RMA accepted for GTX295. Go for 6970 or GTX 570?

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Mar 3, 2011
Its because you don't have any facts to back up your 'opinion'.

The OP already made his choice, you should create a thread talking about the VRM issue on the GTX 570 and look for facts to prove wrong or right your or his arguments instead of bringing them here and creating a warzone without purpose.


Aug 10, 2009
Nvida would. I'm seeing this in your posts , more than here, that you pointing to the memory buffer size as the ONLY factor in your decision making. The gtx 570 has 1280 memory and is designed for those resolutions and higher if run in SLI for surround . There are maybe going to be limitations possibly above 2560X1600 where some games/settings having more memory might help.
But if the OP plays any physX games, or heavy tessellation games, the gtx 570 has a edge. The poster having had Nvidia, might want to try AMD ? That would be as valid a reason, as any, but not pointing to memory size and deeming he has no choice.

Two things you either missed or are choosing to ignore. 1, The 6970 scales better than the 570 as resolution increases. 2, The OP does more than play games. He wants to run Max and CAD programs, both of which are resource hogs, while he's gaming, at the same time. I did mention those reasons, while pointing at the memory buffer in my post. Not just the additional RAM.


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2010
The OP already made his choice, you should create a thread talking about the VRM issue on the GTX 570 and look for facts to prove wrong or right your or his arguments instead of bringing them here and creating a warzone without purpose.

If you have a problem with a post, use the report button. Your neither a moderator or being useful yourself.
I'm going to challenge a broad comment, that itself serves no purpose and uselessly negative. There are thousands of gtx 570 owners ,(proud) that shelled out some big bucks, and have to read, unsubstantiated fairy tales, how they bought a piece of crap. I'd challenge any broad statement like that , especially when the comment was directed at my post.

To 3D, now your getting in to CPU- GPU multi-tasking with workstation software and game playing ? Never heard of it. And I don't think its going to perform better than Fermi's do in CS5, or if Cayman even supports GPU acceleration in CS5 .


Mar 3, 2011
If you have a problem with a post, use the report button. Your neither a moderator or being useful yourself.
I'm going to challenge a broad comment, that itself serves no purpose and uselessly negative. There are thousands of gtx 570 owners ,(proud) that shelled out some big bucks, and have to read, unsubstantiated fairy tales, how they bought a piece of crap. I'd challenge any broad statement like that , especially when the comment was directed at my post.

To 3D, now your getting in to CPU- GPU multi-tasking with workstation software and game playing ? Never heard of it. And I don't think its going to perform better than Fermi's do in CS5, or if Cayman even supports GPU acceleration in CS5 .

Hey why the rage? I was useful in this thread as I never derailed the thread and answered the OP's question, unlike you that started an unnecessary argument unrelated to the thread. If you have a problem with this thread, just create another one and become useful. If you like the GTX 570 so much, buy one yourself and let the OP enjoy his HD 6970


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2010
Hey why the rage? I was useful in this thread as I never derailed the thread and answered the OP's question, unlike you that started an unnecessary argument unrelated to the thread. If you have a problem with this thread, just create another one and become useful. If you like the GTX 570 so much, buy one yourself and let the OP enjoy his HD 6970
Are you hearing show tunes right now ?

Op, good luck with your choice.


Mar 3, 2011
Are you hearing show tunes right now ?

Op, good luck with your choice.

I think that you shouldn't take hardware that serious, brand loyalism doesn't help at all. Between the HD 6970 and GTX 570 in high resolution gaming, is clear that the HD 6970 is a better buy, he never said something about GPGPU, or CS5 acceleration crap etc.

Are you hearing nVidia's logo tune that says "nVidiaaaaaaaahhhhh............."?
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Golden Member
Dec 3, 2009
at 2560x1600 4xAA the 6970 is closer to a gtx 580 than it is to a gtx 570. go up to 8xAA and it gets even closer. 1280mb of memory on the 570 is just a significant limiting factor in current games, and that is likely to only get worse over the next couple of years, not better. Generally speaking at 25x16 a 6970 is better, at 19x12 they are equal, and below that the 570 is better. Plus, if OP ends up going dual card the AMD scales better.

1280mb of vram is not a limiting factor for the 570.

I play at 5760x1200 and cannot find a game in which the vram limits me. By the time i would hit a vram wall the card is no longer giving playable framerates anyways and in many cases the 580 or 6970 wont be either.

The limiting factor of the card is more core speed and unlocked cores when compared to the 580.

If your choice is between the 6970 and 570.

I would choose the 6970 if you do not mind:

ati drivers, lack of aa in some titles and upon release in others where nvidia has aa already (batman, starcraft 2, and more), no physx (not a big deal yet, although some engines are now being fitted to ramp up physx usage), somewhat less tessellation (probably not a big deal either)

For me the drivers drove me back to Nvidia. ATi makes insanely nice hardware and really poor software.


Mar 3, 2011
What is the purpose of this post?

Because this person with no apparent reason, just insulted me with a private message, don't you see his rudeness against me? Am I doing or saying something that's not true? The HD 6970 being faster than the GTX 570 at 2560x1600?

Moebious, you are new here (join date Mar 2011) so we know you aren't familiar with the expected etiquette in the technical forums but the reason digitaldurandal asked the question is because members are expected to refrain from posting that they've reported another member for any reason or topic.

Reporting posts is a personal matter and this is a technical forum. Once you report the post/poster/pm/etc the matter is to be left to the moderators there after.

Technically your post here, as well as post #33 above, are thread-derails as the topic you are now discussing is not related to the thread topic at all.

Moderator Idontcare
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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2009
1280mb of vram is not a limiting factor for the 570.

I play at 5760x1200 and cannot find a game in which the vram limits me. By the time i would hit a vram wall the card is no longer giving playable framerates anyways and in many cases the 580 or 6970 wont be either.

The limiting factor of the card is more core speed and unlocked cores when compared to the 580.

If your choice is between the 6970 and 570.

I would choose the 6970 if you do not mind:

ati drivers, lack of aa in some titles and upon release in others where nvidia has aa already (batman, starcraft 2, and more), no physx (not a big deal yet, although some engines are now being fitted to ramp up physx usage), somewhat less tessellation (probably not a big deal either)

For me the drivers drove me back to Nvidia. ATi makes insanely nice hardware and really poor software.

I'm guessing thats with 2 570s?


Mar 3, 2011
I'm guessing thats with 2 570s?

That's what I thought, considering that AMD has better VRAM management. If the GTX 570 performed so well at such huge resolution, the GTX 580 wouldn't had made sense, or any 2GB videocard.


Aug 10, 2009
You know I find it interesting that we see threads for both nVidia and AMD with troubles. Not once have I seen anyone, except for possibly tongue in cheek, tell the OP it's crappy nVidia drivers AMD's are so much better, even when it's a driver issue. Although, if a thread goes long enough, someone will throw in how they hate AMD because of their drivers even when it's not applicable to the thread.

Both companies have driver issues. It's a fact of life with PC gaming. If you truly want to avoid driver issues, don't game on a PC, buy a console.
Nov 26, 2005
Get the card that has the highest MINIMUM fps. I had 2 5870's in X-fire on Unreal Tournament III, i took them out after 5-6 months of play and installed my GTX 480 that was waiting to be used in an AVCHD machine and the difference was a very noticeable positive improvement.


May 22, 2007
1280mb of vram is not a limiting factor for the 570.

I play at 5760x1200 and cannot find a game in which the vram limits me. By the time i would hit a vram wall the card is no longer giving playable framerates anyways and in many cases the 580 or 6970 wont be either.

The limiting factor of the card is more core speed and unlocked cores when compared to the 580.

If your choice is between the 6970 and 570.

I would choose the 6970 if you do not mind:

ati drivers, lack of aa in some titles and upon release in others where nvidia has aa already (batman, starcraft 2, and more), no physx (not a big deal yet, although some engines are now being fitted to ramp up physx usage), somewhat less tessellation (probably not a big deal either)

For me the drivers drove me back to Nvidia. ATi makes insanely nice hardware and really poor software.

yeah, if you're in 2003. in 2011 amd drivers are quite good, in fact so good that their new hardware scales better in multi gpu formats that nvidias admittedly excellent drivers allow them to do in sli. Also, your personal 1 data point with no comparison experience at 5760x1200 would be completely useless without comparing it to a 6970 at the exact same settings. That is what benchmarking is all about. Of course, I must admit that I'm amazed that you were able to get 3 monitors to work on a single Nvidia card. You must have some mad hacker skillz.


Jan 12, 2005
1280mb of vram is not a limiting factor for the 570.

I play at 5760x1200 and cannot find a game in which the vram limits me. By the time i would hit a vram wall the card is no longer giving playable framerates anyways and in many cases the 580 or 6970 wont be either.

The limiting factor of the card is more core speed and unlocked cores when compared to the 580.

If your choice is between the 6970 and 570.

I would choose the 6970 if you do not mind:

ati drivers, lack of aa in some titles and upon release in others where nvidia has aa already (batman, starcraft 2, and more), no physx (not a big deal yet, although some engines are now being fitted to ramp up physx usage), somewhat less tessellation (probably not a big deal either)

For me the drivers drove me back to Nvidia. ATi makes insanely nice hardware and really poor software.

Not too long again, in one of the 'how are x drivers these days?' threads I mentioned how I do not believe anyone can know who has better drivers. All we have are our subjective experiences. Your combination of hardware, your overclock, even the power grid in your area may all come in to play with how x piece of hardware works. We all know Nvidia caused a lot of Vista crahes early on. We know that Nvidia released a driver that actually bricked some cards. We also know that AMD's drivers are not perfect either. I don't think you can say that AMD or Nvidia have better or worse drivers, all you can say is how your system ran with one and/or the other. By the way, aren't Nvidia's drivers thought to be holding current cards back in OpenGL performance?

And your statements about AA are made to look black and white, like there is a clear favorite here. We all know there was a bit of a scandal about the Batman AA fiasco. And while you are technically correct about Starcraft 2, how long was it until AMD had an AA patch out for their hardware... three days after launch? Sounds a little decieving the way you wrote it.

And I cannot find it now, but I'll keep looking, but I remember some benches in current games that clearly showed current games benefiting from 2GB of memory over 1GB cards in Eyefinity resolutions. I'll post it if I can find it.


May 22, 2007
That's what I thought, considering that AMD has better VRAM management. If the GTX 570 performed so well at such huge resolution, the GTX 580 wouldn't had made sense, or any 2GB videocard.

you can't run more than 2 monitors with an nvidia card. He either "forgot" to mention that he has sli or he somehow acquired two 2880x1200 monitors.

You know I find it interesting that we see threads for both nVidia and AMD with troubles. Not once have I seen anyone, except for possibly tongue in cheek, tell the OP it's crappy nVidia drivers AMD's are so much better, even when it's a driver issue. Although, if a thread goes long enough, someone will throw in how they hate AMD because of their drivers even when it's not applicable to the thread.

Both companies have driver issues. It's a fact of life with PC gaming. If you truly want to avoid driver issues, don't game on a PC, buy a console.

NV has had some major driver issues as well in the past, though I would say that generally they are still slightly better/more useful than amd. However, amd has made major inroads in the past few years and has now gotten close enough that I would probably rank it near the very bottom of my items to consider when purchasing a video card. For example, my personal list:

1. General gaming performance at my current and likely future resolution for the life of card
1a. noise/heat/power
2. Gaming performance in my current/likely future specific game purchases for resolutions listed in #1.
3. Current DC performance for seti and possibly others such as folding, milkyway, etc
4. Likely future performance of card in games in general
5. extraneous BS like eyefinity, physx, 3d, etc; you know, things that I don't use or plan to use in the future but could eventually try out
6. very small driver bonus for nvidia

In the past there were times that the drivers could have been the #2 or even #1 deciding factor, but at least for now that's not the case. Even though i typically look at everything, I have only gotten down to #3 twice and never lower than that. In fact, usually one or the other is so much quieter and/or has such a great cooler that I just stop there. My gaming room gets VERY hot in the south texas summer, in fact in winter I typically leave the window open to keep the room temps "normal".


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
go with the 6970, 2gb ram at the resolution you play matter alot, it ll be the much faster of the 2.

Castiel has a point, "Still wouldn't touch a 570 because of the weak VRM issues."
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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
Your not paying for it so just go with the 6970 since it is marginally better for you at that resolution and your not losing anything.

If you had to pay though I would go with the GTX 570 since it's cheaper and pretty much equivalent to AMD 6970.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
It is with two 570s but my vram limitations are the same.

Good post. I find it funny, with the same exact graphically intensive games out as there was 5 months ago that a 5870 is not enough now. Suddenly 2gb is the minimum to play games at high res.
Is this the real truth? Its allways been possible to use more then 1gb of ram in any game, even a year ago, but suddenly its become a purchasing decision, thats wrong.

Bottom line............... a gtx570 is enough to play any game at 2500x1600 at high details for 40$ less then a 6970.If you choose to play at ultra high details neither will play these peticular games (Metro , Crysis), at a high enough framerate to matter.
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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
Good post. I find it funny, with the same exact graphically intensive games out as there was 5 months ago that a 5870 is not enough now. Suddenly 2gb is the minimum to play games at high res.
Is this the real truth? Its allways been possible to use more then 1gb of ram in any game, even a year ago, but suddenly its become a purchasing decision, thats wrong.

Bottom line............... a gtx570 is enough to play any game at 2500x1600 at high details for 40$ less then a 6970.If you choose to play at ultra high details neither will play these peticular games (Metro , Crysis), at a high enough framerate to matter.
"With 2GB of RAM our AMD cards finally break out of the minimum framerate crash Crysis experiences with 1GB AMD cards. Our rankings are similar to our averages, with the 6970 taking a small lead while the 6950 holds close to the 570."


There's 1 example where the RAM is a limiting factor and as we move forward I expect games to become more intensive than that. The minimum frame rates tank according to the link at higher resolutions.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
"With 2GB of RAM our AMD cards finally break out of the minimum framerate crash Crysis experiences with 1GB AMD cards. Our rankings are similar to our averages, with the 6970 taking a small lead while the 6950 holds close to the 570."


There's 1 example where the RAM is a limiting factor and as we move forward I expect games to become more intensive than that. The minimum frame rates tank according to the link at higher resolutions.

So you basically just answered my question. Crysis is 4 years old, so what has changed? Suddenly you can play that same game for the billionth time with 2 extra settings maxed instead of on high and that makes 2gb of video ram suddenly a requirement?
When the 5870 1gb and gtx480 1.5 gb were going head to head last year, why was this argument not sooooo important then? Was 1gb of ram ok for Crysis then but not now? Is 1.25 gb of ram on the gtx570 now not enough @ 1080p?

This is all just BS to suddenly make everyone think we need more vram. Metro 2033? Crysis? old games that need more vram, ok I'll bite............. What newer games that people havent played a billion times need more vram?

Ok I got one F1 2010. Thats one!
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Aug 10, 2009
Good post. I find it funny, with the same exact graphically intensive games out as there was 5 months ago that a 5870 is not enough now. Suddenly 2gb is the minimum to play games at high res.
Is this the real truth? Its allways been possible to use more then 1gb of ram in any game, even a year ago, but suddenly its become a purchasing decision, thats wrong.

Bottom line............... a gtx570 is enough to play any game at 2500x1600 at high details for 40$ less then a 6970.If you choose to play at ultra high details neither will play these peticular games (Metro , Crysis), at a high enough framerate to matter.

Where? The Egg is $10 difference after rebate. Same price before rebate. Besides @ 2560 the 6970 is overall a faster card than the 570. Add to it the 2Gig of RAM, which no matter how hard you spin is a good thing, and as I said it's a no brainer.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Where? The Egg is $10 difference after rebate. Same price before rebate. Besides @ 2560 the 6970 is overall a faster card than the 570. Add to it the 2Gig of RAM, which no matter how hard you spin is a good thing, and as I said it's a no brainer.

See post # 15. I allmost agree with ya.

I was arguing the vram point (and it a good point) but not really changing my recommendation.

by the way the gtx570 is 309$ AR with 2 free recent good games vs (last I looked) the 6970 for 340$ AR.
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