Requesting a Leave of Absence


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2006
Since nobody is helping me on the update in my other thread - I will ask it here.

Now I need some help with a letter requesting a leave of absence. This is what I have so far....

November 9, 2007

(company info)
Attn: xxxx

Dear xxxx:

As you may have heard, I will be resigning from xxxx on November 23, 2007 to pursue a job with xxxx. This offer is a temporary assignment and does not guarantee a long term position. It is with this in mind that I am requesting a sixty (60) day leave of absence.

Very truly yours,



Nov 25, 2003
try asking for a "league" of absence instead

Thats not going to be easy... Company may have "trust"/"loyalty" issues with you. they might just fire you straight up


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2007
hah, well as a manager at an IT firm if someone made that request of me I would probably tell them that if they leave they cannot come back. 60 days is long enough to need a replacement and not short enough to have someone temporarily cover your duties.

Depending on your work responsibilities and size of your company you may be able to get away with 30 days and having someone cover your work upon which you return but having an empty position for 2 months basically forces the employer to go elsewhere. Also, you have 'they do not guarantee a long term position', so what are you saying? If this job you like better doesnt offer you a position would you please just let me come back even though I obviously have been looking for other work and want a different job? If you hope to get away with this you are better off lying saying you want to take some classes abroad for a few months.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
Well I'd start off by putting it out of your head that you're going to tell your current employer that he should grant you 60 days to go try out working for another company and then, if you don't like it, to just bring you back. How long have you worked for the company? Full time / part time?

I really don't think what you want will work to be honest. That's kind of a slap in the employer's face... if you really want this other job, quit your current job, take the new one, and excel at it enough so they'll offer to keep you on after the 60 days is up.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
eh ... not a good idea

just ask for a leave of absence for personal reasons


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
Since nobody is helping me on the update in my other thread - I will ask it here.

Now I need some help with a letter requesting a leave of absence. This is what I have so far....

November 9, 2007

(company info)
Attn: xxxx

Dear xxxx:

As you may have heard, I will be resigning from xxxx on November 23, 2007 to pursue a job with xxxx. This offer is a temporary assignment and does not guarantee a long term position. It is with this in mind that I am requesting a sixty (60) day leave of absence.

Very truly yours,


You'll get laughed in your face and get booted right out. What makes you think you are special to the point where a company will hold a position for you, for 60 days, so you can selfishly work for another company that may or may not work out? You are better off resigning, and thanking them for the employment opportunity, and possibly try to reapply later after 60 days, then try that garbage you just wrote.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2007
Originally posted by: 2Xtreme21
Well I'd start off by putting it out of your head that you're going to tell your current employer that he should grant you 60 days to go try out working for another company and then, if you don't like it, to just bring you back. How long have you worked for the company? Full time / part time?

I really don't think what you want will work to be honest. That's kind of a slap in the employer's face... if you really want this other job, quit your current job, take the new one, and excel at it enough so they'll offer to keep you on after the 60 days is up.

Yes, also if he titles the letterhead 'requesting a league of absense' i may be willing to offer him a position myself for the comedic value.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2000
That just sounds silly. You haven't formally told them you were leaving, though you may have told others and word has traveled. Not good. I think this would only work if you had approached it the right way AND you are really critical to the company. Also if you stretched the truth and didn't mention the new job.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2003
OP: Just say you are in the reserves and your unit has been activated. USERRA ftw!

Edit: While you are at it, you should declare bankruptcy ala Michael Scott in The Office.


Jan 10, 2001
This reminds me of Seinfeld when George tries to go back to the job he quit by just showing up.

LEVITAN: I wanna remind everyone that the tenth anniversary party for Rick Barr Properties is gonna be Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock in Lasky's Bar, Madison 48th. I want all of you to be there. This really means a lot to me. Is that Costanza over there? What are you doing here?


LEVITAN: Am I crazy, or didn't you quit?


LEVITAN: Friday.

GEORGE: Oh, what? What? That? Are you kidding? I didn't quit. What? You took that seriously?

LEVITAN: You mean, laughingstock? All that stuff?

GEORGE: Come on. Will you stop it.

LEVITAN: No brains? No ability?

GEORGE: Teasing.

LEVITAN: Okay. I want you outta here.

GEORGE: I don't know where you're getting this from.'re serious aren't you? Oh, [laughing] you see?

LEVITAN: You can't win. You can't beat me. That's why I'm here and you're there. Because I'm a winner. I'll always be a winner and you'll always be a loser.


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2006
This is so far from something that would fly that I gotta think you're pulling our legs, OP. No employer will hold your job for you while you try out another one. The idea is ridiculous.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 2001
What does your employee handbook say about leaves of absence?

Mine allows leave for the following reasons:

Federal Medial Leave Act
- Own personal illness
- birth/adoption/foster care of child
- care of serious illness of spouse, child, or parent.

That's it. FMLA, or nothing. Of course everything needs to be documented with medicial certifications.
To just expect a leave to work somewhere else for 60 days.......HA!


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2006
You guys are really funny.....

This is not for me but for a family member that asked for my help. I cannot go into details about the job because I do not have security clearance to do so....but I'll try to explain best I can.

The job that this family member works at has 104 employees nationwide. There are only 104 people that are certified to do the job in the United States. The job is contracted out by the US government to a private firm that employs these 104 people. It takes generally about 2 years for someone to be certified to do the job so that would lead me that these individuals are "critical".

The job that this family member is taking is basically the same job but is now going to work directly for the government. It is a performance based system so if you do not pass something then you are out.

Also, the family member has told the company he was going to resign and would put the resignation letter in writing 2 weeks before he left. So its not like it was a rumor....managment already knows.

There have also been several people that have left the job and come back. Some requested the LoA and got approved and some didnt. I am assuming that it depending on who was asking. So please dont run your mouth off assuming that the job is easily replaceable like yours........


Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
Since nobody is helping me on the update in my other thread - I will ask it here.

Now I need some help with a letter requesting a leave of absence. This is what I have so far....

November 9, 2007

(company info)
Attn: Hitler

Dear Fascist Overlord:

As you may have heard, I quit.

See ya Sucka,


This is more concise and will have the same effect.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2006
The 60 day request has been granted in the past to other employees. From what the family member has told me non of those employees work there any longer so they couldnt be asked for advice.

Also the length of 60 days is because that is the probationary period. I believe it is actually 54 days and just asked for 60 just in case.

It is also a union job....those employees that returned lost their senority in the union but kept their seniority within the company (began at their last pay rate).


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
You guys are really funny.....

This is not for me but for a family member that asked for my help. I cannot go into details about the job because I do not have security clearance to do so....but I'll try to explain best I can.

The job that this family member works at has 104 employees nationwide. There are only 104 people that are certified to do the job in the United States. The job is contracted out by the US government to a private firm that employs these 104 people. It takes generally about 2 years for someone to be certified to do the job so that would lead me that these individuals are "critical".

The job that this family member is taking is basically the same job but is now going to work directly for the government. It is a performance based system so if you do not pass something then you are out.

Also, the family member has told the company he was going to resign and would put the resignation letter in writing 2 weeks before he left. So its not like it was a rumor....managment already knows.

There have also been several people that have left the job and come back. Some requested the LoA and got approved and some didnt. I am assuming that it depending on who was asking. So please dont run your mouth off assuming that the job is easily replaceable like yours........

I would say these are somewhat important details you left out of your original post, and yet you call us funny....


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: iamwiz82
LEVITAN: You can't win. You can't beat me. That's why I'm here and you're there. Because I'm a winner. I'll always be a winner and you'll always be a loser.



Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
You guys are really funny.....

This is not for me but for a family member that asked for my help. I cannot go into details about the job because I do not have security clearance to do so....but I'll try to explain best I can.

The job that this family member works at has 104 employees nationwide. There are only 104 people that are certified to do the job in the United States. The job is contracted out by the US government to a private firm that employs these 104 people. It takes generally about 2 years for someone to be certified to do the job so that would lead me that these individuals are "critical".

The job that this family member is taking is basically the same job but is now going to work directly for the government. It is a performance based system so if you do not pass something then you are out.

Also, the family member has told the company he was going to resign and would put the resignation letter in writing 2 weeks before he left. So its not like it was a rumor....managment already knows.

There have also been several people that have left the job and come back. Some requested the LoA and got approved and some didnt. I am assuming that it depending on who was asking. So please dont run your mouth off assuming that the job is easily replaceable like yours........

Instead of being a dick to the people you are asking to help you, try explaining the situation in full, or not asking for help at all.



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I would say these are somewhat important details you left out of your original post, and yet you call us funny....


Give people info to make reasonable conclusions and then deride them for it because you left out massive amounts of relevant data.

If this family member is sooooooooooo f**king special, surely he can fashion a 100 word letter to his employer.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2006
Originally posted by: rpkelly
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
You guys are really funny.....

This is not for me but for a family member that asked for my help. I cannot go into details about the job because I do not have security clearance to do so....but I'll try to explain best I can.

The job that this family member works at has 104 employees nationwide. There are only 104 people that are certified to do the job in the United States. The job is contracted out by the US government to a private firm that employs these 104 people. It takes generally about 2 years for someone to be certified to do the job so that would lead me that these individuals are "critical".

The job that this family member is taking is basically the same job but is now going to work directly for the government. It is a performance based system so if you do not pass something then you are out.

Also, the family member has told the company he was going to resign and would put the resignation letter in writing 2 weeks before he left. So its not like it was a rumor....managment already knows.

There have also been several people that have left the job and come back. Some requested the LoA and got approved and some didnt. I am assuming that it depending on who was asking. So please dont run your mouth off assuming that the job is easily replaceable like yours........

Instead of being a dick to the people you are asking to help you, try explaining the situation in full, or not asking for help at all.


I'm not being a dick to anyone that is trying to help me out. Its the people that just blurt out dumb sh*t before asking questions.

I did not know if I was at liberty to give all the details which is why I left it out in the original post. I had to call my brother and ask him if it was okay to post it on an internet forum.


Golden Member
Jan 22, 2001
Has the family member made an informal inquiry on his chances of receiving said 60 day LoA? If he does not get the LoA will he leave his present company or just not take the other temporary job?


104 was mentioned 3 times - must be an important detail...


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
Originally posted by: rpkelly
Originally posted by: alkohoLiK
You guys are really funny.....

This is not for me but for a family member that asked for my help. I cannot go into details about the job because I do not have security clearance to do so....but I'll try to explain best I can.

The job that this family member works at has 104 employees nationwide. There are only 104 people that are certified to do the job in the United States. The job is contracted out by the US government to a private firm that employs these 104 people. It takes generally about 2 years for someone to be certified to do the job so that would lead me that these individuals are "critical".

The job that this family member is taking is basically the same job but is now going to work directly for the government. It is a performance based system so if you do not pass something then you are out.

Also, the family member has told the company he was going to resign and would put the resignation letter in writing 2 weeks before he left. So its not like it was a rumor....managment already knows.

There have also been several people that have left the job and come back. Some requested the LoA and got approved and some didnt. I am assuming that it depending on who was asking. So please dont run your mouth off assuming that the job is easily replaceable like yours........

Instead of being a dick to the people you are asking to help you, try explaining the situation in full, or not asking for help at all.


I'm not being a dick to anyone that is trying to help me out. Its the people that just blurt out dumb sh*t before asking questions.

I did not know if I was at liberty to give all the details which is why I left it out in the original post. I had to call my brother and ask him if it was okay to post it on an internet forum.

You obviously aren't smart enough to realize that leaving out obviously important details such as highly restricted and exclusive ceritficed clearance will get you a less then ideal response. Reread your letter and see it in the context of a reader, where this was probably
an office position rather then a highly needed clearance position, that as you said, only 104 Americans out of 300 million can currently do.

You got exactly the responses you deserved for the information you gave in your OP.
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