Richland & Kabini rumours

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Aug 10, 2012
A couple of posts at Fudzilla (make of that what you will ...) have rumoured details of Richland and Kabini chips.

Top Richland 28nm APU is A10 6800K, DDR3 2133 support

The successor to AMD's Trinity line of APUs, codenamed Richland, just got a name. It won’t surprise many that the top Richland processor will get the A10 6800K moniker. It will succeed AMD’s current flagship APU, the A10 5800K, and continue the similar naming convention.

The A10 6800K is a quad-core APU with DirectX 11 support and it will fit well known 100W TDP envelope. It continues to support FM2 motherboards and the rest of AMD’s Trinity infrastructure. The K suffix indicates that the processor will come with an unlocked multiplier and it will offer easy overclocking for the willing. Naturally Richland A-series APUs do support AMD Turbo core and its graphics is based on Radeon HD 8000 series.

The expected launch date is June, but the production should be ready by late March 2013. Production candidate samples were scheduled for early December, while late January should be the time for production ready samples. The Richland generation currently consists of four quad-cores and two dual-core processors, but at this time we still don’t know the final clock speeds. We can just pass on that there are 100W and 65W TDP parts, in both dual and quad-core flavours.

Top Kabini 28nm APU is Kabini X4 5110

Kabini is AMD’s next generation entry level APU set to replace Brazos and Brazos 2.0 in the essential desktop market. Kabini 28nm will come in two flavours, X Series and E Series. The top notch processor is called X4 5110 and it rocks a TDP of 25W. There will be some 18W parts as well. They all use Jaguar cores, have DirectX 11.1 graphics and use the FT3 BGA infrastructure. The Kabini APU branded as X4 5110 supports DDR3 1866 as well as Turbo Core.

You will need a board with Yangtze FCH chipset to get it going. Our sources tell us that the graphics that will get this chip going is branded as HD 8310G. Currently we know that the launch is scheduled for June but some additional information that we gathered so far might indicate that the X4 5110 might come out even before the end of Q1 2013.

Sources close to AMD indicate that production ready silicon should be ready in March 2013, or very late Q1 2013, but full volume production with hundreds of thousand, or millions of chips is more likely to happen in June.
Unfortunately we don’t have exact clock speeds just yet, and this part of the spec will probably be revealed as the launch date draws closer.


Senior member
Sep 16, 2011
So richland is Piledriver based uARCH - with newer GPU ala HD8000(whatever that means) - instead of HD7000 and BD uARCH on Trinity?

(Or did i hit my head again?)


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
Why is FUD so sure Richland is 28nm? And why is he so sure it has GCN based GPU?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2005
Well, right about the time Semiaccurate went to a subscription model Fudzilla announced a Trinity giveaway and had an uptick in AMD coverage. My guess is that Fudzilla is now the preferred controlled leak partner.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2012
Kabini is AMD’s next generation entry level APU set to replace Brazos and Brazos 2.0 in the essential desktop market. Kabini 28nm will come in two flavours, X Series and E Series. The top notch processor is called X4 5110 and it rocks a TDP of 25W. There will be some 18W parts as well. They all use Jaguar cores, have DirectX 11.1 graphics and use the FT3 BGA infrastructure. The Kabini APU branded as X4 5110 supports DDR3 1866 as well as Turbo Core.

Interesting. If the rumor is true then AMD instead of heavily scale down Kabini TDP to take on A15 and Atom and try to get a foot into the mainstream tablet market, AMD is scaling up Kabini, effectively driving it to a clash with HSW on high end tablets and further eating into their big core line market share. Kabini benchmarks won't be Atom, but 8-10W and 15-17W IVB/HSW. More important, Richland will be directly compared to Kabini at the same TDP, which means that not only they will have to compete with Intel, they will have two products in-house competing for the same market. Future isn't bright as Kabini die size will be significantly smaller than HSW but once 14nm Broadwell arrives, AMD die size advantage will be toast, on top of higher power consumption.

Can't this company do anything right? How they always are late in developing their own ideas and always end as the cheaper alternative to Intel products?


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
@ mrmt

Where do you see Kabini being only 18W/25W product? What FUD lists are 2 models and they are top of the range. Even with Bobcat and Trinity you have certain overlaps and Bobcat really cannot compete with Trinity in the same TDP bracket (maybe it draws a bit less power but perf. wise it's still slower). Same will go for Kabini/Richland. Kabini's cores might be better per clock but its power and clock target are lower and its GPU would be a noticeably slower. We are yet to see what an ultra low power Jaguar core can do (Temash). It should be in the ~Hondo TDP range and much better performing(or lower TDP range and similar performance).


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2012
@ mrmt

Where do you see Kabini being only 18W/25W product?

I didn't say that. What I did say that instead of push everything they could to bring Kabini TDP to ARM levels, they are scaling up Kabini to Trinity/Haswell levels. They should have made some kind of compromise at the bottom of the power ladder to reach such high TDPs.

Even with Bobcat and Trinity you have certain overlaps and Bobcat really cannot compete with Trinity in the same TDP bracket (maybe it draws a bit less power but perf. wise it's still slower).
Same will go for Kabini/Richland. Kabini's cores might be better per clock but its power and clock target are lower and its GPU would be a noticeably slower.

The overlap will be *a lot* bigger than it is now. We have at least two TDP brackets where they are competing now, 17W and 25W, and I don't see how a 25W Kabini will consume less power than a 17W Richland. I can see the trade off here, a lower priced Kabini or a better performing Richland but the comparisons aren't that straight, as AMD does *a lot* of die-salvaging. What happens once you put a quad-core Kabini against a single-module crippled GPU Richland? What happens to Richland business line once Kabini starts to eat their die-salvaged parts? I don't see anything good coming out of this unless they want to speed the end of their big-core line.

You may argue that Intel is also overlapping Atom and Core, but Intel is doing that only in servers, not in consumers, *exactly* for not mixing the two lines and start competing in-house.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2012
in a perfect world, AMD would have focused on Kabini type products and EOL'd Trinity w/GPU (and shipped a GPU less PD on FM2).

But there is something called a WSA that clouds all judgement, the WTF of the semiconductor industry, the worst agreement of all-time.

As a result:

- can't expand Bobcat based product as that would obsolete Trinity and might cut-off half or more of orders to GF;

- can't ship a GPU less Trinity as that would cannibalize Vishera which would be more than twice the die size and even worse yields in all l.;

- won't die shrink Vishera - what's the point when you have a min commit that means the cost of a 200mm die is the same as a 400mm one?

It's Heterogeniuses, not heterogeneous


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
@ pablo

AMD cannot design and produce "15" designs. What you suggest takes engineering resources and time(and money). They CAN make GPU-less Trinity. From various reviews we see that at most Vishera can be 15% faster than L3-less Piledriver bu this is corner case. In reality the difference is closer to ~4-5% on average. GPU-less 2M Pilderiver @32nm would take about half of Trinity's die area(so ~120mm^2). 4M Piledriver with no L3 would in turn take ~200mm^2(count in only 2 additional modules and a bit more of "dead area"). 200mm^2 on 32nm sounds a lot better than 320mm^2 ,and both are with automated tools involved. Imagine if AMD had access to intel's money and fabs: PD or even better SR on 22nm intel-level fab tech with hand optimized layouts and 8 different dies(2/4M with and without L3 for server/desktop; 1/2M with GPU and without L3). Now since AMD has no money and cannot make such variations in their product mix in timely manner,they are doomed to die salvage what they can. Unfortunately.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2012
They CAN make GPU-less Trinity. From various reviews we see that at most Vishera can be 15% faster than L3-less Piledriver bu this is corner case. In reality the difference is closer to ~4-5% on average


Imagine if AMD had access to intel's money and fabs: PD or even better SR on 22nm intel-level fab tech with hand optimized layouts and 8 different dies(2/4M with and without L3 for server/desktop;

If AMD has a management like that, one that give a go for a project where 30% of the die area belongs to an optional component responsible for 4-5% of the average performance, there is no amount of fab tech or money would make this company work.

Give money and fab to management as incompetent as AMD management and they will either push too much the boundaries of their tech adding unnecessary complexity and throwing money in meaningless acquisitions.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
15% can be substantial for workloads where they aimed Bulldozer in the 1st place. There you need that L3 cache,unlike desktop or mobile where you don't(and Trinity therefore has none). If AMD had access to intel's funds the race would be much closer and delays would be much rarer occurrences. With money they have they compete(or try at least) very well. Let's see what Kabini brings to the table and if Richland is really a 28nm product(I have my doubts).


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2012
15% can be substantial for workloads where they aimed Bulldozer in the 1st place. There you need that L3 cache,unlike desktop or mobile where you don't(and Trinity therefore has none).

Well, then management aimed REALLY wrong, which is another display of incompetence.

If AMD had access to intel's funds the race would be much closer and delays would be much rarer occurrences. With money they have they compete(or try at least) very well.

Money is not a problem for a well managed company. When you have good management and good market positioning, there is always interested in becoming a partner or lend you money, or in outright acquire you. As nobody has confidence in AMD management, nobody wants to put money there, it is that simple.

But maybe you don't remember what AMD did when they had money. First they delayed on purpose their 65nm node, because they wanted to milk their customers a little more. Then they paid 6 billion for ATI, then they negotiated the dream agreement of any foundry in the world, an agreement where the customer pay regardless of what the foundry delivers, and when the situation was very dire, they spent 15% of their cash reserves in a microserver factory that does not generate cash at all.

And that's why investors don't trust AMD. Because if someone puts their money there, there isn't really anything indicating the money will be well-spent this time, there is nothing indicating that AMD management will bring the money back with profits added.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2012


Junior Member
Aug 1, 2011
Hopefully by then AMD will have a compatible iGPU to dGPU because as of now there is NO HD7670 to match with the A10 5800K.

And who the heck wants to take a step back to HD6670.

If I get the A10, I might as well get a discrete GPU so I can hybrid crossfire. There is no point in buying an A10 and a high end GPU.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
Found a Video from HC24 on Jaguar presentation . Interesting Q&A (I embedded the time,just click). Head of the Jaguar project basically states they achieved >10% mircoarchitectural frequency gain versus Bobcat if it was done on 28nm . That was very surprising to me since what we heard before from sites covering HC was just : >15% singlethread IPC gain(~2x fp throughput), 2x more cores, >10% clock gain (assumed versus 40nm Bobcat). Now this new info from the guy in the video is revealing in a way that we have no clue at what clock would a 28nm Bobcat run. It could be the same 1.7Ghz as top product was running at or it could have been significantly more. Also in the very presentation the fellow mentioned that by doing various optimizations to the added die area(more xtors) they've increased the die size of Jaguar by about 10% versus a Bobcat if it was done on 28nm (also a very interesting information).

So new information (to me at least): core is 10% bigger than what 28nm Bobcat would have been if it was on 28nm ; clock gain by adding stage here and there(decoder and fp scheduler portions of pipe) cost them a bit IPC(didn't say how much,probably a few %s) while providing a >10% clock gain to the design. So a question is : how high does it clock in the end and how much power did they save(for Temash). Bobcat at 28nm would certainly clock much higher than 40nm Bobcat and/or have higher Turbo boost state at least. This new Jaguar core may very well significantly outclock 40nm Bobcat(20+%?) while performing much better at the same clock(SSE stuff would see major uplift,basically K10 level if not better).

In the end we may have pretty potent chip in Jaguar for even a desktop user,with decent GPU and decent CPU. Since it was supposed to be launching in the same year alongside SR core performance delta would have been in the favor of later(but by how much). As it is now, IF Richland is 28nm it could save it in direct comparison with this little fella,but even if Richland is a Piledriver+,from IPC standpoint(by as much as 5%), Jaguar would probably still own it in IPC department . Fun times ahead!
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Nov 14, 2011
Found a Video from HC24 on Jaguar presentation . Interesting Q&A (I embedded the time,just click). Head of the Jaguar project basically states they achieved >10% mircoarchitectural frequency gain versus Bobcat if it was done on 28nm . That was very surprising to me since what we heard before from sites covering HC was just : >15% singlethread IPC gain(~2x fp throughput), 2x more cores, >10% clock gain (assumed versus 40nm Bobcat). Now this new info from the guy in the video is revealing in a way that we have no clue at what clock would a 28nm Bobcat run. It could be the same 1.7Ghz as top product was running at or it could have been significantly more. Also in the very presentation the fellow mentioned that by doing various optimizations to the added die area(more xtors) they've increased the die size of Jaguar by about 10% versus a Bobcat if it was done on 28nm (also a very interesting information).

So new information (to me at least): core is 10% bigger than what 28nm Bobcat would have been if it was on 28nm ; clock gain by adding stage here and there(decoder and fp scheduler portions of pipe) cost them a bit IPC(didn't say how much,probably a few %s) while providing a >10% clock gain to the design. So a question is : how high does it clock in the end and how much power did they save(for Temash). Bobcat at 28nm would certainly clock much higher than 40nm Bobcat and/or have higher Turbo boost state at least. This new Jaguar core may very well significantly outclock 40nm Bobcat(20+%?) while performing much better at the same clock(SSE stuff would see major uplift,basically K10 level if not better).

In the end we may have pretty potent chip in Jaguar for even a desktop user,with decent GPU and decent CPU. Since it was supposed to be launching in the same year alongside SR core performance delta would have been in the favor of later(but by how much). As it is now, IF Richland is 28nm it could save it in direct comparison with this little fella,but even if Richland is a Piledriver+,from IPC standpoint(by as much as 5%), Jaguar would probably still own it in IPC department . Fun times ahead!

Hah, nice find! I had been under the impression those comparisons were against Brazos/Ontario- if they were against Wichita/Krishna then even better. Don't get too carried away though, we still don't know what clock speed difference the die shrink alone would have made- look at Ivy Bridge for a good example of that.


Apr 2, 2011
Found a Video from HC24 on Jaguar presentation . Interesting Q&A (I embedded the time,just click). Head of the Jaguar project basically states they achieved >10% mircoarchitectural frequency gain versus Bobcat if it was done on 28nm . That was very surprising to me since what we heard before from sites covering HC was just : >15% singlethread IPC gain(~2x fp throughput), 2x more cores, >10% clock gain (assumed versus 40nm Bobcat). Now this new info from the guy in the video is revealing in a way that we have no clue at what clock would a 28nm Bobcat run. It could be the same 1.7Ghz as top product was running at or it could have been significantly more. Also in the very presentation the fellow mentioned that by doing various optimizations to the added die area(more xtors) they've increased the die size of Jaguar by about 10% versus a Bobcat if it was done on 28nm (also a very interesting information).

So new information (to me at least): core is 10% bigger than what 28nm Bobcat would have been if it was on 28nm ; clock gain by adding stage here and there(decoder and fp scheduler portions of pipe) cost them a bit IPC(didn't say how much,probably a few %s) while providing a >10% clock gain to the design. So a question is : how high does it clock in the end and how much power did they save(for Temash). Bobcat at 28nm would certainly clock much higher than 40nm Bobcat and/or have higher Turbo boost state at least. This new Jaguar core may very well significantly outclock 40nm Bobcat(20+%?) while performing much better at the same clock(SSE stuff would see major uplift,basically K10 level if not better).

In the end we may have pretty potent chip in Jaguar for even a desktop user,with decent GPU and decent CPU. Since it was supposed to be launching in the same year alongside SR core performance delta would have been in the favor of later(but by how much). As it is now, IF Richland is 28nm it could save it in direct comparison with this little fella,but even if Richland is a Piledriver+,from IPC standpoint(by as much as 5%), Jaguar would probably still own it in IPC department . Fun times ahead!




Senior member
Jun 22, 2005
I'd be happy if they clock at 2ghz, with similar performance to bobcat, and 4 cores. But it should have a good IPC gain so maybe it will perform significantly better. Still I think a dual core is all that is needed for a htpc and long as the cpu is beefy enough to handle netflix HD.

Sad to see it will be July before you can get one of these. My guess would be the top bin 25W quad core would be reserved for seamicro mini servers for a significant markup in price to make some profits.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
That slide tells us nothing about 28nm Bobcat . What they say is basically >10% gain. Of course it's more than 10% gain, but 15% is >10% and 35% is also more than 10% . The new information is that >10% refers to 28nm Bobcat ,not the one we have today(and the lead of Jaguar project states so in the video,in no uncertain terms).


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2012
That slide tells us nothing about 28nm Bobcat . What they say is basically >10% gain. Of course it's more than 10% gain, but 15% is >10% and 35% is also more than 10% .

If you are trying to sell a product that can be 15% faster than your product, you'll put on the slide ~15% or >14%, not >10%. Same for 35% or 200%.

If they are putting 10% on the slides then you can expect 10% at most.


Feb 2, 2009
If you are trying to sell a product that can be 15% faster than your product, you'll put on the slide ~15% or >14%, not >10%. Same for 35% or 200%.

If they are putting 10% on the slides then you can expect 10% at most.

The guy in the Video is Jeff Rupley, Chief Architect for Jaguar not a salesman.
Hes not trying to sell the CPU, hes trying to hid information for a product not yet released(information is under NDA).

So, 10% more than a Bobcat at 28nm doesn't mean 10% more than current Bobcat at 40nm


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2012
The guy in the Video is Jeff Rupley, Chief Architect for Jaguar not a salesman.
Hes not trying to sell the CPU, hes trying to hid information for a product not yet released(information is under NDA).

So, 10% more than a Bobcat at 28nm doesn't mean 10% more than current Bobcat at 40nm

When I say sell, I mean sell in a broader sense. John Fruehe never sold you a processor, but a lot of people were wishing for a Bulldozer after reading his posts.

As for the 28nm bobcat, the results shouldn't be very good. If 28nm bobcat were that good a cash strapped company like AMD would have gone that route without thinking too much. I.stead they went for the hard route, improving the uarch.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
@ mrmt

I hope you can read since it doesn't say ~10% , it says more than 10% (or >10%). More than means it can be 11% but it can be 30% too. That's what you do to obscure the information about the product that's not yet launched(and to protect it due to competitive reasons). The guy in the video just tells us with what they are comparing it: a hypothetical 28nm product named Wichita (that was cancelled and replaced by this one,Jaguar). Bobcat at 28nm would probably clock better than Bobcat at 40nm. And 1.7Ghz is pretty low clock to begin with,even for a 40nm fully synthesizeable design. Wichita was cancelled because it wouldn't be as competitive as Jaguar could,simple as that. They lost some time ,sure, but the end product will be worth it hopefully(they gained needed IPC ,core count and ISA add-ons,not just shrank the core and called it a day).
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Feb 2, 2009
When I say sell, I mean sell in a broader sense. John Fruehe never sold you a processor, but a lot of people were wishing for a Bulldozer after reading his posts.

JFAMD was a Director of Product Marketing, Server Business Development for AMD, he was his job to sell you CPUs. Jeff Rupley presentation was about Information on the Jaguar Architecture, and had nothing to do with PR or sales.

As for the 28nm bobcat, the results shouldn't be very good. If 28nm bobcat were that good a cash strapped company like AMD would have gone that route without thinking too much. I.stead they went for the hard route, improving the uarch.

It is obvious that you havent understood what he(Rupley) said. Let me explain, he said 10% more over an imaginable Bobcat at 28nm. That is, IF we had a 28nm BobCat, Jaguar would have a +10% more.

The Jaguar Core Architecture is on the designing board for more than a year now, the decision to make it have been made even farther in the past and recent economic conditions played no part in that product because it is already finished(the design). The product will be released within the next 6 months.
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