Review guidelines or demands shining through?

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Golden Member
Feb 22, 2010
Hei guys, long time no see.

Im still keeping a vigilant eye on things.. and i cant help but notice this pattern:

Anandtechs reviews of Nvidia GPUs include 0 referances to "AMD", "Radeon" or any other competitor in the headlines and short note, and neither do they include this in the whole first page of the review itself.

Outside of the 1 time referance to a "Pitcairn gpu" when reviewing some smaller 6xx series Nvidia card, there are 0 referances to AMD Radeon cards.

Infact it looks like an orgy of brand imprinting going on, Geforce GTX, Nvidia, is basicly splattered on the review headline/short note (from where you click "read more"). You wonder if the author has ever written the word "it" or some other word to point towards the "item" in question, without using its full name.

In total contrast, you have the AMD GPU reviews and headline short notes, where Nvidia and Geforce are mentioned abundantly, as would seem natural in a introduction.

Yours truly,



Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
Which review are you talking about specifically? Wait you are talking about only the headline or "short note" because I see AMD mentioned on the first page of the 650Ti review.

....edit --- looking at the various reviews now...
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Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Which review are you talking about specifically? Wait you are talking about only the headline or "short note" because I see AMD mentioned on the first page of the 650Ti review.

....edit --- looking at the various reviews now...
I too am completely confused by this thread.


Dec 12, 2001
Well, I can only say that people who are interested in video cards and see a review for a GTX 660ti probably are going to want info on the 660ti and not the 7870. It only makes sense to entice a reader who has been waiting for info on the next Nvidia card by mentioning GTX and Physx rather than AMD and OpenCL. Conversely the AMD reviews should be similar. You headline "AMD Unleashes the 7970" or something and have a few blurbs about how AMD has made some changes to their strategy and a few bits of info on the new memory controller or something. Then when you click you get details on the bits that were teased to you. It would be uncool to say "Nvidia releases their latest card, the GTX 670" and then have a bunch of info about "AMD has more memory and a 384bit memory controller" etc.
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
No mention of Nvidia in the blurb for "AMD Announces New, Higher Clocked Radeon HD 7950 with Boost"

Verdict: false.


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2010
If you're confused by the thread then you need to learn to read in English. The OP's post is clearly written and easy to understand...i.e. When you review Nvidia products you repeat the Nvidia product name abundantly and fail to make much mention of the competition, when you review AMD you use the product/manufacturer name less and mention Nvidia (the competition) more or very frequently. I guess you still probably won't understand the meaning or implications of what I just wrote either.
It's a suggestion of a subtle but perceptible bias in how you treat the products from the respective manufacturers. It isn't something I've noticed but it's something I will now look out for.
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Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2009
Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce Nvidia GTX GeForce GTX Nvidia PhysX TWIMTBP GeForce

I've just brainwashed everyone in this thread to buy Nvidia cards for the rest of their life. Checkmate AMD.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Let's see...
7970 article, really only a reference to the GTX 580 in a first page summary, saying the 7970 is 5% to 35% faster.
7950 review: Again a comparison to the GTX 580 in price and performance.
GTX 680:
"AMD’s competition of course is the recently launched Radeon HD 7970 and 7950. Priced at $550 and $450, the GTX 680 sits right in between them in terms of pricing."
GTX 670:
"Given its $399 MSRP, the GTX 670 will primarily be competing with the $399 Radeon HD 7950. However from a performance perspective the $479 7970 will also be close competition depending on the game at hand. AMD’s Three For Free promo has finally gone live, so they’re countering NVIDIA in part based on the inclusion of Deus Ex, Nexuiz, and DiRT Showdown with most 7900 series cards.

Below that we have AMD’s Radeon HD 7870 at $350, while the GTX 570 will be NVIDIA’s next card down at around $299. The fact that NVIDIA is even bothering to mention the GTX 570 is an interesting move, since it means they expect it to remain as part of their product stack for some time yet."

Your "vigilant eye" looks to need some glasses.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Let's continue:

7770/7750 review
Nvidia not mentioned at all until last paragraph.
"At these prices the 7700 series will be competing with a number of last-generation cards. The 7750 will be up against AMD’s 5770/6770 and the absolute cheapest of NVIDIA’s GTX 550 Ti cards. Meanwhile the 7770 will be competing with AMD’s 6850 and 6870, along with NVIDIA’s GTX 460 and their cheapest GTX 560s. And as we’ll see in our benchmarks, this is ultimately going to be more than the 7700 series can handle."

GTX 480/470 article:
NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 480 and GTX 470: 6 Months Late, Was It Worth the Wait?
Wow, look at that Nvidia bias.
In the first paragraph:
"In September of 2009 we saw AMD launch their Radeon 5000 series, and spend the next 6 months as the performance leader for the discrete graphics market for virtually every price point. NVIDIA on the other hand missed the latest cycle by a mile, and when AMD was delivering 5000 series cards NVIDIA could only talk about the High Performance Computing applications of their next GPU, Fermi. "


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Keep up that vigil, madcat. You're doing great.
I'll be watching this thread, vigilantly.

And LOL Ben90.
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Diamond Member
May 16, 2008
Riva TNT:

Hmmm... no mention of AMD, and they don't even benchmark an AMD card next to Nvidia. So I guess you're right.

E: Anand should really revisit that now that the 306.97 WHQL's are out.

There is an edit button unless you are purposely trying to keep raising the thread.

Regardless, it would be interesting to get a script to count NVIDIA and AMD in each review and compare the results. Your few blurbs are a small portion of the text and I really don't know what it shows or what you are demonstrating. Of course they mention a word or two about the competition but the point is to determine if there is consistent bias/subliminal factors. These would become clear with data, but a few sentences don't tell me much.

I wouldn't doubt the possibility but there has to be some clear evidence.

Just read the news. They are "only" reporting the true story. (Not that I claim the news are related to this, bias is everywhere but whether it's condoned or devised that way is another story.)

I haven't noticed much bias in this sense in the official reviews, nor have I really thought about it. It does seem to me like they will highlight the games that a card excels in etc. and I may question the value but the performance / $ is not generally debatable.
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I totally agree with the OP. This clearly explains why I've been debating buying a GeForce for my next card. /sarcasm

Why is this even a thread? Let's just pass the tin foil hats around, clearly AMD has no fault in the debacle that is AMD. Must be everyone else's fault.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
so review sites are injecting subliminal messages in the first page of Nvidia card reviews??

So they are writing/saying the Nvidia products name (they are reviewing) too many times on the front page of the review and not saying "AMD is the only GPU choice" instead.

Whats the world coming too! How dare them......Evil evil nvidia. There could only be one explanation for this:
All the review sites are now under Satan's control. And nvidia bought Satan too. It all makes perfect sense now. All the pieces perfectly in place........

So we all know Nvidia knows how to make money. and their super mad profit skills let them figure out that it would be far cheaper to buy Satan than to pay off each and every review site. They then could get Satan to use his power to control all the review sites to do their bidding.

that explains it.

You got to admit though, To pull this one off, Nvidia its pretty savvy.........

oh, and with Satan now on their payroll, they cannot ever be stopped. we know the real reason they are succeeding so well......mystery solved
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Golden Member
Feb 22, 2010
All this unnessesary sarcasm, i dont need to convince you of anything, merely draw your attention to it. You make up your own mind


Elite Member
Dec 8, 2010
All this unnessesary sarcasm, i dont need to convince you of anything, merely draw your attention to it. You make up your own mind

No. If you make a claim, it's on you to post the evidence for that claim


Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2011
Hei guys, long time no see.

Im still keeping a vigilant eye on things.. and i cant help but notice this pattern:

Anandtechs reviews of Nvidia GPUs include 0 referances to "AMD", "Radeon" or any other competitor in the headlines and short note, and neither do they include this in the whole first page of the review itself.

Outside of the 1 time referance to a "Pitcairn gpu" when reviewing some smaller 6xx series Nvidia card, there are 0 referances to AMD Radeon cards.

Infact it looks like an orgy of brand imprinting going on, Geforce GTX, Nvidia, is basicly splattered on the review headline/short note (from where you click "read more"). You wonder if the author has ever written the word "it" or some other word to point towards the "item" in question, without using its full name.

In total contrast, you have the AMD GPU reviews and headline short notes, where Nvidia and Geforce are mentioned abundantly, as would seem natural in a introduction.

Yours truly,


Well I'll be damn!



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
All this unnessesary sarcasm, i dont need to convince you of anything, merely draw your attention to it. You make up your own mind

You don't? Isn't that the purpose of the thread? To convince members here that subliminal marketing is being used here at Anandtech and other review sites? My goodness, I do believe it IS in fact up to you to convince sheeple, I mean people here. :whiste:


Senior member
Nov 4, 2009
I don't believe nVIDIA OR amd has viral marketing,subliminal marketing or any such thing on this forum.

But for people who insist that it exists provide your evidence or go post on paranoia,circle jerking forums or something.
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