Reuters Poll: Young white males are now abandoning the Democrats

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Mar 17, 2008
Yes, they will be tougher, less sensitive and more jerkboys will be created. Something this country completely lacks. SJWs for 80 more years to come will be mocked and ridiculed out of existence until we MAGA and make all the pansies move to the UK, Germany, or Canada. Not to mention the youth will learn how to negotiate and actually strive to be financially successful instead of the able-bodied soyboys who play video games for 12 hours a day and aspire to be an "esports athlete" someday while collecting welfare.

Meanwhile, since noone can afford an education in MAGA land, you will produce no mathematicians, physicists, programmers, doctors etc.. Eventually some retarded self taught "programmer" will commit a broken line of code that will set the nukes off sitting in their silos. In a sense MAGA is a problem that is going to solve it self the good old Darwinian way, its just too bad the rest of us are along for the ride.


Nov 11, 1999
Pretty sure if any of those outlets printed "37 things black people need to stop ruining in 2018" or "Black men must be stopped" or "Why can't we hate black men?" you'd have a hissyfit with your race card and be "up in arms" and "offended" and "the authors should be fired", amirite? Don't complain when the tables turn and your supporters start moving to greener pastures b/c your party prints disgusting identity politics' articles like the above against whites without any dissent. Why are you surprised they're leaving your party?

Quite funny, actually, other than for the oppressed snowflakes-


Nov 11, 1999
Yes, they will be tougher, less sensitive and more jerkboys will be created. Something this country completely lacks. SJWs for 80 more years to come will be mocked and ridiculed out of existence until we MAGA and make all the pansies move to the UK, Germany, or Canada. Not to mention the youth will learn how to negotiate and actually strive to be financially successful instead of the able-bodied soyboys who play video games for 12 hours a day and aspire to be an "esports athlete" someday while collecting welfare.

It's gotta be the 'roids. You need to lay off.


Nov 4, 2004
As a xennial, republicans have lost me as a voter since g-dubs first 4 years.


Mar 17, 2008
It's gotta be the 'roids. You need to lay off.
Oh Speedy is juicing? Combined with his crystal meth addiction Speedy may not be long for this world. Thank god he has healthcare. MAGA!!


Jun 22, 2001
OP, I fit that demographic and I'm never voting Republican unless Abe Lincoln returns from the dead and casts out those that are responsible for turning it into the shitshow its become. I grew up with a lot of the died in the wool white male Republicans, and many of them are even starting to see how despicable they have become. They're not exactly jumping to the Democrats, but many of them are going "I can't support this type of stuff" so they just aren't voting. And I'm encountering an awful lot of white male Democrats. In fact, the white male Bernie supporters I've met in real life are not the bullshit Bernie Bro liars (I'm full on calling Bernie Bros claiming that they ditched the Democrats over that as being totally full of shit, they were absolutely people that were Republican they were just claiming to be big Bernie supporters for other bullshit reasons, I've encountered more than a few that full on say what they claim politically is purely about trying to woo women; they seemingly are oblivious to how they come off as real life versions of Mac, Dennis, and Charlie from Its Always Sunny), they voted Democrat and are absolutely disgusted at the Republicans.

Certainly I've encountered a fair share of teenage Turmp white male supporters because they're just in that phase and most of them couldn't vote even if they wanted to, and almost all of them know jack shit about pretty much anything at all. I'm much less concerned about them because I was a similar dumbass when I was younger, and then matured and saw how truly stupid that mentality was/is.
So what I think you're saying is that you're not seeing this trend in your social circle, fair enough. How do you feel about MSM specifically attacking white males with articles like "37 things white people need to stop ruining in 2018" or "White men must be stopped" or "Why can't we hate white men?" Are you comfortable knowing that MSM is putting out the dog whistle for people to hate you because of your skin color, something you cannot change? Are you comfortable that if they substituted the word black with white in those headlines, those journalists would lose their jobs? Yet when they attack whites these journalists are praised and get raises? Are you ok with the fact that if you applied to an ivy league school that someone with a different color skin than you would get in over you despite you having much better grades and test scores? If none of those things bother you, then the Democrats are your party.

Look, I get it, when you're young and dumb it's fight the power, fight the man, give the little guy free stuff. As a minority, I've been there. I've been called racial slurs and was all about Gore, hated W (rightly so), and liked Obama in 2008 (yep voted for him). But then I started to reap the rewards of my hard work - decent grades out of college, got IT certs, sent out 55 letters for an internship and got a good paying one out of 8 offers, paid my student loans on time, invested my money well, got promotions at work, etc... and then saw that the Democrats weren't helping me a lick. We didn't get to keep our doctor on obamacare, people were forced to pay for something they didn't want, and health corporations were written a blank check, just as W gave to banks in the form of a 2.9Trillion dollar bailout during the subprime crisis. Then we find out from wikileaks that obama in 2008 received a list of people to put in his cabinet from Citibank (and did it) which really made me realize he's a globalist owned by the banks. And I'm not going to get into hillary or Trump. What I'm saying is that the party who cares most about getting us jobs and actually does it is the party to go with. The Dems will talk a big game but never deliver, at least not in my lifetime so far. Trump appears to have delivered, and his party isn't putting out hatespeech articles and basing who they hire/admit based on skin color. I'm not fully white but if I was, I'd be pissed that MSM was targeting me. Also, Repubs aren't going to tax me more if I took the risk to start my own company and become successful (I started a small investment biz). They stand for the nuclear family and have already delivered on that front (doubled child tax credit for my kid), plus lowered my tax bracket by a few %.

Anyway, a little about my story as I've gone through your age cohorts. What I'm saying is that it's not surprising to me that your age/race demographic is rejecting the Dems' divisive messages. Usually that doesn't happen until Dems are out of college and making good money and want to have a family that they switch parties (like I did), historically speaking. This new trend is not surprising to me considering I read that every generation has a higher IQ (on avg) than the one before it. Kids aren't fooled since they are afforded divergent viewpoints via news and social media and can see what MSM is trying to do. It's just one example of a double standard that needs to go, like affirmative action did today.
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Reactions: Thunder 57


Jun 22, 2001
Meanwhile, since noone can afford an education in MAGA land, you will produce no mathematicians, physicists, programmers, doctors etc.. Eventually some retarded self taught "programmer" will commit a broken line of code that will set the nukes off sitting in their silos. In a sense MAGA is a problem that is going to solve it self the good old Darwinian way, its just too bad the rest of us are along for the ride.
You realize that the internet has already solved your problem of "affordable education"? As things get more and more online-only, prices have to drop as competition goes through the roof. If anything, your scenario of a nuke going off accidentally would be the result of Harvard currently discriminating against Asians for admission based on skin color, not merit. Luckily Trump corrected that BS today and erased Obama's Affirmative Action XO's (but Harvard is still going to lose that lawsuit if I'm a betting man).
Nov 25, 2013
So what I think you're saying is that you're not seeing this trend in your social circle, fair enough. How do you feel about MSM specifically attacking white males with articles like "37 things white people need to stop ruining in 2018" or "White men must be stopped" or "Why can't we hate white men?" Are you comfortable knowing that MSM is putting out the dog whistle for people to hate you because of your skin color, something you cannot change? Are you comfortable that if they substituted the word black with white in those headlines, those journalists would lose their jobs? Yet when they attack whites these journalists are praised and get raises? Are you ok with the fact that if you applied to an ivy league school that someone with a different color skin than you would get in over you despite you having much better grades and test scores? If none of those things bother you, then the Democrats are your party.

Look, I get it, when you're young and dumb it's fight the power, fight the man, give the little guy free stuff. As a minority, I've been there. I've been called racial slurs and was all about Gore, hated W (rightly so), and liked Obama in 2008 (yep voted for him). But then I started to reap the rewards of my hard work - decent grades out of college, got IT certs, sent out 55 letters for an internship and got a good paying one out of 8 offers, paid my student loans on time, invested my money well, got promotions at work, etc... and then saw that the Democrats weren't helping me a lick. We didn't get to keep our doctor on obamacare, people were forced to pay for something they didn't want, and health corporations were written a blank check, just as W gave to banks in the form of a 2.9Trillion dollar bailout during the subprime crisis. Then we find out from wikileaks that obama in 2008 received a list of people to put in his cabinet from Citibank (and did it) which really made me realize he's a globalist owned by the banks. And I'm not going to get into hillary or Trump. What I'm saying is that the party who cares most about getting us jobs and actually does it is the party to go with. The Dems will talk a big game but never deliver, at least not in my lifetime. Trump appears to have delivered, and his party isn't putting out hatespeech articles and basing who they hire/admit based on skin color. I'm not fully white but if I was, I'd be pissed that MSM was targeting me. Also, Repubs aren't going to tax me more if I took the risk to start my own company and become successful (I started a small investment biz). They stand for the nuclear family and have already delivered on that front (doubled child tax credit for my kid), plus lowered my tax bracket by a few %.

Anyway, a little about my story as I've gone through your age brackets. What I'm saying is that it's not surprising to me that your age/race demographic is rejecting the Dems' divisive messages. Usually that doesn't happen until Dems are out of college and making good money and want to have a family that they switch parties (like I did), historically speaking. This new trend is not surprising to me considering I read that every generation has a higher IQ (on avg) than the one before it. Kids aren't fooled since they are afforded divergent viewpoints via news and social media and can see what MSM is trying to do. It's just one example of a double standard that needs to go, like affirmative action did today.

I'm telling you straight up. Shoes will *not* replace us.


Jun 11, 2004
lol ALL white males can stop voting for the dems and you racist pussies STILL won't be able to run from the live births that assure the death of the GOP by 2050. Not hibernation.... death.

LMFAO The blessing... I will be around to see it and it will be the greatest day for Americans in over 250 years!


Oct 15, 1999
Meanwhile, since noone can afford an education in MAGA land, you will produce no mathematicians, physicists, programmers, doctors etc.. Eventually some retarded self taught "programmer" will commit a broken line of code that will set the nukes off sitting in their silos. In a sense MAGA is a problem that is going to solve it self the good old Darwinian way, its just too bad the rest of us are along for the ride.
Everyone can afford an education in the US. The banks are lined up waiting to hand out student loans. The problem is dumb kids that spend $150k on a degree in women's therapeutic dance then wonder why they can't get a job. Everyone wants the easy ride through school and the big payday when they graduate. A whole bunch of them are learning the hard way that a useless degree doesn't equal a paycheck.
Reactions: SP33Demon


Nov 11, 1999
Everyone can afford an education in the US. The banks are lined up waiting to hand out student loans. The problem is dumb kids that spend $150k on a degree in women's therapeutic dance then wonder why they can't get a job. Everyone wants the easy ride through school and the big payday when they graduate. A whole bunch of them are learning the hard way that a useless degree doesn't equal a paycheck.

If they switched majors it doesn't mean there will be any more jobs in their new majors, does it? The competition pool just gets bigger.


Oct 15, 1999
If they switched majors it doesn't mean there will be any more jobs in their new majors, does it? The competition pool just gets bigger.
Beats me, but if we need to bring engineers in from other country's that would seem to indicate that we don't produce enough of them here.


Jun 22, 2001
lol ALL white males can stop voting for the dems and you racist pussies STILL won't be able to run from the live births that assure the death of the GOP by 2050. Not hibernation.... death.

LMFAO The blessing... I will be around to see it and it will be the greatest day for Americans in over 250 years!
You're forgetting that Trump captured almost 30% of the Hispanic vote and not to mention they are mostly conservatively religious (Catholic), and that there are a shitload of "white" hispanics who will eventually integrate even more with the white populace. If you actually think that Hispanics are stupid enough to continue to vote Democrat by 2050 you're smoking something strong. Asians are already converting to Republican after being discriminated against in schools for doing too well. The trend will only continue as the Left continues their war on the nuclear family, something Hispanics and Asians take pride in.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Guys you forgot that Trump only lost the Hispanic vote by 40 points.

Lol. Speedy, you are a neverending soirce is entertainment.
Reactions: Sheik Yerbouti


Nov 11, 1999
Beats me, but if we need to bring engineers in from other country's that would seem to indicate that we don't produce enough of them here.

Yes, business will preferentially hire H1B engineers with outstanding grades & experience over Americans with mediocre grades when they can. It doesn't mean that Americans w/ engineering degrees can all find work in their field.


Nov 11, 1999
You're forgetting that Trump captured almost 30% of the Hispanic vote and not to mention they are mostly conservatively religious (Catholic), and that there are a shitload of "white" hispanics who will eventually integrate even more with the white populace. If you actually think that Hispanics are stupid enough to continue to vote Democrat by 2050 you're smoking something strong. Asians are already converting to Republican after being discriminated against in schools for doing too well. The trend will only continue as the Left continues their war on the nuclear family, something Hispanics and Asians take pride in.

I'm sure native latinos can't wait for ICE to be giving them the stink eye when mass deportations begin.


Jun 22, 2001
Guys you forgot that Trump only lost the Hispanic vote by 40 points.

Lol. Speedy, you are a neverending soirce is entertainment.
More lies as usual, it was 38 points (66-28, math is hard I know). Do you like lying to your buddies here? Either way, my point still stands that Trump capturing almost 30 points is incredible and Republicans could definitely convert a family-oriented/Christian group like Hispanics by 2050 the way that Dems are headed. Especially with the Dems publicly writing to hate white this, white that without realizing that many Hispanics are actually white. lmao


Jan 14, 2013
As a 43 year old straight white guy I realize easily that I am the king of the castle in America. I know being white is king in this nation, I know that being male is king in this nation and I know that being straight is king in this nation. All 3 together are the trifecta. But maybe I am just a smarter thinking man.

Maybe this younger generation has other issues I don't know about. Regardless, I've said it before and I'll say it again the Dems should stop playing identity politics as a primary strategy and focus on the economic issues only. I mean Bill Clinton did it right, his campaign had a slogan 'It's the economy stupid'.

LIke seriously, get back onboard the program Dems and let's take this country back. You can fight for the rights of the minority classes once you have the power again. In the meantime you have a ton of economic issues to run upon, so just do it for crying out loud.
Reactions: Zorba and SP33Demon


Jun 22, 2001
As a 43 year old straight white guy I realize easily that I am the king of the castle in America. I know being white is king in this nation, I know that being male is king in this nation and I know that being straight is king in this nation. All 3 together are the trifecta. But maybe I am just a smarter thinking man.

Maybe this younger generation has other issues I don't know about. Regardless, I've said it before and I'll say it again the Dems should stop playing identity politics as a primary strategy and focus on the economic issues only. I mean Bill Clinton did it right, his campaign had a slogan 'It's the economy stupid'.

LIke seriously, get back onboard the program Dems and let's take this country back. You can fight for the rights of the minority classes once you have the power again. In the meantime you have a ton of economic issues to run upon, so just do it for crying out loud.
Totally agree. It was a fail-proof strategy then, and would work today. The identity politics of skin color and sex are really obfuscating the real issues. Trump ran on the economy and won, there's no reason a progressive couldn't run on the same message (though they'd have to defeat the Dems' real enemy, neoliberals in the primaries). My question to you is, what if someone tries to attack you because of your skin color as a result of the media whipping up hatespeech against whites? Is that acceptable in any modern society? And why aren't white Dems calling the media out on this racist BS?


Nov 11, 1999
Totally agree. It was a fail-proof strategy then, and would work today. The identity politics of skin color and sex are really obfuscating the real issues. Trump ran on the economy and won, there's no reason a progressive couldn't run on the same message (though they'd have to defeat the Dems' real enemy, neoliberals in the primaries). My question to you is, what if someone tries to attack you because of your skin color as a result of the media whipping up hatespeech against whites? Is that acceptable in any modern society? And why aren't white Dems calling the media out on this racist BS?

So, you want Dems to win? Really? And they should take the advice of a great Trump fluffer because...


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
More lies as usual, it was 38 points (66-28, math is hard I know). Do you like lying to your buddies here? Either way, my point still stands that Trump capturing almost 30 points is incredible and Republicans could definitely convert a family-oriented/Christian group like Hispanics by 2050 the way that Dems are headed. Especially with the Dems publicly writing to hate white this, white that without realizing that many Hispanics are actually white. lmao

Yes and George W Bush captured 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2004.

You are so, so stupid.

Any news on the global warming thread or the Canadian currency discussion? You are really racking up the ‘I’m extremely stupid’ threads.


Jan 14, 2013
Totally agree. It was a fail-proof strategy then, and would work today. The identity politics of skin color and sex are really obfuscating the real issues. Trump ran on the economy and won, there's no reason a progressive couldn't run on the same message (though they'd have to defeat the Dems' real enemy, neoliberals in the primaries). My question to you is, what if someone tries to attack you because of your skin color as a result of the media whipping up hatespeech against whites? Is that acceptable in any modern society? And why aren't white Dems calling the media out on this racist BS?

I don't see this frenzy of hate speech against whites. What I see are some attention grabbing headlines filled with empty nothingness. Are you really scared as a white guy in America? Am I really oblivious to this war on whites? I just don't feel persecuted. I've seen examples of my white privilege in action throughout my years. All I see are plusses to being a white male in America today and for the foreseeable future. I look at Congress, I look at CEO's, business owners, etc...mostly all white males. I see nothing encroaching on that anytime soon. Maybe I'm missing something. Or maybe this war on whites is a brilliant creation of Republicans. Whatever it is, the Dems should focus on economic issues and things like free tuition vs trans rights for example. Sure fight for trans rights when in power, just don't die on that hill getting there.
Nov 25, 2013
Everyone can afford an education in the US. The banks are lined up waiting to hand out student loans. The problem is dumb kids that spend $150k on a degree in women's therapeutic dance then wonder why they can't get a job. Everyone wants the easy ride through school and the big payday when they graduate. A whole bunch of them are learning the hard way that a useless degree doesn't equal a paycheck.

Not a lot of "women's therapeutic dance" degrees being granted.

Of the 1,895,000 bachelor's degrees conferred in 2014–15, the greatest numbers of degrees were conferred in the fields of business (364,000), health professions and related programs (216,000), social sciences and history (167,000), psychology (118,000), biological and biomedical sciences (110,000), engineering (98,000), visual and performing arts (96,000), and education (92,000). At the master's degree level, the greatest numbers of degrees were conferred in the fields of business (185,000), education (147,000), and health professions and related programs (103,000). At the doctor's degree level, the greatest numbers of degrees were conferred in the fields of health professions and related programs (71,000), legal professions and studies (40,300), education (11,800), engineering (10,200), biological and biomedical sciences (8,100), psychology (6,600), and physical sciences and science technologies (5,800).

In recent years, the numbers of bachelor's degrees conferred have followed patterns that differed significantly by field of study. While the number of bachelor's degrees conferred increased by 32 percent overall between 2004–05 and 2014–15, there was substantial variation among the different fields of study, as well as shifts in the patterns of change during this time period. For example, the number of degrees conferred in computer and information sciences decreased 27 percent between 2004–05 and 2009–10, but then increased 50 percent between 2009–10 and 2014–15. In contrast, the number of bachelor's degrees conferred in the combined fields of engineering and engineering technologies increased 12 percent between 2004–05 and 2009–10, and then increased a further 30 percent between 2009–10 and 2014–15. In a number of other major fields, the number of bachelor's degrees also increased by higher percentages in the second half of the 10-year period than in the first half.

For example, the number of degrees conferred in agriculture and natural resources increased by 15 percent between 2004–05 and 2009–10 and then by 38 percent between 2009–10 and 2014–15. The number of degrees conferred in health professions and related programs increased by 61 percent between 2004–05 and 2009–10 and then by 67 percent between 2009–10 and 2014–15. Also, the number of degrees conferred in public administration and social services increased by 17 percent between 2004–05 and 2009–10 and then by 35 percent between 2009–10 and 2014–15. Other fields with sizable numbers of degrees (over 5,000 in 2014–15) that showed increases of 30 percent or more between 2009–10 and 2014–15 included homeland security, law enforcement, and firefighting (44 percent); parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies (47 percent); and mathematics and statistics (36 percent). Some fields with sizable numbers of degrees did not have increases during the 2009–10 to 2014–15 period. The number of degrees in English language and literature/letters was 14 percent lower in 2014–15 than in 2009–10, and the number of degrees in philosophy and religious studies was 11 percent lower. The numbers of degrees in the fields of education; architecture and related services; and area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies were each 10 percent lower in 2014–15 than in 2009–10.

Also, the number of degrees in foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics was 9 percent lower in 2014–15 than in 2009–10; the number of degrees in liberal arts and sciences, general studies, and humanities was 7 percent lower; and the number of degrees in social sciences and history was 3 percent lower.
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