Roommates in College...

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Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2001
my roommate wasn't that bad unitl he:

1. started to grow some plants in his closet and started to share mine
2. while i was away one weekend, brought a keg in the room and emptied my closet onto my bed so the RA wouldn't see it (the RA eventually heard about it and my roommate was kicked out of the room with three weeks to go in the quarter.)

if there was one thing that was good was the experiences living in a dorm with a roommate. something that i will never forget.


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
My freshman year roommate thought that since opposites were supposed to attract, she should fill out her roommate matching form the opposite of what it should have said. For example, if the roommate match form asked what kind of music she liked, and she liked country, she put rock instead. Needless to say we got along like cats and dogs. Not to mention the fact that she was an absolute loose goose (to put it nicely). She chased after so many guys so much of the time that the entire floor below us (all guys) got disgusted with her and told her to get lost.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
Both of my roommates so far have been pretty good. My freshman year, I had a senior for a roommate - he really liked that dorm, for reasons beyond me. I hated it. It was loud, old, dirty - a general scummy place, to put it bluntly. He was a pretty cool guy, though. Pretty similar interests. Once he got hooked on Counter-Strike in the fall of last year, I hardly ever talked to him unless I was playing in the same server. A few days, he'd get up at like 10 AM and play CS nonstop until 2 AM or later. He had a job three nights out of the week, so I usually had plenty of time when the room was empty. My roommate from this year was a guy I knew from the hall last year. We got along pretty well for the year. Every once in a while, we had a few minor conflicts, but nothing major. So far, my roommates haven't been bad. I still talk with both of them and will be living with the second one again this year (not technically rooming with him, though, since it will be a four-person apartment and the way it's working out, he'll be in the other room.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
I had a roomate during the summer before my freshman year who was a really cool guy. He was a surfer dude and rocker, the type I don't usually associate with. Even though we didn't hang out together, we got along great and talked hours into the night about stuff. I remember we farted all the time in our dorm room, which at UCLA are pretty freakin' small.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
For the first semester, I really enjoyed having my roommate. We were friends before school started and everything was peachy. Then second semester rolled around and I became very easily irritated. So I was probably a bad roommate.

My roommate would:
1. Come back to class at 2:00p.m. and sleep til 5 or 6. Quiet time for everyone who wanted to hang out in our room. He slept at very odd hours everyday.
2. Because of the odd hours he slept, it really seemed like his room as opposed to mine.
3. The fridge was basically his. It smelled whenever he brought his Korean food. The Microwave was worse. I ended up cleaning both when we moved out for the year.
4. Always thought he was a good dresser. Then I saw that he never washed his clothes until they got dirty. Saw the same shirts in the closet for a while.
5. We had a quad and we all took turns cleaning our bathroom. He cleaned the room after he harfed all over the bathroom(used my towel), and when we got on his case at the end of the year.
6. He always left his files on my hard drive
7. His computer was nasty. It was a very fast computer and I very much enjoyed playing MoHAA on it until my wrists just started to slide on his desk to the oiliness, and the mouse had cheeto marks on them. Very unsanitary.
8. We shared buying the food. My food always went away faster.
9. I brought the TV, Radio, Printer, Video game system, and a spare mattress.

But my roommate was cool too. I'd look forward to him coming back to the dorm from his house. His friends were my friends, and mine were his. We played basketball once in a while, and we went out to Denny's at night a lot. We just hung out a lot. We used to play online games a lot. He played a lot more

He got good grades, and I'm not really a great student, but because of the competitiveness between us he kept me in check and I managed to get a 3.2 my first semester, and a 3.0 the second. I was predicted to get a 2.6 with the classes I was taking.

I met the girl who dumped my ass(not Korean enough for ya, CHINESE chick?!) through his friends. I'm really looking forward to living alone finally, but I know there are times when I just want to have a roommate. Mine wasn't so bad. Just had hygiene problems. He could say the same for me too, I always had alittle bit too much on chili and mexican food nights.

I think everyone should have a roommate their first year though. I like being alone, and always have. Having a bad roommate can only make you stronger...or a slob



Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
geez now im all freaked about this.... first year for me starts in september and im not sure what i'll get...

applied for 1 single, double, single and quadruple (in that order) - 2 singles are 1 in different buildings so im eager to know what i got assigned...

Deleted member 4644

I had a good freshman year and I liked my roommates at lot. I couldnt say the same for the actual room however.

I had two roommates. One was an old friend of mine whom I had known since pre-school. We didnt really see each other much during high school because I had moved away, but we kept in touch. He was really cool to hang out with because we could say anything to each other and know it was a joke.

My other roommate was "the Russian". He had lived in SF for 10 years, but I still thought of him as being rather Russian. He was somewhat cleaner and more serious than either me or my old friend, but he also knew how to take a joke (usually).

Next year I am living down the hall from the Russian and in the same room as my old bud.

Let me note however, that UCLA dorms SUCK SH!T


Jun 3, 2002
I had a really prissy roommate:

1. He'd get mad when i didn't use soap and shampoo -- and he started to make fun of me when I used vaseline in my hair..and got other people to make fun of me too!

2. I wanted to store food from the dorms in my freezer, but he wouldn't let me ..i was trying to save money!!

3. I had a birthday cake in my fridge for a while -- it was sentimental to me because it was a very special birthday...and my roommate whined about it....he is so insensitive!!

4. Yanni calms me down....and he's awesome -- and my roommate didn't like it when iplayed yanni.

5. My roommate was anal if i turned the tv even an inch...he got all pissy about it. I put it up and he made fun of me....what a insensitive guy!

6. My roommate NEVER woke up to his alarm - he'd leave it rining for it would wake me up. I decided to jump in the shower when i woke up from his alarm because he was so incosiderate.

7. he'd look thru my stuff and jack my stapler!!!

8. he'd throw his underwear onto my side of the room and it was always soiled..SICK.

9. his computer was so nasty -- i'd try and clean it w/ltos of water.

10. his keyboard was so greasy that it was impossible to be fixed.

11. He'd log into my AIM and pretend to be rude!! He even bet me $20 that i couldn't use AIM on his comptuer...and I won..little did he know that i logged on AIM every day at the library!!!

12. I'd try and fix up his comupter and add these cool porgrams, but he didn't appreciate my efforts.

13. my roommate and his friends on the floor would make fun of me all the time...and make me so depresssed that i wanted to kill myself.

14. my roommate would kill my characters on The Sims...and ruin my efforts to be the best Sim God in the world....*sniff*

15. My roommmate would send me files for CS and they got me in trouble.

16. My doctor said that i could only eat pizzas because i had stomach problems..and my roomate didn't understand that.

17. my roommate would always borrow money from me, so i'd never have enough. then when i asked for it, it was like pulling teeth!!

18. i gotta keep clean!!! if i don't have any money becaose my rommate would borrow it all the time, the least he could do is let me use his toiletries!!

19. I love my momma!!


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2001
hahaha...turned that one around nicely...
although I probably wouldn't have spent all that time typing that out....
but hten I did type out all the other sh1t so...


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2001
every freshman should have a roommate unless they already know a lot of people at the school they're going to.

my roommate freshman year and I got along pretty well. the last couple of months went a little sour, but we became better friends because of it.

soph year I changed roommates to somebody i met during freshman year because we both had high lottery numbers and wanted to get a bigger room. that worked out about the same as before and it was starting to get a little taxing so we both took the opportunity at the time to transfer into the on campus apartments. so i moved into a 6 bedroom on-campus apartment which was the best time i had at school(and also worst on my grades).

junior year all the roommates in the 6 person joint either graduated or forgot to renew their housing so they stuck me with a bunch of freshman/soph presidential scholarship nerd types. so i traded with somebody and got into a 2br apt. it was a ho-hum semester. i dont think more than a dozen words were exchanged between me and that roommate the whole semester. then he moved out and another guy moved in for the last semester of junior year. talked a little more with him, but we weren't friends or anything.

4th year i stayed in the same apt and was able to bring in the same guy from soph year. that was a fun year. Then the next year, my school decided to let about 2000 more freshman into the school than they ever had before and sent me on my way to find a place off campus.

which actually turned out to be pretty good. It was actually a little bit cheaper, nicer, bigger, and the feeling of coming home and living in a place that has absolutely nothing to do with school is beyond priceless.



Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2002
This last year I had a triple. It was a good experience with ups and downs. One of my roomates was very tolerant. We could play music, talk, whatever at just about anytime. The only time we couldn't really be loud was during the 5 minutes when he falls asleep at night. After that, we could bring a whold band in the room. He really wouldn't hear it. We used to yell his name at night, but he never flinched. That guy could sleep through anything. He was awesome.

My second roomate was cool too. He wasn't in the room a lot of the time because he was out chasing girls or claiming to do so. The annoying thing is that he would try to brag about it. He would come home the next day, trying to get me to ask him where he was the night before. I used to fall for this early in the year and ask him where he was. He would then act cool and say he slept at some girl's place. But then I would find out that he slept on the floor most of the time, or that the girls thought he was wierd. Hahahah. Not only this, he likes to compare grades for the classes we take together. He would tell me what he would get and then ask me my score, as if he's trying to show off or something. Overall, he tried to act cooler than he really was. But I managed to get along.

My girlfriend lived down the hall and her roomate had a bf so she was out most of the time. I hung out in her room a lot, and got complaints at night to keep the noise/squeaking down.

College rules!
Aug 14, 2001
One of my roommates last year was just plain horrible.

1. He would walk around half naked half of the time and let's just say that he needed to lose his gut. It wasn't a pretty sight. I had this blanket downstairs in the living room and I threw it away at the end of the year because he would sleep in it half naked with his disgusting rat-like ex-girlfriend that was his only friend.

2. He was cheap and selfish. Nothing in the dorm was really his, except for the microwave (of which I had 4 at home that I could have brought). One time he came up to one of my other roommates and said "Do you see these two cups? These are my cups and I don't want anyone else to use them because you guys are disrespecting my cups." these were like .25 cent cups! He couldn't even share his plastic cups, but he expected me to share my TV, 160 DVD collection, DVD player, couches, toaster oven, pots & pans, etc.

3. He caused a fire in my toaster oven because he made hash browns all of the time. He also managed to stain the top of it with the dye from a bread bag and never mentioned anything about it.

4. He only ate food that his mother cooked for him. This wouldnt' be really bad if it wasn't for the fact that his food smelled like crap and looked like it was decaying and had some fungus growing on it.

5. He couldn't microwave anything without spilling it all over the place. Not a big deal, but when we did it, he would go absolutely crazy.

6. I'd like to say that he acted like he was 30 years old, but then I woud be lying. He actually acted older than my parents! Everyone that met him said that he acted at least 40. He basically talks like this...if you say something mean to him, he would say 'Your criticism of my personal integrity is quite alarming and distressing to my auditory senses and I do not appreciate such behavior." ...I'm not kidding. And if you were even slightly intoxicated, he would explode. None of us would ever get really drunk...I'm talking about a little buzzed here.

7. He put a REFRIGERATOR in the living room. Since he put that thing in the living room, I put boxes in the living room and then he started whining about them.

8. He couldn't do anything quietly...not even breathe or eat. Nothing has irritated me more in my life than hearing him eat his disgusting 'food'.

9. He always played what I like to call 'exit music'. When he would leave the dorm, he would blast some kind of Indian music...right before he leaves.

10. He was a fob wannabe. He was EXTREMELY I'm of Indian descent, too, but this guy was crazy...but the sad thing was that he didn't even know anything about any current events and he would always try to talk about it. He didn't even know who the prime minister of Israel was when he tried to debate us about it.

11. He stole one of my friend's BRA. I'm not sure if he wears it or not. Stole a memory stick from another friend, too.

12. He was a complete leech. He drank tons of my drinks, but never bought any and would never share.

Well, needless to say that at the end of the year we drilled holes in his cups, took all of the toilet paper, and put the thermostat on to 100 degrees.

This is what we imagine happened:

He comes in and is like 'Oddly enough, the atmospheric conditions of this residence is quite disturbing' and goes to get a drink. So he puts some in his drilled cup and it spills all over him and he's then like 'This is quite disturbing, I do not comprehend how these holes have appeared in my drinking facility'. So he goes upstairs to clean up and while he's in the bathroom he decides to use it and then realizes that he has no toilet paper...well, that's what we like to think happened.



Senior member
Oct 18, 1999
my roomates were miserable

my 2nd year roomate had gay sex in the room when i was sleeping, stole my credit card, whacked off right next to my face when i was sleeping and kept turning my alarm off and eating my food. he also kept the room messy (not dirty, just cluttered)

my 3rd year roomates were bad too, never cleaned ANYTHING, always cooking indian food and never cleaning so the place smelled like curry, there was soot all over the walls and floor, the bathroom was dirty, no decorations anywhere, they were jerks in general. they expected me to clean up the entire place because i was the only one who cared, and i'm not cleaning their messes.

i left them with over $2000 worth of dorm damage (total) and didn't have to pay a dime because i was friends with the resident advisor. it was so bad i took pictures of the place.

that's the short versino of my roomate stories because im trying to put them behind me


Nov 21, 2000
buddy of mine was the first one to arrive at the dorm. So yay he got bottom bunk, got set up. Then his roomate came. His roomate the midget. Ended up making the midget take the top bunk and every night he climbed up he would bi7ch about "if I dide doing this blah blah"


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
Here's my story/rant:

I hated my roomate from day one. My dad got use to room together because he knew the kid's boss. When I first saw hime he was the biggest redneck on the planet.

1) He always walked around in tighty-whities, even outside the room. I even woke up a few time being teabaged while he was trying to get something behid me.

2) He drank all the time, around 15 - 18 drinks at least 4 times a week.

3) He always made comments about gay people, and how the shows I watched were 'gay.'

4) He turned off my music while I was listenign to it, usually heavy metal, hardrock or disco and turned on that stupid rap sh!t where all they speak is ebonics.

5) He always tried to watch redneck stuff on my tv even though he had one of his own.

6) He came in at 2 or 3 am on some school nights and all weekend and turned the lights on then left the room and for about 3 hours while the lights were on and the door was wide open.

7) He shaved his hair/face and left the hair everywhere and wanted me to do my "share" of bathroom cleaning.

8) He always had to have the window closed even though the room was burining up.

9) He once vomited all over his bed, passed out and slept in it all night. The next day he started crying saying he wasn't going to drink anymore, then he went out drinking that night.

10) He tried to get me to make my bed when friends or family were over.

11) He told me he couldn't study with my music on and I needed to buy headphones and always use them, then after a monthe he stopped using his, and would get all pissed when I didn't use mine.

12) He told me the first day I was there that he was going to make me start drinking and smoking if it was the last thing he does.

I eventually told my RA that I couldn't take it anymore and I had to have a single room.


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2001
First one: neutral, he was never around, he had his own set of friends, and there was mutual respect
second one: ok, he was pledging a frat, so we had some rough times, also liked to bring stupid girls home
single room, great time, no problems whatsoever

eastern, 4 bedroom apartment (four singles, 2 baths, common living room and kitchen)
first three: fine, had a token and a gay guy, the third was a freak, but no problems, other than the black guy bringing his friends home a 4 in the morning and yelling a couple of times

second three: currently living with them. One is a moron, and OCD, but we only have 1.5 months left, so no problem, another and I are moving into another apartment next fall, and the third might be gay, but who cares, he's cool.

Just approach any new roommate with and open mind, and get to know them a little before you judge them too harshly. Everybody's different, and even though there are differences, you are all there for the same reason. Living with a stranger is always a compromise, and don't lose sight of that fact.


Dec 12, 2000
yeesh, all i had to do was take out the trash every 3-4 days, but the dishes piled up in the sink and nobody would touch them for weeks.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
crappy experiences throughout, i had some actualy psychos, including a kid who was actually deranged, fun times let me tell you, and i sitll have a semester left


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2000
This thread is interesting. I'm going to be starting university in a couple months. My biggest fear is getting a roomate that's a diehard rap fan. God I don't know if I could take it...


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2000
I've been the best man, or a groomsman for 2 of the 4 roommates' weddings. The other 2 I haven't talked to since I last saw them.
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