Roommates in College...


May 16, 2001
First one was great (first 2 years) then he went overseas. He came back and we are still buds.

Second one started good, his girlfriend took over his life, he was no longer allowed to talk to anyone.

Third one (my last year) should be fine as he is someone I know and does not have an insane girlfriend like the last one.


Junior Member
Jun 26, 2002
I had an OK experience with mine, I suggest calling him before actually leaving for school (they should provide you with tht info) so you guys can figure out what to bring. I had refridge and microwave while he had TV and radio that way you dont double up on stuff and really cramp your room up. It got better though b/c he ended up gettin busted for smoking pot and was kicked out. That meant I had the whole room to myself for the rest of the year. I had many good experiences with chicks after that. Just keep an open mind when meeting your roommate, and things should be alright, unless you get a real bastard.

I voted for Had a single dorm, and wished I would have had a roommate. only because there is no show me the results option and I am also interested.


Dec 18, 2001
I can't vote. my freshman roommate was cool, we still talk. my sophmore roommate turned to out to be a nutcase and if i saw him again i'd probably beat the crap out of him, junior year and beyond, best friends.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
My first roommate was a drug addict and was sitting on the floor completely zonked when I arrived (with my father) to move in. He flunked out after the first semester.

The roommate I got next was cool and years later we are still very close friends. Even though I once threw a bucket of water on him when he was sleeping.

But if the option of a single room would have been available to me, I would have taken it. Just because I'm a night person and it can be annoying to roommates who want to sleep on a normal schedule.


Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: kranky
My first roommate was a drug addict and was sitting on the floor completely zonked when I arrived (with my father) to move in. He flunked out after the first semester.

The roommate I got next was cool and years later we are still very close friends. Even though I once threw a bucket of water on him when he was sleeping.

But if the option of a single room would have been available to me, I would have taken it. Just because I'm a night person and it can be annoying to roommates who want to sleep on a normal schedule.

90% ppl living in dorms turn out to be night ppl dont worry about disturbing them...


Oct 10, 1999
My roommate sucked. It's not that he was such a bad guy, and we were actually pretty tight for the first few months, but he suddenly realized that if he didn't go to class, no one would yell at him, and he took it to heart.
He NEVER went to class after like Novermber. He was ALWAYS in the room 24x7, so I could never have any privacy or down time. Since he didn't go to class, he slept all day so I had to be quiet all day in the room and then he'd go out and drink and smoke up and come stumbling in at like 4AM waking my ass up. I wanted to kill him. I felt like I was a guest in HIS room at all times, but how the hell was I going to force him to go to class or behave like a normal college student?

After that I got a job with, and due to a manual punchdown system that was phased out the year I started, students were supposed to get single rooms in the building they served so that they were close to the comm closets.
I was able to opt for a single room with a dual-role as a "peer advisor" in a frosh dorm for an extra $1000/year in addition to my cushy $540/month paycheck. The summer before I started my sophomore year, they switched to a MAC-based punchdown system and had all the in-room jacks punched down physically, so there was no longer any need for us to live in the buildings we served. My position as a Peer Advisor was dissolved soon after, but I was allowed to keep my guaranteed housing and single room for the rest of my days. It was small, but it was mine. Getting first shot at the freshman was a good deal, too.

When I graduated I looked at moving in with a coworker, but as I looked at the fairly small room and the idea of having to share a living space with someone, I thought better of it. I pay a little more, but I live alone, and I can't live any other way now


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2000
just passing through, waiting for my roomate to reply

Seriously though i had a good experience, despite the constant berage(sp?) of projectiles being hurled at me. That's not really bad though since i was usually asleep at the time;

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
He NEVER went to class after like Novermber. He was ALWAYS in the room 24x7, so I could never have any privacy or down time. Since he didn't go to class, he slept all day so I had to be quiet all day in the room and then he'd go out and drink and smoke up and come stumbling in at like 4AM waking my ass up. I wanted to kill him. I felt like I was a guest in HIS room at all times, but how the hell was I going to force him to go to class or behave like a normal college student?

IMO, he was the normal college student.

My freshman roomate was a psycho. One night he attacked my gf and I while we were in bed, then stole my car and tried to drive to Mexico. He got 3 blocks away before he realized he didn't know how to drive stick. After he got thrown out of the dorm, I heard he was dealin coke.

After that, I lived with the same group of 4 to 6 guys. We get along great, except for the occasional fight over dirty dishes and complaints that my gf is...uh...a little to night...


Golden Member
Apr 5, 2002
had a good roommates,
he slept and played cs alot but other than that he was cool. (freshman year)
he introduced me to ATOT

soph year
had a roommate that was only there mon - thurs. and then he went home every weekend. so i had the room to me and my lady every weekend. He wouldn't let me listen to rap though. bastard. it could only be rock.


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2001
My roomate did not speak english....I have no clue how he got into let's just say I never got to know him...


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
My roomates (had two different ones in college) were both pretty cool, but each had really annoying girlfriends who were constantly over. That was the one thing that caused problems in both cases. Oh well.

One I'm still friends with and see occasionally, the other I haven't spoken to in years. <shrug>



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I had good and bad experiences, but I'd definatly reccomend having a roomate to a first year freshman.

My first roomate was pretty cool, he was considerate of my sleep patterns (in bed by midnight, up at 9 usually) and didn't bother me too much when he woke up for his 8 am classes. We had tons of fun together, except he had some faults. He was loud and obnoxious most of the time when we were around other people, he never wore a shirt, and he was a borderline alcoholic (test scores lower then he wanted them to be, he'd start drinking). He also had one other annoyance that I just couldn't get over...he looked at porn on my computer every day. He introduced me to a lot of people though who are good friends now.

My next roomate was something of a shut in. He had the same schedule as I did, so we were always in the room together at the same times. He did have a job, which was very nice, because it gave me some alone time if I wanted some peace and quiet. He stopped wearing deoderant about 6 weeks before the winter break, and watched cartoons (like pokemon) at least 7 hours a day. He couldn't express his anger in a healthy manner, so he bottled it all up. He was a ticking timebomb and I was always walking on eggshells around him. I was really glad to see him move out.

My last roomate in the dorms was pretty good. For some reason, he liked to introduce me as his lover to all his friends, dispite the fact that we were both straight. The novelty of that wore off eventually though (thank GOD). We're still pretty good friends.

Even if you think it's going to suck, you might as well get a roomate. They'll introduce you to their friends, and vice versa, so you can get a good group of people to hang out with. Guys tend to adapt to roomates much better then girls do for some reason (my little sister had some BAD roomates her freshman year), so don't worry too much about getting a bad one. Even if you do, it's a learning experience


Oct 10, 1999
IMO, he was the normal college student.
Drinking and smoking weed are things a normal college student does. I never bothered with weed, but I drank plenty, and I skipped enough classes that I had a reputation of being a slacker amongst my peers.
Except normal college students also show up for class once in awhile.
Oh, and when they get below 1.0 GPA their first semester, they usually try to work a little harder.
Like I said--I felt like a guest in his room even though it was as much my room as his. He could have at least got the hell out once in awhile so I could at least jack off or even just listen to the radio...
He wasn't psycho, he was just a waste of air and drove me up a wall for an entire year. He also almost got me kicked out of the dorm.



Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
I get along with most people alright...and I got along with my roommate too...but eventually he got on my nerves and I just turned everyone in the dorms against him so he had no friends...felt kinda bad at the end though cuase he transferred heres a list of thigns he would do

1. He wouldn't use shampoo and he would wash his hair w/ soap...then he'd rub vaseline in his hair to prevent I told everyone this and they made fun of him endlessly
2. He wanted to store pregrilled dorm burgers in the freezer...
3. He once got a birthday cake and stored it in the fridge for 4 monthes...I didn't use the fridge except for the freezer so everytime he opened it you could smell it down the hall
4. H'ed get up at 9 in the morning in saturdays and start playin yanni...2 songs...over and over again..I'd get up every 30 minutes and keep hearin the same songs...lucky I could sleep through anything
5. I brought in a TV, placed it on a stand in the middle of the room...and turned it towards my bed...well he decided to turn it towards his bed eventually I said screw can have it facing your then one day he gets sick of everyhone using his bed for a he turns it back...and everyone turns it back the other way to play 007 and use his bed as a couch...well he throws the TV up on the dresser instead having an empty TV stand in the middle of the room....again...I kept makin fun of him for this
6. I'd set my alarm...I'd be lying in bed trying to wake up or waiting for morning wood to go down so I could go take a shower...well he'd run into the shower and take a 30 minute shower...I wouldn't have minded if he would have just sset his own alarm before mine..but he always woke up on my alarm and jumped into the shower before I could get outta bed...
7. He would mooch everythingin site...borrow my stuff and not return it...I'd ask him if he'd seen my stapler..I'd spend 30 minutes looking for it...and it'd be in his desk drawer...when I asked him where it was he'd say I don't know...
8. I brought a girl back one day and she saw his soiled tighty wighties and didn't wanna come to my room again...
9. He'd use my computer and get my mousepad all I'd get back and there'd be a huge circle of wetness on my mousepad
10. Hed also get my keyboard greasy
11. I couldn't use my computer cuase he was on aim all the time getting to the point hwere I bet him 20 bucks that he couldn't go a month without using AIM...he won..and I paid him..but it was well worth it
12. He'd install all sorts of crap on my computer...such as changing my mouse pointer..installing bonzi buddy, critters on my day he installed a virus and I had to reinstall windows to fix everything...and eventually bought a new computer as a result of this
13. He stopped going to class and got depressed cause everyone made fun of his habits so everyone would make fun of him more for always being in the room
14. He got addicted to the sims and didn't go to class for 4 days straight..then I got on and killed one of his characters and he almost cried..I also made her take a leak all over the floor..and he was pissed for days
15. I was busted for cheating in a cs class and got out...genius roommate decides to copy my programs off my HD...he gets busted for cheating as well...only hes not smart enough to get out and begs me to help him get out...
16. Eventually no one liked him so he'd only eat pizzas and there was a stack of 20 pizza boxes at our door
17. He ordered chinese and didn't have enouehg he comes back and asks me for money..I give him a couple bucks and the dudes like what, no teep? and I was like I give him a dollar..and hes like thats it? so i give him another I cover him 4 bucks on a friggin 6 dollar meal that I didn't ahe any of. He didn't believe in tipping he never tipped the pizza man, never tipped the chinese man...
18. He would mooch soap and toothpaste...I mean of all the thing you should shoudl be soap and toothpaste...he did this all year long..and each time I gave him some
19. He'd call his mom for hours at a time...lose the phone, it'd run outa batteries...

So anyways, I'm pretty civil and get along w/ most people so I still talked to him and joked w/ him...its jsut that I'd make fun of his habits all day sittin there callin him moochachookwu instead of kenachukwu like his name was(he'd mooch everything off everyone)...he was nigerian...I'd be like who am I...and pretend to put vaseline in my hair...needless to say everyone else got into this act too...only reason why I put up with this was cuase I felt bad for the kid because he was so socially inept...and I figured he wasn't raised right
Now I have a roommate who I nicknamed masturbatroy and hes cool as hell..but thats a whole diff story


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
My freshman year roommate was great. We would go to the rec center and work out and play basketball all the time. Though I ended up transferring to Rochester of Technology in NY.

That?s where I got a roommate from hell. This guy would never shower or clean his clothes. Not to mention he would masturbate like 5 times a day even if I was IN the room! Ugh it stunk luckily I was only with him half the year. I could never figure out what he was err releasing in either. i never touched his sheets ehh blah

After that I had my own room for the rest of the year and then got my own place. Heh



Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
freshman year i had a triple. one of the roommates i'm still living with today (four years later) and is one of my closest friends. the other girl was really different from us. she had sex in the room while i was in there trying to sleep! among other things.

but if i saw her i'd still say hi. she was cool other than that


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2001
I had a roommate at Cornell for six weeks...

Overall, it was a good experience, but the guy was an extreme bookworm. I hardly saw him except at night. Sometimes that was a good thing, but sometimes I was tired of being alone. Some nights we would lay in bed and talk for hours. He was a great guy to be around and a good friend. I wish we lived close, because he would make a good guy to hand out with.

OTOH, I interacted with the guys of my hall much more than my roommate, because they were around more and like the night life. I would go out to meals and just hand out with them more than my roommate.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2000
I lived with 11 different people during college. I got along with all of them, but I don't keep in touch with any of them anymore. I'm a pretty private person and like having my space. I like being able to stay up all night and sleep all day if I want... stuff like that. So, I've lived alone the last two years (senior year and first year of grad school) and I'll continue to live alone unless I get married or something really strange happens.

I voted neutral. There were really good times, and really bad times, and there was plenty of time in between. Overall, I really like living alone. If you are just going into school, live with someone for a year or two. They will help you get out and meet new people, etc. After that, do what you please.



Dec 9, 2001
I commuted up to school for my first two years which really sucked. I'll be a junior in the fall, and I applied to be put on the waiting list for the 6-person suite type dorms. I just need to get out of my house and away from my parents and all that stuff...Hopefully I'll get in and it'll be good, because right about now anything is lookin better then living at home for another semester. Besides, commuting just real opportunity to interact other then class and inbetween class when everyone else is going to class, etc

Ahhh well, what do you guys think about the suite type dorms? I may start a thread on this :Q


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
I'd get bored living alone...I like playing pranks, messin w/ my roommates...drinkin some beers...playin pool, watchin football games..that kinda crap...when I'm by myself I dont' nkow what to do...don't really watch TV and I get bored on the computer all day...and I never do homework I just sit around and bs w/ my roommates all the time


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
My roommate was OK, but I can't say the same about the way he smelled. I pretty much had to deodorize the air in the room quite frequently, but it didn't seem to help... I think I still sniff that horrid smell in my nightmares....
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