RNC Convention Day 2 discussion

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Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: soundforbjt
Originally posted by: quest55720
Originally posted by: Napalm
Originally posted by: quest55720
Originally posted by: Napalm
Mikey is talking about $4 gas, people losing houses and that Americans want "Something to Change" and how they want "Less, not More Government"

Has anyone told these guys that out of the last 8 years, they have had the White house for ALL 8 and the House for 6 of those 8? If they want change, they need a Democrat in the Whitehouse and they want Republicans in the House. Have they mixed up what election this is???

Why so gas can go up to 10 dollars under the pelosi/obama windfall profits tax and no drilling plan.

Whats wrong with you, buddy? Do you actually believe that? Do you actually think that electing anyone who is pro-drilling is gonna decrease your gas prices? If you are stupid (yes, a spade needs to be called a spade, finally), think about the timelines for these activities and when you expect to get some relief...

It will it and much more. Beats increased prices with the Obama/Pelosi plan. What do you think a "windfall" profit tax will do? Force the oil companies to produce less product to lower its profits. Less supply and higher prices that is the change obama/pelosi want.

Under Republicans (in the last 7 years) gas prices have risen 200%...is this the change you want?

think you may need to go check what Pelosi said during the 2006 campaign.
Sep 14, 2005
I don't understand the "Country First" meme.

Only allowing republicans to take part in rebuilding Iraq, regardless of experience, was not putting our country first.

Firing US attorneys because they weren't partisan enough, was not putting our country first.

Appointing cronies to important posts, regardless of experience, was not putting our country first.

Borrowing money and cutting taxes, while going deeper into debt and fighting a war, was not putting our country first.

Accusing anyone who questioned the BS above of being a traitor, was not putting our country first.

Condoning torture, extraordinary rendition, spying on US citizens which took away America's high ground on moral issues, was not putting our country first.

Gutting the clean air act and other environmental legislation as a gift to big business donors, was not putting our country first.

Establishing a secretive energy policy crafted by the energy industry to benefit them at the expense of the taxpayer, was not putting our country first.

Do republicans ever think about what they've done before trying to wrap themselves in the flag?


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Infidel
I don't understand the "Country First" meme.

Only allowing republicans to take part in rebuilding Iraq, regardless of experience, was not putting our country first.

Firing US attorneys because they weren't partisan enough, was not putting our country first.

Appointing cronies to important posts, regardless of experience, was not putting our country first.

Borrowing money and cutting taxes, while going deeper into debt and fighting a war, was not putting our country first.

Accusing anyone who questioned the BS above of being a traitor, was not putting our country first.

Condoning torture, extraordinary rendition, spying on US citizens which took away America's high ground on moral issues, was not putting our country first.

Gutting the clean air act and other environmental legislation as a gift to big business donors, was not putting our country first.

Establishing a secretive energy policy crafted by the energy industry to benefit them at the expense of the taxpayer, was not putting our country first.

I don't think anyone at the convention will be voting for George Bush in November.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: lupi
Originally posted by: soundforbjt
Originally posted by: quest55720
Originally posted by: Napalm
Originally posted by: quest55720
Originally posted by: Napalm
Mikey is talking about $4 gas, people losing houses and that Americans want "Something to Change" and how they want "Less, not More Government"

Has anyone told these guys that out of the last 8 years, they have had the White house for ALL 8 and the House for 6 of those 8? If they want change, they need a Democrat in the Whitehouse and they want Republicans in the House. Have they mixed up what election this is???

Why so gas can go up to 10 dollars under the pelosi/obama windfall profits tax and no drilling plan.

Whats wrong with you, buddy? Do you actually believe that? Do you actually think that electing anyone who is pro-drilling is gonna decrease your gas prices? If you are stupid (yes, a spade needs to be called a spade, finally), think about the timelines for these activities and when you expect to get some relief...

It will it and much more. Beats increased prices with the Obama/Pelosi plan. What do you think a "windfall" profit tax will do? Force the oil companies to produce less product to lower its profits. Less supply and higher prices that is the change obama/pelosi want.

Under Republicans (in the last 7 years) gas prices have risen 200%...is this the change you want?

think you may need to go check what Pelosi said during the 2006 campaign.

Exactly Pelosi promised lower gas prices. What has gas done since she took over? Oh ya skyrocket her solution go on vacation and ignore the problem.


May 1, 2006
I see a log of comments from the right liking the speeches, but pretty much zero substance about why the speeches are advocating good, specific policies.

The old 'nanny government' attacks may be less effective to a nation who is seeing itself robbed by the Republican policies, and who wouldn't mind some help.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Craig234
I see a log of comments from the right liking the speeches, but pretty much zero substance about why the speeches are advocating good, specific policies.

The old 'nanny government' attacks may be less effective to a nation who is seeing itself robbed by the Republican policies, and who wouldn't mind some help.

I did not expect policy when the clintons spoke these are warm up speakers. I do want to hear policy from Palin and McCain. I think we will hear plenty of energy policy tonight from palin.


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: NeoV
love that comment, huh lupi? Only problem is it's false....you probably loved Cheney's little zinger about never seeing John Edwards before - except that was also a lie.

Doesn't matter, unless it's truly egregious the comedic value of it will far surpass any but the truth is campaign after the fact.

So now the GOP strategy is to agree that change is needed in Washington, only they are denying any responsibility for the past years? Thats's a good one.
I think the campaign, and part of the reason palin got the nod, is that they are going after their own version of the campaign of change.

Also - about all this 'horrible' coverage about Palin- can someone show me a major news story that in any way, shape, or form has demonized her? Are people not supposed to talk about the new candidate from left field?
If the stories were "news" and about the VP nominee you'd have a point, but we have blown up blog innuendo that got picked up by some news networks and then blew up on them. To cover that up they've been steadily drumming up babygate II.


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Craig234
I see a log of comments from the right liking the speeches, but pretty much zero substance about why the speeches are advocating good, specific policies.

The old 'nanny government' attacks may be less effective to a nation who is seeing itself robbed by the Republican policies, and who wouldn't mind some help.

There was about 100% more substance in the Romney speech than what was heard from the entire democrat week, other than we know Biden likes to take the train.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: lupi
Originally posted by: Craig234
I see a log of comments from the right liking the speeches, but pretty much zero substance about why the speeches are advocating good, specific policies.

The old 'nanny government' attacks may be less effective to a nation who is seeing itself robbed by the Republican policies, and who wouldn't mind some help.

There was about 100% more substance in the Romney speech than what was heard from the entire democrat week, other than we know Biden likes to take the train.

You lose respect when you post crap. You are either a moron, or a PR person with a Repulican Party contract.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Good read. Tells us how big of a sham Palin is to the people who know her best:

I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992.
Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a
first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her
father was my child?s favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a
first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more
City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the
residents of the city.

She is enormously popular; in every way she?s like the most popular
girl in middle school. Even men who think she is a poor choice and
won?t vote for her can?t quit smiling when talking about her because
she is a ?babe?.

It is astonishing and almost scary how well she can keep a secret. She
kept her most recent pregnancy a secret from her children and parents
for seven months.

She is ?pro-life?. She recently gave birth to a Down?s syndrome baby.
There is no cover-up involved, here; Trig is her baby.

She is energetic and hardworking. She regularly worked out at the gym.

She is savvy. She doesn?t take positions; she just ?puts things out
there? and if they prove to be popular, then she takes credit.

Her husband works a union job on the North Slope for BP and is a
champion snowmobile racer. Todd Palin?s kind of job is highly
sought-after because of the schedule and high pay. He arranges his
work schedule so he can fish for salmon in Bristol Bay for a month or
so in summer, but by no stretch of the imagination is fishing their
major source of income. Nor has her life-style ever been anything
like that of native Alaskans.

Sarah and her whole family are avid hunters.

She?s smart.

Her experience is as mayor of a city with a population of about 5,000
(at the time), and less than 2 years as governor of a state with about
670,000 residents.

During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running
this small city was turned over to an administrator.
She had been
pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had
gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had
given rise to a recall campaign.

Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a ?fiscal conservative?. During her 6
years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over
33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the
City increased by 38%.
This was during a period of low inflation
(1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a
regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she
promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they
benefited residents.

The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration
weren?t enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed
money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it
with indebtedness of over $22 million.
What did Mayor Palin encourage
the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said
she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? or a
new library? No. $1m for a park. $15m-plus for construction of a
multi-use sports complex which she rushed through to build on a piece
of property that the City didn?t even have clear title to, that was
still in litigation 7 yrs later?to the delight of the lawyers
involved! The sports complex itself is a nice addition to the
community but a huge money pit, not the profit-generator she claimed it
would be. She also supported bonds for $5.5m for road projects that
could have been done in 5-7 yrs without any borrowing.

While Mayor, City Hall was extensively remodeled and her office
redecorated more than once.

These are small numbers, but Wasilla is a very small city.

As an oil producer, the high price of oil has created a budget surplus
in Alaska. Rather than invest this surplus in technology that will
make us energy independent and increase efficiency, as Governor she
proposed distribution of this surplus to every individual in the state.

In this time of record state revenues and budget surpluses, she
recommended that the state borrow/bond for road projects, even while
she proposed distribution of surplus state revenues: spend today?s
surplus, borrow for needs.

She?s not very tolerant of divergent opinions or open to outside ideas
or compromise. As Mayor, she fought ideas that weren?t generated by
her or her staff. Ideas weren?t evaluated on their merits, but on the
basis of who proposed them.

While Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire our highly respected
City Librarian because the Librarian refused to consider removing from
the library some books that Sarah wanted removed.
City residents
rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin?s
attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew
her termination letter. People who fought her attempt to oust the
Librarian are on her enemies list to this day.

Sarah complained about the ?old boy?s club? when she first ran for
Mayor, so what did she bring Wasilla? A new set of ?old boys?. Palin
fired most of the experienced staff she inherited. At the City and as
Governor she hired or elevated new, inexperienced, obscure people,
creating a staff totally dependent on her for their jobs and eternally
grateful and fiercely loyal?loyal to the point of abusing their power
to further her personal agenda, as she has acknowledged happened in the
case of pressuring the State?s top cop (see below).

As Mayor, Sarah fired Wasilla?s Police Chief because he ?intimidated?
her, she told the press. As Governor, her recent firing of Alaska?s top
cop has the ring of familiarity about it. He served at her pleasure
and she had every legal right to fire him, but it?s pretty clear that
an important factor in her decision to fire him was because he wouldn?t
fire her sister?s ex-husband, a State Trooper. Under investigation
for abuse of power, she has had to admit that more than 2 dozen
contacts were made between her staff and family to the person that she
later fired, pressuring him to fire her ex-brother-in-law. She tried to
replace the man she fired with a man who she knew had been reprimanded
for sexual harassment; when this caused a public furor, she withdrew
her support.

She has bitten the hand of every person who extended theirs to her in
help. The City Council person who personally escorted her around town
introducing her to voters when she first ran for Wasilla City Council
became one of her first targets when she was later elected Mayor. She
abruptly fired her loyal City Administrator; even people who didn?t
like the guy were stunned by this ruthlessness.

Fear of retribution has kept all of these people from saying anything
publicly about her.

When then-Governor Murkowski was handing out political plums, Sarah got
the best, Chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission: one
of the few jobs not in Juneau and one of the best paid. She had no
background in oil & gas issues. Within months of scoring this great
job which paid $122,400/yr, she was complaining in the press about the
high salary. I was told that she hated that job: the commute, the
structured hours, the work. Sarah became aware that a member of this
Commission (who was also the State Chair of the Republican Party)
engaged in unethical behavior on the job. In a gutsy move which some
undoubtedly cautioned her could be political suicide, Sarah solved all
her problems in one fell swoop: got out of the job she hated and
garnered gobs of media attention as the patron saint of ethics and as a
gutsy fighter against the ?old boys? club? when she dramatically quit,
exposing this man?s ethics violations (for which he was fined).

As Mayor, she had her hand stuck out as far as anyone for pork from
Senator Ted Stevens.
Lately, she has castigated his pork-barrel
politics and publicly humiliated him. She only opposed the ?bridge to
nowhere? after it became clear that it would be unwise not to.

As Governor, she gave the Legislature no direction and budget
guidelines, then made a big grandstand display of line-item vetoing
projects, calling them pork. Public outcry and further legislative
action restored most of these projects?which had been vetoed simply
because she was not aware of their importance?but with the unobservant
she had gained a reputation as ?anti-pork?.

She is solidly Republican: no political maverick. The State party
leaders hate her because she has bit them in the back and humiliated
them. Other members of the party object to her self-description as a
fiscal conservative.

Around Wasilla there are people who went to high school with Sarah.
They call her ?Sarah Barracuda? because of her unbridled ambition and
predatory ruthlessness. Before she became so powerful, very ugly
stories circulated around town about shenanigans she pulled to be made
point guard on the high school basketball team. When Sarah?s
mother-in-law, a highly respected member of the community and
experienced manager, ran for Mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her.

As Governor, she stepped outside of the box and put together of package
of legislation known as ?AGIA? that forced the oil companies to march
to the beat of her drum.

Like most Alaskans, she favors drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge. She has questioned if the loss of sea ice is linked to
global warming. She campaigned ?as a private citizen? against a state
initiaitive that would have either a) protected salmon streams from
pollution from mines, or b) tied up in the courts all mining in the
state (depending on who you listen to). She has pushed the State?s
lawsuit against the Dept. of the Interior?s decision to list polar
bears as threatened species.

McCain is the oldest person to ever run for President; Sarah will be a
heartbeat away from being President.

There has to be literally millions of Americans who are more
knowledgeable and experienced than she.

However, there?s a lot of people who have underestimated her and are
regretting it.

??Hockey mom?: true for a few years
??PTA mom?: true years ago when her first-born was in elementary
school, not since
??NRA supporter?: absolutely true
?social conservative: mixed. Opposes gay marriage, BUT vetoed a bill
that would have denied benefits to employees in same-sex relationships
(said she did this because it was unconsitutional).
?pro-creationism: mixed. Supports it, BUT did nothing as Governor to
promote it.
??Pro-life?: mixed. Knowingly gave birth to a Down?s syndrome baby
BUT declined to call a special legislative session on some pro-life
??Experienced?: Some high schools have more students than Wasilla has
residents. Many cities have more residents than the state of Alaska.
No legislative experience other than City Council. Little hands-on
supervisory or managerial experience; needed help of a city
administrator to run town of about 5,000.
?political maverick: not at all
?gutsy: absolutely!
?open & transparent: ??? Good at keeping secrets. Not good at
explaining actions.
?has a developed philosophy of public policy: no
??a Greenie?: no. Turned Wasilla into a wasteland of big box stores
and disconnected parking lots. Is pro-drilling off-shore and in ANWR.
?fiscal conservative: not by my definition!
?pro-infrastructure: No. Promoted a sports complex and park in a city
without a sewage treatment plant or storm drainage system. Built
streets to early 20th century standards.
?pro-tax relief: Lowered taxes for businesses, increased tax burden on
?pro-small government: No. Oversaw greatest expansion of city
government in Wasilla?s history.
?pro-labor/pro-union. No. Just because her husband works union
doesn?t make her pro-labor. I have seen nothing to support any claim
that she is pro-labor/pro-union.


First, I have long believed in the importance of being an informed
voter. I am a voter registrar. For 10 years I put on student voting
programs in the schools. If you google my name (Anne Kilkenny +
Alaska), you will find references to my participation in local
government, education, and PTA/parent organizations.

Secondly, I?ve always operated in the belief that ?Bad things happen
when good people stay silent?. Few people know as much as I do because
few have gone to as many City Council meetings.

Third, I am just a housewife. I don?t have a job she can bump me out
of. I don?t belong to any organization that she can hurt. But, I am no
fool; she is immensely popular here, and it is likely that this will
cost me somehow in the future: that?s life.

Fourth, she has hated me since back in 1996, when I was one of the 100
or so people who rallied to support the City Librarian against Sarah?s
attempt at censorship.

Fifth, I looked around and realized that everybody else was afraid to
say anything because they were somehow vulnerable.

I am not a statistician. I developed the numbers for the increase in
spending & taxation 2 years ago (when Palin was running for Governor)
from information supplied to me by the Finance Director of the City of
Wasilla, and I can?t recall exactly what I adjusted for: did I adjust
for inflation? for population increases? Right now, it is impossible
for a private person to get any info out of City Hall?they are
swamped. So I can?t verify my numbers.

You may have noticed that there are various numbers circulating for the
population of Wasilla, ranging from my ?about 5,000?, up to 9,000. The
day Palin?s selection was announced a city official told me that the
current population is about 7,000. The official 2000 census count was
5,460. I have used about 5,000 because Palin was Mayor from 1996 to
2002, and the city was growing rapidly in the mid-90?s.


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Good read. Tells us how big of a sham Palin is to the people who know her best:

I know how to slep kool aid with the best of them

Yeah, that wasn't already posted in enough thread. Just keep trying harder there chump, maybe knock your heels together three times saying there's no place like home will do it better.


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Napalm
Originally posted by: lupi
Originally posted by: Craig234
I see a log of comments from the right liking the speeches, but pretty much zero substance about why the speeches are advocating good, specific policies.

The old 'nanny government' attacks may be less effective to a nation who is seeing itself robbed by the Republican policies, and who wouldn't mind some help.

There was about 100% more substance in the Romney speech than what was heard from the entire democrat week, other than we know Biden likes to take the train.

You lose respect when you post crap. You are either a moron, or a PR person with a Repulican Party contract.

Feel free to provide the counterpoints from the speechs they gave,

that's what I thought.


Dec 28, 2004
Cindy McCain is looking hot tonight.

Why do they have those Country First banners when all we do is fuck w/ other countries' business, while we got some serious shit going on at the home front?


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: dennilfloss
Oh great, Rudy's next.

I hear if you stand in front of a mirror in a dark room and say 9/11 three times, Rudy appears behind you.

So howd'ya like his backdrop


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2005
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Good read. Tells us how big of a sham Palin is to the people who know her best:

horrendously long email snipped

This has been posted and reposted several times in several threads already. This is the very definition of threadcrapping.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: lupi
Originally posted by: Napalm
Originally posted by: lupi
Originally posted by: Craig234
I see a log of comments from the right liking the speeches, but pretty much zero substance about why the speeches are advocating good, specific policies.

The old 'nanny government' attacks may be less effective to a nation who is seeing itself robbed by the Republican policies, and who wouldn't mind some help.

There was about 100% more substance in the Romney speech than what was heard from the entire democrat week, other than we know Biden likes to take the train.

You lose respect when you post crap. You are either a moron, or a PR person with a Repulican Party contract.

Feel free to provide the counterpoints from the speechs they gave,

that's what I thought.

Huh - are you kidding me? When did I say there was more substance in Dem X's speech vs Repub Y's speech? You did... And you provided no specifics. Take your own advice and provide a point instead of an unsupported opinion.
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