

Jun 15, 2001
I haven't heard much about this game, but a friend got it and was describing the insanity going on in his world, so I decided to pick it up.

I'm definitely a fan.

It's kind of like a cross between Dwarf Fortress and Prison Architect. There are no Z-values, so you don't dig down or anything, but the world map is a dead ringer for Dwarf Fortress. The graphics and characters are right out of Prison Architect.

You play as a group of survivors who crash landed on a planet and have to get back into space. You gather resources, set up zones, cut down trees, plant crops, and get attacked.

The people have varying personalities, so it's a real crapshoot on who you'll get. I ended up with two colonists who fell in love and got engaged. I built a wedding platform for the big day, but unfortunately she got crushed by a deadfall she was setting up. Still alive, she crawled back towards the base for medical care but was killed by a second deadfall she had already built.

Of course her cat went insane and attacked another colonist who used a spear to cut off one of its legs and its tail before it calmed down. Her finance was distraught, wandering around, and ended up being hit by the same deadfall that killed his love. He lived, only losing a single toe and some pride. I think we've all been there.

It's a good game and worth checking out. I'm enjoying it anyway.
Reactions: OCNewbie


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
I've been playing it as well and enjoying it. At first it appears to be shallow, until you start researching and unlocking things.

The more that I play it the more that I wish I was playing Dwarf Fortress instead. The only thing is I havn't played that in a couple of years.. when I think about playing that again I remind myself the 11 months it took to learn how to play.

Without being able to dig down, you can't reroute water. This is useful if you wanted to use it to generate power.(referring to Dwarf Fortress here) You also don't have to worry about wells or other water needs. Because there is no digging down, exploration is not an element of this game. I could spend a month digging down into old caverns and finding epic creatures.. keeping scouting parties nearby, setting up base camps, finding magma to power forges...

I guess that is a small fraction of what it doesn't have compared to DF. But on its own, it's still a good game. I'm just waiting for the day that Dwarf Fortress gets a new UI and replaces asci with graphics.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I never saw RimWorld as being shallow, even in the early stages of game dev and gameplay. I have spoken to the dev a little a good few years back and have followed development since just prior to the Kickstarter.

Best let's plays are done by "blitzkriegsler" if you want to check out gameplay.

It's best asset is moddability and the mod community is significant with some real game changing mods which make the game more fun/more challenging/easier to handle/just plain different.

It's referred to as Early Access/Alpha because the developer does not have all of the features in place that they want. Each released version is always solid and well polished, adds a wealth of new stuff either in the form of mechanics, objects or events so if you're thinking "buggy" then the only real bugs you'll tend to see are MegaScarabs and Spiders.

The last update added in the starter scenarios which made me happy. Crashlanding start was always a bit... meh... for me and now that the Tribal start is in I am having great fun.

Tribals trying to defend my colony from pirates with just my bows and arrows, managed to loot a survival rifle in my last defence so I am now finding hunting is going a little easier and meat is coming through nicely. Just barely managed to research Electricity and I'll be making myself a fueled generator once I've planted more trees solely so I can have a freezer room to store food without it perishing in a day or two and cook something better than the human equivalent of kibble for the mood improvements. I only have 6 people, would have had 7 but my prisoner died from disease after they were shot 4 or 5 times when trying to raid me.

I know that nearer the end of a map you can construct your own spaceship to have an equivalent of New Game+ or you can start chopping off peoples legs to give them bionic legs and other cool surgery stuff.

100% worth the buy in price.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Yah its a great game. I only played myself a few hours, but i've watched countless hours from streamers on twitch the insane random things that can happen.

The UI is kinda of confusing at first, but getting used to it.


Jun 15, 2001
Pro tip: Build up your doctoring skill by constantly removing and adding back in the organs of captured raiders. Cruel? Don't start nothin, won't be nothin.



Jun 3, 2011
i have never played dwarf fortress.

i did play angband though. a few times, killed morgoth too.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
This game is still in beta? Can anyone give some updates on the quality of it? I'm thinking about picking it up, but I don't really want to go through all the updates that Prison Architect had during it's release.


Dec 15, 2015
It's solid. I've been playing it a lot weaved between WoW sessions and I haven't experienced any game-breaking bugs (or really any bugs).
Reactions: paperfist
Feb 25, 2011
This game is still in beta? Can anyone give some updates on the quality of it? I'm thinking about picking it up, but I don't really want to go through all the updates that Prison Architect had during it's release.
It's very playable. Every major update brings new features and mechanics.

The problems I have with the updates is that there are some mods that are really awesome, but when there's a major update, it can be a few days or weeks before the mods get patched to work. So... turn off automatic updates if you like mods.
Reactions: paperfist


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
It's very playable. Every major update brings new features and mechanics.

The problems I have with the updates is that there are some mods that are really awesome, but when there's a major update, it can be a few days or weeks before the mods get patched to work. So... turn off automatic updates if you like mods.


I've learned to not play with mods. At least till a game has been out for a while as some many updates break them.

How the combat, it's not something that can be turned off is it?
Feb 25, 2011

I've learned to not play with mods. At least till a game has been out for a while as some many updates break them.

How the combat, it's not something that can be turned off is it?

Not really - its pretty integral to the game (it's where you recruit a lot of your new settlers and it's a good source of vendor trash.) But if you really don't like it, you can mod it out. (Either by adjusting the AI or just judicious use of god mode.)


Dec 15, 2015
One of the difficulties is 'builder mode' or something that I think is borderline sandbox, though I haven't tested it out yet.

Having said that, even on 'normal' or whatever the combat is very, very reasonable. I'm constructing my ship now and half my people still have greatbows. Having like 20 timber wolves helps though.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
One of the difficulties is 'builder mode' or something that I think is borderline sandbox, though I haven't tested it out yet.

Having said that, even on 'normal' or whatever the combat is very, very reasonable. I'm constructing my ship now and half my people still have greatbows. Having like 20 timber wolves helps though.

I'm not against combat, just didn't want to have to deal with that and take away from the builder experience. Though now that I think about it Prison Architect doesn't have 'combat' but it does have combat

I was reading someone was playing Rimworld as a hotel game and that got me interested in checking it out again.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
So anyone have any tips?

This game is crushing me even on 'easy'.

lol I had one colony wiped out when my hunter failed to take down a deer (she's like a 12 at it and can't hit the broad side of a barn!) and suddenly all the deer attacked wiping out my 4 colonist.

Next up some thunderstorm set my solar powered array batteries aflame and one by they all fell down like a toy solider colonist and all

So I'm assuming the batteries should be sheltered or at least put in a cold room.

I haven't figured out food too well yet. Sure I have a few farms up and running and a hunter getting some meat, but at some point the colonist seem to get lazy and stop getting things done like research. Maybe I've assigned them to much to do?


Jun 15, 2001
So anyone have any tips?

This game is crushing me even on 'easy'.

lol I had one colony wiped out when my hunter failed to take down a deer (she's like a 12 at it and can't hit the broad side of a barn!) and suddenly all the deer attacked wiping out my 4 colonist.

Next up some thunderstorm set my solar powered array batteries aflame and one by they all fell down like a toy solider colonist and all

So I'm assuming the batteries should be sheltered or at least put in a cold room.

I haven't figured out food too well yet. Sure I have a few farms up and running and a hunter getting some meat, but at some point the colonist seem to get lazy and stop getting things done like research. Maybe I've assigned them to much to do?

I dug out caverns and put the batteries in little revetments by themselves, so if they explode, nothing bad happens. If your colonists aren't doing research, they're too busy. If you feel like they're stuck playing too much, put them into army mode or whatever its called and then immediately remove them. That will reset their job queue.

You can tame animals and raise them for food so that you don't have to hunt. It's time consuming, but it's way too easy to wipe out all of the wild animals in your area and you need meat to make the better packaged meals.
Reactions: paperfist


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
I dug out caverns and put the batteries in little revetments by themselves, so if they explode, nothing bad happens. If your colonists aren't doing research, they're too busy. If you feel like they're stuck playing too much, put them into army mode or whatever its called and then immediately remove them. That will reset their job queue.

You can tame animals and raise them for food so that you don't have to hunt. It's time consuming, but it's way too easy to wipe out all of the wild animals in your area and you need meat to make the better packaged meals.

Sweet thanks!

Draft mode is what it's called, I'll try that.

Yeah I've been trying to tame ostrich and turkey but it's mostly been a fail. Somehow I tamed a squirrel without even trying and now it took my dogs bed

Once you tame them do you build some sort or corral to house them? I was looking for another husky to do this with but all over the map there's just female huskies.


Jun 15, 2001
You can build a corral, but I just put them in a room. You can zone off where they're allowed, so I said they could only go in the room and down the hall to the freezer to eat

I've been lucky with taming animals, I guess. There are random events where you'll just get six deer who decide to come live with you. You can also buy them off of traders. I had like 10 scotty dogs decide to move in, which was chaos. They're virtual, but I couldn't bring myself to use them for food, so I just sold them all.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
You can build a corral, but I just put them in a room. You can zone off where they're allowed, so I said they could only go in the room and down the hall to the freezer to eat

I've been lucky with taming animals, I guess. There are random events where you'll just get six deer who decide to come live with you. You can also buy them off of traders. I had like 10 scotty dogs decide to move in, which was chaos. They're virtual, but I couldn't bring myself to use them for food, so I just sold them all.


Yeah weird how the game sort of pulls you in. I ended up with all girl colonists and when 1 got malaria I felt like I was responsible and was trying to do what I could to save her.

Is that a forest you have planted on the right side?!?!?

Here I was thinking damn these maps are huge compared to Prison Architect, what the hell am I going to do with all this space? lol I can see with your liar that space doesn't last long.

What kind of flooring did you use for the animals?

And I put my batteries inside the fridge room but that didn't stop a lightning strike from hitting me with a massive fire that again wiped me out. I was reading you can use concrete floors to keep fires at bay and I didn't know that you could build stone walls so I'll try that and your suggestion next.

You were right putting them in draft mode got them to work. I found out that you can set actual priority 1-4 numbers on work tasks and doing that really streamlined work flow.


Dec 15, 2015
Food was a constant fight for me, basically I was doing mass-hunts for each quadrant of my map every day, just to keep food reserves up. I was also unfortunate to have like 7 damn cold snaps in a row that just wrecked any chance of having real crops rolling in my game. Was a lot easier once I got the indoor hydroponics researched but that takes forever, uses gobs of components, and then I just kept swinging an imbalance between having enough meat or enough plant matter for lavish meals

Didn't help that I constantly had like, 20 timber wolves. They eat a lot of your made-meals if there's no wildlife to hunt (because you're hunting it all). Protip: butcher raiders for human meat, and store it near your kennels. If you have a ton of meat-eating animals they'll chew it up before it rots usually.

Def put your batteries under a roof. You can have them outside, and just extend the roof over them (with the 'Areas' selector).

Hard to keep folks alive from things like flu/malaria if you don't have medicine on-hand. You can buy a bunch early on from traders but it costs a lot... hard to keep up with money demand then. My first colony, I wasn't paying too much attention.. just kinda next -> next -> next through new game stuff. Ended up with 3 pacifists. They couldn't hunt, and refused to defend the colony. All 3 ended up getting wiped out by a damn rabbit.


Senior member
Oct 4, 2013
This game caught my attention on Steam recently. All the reviews seem to indicate that this game is addictive as heck. How are you guys still liking it?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
A friend of mine is already up to 600+ hours and constantly tells me to get the game. I'll pick it up on sale, but I am a bit intrigued by the "Kickstarter-esque" purchase options on Steam. $170 to be able to add backstory? $370 for Pirate King Access? I'm amazed Steam allows this.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
This game caught my attention on Steam recently. All the reviews seem to indicate that this game is addictive as heck. How are you guys still liking it?

I've been pretty addicted. Lots of early hours invested most trying to figure things out.

It's an interesting 'builder' type game that has some 'emotional' drama attached to it with the way colonist interact with each other. You really have to take into consideration who you let in and at least for me it's complicated by not many options to get people to join.

It's got random events that can be harrowing at times. lol I never thought a beaver attack could be so stressful. The free form build style is neat and lets you layout things in different manners trying to find the most efficient methods.

I haven't encountered any bugs yet, but some of the systems need to be balanced and fleshed out.
Reactions: HitAnyKey
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