Riots expected after acquittal: Michael Brown

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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
The step father is another asshole.

Of course. When on camera with his handlers he's the picture of tragedy urging restraint. When he doesn't get what he wants to "burn the bitch down".

Guess which version of this individual makes the news most of the time?


Oct 9, 2002
Yeah it makes sense that if you act a certain way you'll get treated a certain way. What doesn't make sense is the following:


If their actions make sense to you, then people's hatred of that should also make sense to you. You can't have it both ways.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011
...or they just climbed over it when they were getting in.

I choose to believe that this aspiring engineer is of a 'safety first' mindset.

Headlights on, safety chains in place, good posture, focused on the road in front of him...


Oct 30, 2008
imho the fact it's not even going to trial is a huge injustice, while there is evidence supporting the cops side of the story. It's not concrete enough to where a trial isn't needed. The family should have been given a chance to see this play out in court. Even if it ended with the cop getting off, at least it could have been argued with lawyers.

No, the family shouldn't be "given a chance to see this play out" and waste a fuck ton of the counties money. There wasn't sufficient evidence to determine a trial would do anything except result in an acquittal. Therefore, no trial happens. Giving an avenue for the family to circumvent the justice system because they feel bad is beyond fucking retarded. The evidence presented to the grand jury was released to the public. If, after reading that, still believe this would hold up in court, you're just dumb.


Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2012
imho the fact it's not even going to trial is a huge injustice, while there is evidence supporting the cops side of the story. It's not concrete enough to where a trial isn't needed.

Oh snap, you saw every tidbit of evidence presented? Tell us more of every detail you were told and shown while serving on the jury.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
No, the family shouldn't be "given a chance to see this play out" and waste a fuck ton of the counties money. There wasn't sufficient evidence to determine a trial would do anything except result in an acquittal. Therefore, no trial happens. Giving an avenue for the family to circumvent the justice system because they feel bad is beyond fucking retarded. The evidence presented to the grand jury was released to the public. If, after reading that, still believe this would hold up in court, you're just dumb.

Since when has the law or facts been relevant where revenge and ignorance rule?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
Hijabs, hoodies, afros, locks
Teddy bear, liquor bottle shrines, rocks
Tanks, prayer rugs, church pews, Mexican corn stands
Blood, sweat, and tears, police batons
Gas masks and bullets create graffiti on corners

Murals that salute freedom or death for liberty
Be it Inglewood or Egypt, Bedstuy or Baghdad
Syria or Liberia, the west bank or the west side of Chicago
Where food and liquor stores still occupy the block
While police and community watchmen justify why they shot
Emmit Till and Malice Green, Rekia Boyd and Trayvon Martin
Better not wear that hoodie while shopping for a carton
Or whatever they sellin in your food desert
Cause your soul is dessert and will be dissected and consumed
On the Fox evening news while we sing the blues
The new Jim Crow caged bird sings
Cause he's tired of occupying his misery and of our marching
He wanna fly to a higher consciousness
But his school on academic probation
They gave him medicine, diagnosed him with a felony and mental retardation
So he refuses to cease the firin, nobody's hirin
In Illinois, 67 is the new age when you retirin
Class lines have blurred, those who used to have, have not
Pensions bein snatched
Those who never have keep their hands stretched
Social services being cut
Sterilization clinics giving out pills to numb the womb
Young girls referring to their vaginas as tombs
Thinkin protests are temporary and trendy
Well rock a t-shirt and carry a poster
And two weeks later it's back to normal
But they say times are changin'
The revolution is becoming second nature, causes are combining
People carrying torches, hope burning from their hands
Attaching explosive devices cause they keep stealing their lands
In the name of freedom

Hijabs, hoodies, afros, locks
Teddy bear, liquor bottle shrines, rocks
Tanks, prayer rugs, church pews, Mexican corn stands
Blood, sweat, and tears, police batons
Gas masks and bullets create graffiti on corners


Jan 8, 2011
If their actions make sense to you, then people's hatred of that should also make sense to you. You can't have it both ways.

I get it man. I'm human too. Hate is an easy emotion to feel. I think we should make an effort to be more mature than we actually are and rise above the hate, blame and retributive mind sets that plague us. We aren't much more than wild primates, so we should be sympathetic to any and all suffering in principle and then be mature enough to not blame ourselves for being the hairless monkeys we are.


Oct 17, 2002
imho the fact it's not even going to trial is a huge injustice, while there is evidence supporting the cops side of the story. It's not concrete enough to where a trial isn't needed. The family should have been given a chance to see this play out in court. Even if it ended with the cop getting off, at least it could have been argued with lawyers.

Actually, with all due respect, taking it to trial is what would have been an injustice. They had no case. The prosecutor knew it, and it's his job to take cases to trial THAT HE CAN WIN. It's his job to deny trials to cases that can't be won. It's his job to take sketchy cases that he is unsure of to grand jury and let them decide. He did that and they said there's no case to be won. And that was smart, because otherwise he could have just denied it outright as prosecutor and simply said "no, I won't prosecute this because there's no case. I'm not going to waste time and money just so the family can see evidence and testimony that's already being made available to them. "

So, it's literally justice as designed. Stating anything otherwise simply shows a lack of understanding of the legal process. The prosecutor did his job. Love it or hate it.
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Nov 11, 2004
Actually, with all due respect, taking it to trial is what would have been an injustice. They had no case. The prosecutor knew it, and it's his job to take cases to trial THAT HE CAN WIN. It's his job to deny trials to cases that can't be won. It's his job to take sketchy cases that he is unsure of to grand jury and let them decide. He did that and they said there's case to be won. And that was smart, because otherwise he could have just denied it outright as prosecutor and simply said "no, I won't prosecute this because there's no case. I'm not going to waste time and money just so the family can see evidence and testimony that's already being made available to them. "

So, it's literally justice as designed. Stating anything otherwise simply shows a lack of understanding of the legal process. The prosecutor did his job. Love it or hate it.
And that's the problem, same with the other recent case I won't bring up, people jump to conclusions as to what happened and doesn't matter what evidence there is, if it's a white person killing a black person, the white person is automatically guilty. The country has shown that is the case.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
In our country and in our system truth doesn't matter as much as a lot of us would like it to, agendas matter and where truth must be twisted or warped or hidden in order to serve agendas, then that's what we will get.

The popular media reaction to the truth is a twilight zone episode. There are still major media outlets claiming it is unclear what happened and then going on to cite witnesses who are easily identified as liars for why what happened is unclear. What happened is now clear, but it doesn't serve agendas, so what happened has to be made unclear. The sacrifice here is unfortunate, because it will harm those who are being led to believe they are being served by this twisted logic and nonsense still being perpetrated by black leaders and many in the mainstream media.

Main problem is the agenda being served by demeaning the truth here doesn't help underprivileged classes, it empowers bureaucracy to have more control (part of what has created a 2 tier 2 class system that leads to bad inner city conditions). It's a tortured result, because it's misdiagnosing the problem and the weight of this effort of mischaracterization is being carried by the same underprivileged folks who are being turned to mush by the system's machinery. How will the underprivileged be better off if we watch them be deceived (agenda > truth type thinking from leadership) into jumping into the gears that are grinding them to dust?

Overall, very sad state of affairs all around, but at least the Grand Jury got it right (everybody can see the evidence). Agendas clearly have a lot of power power vs the truth right now, and when i look at reaction from MSM and a number of folks who have profit or control motives based on the countries reaction and acceptance of what Wilson/Brown really was, it appears this may have been an agenda (to make what is clear into unclear) that was rooted in $$$ and control more than anything else (the saddest part of this tragedy). CNN is choking on profitability of "handling" their reporting of this case.

If we fail to see the truth of this case, then it will certainly be repeated, that is the gift (/puke) that popular black leadership and many folks on the wrong side of this issue are working to prepare and serve up for future young and underprivileged in this country, they do this by undermining the truth to trap folks in their agendas. All so they can have a bit more money and control during the rest of their days on this earth.
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Mar 5, 2001
imho the fact it's not even going to trial is a huge injustice, while there is evidence supporting the cops side of the story. It's not concrete enough to where a trial isn't needed. The family should have been given a chance to see this play out in court. Even if it ended with the cop getting off, at least it could have been argued with lawyers.

Anybody who looks at the crime scene evidence cannot refute Wilson's story, period. There is simply no way that what happened isn't closely matched by what Wilson says happened.

That is why there is no sham trial. Anybody with half a brain can figure out that Wilson was justified in protecting himself and stopping a criminal.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2007
Anybody who looks at the crime scene evidence cannot refute Wilson's story, period. There is simply no way that what happened isn't closely matched by what Wilson says happened.

That is why there is no sham trial. Anybody with half a brain can figure out that Wilson was justified in protecting himself and stopping a criminal.

This. People feel and don't think, and we get these lynch mobs. Crazy how people can be so absolutely convinced that Wilson is guilty.


Mar 5, 2001
This. People feel and don't think, and we get these lynch mobs. Crazy how people can be so absolutely convinced that Wilson is guilty.

It's because the media refuses to be unbiased and ask tough questions of his mom, his dad, their attorney. Instead they want to stick to the same old script of "ratings, ratings, ratings".

Even now, when all of the evidence is out, they get off on trying to froth things up. You see these "prominent attorney" twitter bullshit posts about how he should have been cross examined. Why? Because the evidence contradicted what he said? It didn't. Vox is horrible at it. It's a non-stop bullshit "Wilson is a liar" idiocy. Ezra Klein said the whole "'rello'" handoff thing was a lie, even though Dorian's own testimony corroborated it. Oops.

And forget about the "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit. How the fuck can that *STILL* be accepted as a reasonable story line?

I'd *LOVE* to see one honest reporter slap the shit out of some of these stories and set the record straight.

As i said in the P&N thread, I sincerely hope that sometime, some way, one of these criminal enterprises is held accountable for their actions and the person wins *HUGE*. I am talking several billion. Only then can the industry get off of their idiotic slant.

Look at this shit...

Not a single mention of physical evidence, nothing. Pathetic.
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Jan 15, 2013
Doesn't make them right and doesn't mean that it isn't emboldening and fanning the flames of the ones who are violent. The facts are out there. Michael Brown was the only bad guy. There is no excuse for their ignorance. They DO bear some of the blame.

You understand this isn't about Michael Brown but rather decades of injustice they've faced in their community, right? No? Okay.


Mar 5, 2001
You understand this isn't about Michael Brown but rather decades of injustice they've faced in their community, right? No? Okay.

What about the decades of injustice they have heaped upon themselves by clinging to the "injustice" screed?

The victim card is getting tiring. That's why most white people are like "yeah, we don't give a shit". You cry wolf and protect a drugged up robber cop assaulter, you're not going to get any sympathy.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
You understand this isn't about Michael Brown but rather decades of injustice they've faced in their community, right? No? Okay.

OK. There's been decades of injustice.

You are driving through an area and a riot breaks out and you are attacked causing your wife and children to die.

Their deaths aren't because of you. How much better does that make you feel and how much does it excuse your attackers?


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
People pay the price for media irresponsibility. This makes irresponsible media behavior so sickening.

If i'm in Ferguson and subject to the fallout i'm pretty angry at CNN at this point. They more than any other helped fuel this BS. Dorian Johnson needs to be brought to justice for inciting this whole thing as well though his series of lies, repeated lies, crafted lies, and lies in the face of knowing the harm his lies would cause. Piaget Crenshaw can be taken to task as well for knowingly lying to help fuel this.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
You understand this isn't about Michael Brown but rather decades of injustice they've faced in their community, right? No? Okay.

Attaching that injustice to Michael Brown, which is what was done here, really demeans the injustice that folks have faced in the past and today. Injustices, particularly in underprivileged communities is a huge issue in the country.

If there is (which IMO there is) such grave injustice then their needs to be a better way to address it rather than ambulance chase after Michael Brown is killed assaulting and then charging in an aggressive manner an officer of the law.

How are folks to take anyone seriously if they are so stupid as to be made fools of on the Michael Brown case? I'm speaking to the rioters and everyone else speaking about injustice in the framework of what occurred between Wilson and Brown. What we see now are a bunch of morons trying to chant on injustice while using the Brown case as their pedestal, this is a big problem. There is a ready and clear reason why their words and their stance will crumble and not do anything to improve real issues. They've chosen to stand on a very weak, brittle, and poisoned platform.
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
I actually love the fact that the term injustice is getting brought up so much in this case, because it's the first case where it really shows how ridiculous pulling the race card has gotten.

I hope a really well written documentary or book gets written about this, since it's important that people see how badly this can go when they mob together to protect someone without the facts. Everytime I hear about how conflicting the initial reports and eyewitness interviews were I just laugh. These people will say anything to illustrate their injustice.

This whole thing has been an embarrassment for the Ferguson community, and they just keep pushing it. Eventually it will die off and we will all just remember how much of a media circus fail it was fueled by emotion and ignorance to facts.


Oct 19, 2001
People pay the price for media irresponsibility. This makes irresponsible media behavior so sickening.

If i'm in Ferguson and subject to the fallout i'm pretty angry at CNN at this point. They more than any other helped fuel this BS. Dorian Johnson needs to be brought to justice for inciting this whole thing as well though his series of lies, repeated lies, crafted lies, and lies in the face of knowing the harm his lies would cause. Piaget Crenshaw can be taken to task as well for knowingly lying to help fuel this.

I watched a bit of CNN this afternoon - they are still keeping the whole thing alive by having people on who are trying to say Brown was an innocent kid, conspiracy by prosecutor, etc. It's amazing the length they are going to. sickening.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I watched a bit of CNN this afternoon - they are still keeping the whole thing alive by having people on who are trying to say Brown was an innocent kid, conspiracy by prosecutor, etc. It's amazing the length they are going to. sickening.

It's not surprising at all. News agencies for the most part do not exist. They've become reality TV and not dealing with reality much at all. They have to make money and sensation sells.
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