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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
When the very first image on the thread is the logo for the FX processor, its spamming (not that I could prove that, or he would be banned)

Now speaking as a mod

If the name calling does not stop, I will lock this thread
Anandtech Moderator

Well, the first image is a hotlinked image from . I'm not sure they really want to pay bandwidth for his threads on 10 different forums.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2006
When the very first image on the thread is the logo for the FX processor, its spamming (not that I could prove that, or he would be banned)

Now speaking as a mod

If the name calling does not stop, I will lock this thread
Anandtech Moderator

Seriously Mark? Because of a logo???? That's quite a stretch, and I for one enjoy reading this thread, other than the obvious attempt by the trolls to have it locked for a variety of reasons that are rather obvious. Not understanding why more data points is a spamming offense.


@ polyzp, keep up the good work a lot of people appreciate the effort.
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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Seriously Mark? Because of a logo???? That's quite a stretch, and I for one enjoy reading this thread, other than the obvious attempt by the trolls to have it locked for a variety of reasons that are rather obvious. Not understanding why more data points is a spamming offense.

If it were to get locked here, you could just read it on the 9 other boards the same exact thing is posted to.


Jun 23, 2008
I think people should just look up other forums where OP has posted the exact same content from his blog & many people have thanked him appreciated his efforts , that's enough said , carry on good work OP.


Oct 9, 1999
You don't come across very many posts where enthusiasts would bother posting product/company logos. It's not the typical mindset. There are certain professions where that mindset does apply though.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2006
Stop lying.

His propaganda is posted at Semi-Accurate's forums and you read that.

You stalking me dude? I'm not a member of semiaccurate, and it's interesting reading all the propaganda here instead not that it's any of your business.

@polyzp, would be interested in seeing your opinion of multitasking performance as well if you have a chance. Also, if you have access to, how would the smoothness and lag of an intel machine compare to your FX system?


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator <br> Video Cards
Apr 6, 2004
Please lets stop this or this thread will be locked. Especially with the accusations! Go fight it out in a PM or something.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
2) and 3) are true , you cant get a 6 lane PCI E z68 board for ~220$ as with the UD7 990fx. It is generally accepted that for the same price an AMD board will offer more than an intel board.

I do admit that power usage is high for FX, but heat is around the same as with intel offerings, as long as you dont push your cpu above 1.45v. (which is more than enough for a high OC around 4.8 Ghz) I am sitting at 1.42v-1.44v.

Pretty much all SB boards will support PCI-E 3.0 anyway, which is 2x the badwidth per lane anyway. Lanes are not really bottlenecking folks.

If you want tri-fire/tri-SLI or quad-fire/quad-SLI why are you even looking at saving $100 on a MB anyway? AMD is out, and you should be looking at either an (older) X58 or (newer) X79 setup.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
I still chuckle when I see the OPs initial graph where the BD @ 4.8 is slower than the 3960 at 3.3 ghz.

2 less cores, and 1.5ghz less clock speed, and still faster! Or save save $500 and get the 3930 at only 100mhz less.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator <br> Video Cards
Apr 6, 2004
I still chuckle when I see the OPs initial graph where the BD @ 4.8 is slower than the 3960 at 3.3 ghz.

2 less cores, and 1.5ghz less clock speed, and still faster! Or save save $500 and get the 3930 at only 100mhz less.

FX-8150 costs half of what the 3930k costs, can't really compare the two at all. Cache is completely different as well.


Senior member
May 18, 2000
Strange how its only new members defending the OP :sneaky:
New members with the same lousy grasp of English

Lmao, did you even read the OP?

Its full of FX8150 vs gulftown (same lame tactic AMD marketing initally used) and look at how FX8150 does in 7zip! A thinly veiled attempt to mislead people about bulldozer.

I would hardly qualify as a new member,,,,


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
FX-8150 costs half of what the 3930k costs, can't really compare the two at all. Cache is completely different as well.

True. There is no point to compare two CPUs at all. /sarcasm

If BD was better, the 3930k would likely be cheaper...but thats another debate entirely.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
You stalking me dude? I'm not a member of semiaccurate, and it's interesting reading all the propaganda here instead not that it's any of your business.

@polyzp, would be interested in seeing your opinion of multitasking performance as well if you have a chance. Also, if you have access to, how would the smoothness and lag of an intel machine compare to your FX system?

Even if you were a member of S/A, I don't see why that should be treated as a negative that needs to be disavowed.

S/A forums are rather decent IMO. And Charlie's articles are, well, entertaining at all times and quite informational at other times.

I'm not a member but I am a lurker, and I'm not a member only because I'm too lazy to bother registering. But I enjoy reading it.

Oh yes you are, "Flippin_Waffles".

The only site with more propaganda than Semi-Accurate, is AMDZone.

I make it my business to expose liars and deceivers.

What is your problem dude? Completely uncalled for.


Feb 8, 2004
I would hardly qualify as a new member,,,,

Well that comment wasn't really aimed at you, its aimed at the "I joined in 2011 just before bulldozer launched" crew.

You seem quite rational despite not seeing that the OP just wants to get blog hits or paint AMD in a good light no matter what.

Its been mentioned numerous times before that enthusiasts or people with an interest in tech don't behave like the OP, they don't spam across multiple tech sites, they don't post misleading benchmarks, they don't constantly try to get you to visit their blog. This right here is what enthusiasts do when they get a new and interesting chip:

Compare carefully and note the massive differences between the OP of that thread (enthusiast) and the OP of this thread (salesperson).

Johnny Doe

Jan 11, 2012


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Well that comment wasn't really aimed at you, its aimed at the "I joined in 2011 just before bulldozer launched" crew.

You seem quite rational despite not seeing that the OP just wants to get blog hits or paint AMD in a good light no matter what.

Its been mentioned numerous times before that enthusiasts or people with an interest in tech don't behave like the OP, they don't spam across multiple tech sites, they don't post misleading benchmarks, they don't constantly try to get you to visit their blog. This right here is what enthusiasts do when they get a new and interesting chip:

Compare carefully and note the massive differences between the OP of that thread (enthusiast) and the OP of this thread (salesperson).


I agree with everything I just quoted. As a mod, I still have to say watch the insults....(posted above)


Jan 4, 2012
For everyone who appreciates what im doing here, Thanks for all the support guys!

And to everyone else, first of all, how is me posting my review on multiple community sites spamming? I am simply trying to get a wider opinion.

Next, a Logo?? really guys? that's just silly. I honestly didn't even think about this, I just put it there to make my thread look more appealing.

And finally, why do people think that I am purposely trying to compare bulldozer to older intel architecture? That is what I found for comparison, If you can find me a sandy bridge or sandy bridge e comparison with the exact same video card (6990) overclocked, I would be more than glad to post that comparison as well. Instead of trying to help alot of people just attack ><. I am not a bad guy here, I am really doing this for you guys!

This is my first blog, so I have no intentions other than to really get the word out. As hard as that is the believe for some of you it is the truth. I dont have some alternate motive. My blog is an exact copy of what I post on this foum. If all I wanted was blog hits I wouldnt post the stories here, I would post maybe a third and say "the rest is on my blog". I want to stress that I am not making a single dollar off all this, In fact I spent a dollar to join xtremeforums so I could spread the word because I had someone ask me to join the community there and show my results! I dont understand why it is such a terrible thing to post my hard work on more than one forum.

And with regards to the AMD Zone accusation, I guess I never really thought about posting there. I really just went to all my favourite sites to post on their forums. But thanks for that idea because I will post on there as well.

And enough about bulldozer being "too good" to compare to the 980x or 990x.. I thought you guys were saying how crap it is.. So why not compare to the 990x? Thats just a double standard.

And to all those claiming all I did was benchmark Dirt 3, and 7 Zip and came to the final conclusion how awesome Bulldozer is from those two becnhmarks alone simply has not even read through my review. Never have I come to such an ultimate conclusion about Bulldozer yet, but more than likely I will be doing a full Conclusion post when I am done all my testing (Which is about half done). Just because FX does well in 7zip doesnt mean it will do well in absolutely everything. I just state that in each specific benchmark how it fairs, and thats it, there is nothing more to it! I dont understand why people keep thinking there is..

I just find it funny how people accuse me of working for AMD or being a salesman of some sort :S. I have a feeling if I benchmarked an intel CPU and did the same thing I wouldn't get so much flack...

In the end, every CPU has its strengths and weaknesses.

AVP revisited with patch later up today!! stay Tuned!

Johnny Doe

Jan 11, 2012
And finally, why do people think that I am purposely trying to compare bulldozer to older intel architecture? That is what I found for comparison, If you can find me a sandy bridge or sandy bridge e comparison with the exact same video card (6990) overclocked, I would be more than glad to post that comparison as well. Instead of trying to help alot of people just attack ><. I am not a bad guy here, I am really doing this for you guys!

We don't need your help. I already got my answers from a non-biased post, it's slower than a 1100T. This guy has provided the results without some personal AMD agenda added in:

This is my first blog, so I have no intentions other than to really get the word out. As hard as that is the believe for some of you it is the truth. I dont have some alternate motive. My blog is an exact copy of what I post on this foum. If all I wanted was blog hits I wouldnt post the stories here, I would post maybe a third and say "the rest is on my blog". I want to stress that I am not making a single dollar off all this, In fact I spent a dollar to join xtremeforums so I could spread the word because I had someone ask me to join the community there and show my results! I dont understand why it is such a terrible thing to post my hard work on more than one forum.

I don't care about your blog or the Dollar you spent to join XS. You're posting lies and garbage.

And enough about bulldozer being "too good" to compare to the 980x or 990x.. I thought you guys were saying how crap it is.. So why not compare to the 990x? Thats just a double standard.

BD isn't "too good" to be compared to a 980x/990x. It gets trumped by an i7 875k. BD isn't even in the same league with a 990x. Comparing BD to a 990x is, like the other "facts" you're trying to prove, an INHONEST comparison at best. Comparing BD to a 990x is similar to comparing a Honda Civic to a Thunderbird V8 '95... they aren't in the same league to begin with.

And to all those claiming all I did was benchmark Dirt 3, and 7 Zip and came to the final conclusion how awesome Bulldozer is from those two becnhmarks alone simply has not even read through my review. Never have I come to such an ultimate conclusion about Bulldozer yet, but more than likely I will be doing a full Conclusion post when I am done all my testing (Which is about half done). Just because FX does well in 7zip doesnt mean it will do well in absolutely everything. I just state that in each specific benchmark how it fairs, and thats it, there is nothing more to it! I dont understand why people keep thinking there is..

The reason you post the 7Zip results was your bias of AMD. The chip is only good for heavily multi-threaded work, which is what the 7Zip is. It blows at gaming.

In the end, every CPU has its strengths and weaknesses.

Yep, and weaknesses of this chip outcome it's strenghts.

AVP revisited with patch later up today!! stay Tuned!

No need, I already know that AVP plays better on AMD than nVidia... troll along. Done here.


Feb 8, 2004
And to everyone else, first of all, how is me posting my review on multiple community sites spamming? I am simply trying to get a wider opinion.

A wider opinion of what? Your blog? Not impressed :|

And finally, why do people think that I am purposely trying to compare bulldozer to older intel architecture? That is what I found for comparison, If you can find me a sandy bridge or sandy bridge e comparison with the exact same video card (6990) overclocked, I would be more than glad to post that comparison as well. Instead of trying to help alot of people just attack ><. I am not a bad guy here, I am really doing this for you guys!

Because that is exactly what you are doing. Its also exactly what AMD did, compare the FX to a gulftown with a focus on cost so that FX looks good. A lousy comparison.

I keep coming back to this toms article but it really does illustrate the point perfectly:,review-32368.html

If bulldozer is lousy with a 7970 throwing a more powerful 6990 GPU at it will not help anything.

This is my first blog, so I have no intentions other than to really get the word out. As hard as that is the believe for some of you it is the truth. I dont have some alternate motive. My blog is an exact copy of what I post on this foum. If all I wanted was blog hits I wouldnt post the stories here, I would post maybe a third and say "the rest is on my blog". I want to stress that I am not making a single dollar off all this, In fact I spent a dollar to join xtremeforums so I could spread the word because I had someone ask me to join the community there and show my results! I dont understand why it is such a terrible thing to post my hard work on more than one forum.

Yeah get the word out that bulldozer is awesome and everyone should buy one so AMD will send you a 7970 or something and you can spam about that as well right? Also the reason you didn't post some benches then say "the rest is on my blog" is so that stricter forums wouldn't instaban you for advertising your blog, im not sure where AT stands on blog advertisement like this but toms already banned you that says it all.

More naive people may not see what you're doing and ill bet that's what you are counting on.

And enough about bulldozer being "too good" to compare to the 980x or 990x.. I thought you guys were saying how crap it is.. So why not compare to the 990x? Thats just a double standard.

And to all those claiming all I did was benchmark Dirt 3, and 7 Zip and came to the final conclusion how awesome Bulldozer is from those two becnhmarks alone simply has not even read through my review. Never have I come to such an ultimate conclusion about Bulldozer yet, but more than likely I will be doing a full Conclusion post when I am done all my testing (Which is about half done). Just because FX does well in 7zip doesnt mean it will do well in absolutely everything. I just state that in each specific benchmark how it fairs, and thats it, there is nothing more to it! I dont understand why people keep thinking there is..

I just find it funny how people accuse me of working for AMD or being a salesman of some sort :S. I have a feeling if I benchmarked an intel CPU and did the same thing I wouldn't get so much flack...

I doubt AMD would ever hire you.

You paint bulldozer in such a good light and its at the top of quite a few of your benchmarks which is obviously all BS because it gets smoked in pretty much every tech sites benchmarks, heres anandtechs:

Hah too good to compare to gulftown? Thats sarcasm right? Comparing the older gulftown/nehalem bulldozer gets smoked again (no surprises there really).

In the end, every CPU has its strengths and weaknesses.

Yes ive covered this. Strengths = 7zip & cake storage. Although one of those isn't the chip its the nice metal box so really bulldozers strengths are 7zip.


Jan 4, 2012
Is it just me or do people get any when they see AMD doing half decent in benchmarks because most review sites chose benchmarks that put it in a bad light? So what If i posted 7zip benchmarks, why are people so hurt i did?? Its just a benchmark haha

Like I said, different CPUs will have different performance in different benchmarks, so get over it. If you would like me to add any benchmark to my review I am accommodating everyones requests across all forums! I think that is more than fair.

To say Bulldozer gets trumped by an i7 875k is just wrong, at their max potential the FX will come out ontop in numerous benchmarks. To get "trumped" would be comparing a pentium 4 to a 3960x, where not a single benchmark favours the pentium 4.

And how is it lies and gabrage? what proof do you have? All I have done is benchmarked my computer and posted the results. Unless you have my computer there with you, you cant make such a bogus claim.

Think what you may, I wont stop you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

My review seems to make intel fanboys upset for some reason.. Would you feel better If i benchmarked 3Dmark2001? ;-) Because I said I am willing to benchmark anything, so make your point constructively instead of just attacking.


Jan 4, 2012
Hah too good to compare to gulftown? Thats sarcasm right? Comparing the older gulftown/nehalem bulldozer gets smoked again (no surprises there really).

Then why do you keep complaining that my benchmarks happen to be comparing with gulftown/nehalem if dozer gets smoked anyways? you dont see the irony in this??

Its not my fault Bulldozer does half decent in some benchmarks, what do you want me to do about it haha
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