Retirees/soon-to-be's: I'm genuinely curious about your retirement... what do you do all day?


Mar 4, 2011
I have about 25 more years to go.. ugh.

I cannot wait to do nothing. And once I get bored, then I'll do some volunteer work.

I envy you.

Yes I count my blessings and am grateful every day. But corporate grind sucksssssssss

What do guys do day-to-day? Don't tell me it's filled with 'productive' crap. Ugh.


Aug 11, 2005
that's the scariest part of retirement for some people, how to fill up your day with shit to do


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2018
Hookers, but probably not a lot of blow. I'm too paranoid about starting that at my age.

Lots of golf. Lots of gambling. Lots of senior sports leagues. Maybe lots of weed?

The first thing I'm doing after retirement is taking the Ghan. Within a week or two if I can.
Reactions: skyking
Dec 10, 2005
that's the scariest part of retirement for some people, how to fill up your day with shit to do
I'm far from retirement, but I would imagine one strategy is that you would want to foster hobbies early, before retiring. Then you can naturally expand the time you spend on those hobbies once you're not working.
Reactions: Ken g6 and KMFJD


Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2013
I don't worry about what will fill my time. Something always comes up to swallow it. I now realize I did not really have enough time to go to work.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I still have a bit to go but I think I have a good idea of what will be occurring
Daily grind
1-2 hours at the gym
1-2 hours bicycle riding
30-60 minutes running
Honey do list

Weekly grind
1-3 volunteer organizations
Part time job where I can get paid to socialize and have an "obligation". (Get a job at the gym I work out at so I don't have pay dues)
Drive my peers to their Dr. appointments
Weekend morning motorcycle rides
School (Pick whatever field interests me at the time. When the day comes I'm heading north and close to a college town. )
Honey do list

Monthly Grind
Museum\Monument\Park tour
Honey do list

Yearly grind
Wife's vacation goals
Reactions: Elfear and Zeze


Jul 11, 2001
I have about 25 more years to go.. ugh.

I cannot wait to do nothing. And once I get bored, then I'll do some volunteer work.

I envy you.

Yes I count my blessings and am grateful every day. But corporate grind sucksssssssss

What do guys do day-to-day? Don't tell me it's filled with 'productive' crap. Ugh.
I have a volunteer gig that I was doing way before I could stop working and I'm still doing it. College radio DJ, doing a 3 hour show every week.

I'm also working hard at staying healthy. Currently about 8 hours of aerobic exercise a week (quad roller skating the street). Was in gym 3x/week before pandemic, that hasn't come back. I should straighten out my "workout room" and regularly use it, I have equipment.

I grow vegetables during 1/2 the year, I have a bumper crop of ripe tomatoes out there now and my kabocha squash are maturing, they'll overwinter indoors for stews.

I try to keep up with news. I have more than 20 books I'm hoping to read, am reading some.

I have a library card and use it quite a bit for books, movies.

I had plans to travel (well, got passport and luggage), but pandemic put the kibosh on that for time being.

Really, during the pandemic I have been pretty locked in. A neighbor did my grocery shopping until I got vaxxed.
Reactions: kage69 and Captante


Jul 11, 2001
I figure this is a good place to ask the question: Is AARP worth considering or just ignore all those letters from them (that's what I've been doing)?


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I have about 25 more years to go.. ugh.

I cannot wait to do nothing. And once I get bored, then I'll do some volunteer work.

I envy you.

Yes I count my blessings and am grateful every day. But corporate grind sucksssssssss

What do guys do day-to-day? Don't tell me it's filled with 'productive' crap. Ugh.

The grind is really hard. Corporate America isn't setup for personal happiness & growth, it's setup to use people as disposable meat machines & to make the higher-ups wealthy. The only morality is legality. Case in point, Jeff Bezos & Amazon:

Can you imagine how life-changing a $100k bonus would be for someone making $17 an hour slinging boxes at an Amazon Warehouse? His 4-minute space flight is estimated to have cost nearly $5.5 billion dollars:

As I've gotten older & as personal happiness has become more important to me, the thing I've come to realize is that what we're taught about happiness is almost entirely wrong! As I've studied people who are really happy, I've noticed they tend to have two things:

1. High energy
2. Great plan

Living in the grind day in & day out can beat us down mentally, emotionally, and physically, to the point where all we look forward to is doing nothing. But in reality, that's just a combination of low energy & lack of a clear, personally-motivated plan. For starters, our energy level is our very first filter in the world. This begins when we wake up (see the video below), as well as how much our energy tanks during the day. This is one of the reasons I'm so keen on doing macros - I suffer from chronically low energy & end up sort of hating even the fun stuff I look forward to, when the time comes to actually do it! The only way I've found to work around that is to make sure I'm getting enough sleep (generating human growth hormone), exercising daily (releasing endorphins), and feeding my organic meat machine high-octane fuel (aka food, which releases dopamine & provides us with energy). Managing those neurotransmitters on a daily basis is sort of like opening the gate for your Kentucky derby race horses to run free...they can't run if we don't put in the effort into opening the gate! i.e. getting lots of sleep, exercise, and food.

But, it's not just about managing our energy levels. While our energy levels (plus our attitude) control a large part of how much we enjoy doing stuff, productivity & actually getting stuff done, for me at least, also needs to be personalized. "Being productive" is about the most motivation-killing phrase I can think of for me personally lol. Generic productivity just doesn't fly on my radar. I wrote up my basic approach over on this post:

The short version is, we all have a bunch of stuff to deal with in life, and ultimately, it's our responsibility to decide what additional stuff we want to do on top of just surviving - having a job we look forward to working at, hobbies we're interested in doing, and then coupling that with high energy so that we actually enjoy being immersed in doing cool stuff every day. A story that really changed my perspective is about the three guys building a catedral:

One day in 1671, Christopher Wren observed three bricklayers on a scaffold, one crouched, one half-standing and one standing tall, working very hard and fast. To the first bricklayer, Christopher Wren asked the question, “What are you doing?” to which the bricklayer replied, “I’m a bricklayer. I’m working hard laying bricks to feed my family.” The second bricklayer, responded, “I’m a builder. I’m building a wall.” But the third brick layer, the most productive of the three and the future leader of the group, when asked the question, “What are you doing?” replied with a gleam in his eye, “I’m a cathedral builder. I’m building a great cathedral to The Almighty.”

The first dude had a job, the second guy had a career, but the third guy had a vision. In high school, our guidance counselors tell us to "follow our dreams" & then we slog off to corporate America & our dreams die lol. The good news is, it's never too late to improve our lives by choice (I'm a certified late-bloomer!). So my recommendation is don't wait until retirement & just look forward to doing nothing, throw off those wageslave shackles, figure out how to get yourself into a consistently high-energy state, and start creating personalized definitions of success in your life so you're not stuck just existing & not enjoying! It's taken me a couple decades post-high school to figure this stuff out, but I enjoy life a lot more these days because even though I have to work for a living, I enjoy what I do & I have enough energy for it not to be a fight every day!

The trouble is, of course, that all sounds like a lot of extra work & it's easier to ignore it hahaha


Jun 13, 2000
that's the scariest part of retirement for some people, how to fill up your day with shit to do
That's the problem of either being too busy with your career OR being too lazy.

You should own property just to have space to do fun projects.

What's really sad is when you see someone retire....then they don't wake up at the same time and eventually have health problems because their body clock is shaken up. They say a large number of heart attacks happen during a time change (DST). I bet retirement triggers that stuff too. I always talk about my neighbor because he went from being working for 30 years to retired...then had a post retirement job for 3 years to pad his retirement. When he retired for real..maybe at 64 or 65, he had a major stroke and lost the ability to walk. He falls on the floor pretty frequently and the fire department has to show up to help him back into his chair. It's pretty heart-breaking.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I figure this is a good place to ask the question: Is AARP worth considering or just ignore all those letters from them (that's what I've been doing)?
I ignore them. Coupons and deals that aren't really deals. Just another list to join so companies can track you.
Reactions: Muse


Jul 11, 2001
I can't imagine retiring, I'd go insane lol
I never retired, I just stopped working, had enough mullah where I didn't need to. I call it de facto retired.

But I've never looked forward to "doing nothing." I figure that high energy is essential to staying healthy, it's part of staying healthy and staying healthy is the most important thing. It's really everything and I have a very expansive idea of what "staying healthy" entails. Healthy mentally and physically, although they are part and parcel of the same thing. High energy is essential in this.
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Reactions: lxskllr
Nov 17, 2019
In no particular order ....







Mow grass




Other forums.

Repeat as necessary


Senior member
Sep 11, 2007
I still have 12 years to go, but I have already started my hobby of gardening with the wife.

If i am tired of gardening, I am looking at fixing simple things around the house, also do volunteer work, and probably start reading again.

My ultimate goal, is to run a food truck (my love was still hospitality), so I can do what I loved to do (cooking and seeing people enjoy my foods) and retain a source of income. But it requires capital and tons of energy. Hopefully I still have them when i retired.
Reactions: Muse


Senior member
Mar 15, 2018
I retired for a three years a while back, but my wife lost her back to work,

First off, my yard looked glorious!! I also spent time reading, painting, biking, napping, cooking meals for those poor working fools that I knew, and spent more than a little time just putzing about town. I also made it a hobby to find the perfect combinations of lunch + beers (never-ending since menus sometimes change!!).

IT WASGLORIOUS!!!! I retire again in just 4 years forever. I have ZERO plans (just like last time)
Reactions: Elfear and Muse


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
But, it's not just about managing our energy levels. While our energy levels (plus our attitude) control a large part of how much we enjoy doing stuff, productivity & actually getting stuff done, for me at least, also needs to be personalized. "Being productive" is about the most motivation-killing phrase I can think of for me personally lol. Generic productivity just doesn't fly on my radar. I wrote up my basic approach over on this post:
Mileage varies, "being productive" is fine for me, for a few years now, that's my general goal after dinner and before relaxing If I don't have a specific task in mind for that day, it's usually not hard to find something around the house that needs doing, or even just picking up the guitar and working on learning a new song counts as productive.
But that's definitely a key difference between us, you seem to like to have every item codified, defined, and iterated through, I'm vastly more of a "figure it out when I get there" kind of person, and both our approaches seem to work for us individually.
Reactions: Kaido

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
My dad finally retired (we've been telling him for years that he should lol) but he's the type that liked to work... sorta. He was getting sick of it but at same time kind of liked it. He spends most of the day watching hockey and other sports now.

I'm far from retirement but my goal is to basically take it easy, probably build stuff and just get new hobbies. Maybe volunteer somewhere once or twice a week or something just to get me out of the house.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Whatever I want...or as little as I want.

Yes, some days are filled with boredom. (I've been off work since Dec. 2003 when I got hurt at work...then retired by the doctors)
Some days I putter in the yard...little projects, big projects, some days I work on little stuff in the house...usually redoing things the previous homeowner fucked up, some days we travel...(short day trips only) Some days, I don't do a fucking thing. (I really should take up fishing again...if only for something to do)
Reactions: Meghan54


Oct 20, 2003
That's the problem of either being too busy with your career OR being too lazy.

You should own property just to have space to do fun projects.

What's really sad is when you see someone retire....then they don't wake up at the same time and eventually have health problems because their body clock is shaken up. They say a large number of heart attacks happen during a time change (DST). I bet retirement triggers that stuff too. I always talk about my neighbor because he went from being working for 30 years to retired...then had a post retirement job for 3 years to pad his retirement. When he retired for real..maybe at 64 or 65, he had a major stroke and lost the ability to walk. He falls on the floor pretty frequently and the fire department has to show up to help him back into his chair. It's pretty heart-breaking.

From what I've read cold weather/winter early Monday mornings = the number one time for men to drop dead from "the big one".... makes perfect sense too.

My father actually worked MORE after he retired and stayed very active.... bottom line MOST folks that "do nothing" when they retire tend to expire pretty quickly.
Reactions: pcgeek11
Nov 17, 2019
You'll spend plenty of time:

Making notes so you don't forget things.
Trying to remember why you came into this room.
Checking the stove to make sure you turned it off after the food was cooked.
In the bathroom.
Picking up things you dropped because you couldn't hold on to them.
Finding your shoes.
Finding your feet.


Oct 20, 2003
You'll spend plenty of time:

Making notes so you don't forget things.
Trying to remember why you came into this room.
Checking the stove to make sure you turned it off after the food was cooked.
In the bathroom.
Picking up things you dropped because you couldn't hold on to them.
Finding your shoes.
Finding your feet.

My dad spent his time gardening, wood-working, riding his mountain-bike and vacationing all over the world.

Also he organized and ran a land-trust in Putnam County NY to preserve wetlands AND had his own very successful "headhunting" consulting-company dedicated to finding school officials.

He was very sharp right up to the day he passed from bone cancer a few years ago. (RIP) THAT is the way to spend retirement IMO.


Jun 13, 2000
From what I've read cold weather/winter early Monday mornings = the number one time for men to drop dead from "the big one".... makes perfect sense too.

My father actually worked MORE after he retired and stayed very active.... bottom line MOST folks that "do nothing" when they retire tend to expire pretty quickly.
I thought the cold weather/winter thing was all due to people trying to shovel snow out of boredom and not realizing how hard it is to shovel snow. (because water in any form is umm.....heavy @ 8lbs/gallon) Snow messes with the density some, but you can be pushing against many pounds of resistance quickly. It doesn't take many "sets" of that kind of work to overdo it if you're even in good shape. Shoveling dirt is waaaay easier. Smaller spend more time just trying to break the dirt free, so you don't scoop as much.

Trust me...I know about this stuff.

<---Expert at shoveling it.
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