Reuters Poll: Young white males are now abandoning the Democrats

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Sp33dy here championing the "common sense" and brains of hormonal teenage white males that haven't even gotten their dicks wet.

This is the same demographic that would immediately butt-chug a liter of Sterno and post in on Youtube if you told them that the head cheerleader would totally give them a handy if they did it.


Jun 22, 2001
^^concern trolling, very deeply concerned.
I'm not concerned, b/c I know it's in liberals' DNA to completely shut out any reason why they lost an election. When it comes to politics, they are completely unwilling to hear out the other side to the point of fight or flight. It's really fucking sad. Prepare to lose another election, even when we told the libs where they fucked up.
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Senior member
Aug 16, 2012
Sp33dy here championing the "common sense" and brains of hormonal teenage white males that haven't even gotten their dicks wet.

This is the same demographic that would immediately butt-chug a liter of Sterno and post in on Youtube if you told them that the head cheerleader would totally give them a handy if they did it.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

No, just young. We've all been there. I'm merely pointing out the obvious: championing the thought patterns of the same group of immature idiots that we all used to be is hilariously dumb. Especially when most of them can't even vote.


Jun 22, 2001
Sp33dy here championing the "common sense" and brains of hormonal teenage white males that haven't even gotten their dicks wet.

This is the same demographic that would immediately butt-chug a liter of Sterno and post in on Youtube if you told them that the head cheerleader would totally give them a handy if they did it.
Wrong, this is traditionally the demographic that votes Democrat and you know it. B/c "Smoke Weed Everyday" and "Fight the man!" and "Fuck the police!" and "Free [insert socialist wish here] for all!". It's very alarming to even me that they are becoming Repubs, but I don't blame them. After one takes enough abuse, eventually they're going to bite the hand that feeds it and tell the Dems to fuck off. We knew that they were already more susceptible to vote for Trump than Hillary, but dam that was fast.

The future is the youth, and studies show that every generation is smarter than the previous. Hence it's not surprising to me that they are rejecting the Dems' rotten message.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Wrong, this is traditionally the demographic that votes Democrat and you know it. B/c "Smoke Weed Everyday" and "Fight the man!" and "Fuck the police!" and "Free [insert socialist wish here] for all!". It's very alarming to even me that they are becoming Repubs, but I don't blame them. After one takes enough abuse, eventually they're going to bite the hand that feeds it and tell the Dems to fuck off. We knew that they were already more susceptible to vote for Trump than Hillary, but dam that was fast.

The future is the youth, and studies show that every generation is smarter than the previous. Hence it's not surprising to me that they are rejecting the Dems' rotten message.

lol at all the projection.

So, you're still going with the demographic that classically never votes is suddenly going to take their very same rage against The Man, aim it at a different The Man and put it to good use by....still not voting?



Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2009
So what I think you're saying is that you're not seeing this trend in your social circle, fair enough. How do you feel about MSM specifically attacking white males with articles like "37 things white people need to stop ruining in 2018" or "White men must be stopped" or "Why can't we hate white men?" Are you comfortable knowing that MSM is putting out the dog whistle for people to hate you because of your skin color, something you cannot change? Are you comfortable that if they substituted the word black with white in those headlines, those journalists would lose their jobs? Yet when they attack whites these journalists are praised and get raises? Are you ok with the fact that if you applied to an ivy league school that someone with a different color skin than you would get in over you despite you having much better grades and test scores? If none of those things bother you, then the Democrats are your party.

Look, I get it, when you're young and dumb it's fight the power, fight the man, give the little guy free stuff. As a minority, I've been there. I've been called racial slurs and was all about Gore, hated W (rightly so), and liked Obama in 2008 (yep voted for him). But then I started to reap the rewards of my hard work - decent grades out of college, got IT certs, sent out 55 letters for an internship and got a good paying one out of 8 offers, paid my student loans on time, invested my money well, got promotions at work, etc... and then saw that the Democrats weren't helping me a lick. We didn't get to keep our doctor on obamacare, people were forced to pay for something they didn't want, and health corporations were written a blank check, just as W gave to banks in the form of a 2.9Trillion dollar bailout during the subprime crisis. Then we find out from wikileaks that obama in 2008 received a list of people to put in his cabinet from Citibank (and did it) which really made me realize he's a globalist owned by the banks. And I'm not going to get into hillary or Trump. What I'm saying is that the party who cares most about getting us jobs and actually does it is the party to go with. The Dems will talk a big game but never deliver, at least not in my lifetime so far. Trump appears to have delivered, and his party isn't putting out hatespeech articles and basing who they hire/admit based on skin color. I'm not fully white but if I was, I'd be pissed that MSM was targeting me. Also, Repubs aren't going to tax me more if I took the risk to start my own company and become successful (I started a small investment biz). They stand for the nuclear family and have already delivered on that front (doubled child tax credit for my kid), plus lowered my tax bracket by a few %.

Anyway, a little about my story as I've gone through your age cohorts. What I'm saying is that it's not surprising to me that your age/race demographic is rejecting the Dems' divisive messages. Usually that doesn't happen until Dems are out of college and making good money and want to have a family that they switch parties (like I did), historically speaking. This new trend is not surprising to me considering I read that every generation has a higher IQ (on avg) than the one before it. Kids aren't fooled since they are afforded divergent viewpoints via news and social media and can see what MSM is trying to do. It's just one example of a double standard that needs to go, like affirmative action did today.

You used a lot of words there to say very little. Well you did use the word "globalist", and we all know about the wink wink nudge nudge associated with that term.

All in a thread about some alleged big demographic change based on an online poll.


Jun 22, 2001
lol at all the projection.

So, you're still going with the demographic that classically never votes is suddenly going to take their very same rage against The Man, aim it at a different The Man and put it to good use by....still not voting?

Since kids are rebellious in general, and their parents are liberal ostriches, and the media's coverage is 90% negative of Trump, guess what they're likely to do? The exact opposite of what you (parents, media) are telling them. Whether that translates into turnout, it matters not. Trump is capturing a major segment of the youth and the youth eventually grow up into people who hold jobs and vote.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2009
Since kids are rebellious in general, and their parents are liberal ostriches, and the media's coverage is 90% negative of Trump, guess what they're likely to do? The exact opposite of what you (parents, media) are telling them. Whether that translates into turnout, it matters not. Trump is capturing a major segment of the youth and the youth eventually grow up into people who hold jobs and vote.

Good lord that is some magical thinking right there supported by zero factual evidence.

Young people overwhelmingly hate Trump and his policies. No amount of whining about the media reporting on the crazy incompetent crap that Trump does will change that.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Since kids are rebellious in general, and their parents are liberal ostriches, and the media's coverage is 90% negative of Trump, guess what they're likely to do? The exact opposite of what you (parents, media) are telling them. Whether that translates into turnout, it matters not. Trump is capturing a major segment of the youth and the youth eventually grow up into people who hold jobs and vote.

Young people are becoming more Democratic, not less, you dummy.


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2005
Think of it this way, majority of the people believe catch and release is a horrible idea. Not to mention 50% of the people that were release doi not show up for court. Democrat clearly support catch and release. And the only reason why anyone support it is they want them as future voters. Why would anyone support a party that is looking to help the illegal more than its legal citizens.


Feb 15, 2002
Think of it this way, majority of the people believe catch and release is a horrible idea. Not to mention 50% of the people that were release doi not show up for court. Democrat clearly support catch and release. And the only reason why anyone support it is they want them as future voters. Why would anyone support a party that is looking to help the illegal more than its legal citizens.
Citation needed for 50% claim.
Nov 25, 2013
Think of it this way, majority of the people believe catch and release is a horrible idea. Not to mention 50% of the people that were release doi not show up for court. Democrat clearly support catch and release. And the only reason why anyone support it is they want them as future voters. Why would anyone support a party that is looking to help the illegal more than its legal citizens.


Dec 12, 2000


Oct 18, 2005
Think of it this way, majority of the people believe catch and release is a horrible idea. Not to mention 50% of the people that were release doi not show up for court. Democrat clearly support catch and release. And the only reason why anyone support it is they want them as future voters. Why would anyone support a party that is looking to help the illegal more than its legal citizens.

Care to cite the source for your 50% claim?


Oct 18, 2005
Bruh, doze crickets been chirping for like 5 hrs by now.

So another case of a conservative unable to question his beliefs so he shuts down, amazing how often that happens when they are asked to provide citations. Its almost as amusing as when they do finally provide a citation and it says the exact opposite of their claim.


Sep 5, 2000
Sp33dy here championing the "common sense" and brains of hormonal teenage white males that haven't even gotten their dicks wet.

This is the same demographic that would immediately butt-chug a liter of Sterno and post in on Youtube if you told them that the head cheerleader would totally give them a handy if they did it.

pics of cheerleader.


Mar 18, 2018
Since kids are rebellious in general, and their parents are liberal ostriches, and the media's coverage is 90% negative of Trump, guess what they're likely to do? The exact opposite of what you (parents, media) are telling them. Whether that translates into turnout, it matters not. Trump is capturing a major segment of the youth and the youth eventually grow up into people who hold jobs and vote.
LOL, you think people's parents are liberal

When it's overwhelmingly the other way around. The only reason FOX NEWS is relevant in this country is because the only people watching it are 50 yo or older.

So by this logic, they will be voting for the dems just to spite their parents.


Feb 1, 2008
I like playing the game devils advocate.
Furstist of all....

All this poor illegal immigrant thing is NOT going to pay off for the democrats. Even with playing up crying immigrant kids as the new the bleeding heart issue, it still isn't gonna work with middle of the road voting America.

America feels for the kids, sure, but that old adage still applies, DO THE CRIME, PAY THE TIME.
And illegal immigration is still a crime for most Americans.
Naw.... illegal immigrant kids at the border isn't going to win over too many patriotic white middle class voting Americans.

And the immigrant parents crying on TV wondering where ICE took their kid? I'm sorry but.....
People still like ICE.
America respect ICE and believe in what ICE is doing.
And THAT America has in common with Donald Trump, like it or not.

Most white voting Americans still believe the simple logic that a strong border make a strong nation.
And most white voting Americans still believe in the old fashion way of US citizenship....
Paying the dues and standing in line.

People hate line-cutting. Others that cut in line at the movie theater or cut in line at the grocery store checkout.
WHY should anyone think the same does not also apply to US citizenship?

Frankly, I don't even believe this a morality issue anymore.
Regardless of Donald Trump and his negative influence upon American, fact is.... people still and probably forever will believed that illegally entering this country is simply WRONG!
Despite crying kids and despite sobbing parents.
And despite how the liberal media tries to make this into some good vs evil quest.

This liberal bleeding hearts immigration thing simply IS NOT going to work. Period!
Not for the democrats. Not for the liberal media.
It is a lose lose situation.
Americans absolutely still believe that illegal immigration is not to be tolerated. And when that white middle class voter can see only one out there defending this, and that one person being Donald Trump, then despite everything else Trump and his party will be the big winner come the midterms.
Yes Virginia, the unforeseeable has once again taken place.
The democrats have once again screwed themselves up royally.
Democrats have turned a highly likely takeover of the house and senate into their "no chance in hell."

America does have a heart. Really, it does.....
And Americans do want to help people when they can.
And American understands that mother showing up at the border with her child seeking a safe haven.
If anyone hasn't noticed, Americans are feeling a bit picked on now a day.
They went thru several past presidencies of being let down.
Their personal outlook for jobs and a future for their kids has taken a beating.
America's middle class has had enough of handouts and high taxes.
And they blame it on the poor, and on the undocumented immigrants within.

At this space in time, Americans probably do want that Trump wall, do want border protection, certainly do want a strong effective "ICE".
Maybe one day in the future America can rethink how we view illegal immigration. Some day in the future....
However, that day is not now.

People are staying fairly quiet right now.
That old Nixon silent majority, as it were.
The liberal media might make a big to do over crying moms and crying kids at the border, and watching immigrants on TV locked in cages, but regardless of all that most of America will stand with Donald Trump come this November.
Too bad. Too too bad....for democrats.

Simply bad timing for this immigration thing to have hit democrats below the belt and right before the looming midterms.
Just too bad.....
Democrats might have retaken the government and put the brakes on that Donald Trump agenda.
Might have....
But now, for that to happen, seems quite out of the question.
Last edited:
Nov 8, 2012
I bet you were one of the definitely-not-racist guys holding "it's okay to be white!" signs on an overpass that I saw last weekend.

I'm very much fine with losing their vote.

You... uhh... ya do know that you were trolled by 4chan, right? Yeah, not surprising with the level of butt-hurt you guys are in search for.

It also didn't have an exclamation mark, so you're also so delusional in what you perceive as racist that you literally change what it says inside your head. The entire proof of concept was that people will take it as racist, even though there isn't anything that a normal, sane, and rational person would find offensive - not alone racist.

"It's Okay to Be White" is a slogan launched on 4chan as a "proof of concept" to demonstrate that signs with the phrase posted in public places would be accused of promoting racism and white supremacy.

The point of the meme was proven multiple times- and I'm not just talking about your stupidity

That day, Twitter user @kathleehinojosa[5] tweeted a photograph of an "It's Okay To Be White" sign, along with a message that she had "reported to the police" and the hashtag "#HateCrime." Meanwhile, Twitter user @nnekasensei tweeted a video of herself tearing down one of the signs (shown below)

Putting up a sign that says "It's ok to be white" is a Hatecrime? Hahahahaaha. Oh man, you guys are just too easy these days.


Jun 22, 2001
LOL, you think people's parents are liberal

When it's overwhelmingly the other way around. The only reason FOX NEWS is relevant in this country is because the only people watching it are 50 yo or older.

So by this logic, they will be voting for the dems just to spite their parents.
Obviously I'm talking about young white males who are switching parties from Dem to Repub, you know, the topic of this thread? So if a young white male is switching parties from Dem, what would his parents most likely be?
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