Republican Party Too White

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Oct 23, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: robertcloud
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
In other words be part of his jesusclub or your going to roast....

wow I am sure you will win some converts with that one.

No, you should never hear a Catholic speak those words. Purgatory is for the unsaved pagans, Buddhists, atheists, etc. who lead good lives. It isn't an inherently bad place like hell. It is much like life on earth, it is what you make of it.

FYI my grandmother was a Cathloic, but left the faith to marry a protestant. She was kicked out naturally and some of her brothers ans sisters never talked to her again. According to their believes she's in purgatory.

Then I come along and marry a catholic. Do they excommunicate her?? Of course not, that wouldn't be right. So my wife gets to go to upstairs when she dies , but not my grandmother, she is either in hell or purgatory??

Grow up and quit believing everything your told as "god's gospel truth".

Why was your grandmother excommunicated? Was your grandpa really that bad?

The only common offense for which one is excommunicated is getting divorced, then not getting the marriage annuled and marrying again.

Originally posted by: Steeplerot freakin many times do I have to say in this forum ....I am not gay I have been in a long term realationship with a model, musician, and dj, and bartender, she also posts very occasionaly here. we have been together for years now probaly getting married soon.... and yes she is very much a woman and damn hot and intellegent also.......what the hell does it matter to you?

Im sorry. People were referring to you as "she" in this thread, and I remembered you talking about having a girlfriend. Then you go on about how people call you 'f@g' so I naturally assumed you were queer. My apologies.

ps. why do people call you f@g if you aren't queer?


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot freakin many times do I have to say in this forum ....I am not gay I have been in a long term realationship with a model, musician, and dj, and bartender, she also posts very occasionaly here. we have been together for years now probaly getting married soon.... and yes she is very much a woman and damn hot and intellegent also.......what the hell does it matter to you?

We ain't taken kindly to no goths 'round here twinkletoes.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: robertcloud
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: robertcloud
2) robertcloud appears to be a troll, as per any of his recent posts I've seen, so you would do well to ignore his comments, unless you simply enjoy flailing in mock outrage.
Well I am not a troll, I am debating with the Catholic perspective because I am Catholic. Not trolling.

Sorry chum, but there are many Liberal Catholics on this board, myself included. You speak for YOUR Catholic perspective. Not THE Catholic perspective. Not going to address the troll part as I don't know you well enough

You can't pick and choose within the Catholic doctrine. If you do, please don't call yourself Catholic. God knows there are enough denominations, but you can create one more just for yourself.

LMAO. The fact that you just said what you said shows who the Catholic is. Pft. Thanks, but Jesus loves me just fine and I will continue to go to church every Sunday as I have since I was old enough to poop my diapers.


Nov 11, 1999
Heh. It's amazing just how much controversy and disinformation can be generated when somebody like Dean merely states the blazingly obvious. How many elected black republican politicians are there, particularly southern black republican politicians? Not appointees, but politicians, you know, people who have a constituency, who actually get votes. I'll give y'all a hint- There are 39 blacks in the congressional black caucus, and none of them are repubs. There's 1 black repub governor, in Ohio, and 1 black repub lieutenant governor nationwide.

Maybe that's because some of the repub core constituencies, like the CCC, will never, ever vote for black candidates...


Aug 10, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
It dead on true, when is the last time you heard a rabid neocon black dude?

Republicans are the scared white folks isolated and afraid of their own shadows, cowering behind nationalism.....

Ever notice when people act like bullys they usually are the most lonley scared ones of all?

Anyhow, Black folk I know see the republican party as ones who assisinate their leaders and call them welfare cheats, what is the problem with deans statements?

The right and minoritys are literally cultural enemies....too bad the white anti-fascist crowd is too scared to say fvck bush! as loud as the african americans in this country...

:laugh: You will never get it. I am a first generation hispanic American who needs to talk in spanish to my mom and guess what...I'm a conservative Republican. You are in a losing situation. GOP victories in 06 and beyond.


Aug 10, 2004
Originally posted by: irwincur
What is wierd is this guy is trying to say it is somehow wrong about being White and Chrisian.

What is sad is that today you can say this and it is fair game. What if Rove or Mehlmen were to say that the Democrats were the party of blacks, the poor, and the old. I am sure that Jessie Jacksssson would have been going NUTS.

I do love Dean though. He has now managed to piss off the nearly 50% of the US Hispanic population that now identifies as Republican. Add in a few Christian black voters and the Republican party is not looking too white.

What is odd is that the Republicans seem to be the only party that can get minorities to any level of power. When is the last time the left appointed a black Supreme Court justice, a black Secretary of State, a hispanic anything, and on and on, the list is a mile long. Thier race baiting is wearing thin, along with the rest of the 60 year old battle plan.

The DNC really needs a new plan or they will be resigned to history.

This is the best posting I've seen in regards to the Dems taking for granted that the minorities are only thiers. Bravo! :beer:


Aug 10, 2004

They TRY to vote, but you either challenge them, purge them illegally off voter rolls or make them wait in the cold and rain for ten hours to vote.[/quote]

Still with the same tired rehetoric.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: CocoMunkee
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
The right and minoritys are literally cultural enemies....too bad the white anti-fascist crowd is too scared to say fvck bush! as loud as the african americans in this country...

:laugh: You will never get it. I am a first generation hispanic American who needs to talk in spanish to my mom and guess what...I'm a conservative Republican. You are in a losing situation. GOP victories in 06 and beyond.

I'm sure he meant every single minority voter in the country. Did he mentione hispanics btw? Good for you for being a Republican and congrats on your heritage. You are only speaking for yourself. When you get a 50-50 split for your demographic, then talk to us. You have only proven that the KoolAid knows no color. Congrats again.



May 27, 2005
Democrats Angry With Dean
Howard Dean opens his mouth, Democrats cringe ? and Republicans pounce. His depictions of Republicans as "pretty much a white, Christian party," with many who "never made an honest living," have prompted top Democrats to beseech him to cool his rhetoric. They also have questioned how much more the party will take from its volatile chairman.

Defenders dismiss it all as just Howard Dean being Howard Dean.

After all, remember the Dean "scream" after the Iowa primary? His political courtship of "the guys with Confederate flags on their pickup trucks"? His recent suggestion that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay return to Houston to serve jail time?

Dean's enthusiasm ? the same he demonstrated in his 2004 presidential campaign ? is helping to energize the party's core, his supporters say. But critics suggested Wednesday that Dean's darts are threatening fundraising and may be driving away the GOP moderates and independents the party needs to court as it rebuilds from its 2004 defeats.

Dean's "white Christian" remarks have drawn sharp criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

"That's not the way you distinguish someone's politics," said Dick Harpootlian, former South Carolina Democratic chairman. "It forces us to distance ourselves from him."

GOP Party Chairman Ken Mehlman joked that "a lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised" he heads a Christian party.

Leading Democrats, including some with their eye on the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, are increasingly vocal in their criticism of the former Vermont governor's choice of words ? while praising him as a party organizer.

Sen. Joseph Biden (news, bio, voting record) of Delaware and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee
John Edwards said Dean didn't speak for them. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, in New Hampshire on Wednesday, called Dean's comments "ill-advised."

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters she disagreed with Dean's line on Republicans, saying, "I don't think (it) was a helpful statement."

When such high-profile Democrats make such comments publicly, "that to me is a pretty clear message that the party leadership would like a change in focus from the party chairman," said Democratic consultant Doug Schoen, who did polling for
President Clinton.

"I think it's a question of priorities," Schoen said.

Dean said Wednesday that Republican attacks on him were intended to divert attention from the country's problems and make him the issue instead. He refused to back down from his remarks on Republicans, saying the GOP "unfortunately, by and large" was as he described it.

"And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians," Dean told NBC's "Today" show, ignoring the fact that much of the recent criticism has come from fellow Democrats, not Republicans.

Dean is "the loose canon on the deck of the Democratic Party," said James Thurber, an American University political scientist. "He doesn't have the discipline many in the party wish he had."

His remarks, together with caustic comments about
President Bush by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., are souring Americans on politicians and "getting in the way of what the Democrats are trying to do," Thurber said.

Dean told a political forum Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."

Last week, he told liberal activists, "A lot of them (Republicans) have never made an honest living in their lives." He later said he was talking mostly about GOP leaders.

The torrent of criticism from Republicans, and some Democrats, just shows that Dean "is held to different standards" than other party leaders because of his high public profile and well-known personality traits, said Kathleen Sullivan, New Hampshire Democratic Party chief.

"Howard's been raising money, energizing the troops, organizing the party. Is he passionate? Yes. But I'd rather have someone who is blunt and passionate," Sullivan said.

Despite concerns of some Democrats that Dean doesn't have the polished fundraising skills of his predecessor, Terry McAuliffe, Dean outraised McAuliffe in the first three months of 2005 compared with the first quarter of 2003, the last off-election year: $13.8 million to $8.4 million. However, Dean's team is drawing on the benefits of an improved database of donors McAuliffe put together.

While Dean's job doesn't seem to be in any immediate jeopardy, Republicans have been having a field day with his verbal grenades.

"Last week's scandal was Deep Throat. This week's scandal was Dean's throat and apparently Dean likes the taste of his own foot," said Ron Bonjean, a spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

Said former
Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler: "If Republicans get mad at what Howard Dean says, that's probably a pretty good sign."

Pissing off his own people I see. :laugh:


May 27, 2005
Dean Defends Criticism of Republican Party

WASHINGTON - Democratic Party Chairman
Howard Dean on Wednesday defended his recent harsh criticism of Republicans, including his observation that they are "pretty much a white, Christian party."

Dean noted that he, too, is a white Christian. But he said the GOP is too narrow in its scope and the Democratic Party is far more diverse.

While even prominent Democrats in recent days have distanced themselves from some of his comments, the outspoken Dean, appearing on NBC"s "Today" show, said criticism of him is meant by Republicans to divert attention from the country's problems and make him the issue instead.

Dean told a forum of journalists and minority leaders Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."

Challenged on that during the NBC interview, Dean said "unfortunately, by and large it is. And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians."

"This is a diversion from the issues that really matter:
Social Security, and adequate job opportunity, strong public schools, a strong defense," Dean said.

Asked about it on the "Fox & Friends" show, GOP Party Chairman Ken Mehlman joked that "a lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised" he heads a Christian party.

"We gotta get ourselves beyond this point where when we disagree about politics, we call the other guy names," he said.

Said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.: "Last week's scandal was Deep Throat. This week's scandal was Dean's throat, and apparently Dean likes the taste of his own foot."

Dean also recently raised eyebrows when he told a group of progressives that Republicans "never made an honest living in their lives," a comment he was forced to explain a day later. The one-time presidential candidate also said that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, who has not been accused of any crime, ought to go back to Houston where he can serve his jail sentence.

Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said Tuesday that Dean is doing a good job, but is not the party's spokesman.

Last weekend, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., and 2004 vice presidential candidate
John Edwards criticized Dean for his recent remarks, saying he doesn't speak for them.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, talking with reporters Wednesday, said she did not agree with the statement Dean made about the Republican Party.

"The role of the chair of the
Democratic National Committee is one that is different than the role of the Democratic leader of the House or in the Senate," the California congresswoman said, "and sometimes the exhuberance of that position results in statements that neither of us would make."

"I don't think that the statement the governor (Dean) made was a helpful statement," she said. But Pelosi said she thought that Dean was "doing a good job."

"Listen. Any one of us at any given time will make a statement that we may, in retrospect, say maybe that was a little over-enthusiastic," she said. "And I can put that statement in that category for Governor Dean."

Biden, asked about Dean Wednesday during an interview on the Don Imus radio show, also said the chairman is doing a good job.

"A lot of things he does say, I agree with," Biden said. But he also said that Dean "has views that are slightly different than mine .. .But look, he's a lightning rod. ... It's probably good that there's a guy out there that's a lightning rod ... ."

Biden, however, added that he thinks "the rhetoric is counterproductive."

"I think this country has a purple heart, not a red heart or a blue heart," Biden said. "If we can't bring this (country) together, man, boy, we're really in deep trouble."

Issues that matter? Does this racial attack fit under there Mr Dean?

He's almost as loony as the people who believe him. :laugh:


Apr 25, 2000
Bush has put more minorities in positions of power than any other president.

Dean's comments are amussing since he was the governor of the whitest states in the nation.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Genx87
Think it would help if I knew where you were getting the information. The two links you provided arent providing the same information you are giving us.

Used math.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: Genx87
Think it would help if I knew where you were getting the information. The two links you provided arent providing the same information you are giving us.

Used math.
Uh oh...Liberals and Math...



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: zendari
Democrats Angry With Dean
Howard Dean opens his mouth, Democrats cringe ? and Republicans pounce. His depictions of Republicans as "pretty much a white, Christian party," with many who "never made an honest living," have prompted top Democrats to beseech him to cool his rhetoric. They also have questioned how much more the party will take from its volatile chairman.

Defenders dismiss it all as just Howard Dean being Howard Dean.

After all, remember the Dean "scream" after the Iowa primary? His political courtship of "the guys with Confederate flags on their pickup trucks"? His recent suggestion that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay return to Houston to serve jail time?

Dean's enthusiasm ? the same he demonstrated in his 2004 presidential campaign ? is helping to energize the party's core, his supporters say. But critics suggested Wednesday that Dean's darts are threatening fundraising and may be driving away the GOP moderates and independents the party needs to court as it rebuilds from its 2004 defeats.

Dean's "white Christian" remarks have drawn sharp criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

"That's not the way you distinguish someone's politics," said Dick Harpootlian, former South Carolina Democratic chairman. "It forces us to distance ourselves from him."

GOP Party Chairman Ken Mehlman joked that "a lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised" he heads a Christian party.

Leading Democrats, including some with their eye on the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, are increasingly vocal in their criticism of the former Vermont governor's choice of words ? while praising him as a party organizer.

Sen. Joseph Biden (news, bio, voting record) of Delaware and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee
John Edwards said Dean didn't speak for them. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, in New Hampshire on Wednesday, called Dean's comments "ill-advised."

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters she disagreed with Dean's line on Republicans, saying, "I don't think (it) was a helpful statement."

When such high-profile Democrats make such comments publicly, "that to me is a pretty clear message that the party leadership would like a change in focus from the party chairman," said Democratic consultant Doug Schoen, who did polling for
President Clinton.

"I think it's a question of priorities," Schoen said.

Dean said Wednesday that Republican attacks on him were intended to divert attention from the country's problems and make him the issue instead. He refused to back down from his remarks on Republicans, saying the GOP "unfortunately, by and large" was as he described it.

"And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians," Dean told NBC's "Today" show, ignoring the fact that much of the recent criticism has come from fellow Democrats, not Republicans.

Dean is "the loose canon on the deck of the Democratic Party," said James Thurber, an American University political scientist. "He doesn't have the discipline many in the party wish he had."

His remarks, together with caustic comments about
President Bush by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., are souring Americans on politicians and "getting in the way of what the Democrats are trying to do," Thurber said.

Dean told a political forum Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."

Last week, he told liberal activists, "A lot of them (Republicans) have never made an honest living in their lives." He later said he was talking mostly about GOP leaders.

The torrent of criticism from Republicans, and some Democrats, just shows that Dean "is held to different standards" than other party leaders because of his high public profile and well-known personality traits, said Kathleen Sullivan, New Hampshire Democratic Party chief.

"Howard's been raising money, energizing the troops, organizing the party. Is he passionate? Yes. But I'd rather have someone who is blunt and passionate," Sullivan said.

Despite concerns of some Democrats that Dean doesn't have the polished fundraising skills of his predecessor, Terry McAuliffe, Dean outraised McAuliffe in the first three months of 2005 compared with the first quarter of 2003, the last off-election year: $13.8 million to $8.4 million. However, Dean's team is drawing on the benefits of an improved database of donors McAuliffe put together.

While Dean's job doesn't seem to be in any immediate jeopardy, Republicans have been having a field day with his verbal grenades.

"Last week's scandal was Deep Throat. This week's scandal was Dean's throat and apparently Dean likes the taste of his own foot," said Ron Bonjean, a spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

Said former
Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler: "If Republicans get mad at what Howard Dean says, that's probably a pretty good sign."

Pissing off his own people I see. :laugh:

Basically, he pissed off the DLC Dems... GOOD!


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: zendari

Pissing off his own people I see. :laugh:

This is a very good thing....

The repuke-lites can whine all they want.

Bout time we see the progressive fighting spirit again.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
you are so full of it, reagan and bush sr. shipped the crack into the ghettos

Link please?



Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
you are so full of it, reagan and bush sr. shipped the crack into the ghettos

Link please?

Heh I don't understand - I thought Steeplerot wanted all drugs to be legal, where's the problem in this? There's nothing wrong with crack.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: irwincur
Half of all male black youth 18-40 are in JAIL...wake up!

Could it possibly have to do with the crimes that they committed?

Maybe we should just let them all out. That will solve everything.

Yeah the crime of being black....

I wouldn't let them out right now if I was you... bush would be dead meat literally.

When was the law passed that made it illegal to be black?

Since the white folk brought them over here.

Funny that it was the blacks that started the slavery; raided villages and sold the prisoners into slavery. They were very happy to practice genocide before and after the 1700 & 1800's

Nowdays is seems that there are more crimes of black against black than black against white. Why?



Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
slavery is still very real in this's called the penal system.

Prison labor is one of the fastest growing markets in america besides defense contracter scams in iraq...

go look it up, it's sickening...

The penal system is a holding ground for people that have been convicted of crimes. They should not have a free ride. It costs taxpayers to feed/clothe and care for them.

Why should the taxpayers not get some type of compensation?

The original slavery that you like to refer to were poeple that had not choice.

Show me one person who is guilty of a crime that did not choose to commit the crime.
Did some-one go up to them and force them to pull a trigger, drive the car, sell the drugs, etc.

I am confused on your logic unless it is pure rant and hatred against the system in general.



Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
it's "Just the way it is, son." "we don't liek no funny people like you in our parts."

Same with mexicans, chinesse (after being done building our railroads) indians, italians, irish...etc etc etc

Whatever race the white elite class here in america decide to fear this decade and screw over to keep them on top.

Now that the blacks are all locked up good and pacified....(you wish)

it's the mexicans and the arabs....who next? your own race who happen to believe differently? -Not so far away....

I think there is a rascist in the crowd but I cant quite figure him out?

/tap tap tap


Most scream louder about racism than anyone else. As if they need to prove/convince themselves.



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
you are so full of it, reagan and bush sr. shipped the crack into the ghettos

Link please?

yllus so kindly :roll: made a talking point list of things I spoke of today...
to the best of my googling abilities short of sitting down with you in person and going through my book collection (my stuff is being shipped to the east coast anyhow)
I will answer and try to find links about any of them on the net.
I know the righties don't actually care about any of the charges or facts themselves but if anyone else wonders about some of the more radical claims I made in this thread feel free to ask...
It will be a daunting task but my gf is cool with me spending some time on it.
google is my friend.
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