Reuters pulls obviously doctored photo of Beirut


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
This photograph is the photo, taken by Adnan Hajj for Reuters. Even an idiot can see that the smoke is photoshopped, etc. Reuters pulled the photograph and issued an apology. Text

See more here
and here

This is the same dude that photographed the now famous "massacre" photo.
Look at the name

From NewsBusters
The "photojournalist" is the one and only Adnan Hajj, who was accused of taking shots of the same corpse of a child with different people carrying it last week after the Qana bombing and building collapse.

To be continued, I'm sure...

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: ThePresence
This photograph is the photo, taken by Adnan Hajj for Reuters. Even an idiot can see that the smoke is photoshopped, etc. Reuters pulled the photograph and issued an apology. Text

See more here
and here

This is the same dude that photographed the now famous "massacre" photo.
Look at the name

From NewsBusters
The "photojournalist" is the one and only Adnan Hajj, who was accused of taking shots of the same corpse of a child with different people carrying it last week after the Qana bombing and building collapse.

To be continued, I'm sure...

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...
That all parties involved, from those sponsoring Hezbollahm, Hezbollah itself and the IDF are fscked?

Gamer X

Feb 11, 2005
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.

EDIT : From Discussion by some professional photographers . . .

The IDF has reduced many parts of Lebanon to smoldering piles or rubble. And then they bomb those piles again. I am having trouble understanding why a photographer would ruin their career over a photo that isn't very good in the first place, especially considering there is no shortage of buildings being consumed by fire and smoke in Lebanon.

My same thoughts.

Gamer X

Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.
You make a horrible argument.
You did not respond to any claim made.
Then what do you mean by this ?
I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Gamer X
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.
You make a horrible argument.
You did not respond to any claim made.

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...
What do you mean by this ?
I meant simply that I still hope some people can see this story as truth. Reuters DID pull the photo because it was manipulated. This obviously throws some doubt on all the images this man has submitted, he's shown no hesitation to violate basic journalistic ethics. Nowhere did I say that this means nothing happened in Qana and that the whole thing is a fabrication. What I'm saying is that this man is an obvious fraud. And all his photos have to be looked at in that light now.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
The Hizbullah also published a photoshopped picture of an Israeli navy missile boat that sustained hit, after they claimed to have hit it yesterday and Israel denied it ever happend.

To make a long story short, that's the lamest photoshop I've seen in a while. I'll try to dig it up.

It's sad when you build your existence on lies and lies...


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
That's funny. I mean it's about the quality somebody who's reasonably good with photoshop would make of a pic before sending it around the office for laughs. At first glance it's not terrible, but the repeated patterns are really obvious with a bit more study. Sad that reuters published it!


Sep 10, 2001
Yeah that photo looks pretty badly photochopped.

Just 10 seconds before reading this post I went on CNN and checked their main story on whats going on in ME and there was this article which featured this photo. Caption reads:

A boot is seen lying on the ground after a Katyusha missile landed in Kfar Giladi, Israel, Sunday.

But see that smoke in the boot? It looks like someone put a cigarette inside to create that effect. Seems like reporters lately have to compete with the vivid, extremely violent imagry people see on a daily basis from the likes of Hollywood studios so they feel they have to spice things up in the photos they take to get a reaction out of people otherwise they will just shrug it off


Senior member
Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.
You make a horrible argument.
You did not respond to any claim made.

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...
What do you mean by this ?
I meant simply that I still hope some people can see this story as truth. Reuters DID pull the photo because it was manipulated. This obviously throws some doubt on all the images this man has submitted, he's shown no hesitation to violate basic journalistic ethics. Nowhere did I say that this means nothing happened in Qana and that the whole thing is a fabrication. What I'm saying is that this man is an obvious fraud. And all his photos have to be looked at in that light now.

I'm afraid that the state of Journalism as a profession has declined to an all time low. Basic journalistic ethics is only the tip of an unimaginable decadence. A worldwide phenomena, no doubt--but we need only look at what journalism has produced here in the US these last 5 years to begin to understand the gravity of failure to seek the truth, to investigate the truth, and when governments lie (especially ours) to expose them.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.
You make a horrible argument.
You did not respond to any claim made.

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...
What do you mean by this ?
I meant simply that I still hope some people can see this story as truth. Reuters DID pull the photo because it was manipulated. This obviously throws some doubt on all the images this man has submitted, he's shown no hesitation to violate basic journalistic ethics. Nowhere did I say that this means nothing happened in Qana and that the whole thing is a fabrication. What I'm saying is that this man is an obvious fraud. And all his photos have to be looked at in that light now.

you make a horrible argument


Apr 25, 2001
Wow, this didn't take long. We go from one case that probably is a case of a fake photo to suggesting ALL the photos from this guy are fake (which is entirely possible) to suggesting all of journalism is in some downward spiral. Not exactly the best example of "straight thinking" I've ever seen.


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2001
Originally posted by: ThePresence
This photograph is the photo, taken by Adnan Hajj for Reuters. Even an idiot can see that the smoke is photoshopped, etc. Reuters pulled the photograph and issued an apology. Text

See more here
and here

This is the same dude that photographed the now famous "massacre" photo.
Look at the name

From NewsBusters
The "photojournalist" is the one and only Adnan Hajj, who was accused of taking shots of the same corpse of a child with different people carrying it last week after the Qana bombing and building collapse.

To be continued, I'm sure...

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...

With at least 15000 people like you using's Megaphone software, I have no doubt that Reuters retracted that photograph. 15000 emails protesting it is, after all, overwhelming pressure.

GIYUS: Give Israel Your Unified Support.. :disgust:

Edit: The photo might have been photochopped. However, it disgusts me how such propaganda manipulation is being done by pressurizing news agencies through the use of this particular software.


Jun 23, 2004
I find a lack of complaining of doctored photos when they serve ones own interests.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: fitzov
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.
You make a horrible argument.
You did not respond to any claim made.

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...
What do you mean by this ?
I meant simply that I still hope some people can see this story as truth. Reuters DID pull the photo because it was manipulated. This obviously throws some doubt on all the images this man has submitted, he's shown no hesitation to violate basic journalistic ethics. Nowhere did I say that this means nothing happened in Qana and that the whole thing is a fabrication. What I'm saying is that this man is an obvious fraud. And all his photos have to be looked at in that light now.

you make a horrible argument
Not at all. A single lie damages all credibility. He was not arguing that Qana or Al Bekaa never occurred (which was a ridiculous and unprovoked straw man by Gamer X), simply that the journalist who doctored this photo has damaged its own credibility, and people should be aware of that. That is hardly a horrible argument.

The purpose of the media is no longer to present factual news, but to entertain. That's how they sell commercial advertising and maintain the world's consistently highest profit margins. As usual, fitzov, you defend the wealthy and their servants.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: fitzov
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Gamer X
I can see now, Qana 1 never happened, Qana 2 never happened and so is Al Bekaa massacre. All Israeli masscres were photoshopped propaganda.
You make a horrible argument.
You did not respond to any claim made.

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...
What do you mean by this ?
I meant simply that I still hope some people can see this story as truth. Reuters DID pull the photo because it was manipulated. This obviously throws some doubt on all the images this man has submitted, he's shown no hesitation to violate basic journalistic ethics. Nowhere did I say that this means nothing happened in Qana and that the whole thing is a fabrication. What I'm saying is that this man is an obvious fraud. And all his photos have to be looked at in that light now.

you make a horrible argument
Not at all. A single lie damages all credibility. He was not arguing that Qana or Al Bekaa never occurred (which was a ridiculous and unprovoked straw man by Gamer X), simply that the journalist who doctored this photo has damaged its own credibility, and people should be aware of that. That is hardly a horrible argument.

The purpose of the media is no longer to present factual news, but to entertain. That's how they sell commercial advertising and maintain the world's consistently highest profit margins. As usual, fitzov, you defend the wealthy and their servants.

you make a horrible argument too.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Aisengard

Thank you for showing how Israel is targeting certain buildings instead of leveling the entire town...something most nations in Israel's position would be wont to do.

Why is it that no matter what Israel does, it's a good's like they can do no wrong in your mind. Hell, I'm surprised you don't object to those articles about Israel killing 30 civilians (or whatever) by saying the headline should really have read "Israel doesn't kill millions of people today!".

Not that Israel is always wrong either, of course, but you seem to have some sort of complex about them. Without even knowing what those buildings are that were leveled, you conclude that it was a nice gesture on their part since they didn't level the entire city. Who cares if one of those buildings was a children's hospital or an orphanage? Of course I don't know if that's the case, but neither do you, yet you're ready to unconditionally defend them...why is that?


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: ThePresence

I know this will mean nothing to 5150joker and his ilk (more Israeli propoganda, yada yada yada...) But I also still hope that there are some straight-thinking people who are capable of seeing things for what they are...

All I see is an overzealous photographer that edited a photo to make it look more dramatic; Reuters did the right thing by sacking him. Does it mean the incident didn't occur or that deaths at Qana never happened? I suppose in your world the entire bombing was doctored and the innocent Israelis never bombed anyone, they've simply been snacking on bagels and lemonade back in Haifa while katushya rockets rain down on their party. The unedited version of the photo is still quite damning:


Senior member
Apr 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: daniel49
hers another example where an la times guy was fired for doctering Iraq photos.
Seems to be getting to be a common practice?

Yes, three's a fvcking epidemic!

Yeah, yeah! This is why we should just shut down all independent media agencies (except Fox, of course) and let our federal government provide us with whatever information they see fit to report. After all, if we can't trust them not to skew facts, who can we trust?
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