thought otherwise was mistaken. Don't these douches realize that they were on video?


Jan 11, 2001
in the unlikely chance Rudy becomes president ... we're in for another 4 years of Bush Jr.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
You know Lemon? I thought that the Democrats taking over congress would result in nothing changing? and well? nothing has changed.

On the night of the election I thought that Rumsfeld would be gone, and look at what happened.

I thought that the surge could lead to a change in Iraq, and it has.

I think the best indicator of my success as a poster is the amount of response my posts generate. If I was some crazy off the wall lunatic people would just ignore me. Instead people feel compelled to respond and comment on what I am saying. That implies that I must be at least some what effective in getting my ideas across.
Lets take those distortions one at a time.

1. There is a insufficient democratic majority in congress to do anything over Republican opposition. But its stopped the rubber stamp and thats huge.

2. On the night of the election you denied the democrats would take the Senate. But being right about Rumsfeld being replaced with a Rummy clone is hardly enough to counter balance all your wrong predictions.

3. You were predicting the surge would lead to a lower death toll in March and proved to be 100% wrong. And ever since you have been extolling the wonders of the surge when its about 200,000 troops short and the Iraqi troop support it was predicated on is MIA.
And I seriously doubt what you are taking as positive will stay positive as the Sunni tribal chiefs may prove an even more implacable enemy that Al-Quida. In short, the jury at best IS STILL OUT ON THE SURGE.---your claims to victory are a wee might premature. And years and years away. Additional years that political reality is unlikely to bestow after the initial four years were wasted in mis-mamagement.

4. Your lone benefits to this thread is in your outrageous forum trolling. You actually benefit and unite us democrats. But unfortunately you embolden some who are not very critical thinkers and don't see past your denials of logic.

But I will probably make your day when I say you are very similar to Rush Limbaugh and the kind of logic he uses.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Do the Republicans really think that they have a chance to win in either branch of Congress, let alone the Executive branch of Government
when over 70% of the entire population has already rejected their approach?

They are essentially fighting over who can pander the most to the Conservative Extremists that have captured the leadership of the GOP.

If this is the direction that the GOP wishes to pursue, where they ignore their moderate majority and continue to embrace the fanatics,
you might as well stick a fork in them . . they're already done.

too me, you could substitute the equivalent terms for the left and I would agree with both statements

Do the Democrats really think that they have a chance to win in either branch of Congress, let alone the Executive branch of Government
when over 70% of the entire population has already rejected their approach?

They are essentially fighting over who can pander the most to the Liberal Extremists that have captured the leadership of the Democratic Party.

If this is the direction that the Democratic Party wishes to pursue, where they ignore their moderate majority and continue to embrace the fanatics,
you might as well stick a fork in them . . they're already done.


Aug 5, 2000
i like what i heard and saw. no, wait.....i really like what i heard and saw. in their efforts to differentiate themselves from each other, they all - (somewhat excluding paul) actually described how similar their views are which, at present, pretty much means they're committing political seppuku on a national scale for the sake of keeping the neocons happy. just desserts i say.


Golden Member
Aug 16, 2003
Seems pretty strange time to hold a debate in the the late morning/early afternoon on a Sunday. Aren't all the Christian conservatives at church? It's almost like they want people in the demographic they are trying to reach to miss seeing the debates.

Do all roads lead to Hillary?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
[ ... ]
I think the best indicator of my success as a poster is the amount of response my posts generate. If I was some crazy off the wall lunatic people would just ignore me. Instead people feel compelled to respond and comment on what I am saying. That implies that I must be at least some what effective in getting my ideas across.
Not quite. Generating lots of responses is generally considered to be a measure of effectiveness all right, effectiveness at trolling. It says nothing about getting your ideas across. Zendari and Riprorin before you were also effective at generating lots of responses. That's generally not the company thoughtful people want to keep.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Overall there is just too many of them. Need to ditch about half the field so we can get some good answers and better give and take.
Are you on the same wavelength as Clinton & Edwards?
Pretty much.
Create a standard on which to judge candidates and then allow them in or out on that standard.

It could include multiple variables so as to allow as many people in as possible, as long as they achieve one realistic indication of support.

For example:
Must poll above a certain level in more than one acceptable national poll or even state poll if the debate is in that state.
Must have raised a certain level of funds as reflected in FEC fillings.

To this you could add exceptions such a home state rule that allows candidates to participate in any debate that takes place in their home state.
The problem with that approach is it tends to rubber-stamp the status quo. We need a system that encourages fresh ideas and people who are not already owned by the party machine.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
This is somewhat the first chance we have really had to get a close look at the various Republican zits and warts as they went after each other in open debate.

And the dems have been going after each other far longer.

But hanging over both sides of the political divide is a foggy and poisonous cloud that means only two things. We don't like where we are now and we are far worse off than we were six and a half years ago.

We all know we screwed up and no candidates are really having the political guts to identify exactly where we went wrong. Unless you want to count Ron Paul on a libertarian concept that has never happened in the entire history of the world. With Libertarian ideas having little to do with where we went wrong.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Hacp
Romney showed his true flip flop colors.
Romney was the featured guest on one of our local news interview programs this morning. Every time I listen to him, my respect for him drops. He is trying so hard to pander that I have no idea where he really stands on anything. Overall, I just don't see him having the character I expect in our elected officials.

On the bright side, he was making a diligent effort this morning to stay out of the mud-slinging. That I approve of.


Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: yobarman
in the unlikely chance Rudy becomes president ... we're in for another 4 years of Bush Jr.

You mean more authoritarian, "trust us" bullshit?



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: Hacp
Romney showed his true flip flop colors.
Romney was the featured guest on one of our local news interview programs this morning. Every time I listen to him, my respect for him drops. He is trying so hard to pander that I have no idea where he really stands on anything. Overall, I just don't see him having the character I expect in our elected officials.

On the bright side, he was making a diligent effort this morning to stay out of the mud-slinging. That I approve of.

Yeah, that was a good show by Michaelson. I wouldn't go quite as far as you against Romney but he's definately not the best choice at this point.


Sep 15, 2003
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: daveymark
another online "republican" poll where democrats are voting...meh
I don't think it is that, it is people voting over and over for Paul.

They should remove Paul's name from these polls, call it punishment for his supporters trying to 'fix' them.

what's even funnier is dems aren't smart enough to continue on past the "Ron Paul" selection

there is a "Nobody won. I'm voting Democratic." selection, after all

LMAO that you (2) think democrats give a shit enough to "taint" your online polls. Pst, go vote more if the guy you like didn't win. Coming here and crying about it and spouting your conspiracy theories just makes you look like a dem.

Congrats! You have become what you dispise.

there's a difference between a conspiracy and voting for someone who shares your ideals and beliefs. Given the choice of only current republican candidates, someone on the extreme left would vote for ron paul without giving it a second thought. No consipiracy needed.

Please point out another republican candidate whose views are closer in line with the democratic party?

While I applaud your attempt to put words in other's mouths with half truths, you're going to need to watch a little more michael moore before you can do it effectively.

In the meantime, vote for Ron Paul, but be sure to switch party affiliations before you do

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
At this point, Ron Paul, rabid supporters not withstanding, is polling on the order of 2%. And despite his rabid supporters claims that he came up with the best debate answers, I don't see that 2% ever rising to enough to win a single delegate in the upcoming primary process.

The only other current Republican candidate that does not belong in anti-abortion camp is Rudy Guiliani. Whose comes with some big exploitable negatives from both the Republican and democratic sides.

So I have to wonder why some other GOP candidates are not competing for the moderate nitche that Rudy is exploiting to become basically the current front runner. Some one like a Hagel or even the fellow Romney used to be could do very well.

But the crowded pack competing for the right wing soul of the GOP must inevitably cannibalize itself to produce just one well beat up winner. And then that one winner, if the
GOP nominee comes from that wing of the party, is going to have a hard time winning the general election with another possible Goldwater.

The joker will be in the events. One bit of sound advice will probably be that one should not hold ones breath waiting for a GWB success vindication. But the opposite danger is still even more potent. Namely that GWB will continue blowing it into September and October, the GOP
opposition will start to desert GWB&co, and suddenly congress can start to become something other than gridlocked. One possible scenario might be for Congress to then force an ill conceived immediate withdrawal from Iraq, and if that sets off a chain of very US adverse events, its possible that the American people would both blame the dems and conclude radical right neocon policy was correct all along.

And then we could get more years of more stupid neocon foreign policy guaranteed to really get the USA in really deeper in doo doo.

Lots will happen between now and 11/08. And damn near anything could happen. It may not be a matter of is the glass half full or half empty, but a matter of what poison you think the glass holds.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
You know Lemon? I thought that the Democrats taking over congress would result in nothing changing? and well? nothing has changed.

On the night of the election I thought that Rumsfeld would be gone, and look at what happened.

I thought that the surge could lead to a change in Iraq, and it has.

I think the best indicator of my success as a poster is the amount of response my posts generate. If I was some crazy off the wall lunatic people would just ignore me. Instead people feel compelled to respond and comment on what I am saying. That implies that I must be at least some what effective in getting my ideas across.

I find you to be more like a puppy with diarrhea. No matter how carefully you try to step you're going to get some on your shoe. I find it very difficult to credit that you're real or that you post seriously held beliefs. But you are fascinating as a study in denial.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
NPR's summary of the debate featured the fact that all the Republicans distanced themselves from Bush while all but Paul affirmed their beliefs in all of Bush's positions. What a bunch of jokers.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
NPR's summary of the debate featured the fact that all the Republicans distanced themselves from Bush while all but Paul affirmed their beliefs in all of Bush's positions. What a bunch of jokers.
They have learned nothing and since so many still will vote for them, apparently the populous has learned nothing, either.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
I think the best indicator of my success as a poster is the amount of response my posts generate.

Welcome to Dave's world.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Lemon law
At this point, Ron Paul, rabid supporters not withstanding, is polling on the order of 2%. And despite his rabid supporters claims that he came up with the best debate answers, I don't see that 2% ever rising to enough to win a single delegate in the upcoming primary process.

I see it as further proof that the truth hurts, and people don't want to hear it.

It is further proof that the biggest problem with our government is the American people.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
You know Lemon? I thought that the Democrats taking over congress would result in nothing changing? and well? nothing has changed.

On the night of the election I thought that Rumsfeld would be gone, and look at what happened.

I thought that the surge could lead to a change in Iraq, and it has.

I think the best indicator of my success as a poster is the amount of response my posts generate. If I was some crazy off the wall lunatic people would just ignore me. Instead people feel compelled to respond and comment on what I am saying. That implies that I must be at least some what effective in getting my ideas across.

I find you to be more like a puppy with diarrhea. No matter how carefully you try to step you're going to get some on your shoe. I find it very difficult to credit that you're real or that you post seriously held beliefs. But you are fascinating as a study in denial.



Jun 2, 2000
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: yobarman
in the unlikely chance Rudy becomes president ... we're in for another 4 years of Bush Jr.


Probably more like Bush, Jr., but with even less competent subordinates and 100% more of the "bring it on" mentality. I think Guiliani will flame out long before the Republican primary.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Probably more like Bush, Jr., but with even less competent subordinates and 100% more of the "bring it on" mentality. I think Guiliani will flame out long before the Republican primary.
Or such is the contention of Thump553.

In that case, the GOP will have not a single moderate to offer for the 08 field. And if extreme radical right is out of favor come 11/08, that will mean the GOP has no chance to be even competitive in the Presidential race of 11/08. And at the rate GWB is flopping, that out of favor looks like a certainty.

I almost wonder if the GOP strategy is to let a Dem be the next Hoover---stuck with an economic mess impossible to fix.
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