Repugs going after child labor laws

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Jul 17, 2003
That didn't take long. Red state business owners getting right back to making merica great again. Didn't even pay the youngest sounds like.

10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonald's until 2 a.m.

A teen working alongside parents and/or family members, during normal business hours, is fine. Dangerous jobs with late hours under the watch on non related adults? Pretty much child exploitation and abuse in my book. If only Team Treason and it's christofascist supporters knew what shame was, or better yet actually gave a damn about kids and low income families.
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Reactions: Pohemi


Dec 15, 2015
That didn't take long. Red state business owners getting right back to making merica great again. Didn't even pay the youngest sounds like.

10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonald's until 2 a.m.

A teen working alongside parents and/or family members, during normal business hours, is fine. Dangerous jobs with late hours under the watch on non related adults? Pretty much child exploitation and abuse in my book. If only Team Treason and it's christofascist supporters knew what shame was, or better yet actually gave a damn about kids and low income families.
'but the real question is, why would liberals let this happen?'
Reactions: Pohemi


Feb 1, 2008
There was the household. One man, one woman, plus a child or two.
Dad worked. Mom stayed at home.
Dad was paid well enough for the annual family vacation, for the kids braces, a college education for the kids both of them, owning one family car, and moms home cooked meals on the table precisely at 5:30 pm.
Oh. those good ole days....

Things went haywire. America was introduced to the greed of American capitalism. Suddenly, old dad needed a second job to maintain his household and to put food on the table. Thus the term moonlighting became commonplace in every American household.

Even old dads moonlighting wasn't enough to make ends meet, thus mom had to turn in her apron for a job selling cosmetics for JC Penneys. And when the kids came home from school, the house was empty thus the peanut butter and jelly sandwich was born. Plus, the kids discovered smoking cigarettes was fun just like dad made it out to be, and Billy discovered those funny little pills in moms medicine cabinet gave him an ever so nice little buzz, and taking two pills even better. Or three.

Both dad and mom were working two jobs each. Billy was in rehab. Sally was knocked up by the neighbor boy or was it the neighbor boys father? Sally never quite knew.

So, here we are today. Soon, not only will both mom and dad work their two jobs, but Sally and Billy will be punching a time clock as well. Little 13 yer old Sally will be pole-dancing for strangers at the local bar, and little 15 year old Billy serving alcohol to strangers at the same local bar.

USA... USA... USA...
Vote those republicans in. Keep voting them in. Then vote them in still again. YEA!!!!
Reactions: pcgeek11 and Pohemi


Aug 4, 2000
If you where working so you could afford things you NEEDED, you where not working willingly. Needs are normally provided by parents. If they are not providing them, then you had no choice but to work to obtain them yourself. It wasn't a choice. Or are you confusing needs with wants and desires which your parents wouldn't buy, because they wanted to teach you how to earn/save buy.. aka responsibility? We aren't talking about baby sitting, or meowing people's lawns, stuff that kids do today as well, just like when you where 12 years old. Because their parents won't buy them something and expect them to earn and save for it, teaching them a life lesson about money and responsibility. We are talking about working, getting a pay check, paying taxes and actually providing actual needs.

Did you have to buy all of your own clothes, shoes, etc? Did you have provide and pay for your own lunches at school (sorry, no free lunch here), bed/dresser/room furniture, and everything else short of the roof over your head and 1 meal a day? Did you work a full time job (40 hours + a week by the age 15) along with milking goats, cutting firewood, doing all other regular house hold chores, and going to school full time? I also wasn't allowed to get rides home, I was required to ride my bike 5 miles home... Yes my dad was a hard ass prick. (Obviously I didn't work a full time job at the age of 8, but I did work about 15 hours a week).

The answer to all of that is NO! As you already stated you didn't have to work, which means either your parents would have bought you ever want you desired. OR, you are manipulating the truth, where it was because your parents wouldn't buy those things, and you had to earn it because your parents where teaching you responsibility. I suspect your "I didn't have to" was you had to, if you wanted something special, because your parents wouldn't pay for it. Which is no different than what takes place today with most kids and parents, working to earn want's because their parents are teaching them responsibility.

All you sound like is a privileged "rich kid", who didn't understand the lesson their parents where teaching them thinking you had a choice, and who doesn't understand the difference between working for actual life necessity needs vs working for wants and desires.. Specially when you where a 12 year old being taught responsibility by your parents.

I know you were trying to make a point, but I cannot help but laugh at this. You are over analyzing. Money = power and choices. How do you get money? Employ the skills you have. If you have no skills, learn them! How? From a job!

The funny thing is my first job was actually given to me, I wasnt really looking for one as I had not thought about working. When the job was offered to work in a restaurant part time on the weekends, I took it! I got free food, met lots of people and learned the value of a dollar. After that my cousin had a friend who got us both jobs helping to clean big retail stores at night. That was loads of fun, paid more and opened the door to more opportunities. Yes, it wasnt all fun and games, there were shitty times too as you learn what doing a good job is and is not. But I learned.

Kids today need the same chance I got, not the law holding them back. If you dont want to work, fine! Just sit on ass until you are 21 or older, I dont care. Live on welfare all your life. Makes no difference to me.


Aug 4, 2000
I earned enough to file a tax return at 15, which I still have, along with 38 more years of returns. I didnt start filing electronically until 2018, but I always keep paper copies.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
I know you were trying to make a point, but I cannot help but laugh at this. You are over analyzing. Money = power and choices. How do you get money? Employ the skills you have. If you have no skills, learn them! How? From a job!

The funny thing is my first job was actually given to me, I wasnt really looking for one as I had not thought about working. When the job was offered to work in a restaurant part time on the weekends, I took it! I got free food, met lots of people and learned the value of a dollar. After that my cousin had a friend who got us both jobs helping to clean big retail stores at night. That was loads of fun, paid more and opened the door to more opportunities. Yes, it wasnt all fun and games, there were shitty times too as you learn what doing a good job is and is not. But I learned.

Kids today need the same chance I got, not the law holding them back. If you dont want to work, fine! Just sit on ass until you are 21 or older, I dont care. Live on welfare all your life. Makes no difference to me.
Trying to make a point.. no I made a point, you are just to ignorant to comprehend it. Which is why you have shown you are full of so much shit! I am not over analyzing anything. I am telling you a reality that many kids live or lived, using my own personal experience. Something you have made clear you don't understand because you are walking around with your nose up in the air, thinking you where someone special.

You are trying to tell us that your priority at the age of 12 was to learn skills so you can be better employed? Your "I got free food, met a lot of people and learned the value of a dollar" is the adult NOW speaking trying to justify your previous comments about lazy kids of today, not the naïve little boy you where at the age of 12. But you are sitting here implying that is why you "chose" to work at the age of 12. Guess what, there are still a lot of jobs that kids of today can do at the age of 12, that are not against labor laws. And there are a lot of kids of today, who do those jobs.

The sad part is, you are still naïve as fuck today, because you think your first job offer, at the age of 12 was not a setup by your parent's. That the owner's of this restaurant just offered you a job because they "believed" you would be a good choice because of your 12 year old character and work ethic. I guarantee your parent's where involved long before you ever where offered a job to work in that restaurant on weekends. Today, You are still oblivious to the fact that they made the choice for you, to teach you responsibility. You just allowed your parents to stay in the shadows because you agreed to take the job offer so they didn't have to show their hand. (whisper: you didn't have a choice)

But Basically, you are just pushing the bullshit right wing, we should be able to exploit child labor under the disguise of "they need the same chance I got"... Yet, working at that restaurant, working cleaning offices didn't give you skills that lead to high paying jobs. Your first few jobs, didn't' teach you "how to do the job right", it didn't teach you work ethics.. those are lessons taught by parents, not employers. you are just to stupid to realize it was your parents behind the whole thing, teaching you. And still some how don't grasp, that they are lessons that can be taught without exploiting child labor.

For the past couple decades, what leads to high paying jobs, in most cases, is education. Specially since actual skills isn't really a focus now days for the younger generation, because they don't push trade skills anymore, they push education, and employers require degrees. Education is something, working at to young of an age, negatively effects. Specially for those that don't come from a family that can afford to send them to collage. Not to mention the safety aspect of it, etc. And this "just sit and wait till the age of 21" IS A BULLSHIT LIE... labor laws of today allow kids to start working at the age of 14 with strict restriction, which loosen each year after that. It's not because of the kids not wanting to work.. It's many of the employers refusing to hire anyone under 18 because they can't exploit those under 18 as easily because of the laws that protect them. So you are oblivious of reality, or you are just another right wing mouth breather, trying to misdirect, and blame kids, so you can find a way to exploit children.

All you have proven here is you are full of shit and have zero clue of kids today, and just how ignorant you are. Kids today aren't lazy, and those that are is 100% due to parenting. Most kids of today, don't want to not work.. But the focus of today is safety of children, and education.. Education being a huge part because that is what society has pushed on to the last few generations to get a decent paying job today, they don't push trade skills, if it was about skills, trade skills would be at the top, before education. But today, no education, no collage degree, you will have a difficult time finding a job that pays a livable wage, unless you find a trade skill that allows you to do on the job training. The problem is, that very few trade skill options are presented to kids of today unless their parents are already in those trade skills.
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Mar 17, 2008
I think the strategy is coming into focus.

Need the immigrant man to keep the peasants angry.
But now I need cheap labor.
Ban abortion.
Repeal child labor laws.

Knock knock. Who is there. Hi, I am Satan.


Jul 17, 2003
I know you were trying to make a point, but I cannot help but laugh at this. You are over analyzing. Money = power and choices. How do you get money? Employ the skills you have. If you have no skills, learn them! How? From a job!

The funny thing is my first job was actually given to me, I wasnt really looking for one as I had not thought about working. When the job was offered to work in a restaurant part time on the weekends, I took it! I got free food, met lots of people and learned the value of a dollar. After that my cousin had a friend who got us both jobs helping to clean big retail stores at night. That was loads of fun, paid more and opened the door to more opportunities. Yes, it wasnt all fun and games, there were shitty times too as you learn what doing a good job is and is not. But I learned.

Kids today need the same chance I got, not the law holding them back. If you dont want to work, fine! Just sit on ass until you are 21 or older, I dont care. Live on welfare all your life. Makes no difference to me.

We're used to you laughing off that which you are incapable of comprehending, the forced religion in Texas thread being a great example. And here you are pretending your anecdotal bullshit from decades ago means something. Your usual cherrypicking and need to deal in stereotypes is duly noted, I can only hope that from your clear avoidance of the ages and times I posted that you don't have kids.

Still, a low information zealot who can't be honest with himself or others accusing people of "over analyzing"? Now that's funny. I bet you made your smarmy welfare comment without a shred of irony or self-reflection, didn't you? You red state people are so myopic it's unreal.

I don't think anything makes a difference to you, your posts in this forum bear that out. I think that you, like a lot of social authoritarian assholes, feel others need to have a childhood as shitty as yours was.

The problem isn't that anyone is over analyzing things here Felix, it's that your head is shoved up your ass and you're blaming others for the view.


Jan 14, 2013
I earned enough to file a tax return at 15, which I still have, along with 38 more years of returns. I didnt start filing electronically until 2018, but I always keep paper copies.

I did full time summer jobs where I needed a tax return when I was a freshman in high school. I also bussed tables when I was like 12. At a diner.

How come I turned out sane and you turned into a piece of trash? All I know is, just because you work as a youngun doesn't mean you turn out great, cause you are horrible.


Jul 17, 2003
You know, I'm starting to suspect the intellectually/morally bankrupt people who support religious fascism and hate science aren't sources of relevant opinions. Getting tired of hearing people try to pass off clear exploitation as some fucked up combo of 'boot straps' and 'learnin them kids right.'

From both what I've read and what I've experienced personally, it is imperative that children who want to join the work force do so for family involved enterprise until they are large/mature enough to stand up for themselves. Children require supervision and protection. When they turn 18, they can work whatever shift they want, wherever they want - but 10 years olds working until 2am and then not even getting paid is some Oliver Twist level shit, and no amount of wistful 'when I was a boy' bullshit reforms it.


Aug 4, 2000
You know, I'm starting to suspect the intellectually/morally bankrupt people who support religious fascism and hate science aren't sources of relevant opinions. Getting tired of hearing people try to pass off clear exploitation as some fucked up combo of 'boot straps' and 'learnin them kids right.'

From both what I've read and what I've experienced personally, it is imperative that children who want to join the work force do so for family involved enterprise until they are large/mature enough to stand up for themselves. Children require supervision and protection. When they turn 18, they can work whatever shift they want, wherever they want - but 10 years olds working until 2am and then not even getting paid is some Oliver Twist level shit, and no amount of wistful 'when I was a boy' bullshit reforms it.

Instead, indoctrinate them with left wing principles of drag queens, getting high and collecting welfare.

Thus the end of America.
Reactions: Pohemi and hal2kilo


Aug 4, 2000
1. Drag queens have nothing to do with this.
2. You should stop sniffing glue
3. Most people on welfare actually work you fuck.

Keep your skirt on dude. And please don't smoke weed on the job. 🍟

Also the work requirement was removed from welfare and the left opposes adding it back again.
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Oct 18, 2009
Its true though. Who else wants legal weed, welfare for all, etc? The left.

Drugs are bad, get a job and have a nice day. That's my motto.🤘
I can just hear you now bleating “I ain’t paying more taxes for their health care!” to your buds when the time to beat liberals for wanting health care for all or Medicare expansion/single-payer during your beer-soaked day of swilling beer, belching a lot, typical conservative good day. Getting drunk (abusing drugs) and being oblivious.

Too bad you cons consistently fail math. You’re already paying for everyone else’s health care with every tax dollar you pay. Dems just want to do it more efficiently, effectively, and vastly cheaper than our present for-profit system in use today. Vastly cheaper for everyone. And better/healthier for everyone.

But you be you. Bet you still brag to your friends about how drunk you got last night watching basketball (I know you don’t watch hockey…) and how many times you puked, wearing that like a badge of honor and pride.

Healthcare is only one of hundreds of ways cons screw themselves just to be the “winners”.
Reactions: Pohemi and hal2kilo


Aug 4, 2000
I can just hear you now bleating “I ain’t paying more taxes for their health care!” to your buds when the time to beat liberals for wanting health care for all or Medicare expansion/single-payer during your beer-soaked day of swilling beer, belching a lot, typical conservative good day. Getting drunk (abusing drugs) and being oblivious.

Too bad you cons consistently fail math. You’re already paying for everyone else’s health care with every tax dollar you pay. Dems just want to do it more efficiently, effectively, and vastly cheaper than our present for-profit system in use today. Vastly cheaper for everyone. And better/healthier for everyone.

But you be you. Bet you still brag to your friends about how drunk you got last night watching basketball (I know you don’t watch hockey…) and how many times you puked, wearing that like a badge of honor and pride.

Healthcare is only one of hundreds of ways cons screw themselves just to be the “winners”.

I'll admit I like beer and especially margaritas 🍹 but I can't drink much at all these days...if not any period... because of a medical condition I have and the drug I have to take for it.

I agree with you medical care is too expensive and should be universal, however it should also be limited to what we can afford.


Jul 17, 2003
Instead, indoctrinate them with left wing principles of drag queens, getting high and collecting welfare.

Thus the end of America.

Yeah I didn't expect a real response, just projection. You only seem capable of conversing in either bullshit or slogans. Thanks for staying predictable, or should we thank what you're drinking? As someone who supports the religious indoctrination of public school students in Texas, pretty funny to hear you use the word as an accusation. Project project project. Rinse, lather, repeat. The end of America almost happened Jan 6th 2021 at the hands of right wingers and the principle of party before country, probably time to just accept it and move on with your life. No liberals involved, sorry. Doesn't matter though, no one cares what the right wing thinks of patriotism because you've all largely forsaken America by embracing Trump and his many crimes of treason and insurrection. You guys are Bill Cosby trying to lecture people about women's rights. That silence you hear is no one giving a fuck.

Tell you what troll, I'll humor you and make it easy. Let's set aside the two personal freedom issues that give you so much butthurt. Can you link me a single post of yours from any thread that shows you being concerned about corporate welfare?

Just one. This 'I love America but support it's demise' stuff of yours must require nuance. Help me out.
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Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
I'll admit I like beer and especially margaritas 🍹 but I can't drink much at all these days...if not any period... because of a medical condition I have and the drug I have to take for it.

I agree with you medical care is too expensive and should be universal, however it should also be limited to what we can afford.
I wouldn't drink either if I only had two brain cells, and had to take medication to keep them alive. (You can laugh, it's a joke).

On a serious note: you make claims about drugs are bad, then admit that you enjoy one of the most consumed drugs on the planet.. alcohol. Typical right wing mouth breather hypocrisy.

You remind me of a buddy of mine.. was actually a very good close friend until Trump was elected where we drifted apart due to different views. He was similar to you, claiming that people shouldn't get hand outs (welfare, medical, etc), that people should have to work for what they need. If they can't earn it, they can go without, they need to stop being lazy, etc. (Immigration was also a part of this). Using all the right wing mouth breathers talking points, just like you like to do.

The last time we talked, that was the discussion. But less than two hours later, he posted a go fund me asking for $5000 to help cover the cost of his daughter to go on some trip outside of the USA. Hypocrisy at it's finest. He proved that you fucking right wing mouth breathers don't have an issue with handouts as long as it benefits you, and it doesn't benefit those you dislike.
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Aug 4, 2000
I wouldn't drink either if I only had two brain cells, and had to take medication to keep them alive. (You can laugh, it's a joke).

On a serious note: you make claims about drugs are bad, then admit that you enjoy one of the most consumed drugs on the planet.. alcohol. Typical right wing mouth breather hypocrisy.

You remind me of a buddy of mine.. was actually a very good close friend until Trump was elected where we drifted apart due to different views. He was similar to you, claiming that people shouldn't get hand outs (welfare, medical, etc), that people should have to work for what they need. If they can't earn it, they can go without, they need to stop being lazy, etc. (Immigration was also a part of this). Using all the right wing mouth breathers talking points, just like you like to do.

The last time we talked, that was the discussion. But less than two hours later, he posted a go fund me asking for $5000 to help cover the cost of his daughter to go on some trip outside of the USA. Hypocrisy at it's finest. He proved that you fucking right wing mouth breathers don't have an issue with handouts as long as it benefits you, and it doesn't benefit those you dislike.
You really need to chill. Then go back and re-read my post. I said that whilst I had enjoyed adult beverages in the past, these days I hardly partake.

Perhaps if you were not so uptight you would understand such things. Might I suggest a Bud Light perhaps?
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