Rosetta@Home - 08/25: Stats


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
No new members today

[TA]R@H is now 189 members strong.

That number excludes some additional 30 people combined in TeAm Enterprise and about 11 in the Rebel Alliance.

Need some stats? Take a look at Free-DC, BOINC-Stats and BOINC-Synergy

Got some questions? Try the Official R@H FAQ (work in progress).

Want to know something about the medical relevance of Rosetta? Take a look at this article.

Interested in alpha testing for Rosetta? Take a look at RALPH.

Yesterday's highest overall climber: CrimsonWolf (337 spots)

Yesterday's highest TeAm climber: CrimsonWolf (2 spots)

Yesterday's production for TA: 79,798 (day before: 84,547 = -4,749)

TA's RAC 99,993

TA's total score 24,491,173

TA's world rank is: #4

Milestone Makers:


Yesterday's top 25 producers:
  • Dennis (13,785 creds)
  • TeAm Enterprise (10,432 creds)
  • uallas5 (4,727 creds)
  • BadThad (3,226 creds)
  • Rebel Alliance (3,190 creds)

  • Fardringle (3,120 creds)
  • TA_TheReaper (2,981 creds)
  • Dulanic (2,405 creds)
  • Pokey (2,202 creds)
  • Derek Ireland (1,781 creds)

  • The Arns Law Firm (1,646 creds)
  • OhioDude (1,581 creds)
  • ken008 (1,569 creds)
  • Climb4 (1,510 creds)
  • Dalephi (1,415 creds)

  • Paul (1,409 creds)
  • CrimsonWolf (1,400 creds)
  • strider7 (1,302 creds)
  • TA_GeoffS (1,289 creds)
  • Neurodog (1,109 creds)

  • idlorj (1,079 creds)
  • Strikermike (893 creds)
  • TA_JC (873 creds)
  • kb3edk (872 creds)
  • Insidious (777 creds)

SitRep for the TeAm and Rosetta News:
  • No milestone makers today.
  • We had 73 active members (38.62%).
  • I've noticed lack of interest in the Rosetta stats recently. Also, we have less and less active members. Our RAC has dropped below 100,00k as well. Now this might be due to the new cred system, but I'm not sure about that. So, what gives? Is the project not attractive to you folks anymore? Would you like some improvements on the daily stats post? These stats are work for me and if only one or two people actually read them, then I'll stop posting them. You know, it was fun while it lasted but you should leave while it's still good. But I'm not saying that these are my last stats. First I'd like to know what makes people stop crunching for Rosey and how I - with my stats post - could help improve the "Rosey experience" for TA!


BMC with thx to CyGoR


Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
I can only speak for myself of course, but I have actually increased my output by adding crunchers.

And I look forward to your posts even though I don't reply 100% of the time. But I can see if only a few of us are paying attention it can be discouraging.

Maybe as summer comes to an end and school starts back, and cool weather allows more units fired up............................... You've done a great job so far and I for one would hate to see you drop it, but you have to do what works for you.

Maybe a race?


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2006
don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your stats. they're awesome and i'm reading them every day.

however i chose to run the new cancer project of WCG and malariacontrol a bit more since Rosetta is now targetting mainly on HIV. However I didn't stop, i'm only crunching a bit less. But it'll change again since I'm waiting for a new project to crunch for TAS next month.


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Thanks for the stats, Christian.
Although I have not read them for the passed 3 - 4 days, I find them very interseting. I have now4 crunchers on Rosetta (under the Rebel Alliance name) and my output is actually going up by a few 100 credits ...
But something is going on - RA's output has dropped too, TE's as well - I think the drop is for all of us.

Looking at the numbers for the passed 6 weeks I see the following:
1. from beginning of July until August 6 we had an average production of approximately 98 000 credits per day.
2. from August 7 until August 22 we had av average production of approximately 109 500 credits/day, which is a substantial increase - and we do not know why!
3. the production started dropping August 23. That is the day when the new credit system went live. Since August 24 there have been problems with the validator.
August, 23rd
The new credit system went live.
August, 24th, 11h23 UTC
Currently all results returned are not granted credit but are set to "pending". This is due to the fact that the validator stopped working and has nothing to do with withholding credits for whatever reason.
I think that the low production is a artefact generated by simultanious problems with the validator and the new credit system.

The new credit system needs some time to stabilize, some people will leave because they do not like the new credits and care somewhat less about the science. It is a pity though - every WU crinched - for no matter what reason - is a gain for the project.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I've noticed lack of interest in the Rosetta stats recently. Also, we have less and less active members. Our RAC has dropped below 100,00k as well. Now this might be due to the new cred system, but I'm not sure about that. So, what gives? Is the project not attractive to you folks anymore? Would you like some improvements on the daily stats post? These stats are work for me and if only one or two people actually read them, then I'll stop posting them. You know, it was fun while it lasted but you should leave while it's still good. But I'm not saying that these are my last stats. First I'd like to know what makes people stop crunching for Rosey and how I - with my stats post - could help improve the "Rosey experience" for TA!
Well, Rosetta@home did ask for extra help on CASP the last couple months, so a decrease afterwards shouldn't really be unexpected. Also, the switch to new credit-system is un-surprisingly giving a dent in production. But atleast compared to some of the other nearby teams, atleast for now it looks like the change have given smaller impact on Anandtech than on some of the other teams...

Especially XtremeSystems is dropping like a stone, but then again, encouraging users that is still crunching Rosetta to leave the team, :roll: atleast in the short-term, has likely also a little bit to do with their drop...

As for stats, you've posting excellent stats, atleast compared to my quick-and-dirty SETI@home-stats, and going by the read-count they're also more popular. :beer:



Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
There is an other aspect: I have no idea about how many of the team mates are using optimized BOINC-clients, but according to the the "New Credits System" - thread at Rosetta, the credits for those clients will dropp by approximately 50% ! Those who use the standard client will see a slight increase ... It will all even out in the longer run, but still means that it will take some time before the credits will stabilize.

Yeah, Rattledagger: the CASP-challenge is over and some crunchers return to their favorite projects.

From the credit point of view, this was some awsome timing: CASP ends, new credit system, summer ending - people going to school and switching off their home computers more often - and have not started their school-comps yet, the heat of the summer is not over yet, validator problems @ Rosetta, etc.

Christian, please do not give up yet :thumbsup: :beer:. These are tremolous times and the numbers will be up and down!


Senior member
Mar 29, 2002
My RAC will drop over 50% with the new scoring system. I am still running the same rigs. It looks like the team is doing better in the daily stats. We are 3rd teamwise in Bok`s stats we were fourth before the change. The other teams are now within striking distance. Do not panic things are looking good, our Rac is down but is in a favorable proportion to the other teams. Dennis is kicking butt unoptimised. His RAC did not go down. I read these stats daily. I rarely post. A cowtipping expedition would change that.


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2003

The "production drop" is certainly the result of many users that are using the optimized clients! I was surprised at the boost I got with the new credit system, but am using the standard client on all my machines. I was actually #8 in Rosetta worldwide production yesterday according to Boincstats...before the switch to the new credit system, I was much lower. I will also have 3 new machines coming online next week!

Thanks for the stats and while our team's overall numbers may drop, the other teams are having the same issues especially if they have a larger percentage of optimized-client users. Don't worry!!

- Dennis


Apr 29, 2001
We actually outproduced XtremeSystems yesterday, and were 3rd overall. Overall I think we're doing just fine. I personally have been deployed with the Army as of a week, so untill my wife gets the computers back on, my results will be dismal.


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Thank you for your daily Rosetta stats thread, BMC. :thumbsup:


Senior member
Feb 26, 2006
I read the stats nearly every day. Thank for posting them

One thing, i know the new credit system should equalize everything, but i was using a optimized client and getting lie 2500 creds a day. now i'm below even 1000.
Should it have made that much difference??


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2003
Rosey kept freezing on me. Without a kvm or the knowledge to operate remote software, I just didn't have the strength to climb under my desk every time my stats slipped. With the hopes of grabbing a couple older crts with switching capabilities, maybe I'll give it another shot.


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
I'm glad to read all your answers and to get an understanding of what's up with Rosey. As I don't do Rosey these days - I'm busy with the smaller BOINC projects - I wasn't really up to date on the inner happenings of Rosey and the creds. But judging from your answers, there's still a lot of oohmph in TA Rosey! :thumbsup:


Golden Member
Sep 23, 2002
I also read your stats everyday BMC and appreciate the time you put into them.

I lost my work comp as I am leaving that job, but I am still crunching away with my two home pc's in the RA account.



Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
It looks like a combination of things that have conspired to make it appear as it does.

As you can see a lot of those that only view the stats have posted to assure you they are reading and appreciate the stats thread.

I can add that F@H has also seen a decrease the last couple months, probably for many of the reasons listed above. I expect after the summer is over that things will pick up for both of these great projects.

Hang in there! Your work is appreciated

PS: you usually get more posts than I do so I know what you are going through


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
I'm a stats addict so I read the stats thread every day. I just don't post much anywhere, so don't always respond.

I have optimized clients installed on most of my computers, so my average Rosetta credits dropped by about 40% even though the computers are returning the same number of results. That could account for about 2.5-3K of the "missing" average credits.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Thanks for the stats - keep up the good work

All opt clients here - so daily RAC has dropped but still running 24/7 for TE.

A weird thing happened after installing Symantec AV on my P4 3.8...
After a while BOINC failed to connect. It refused completely.
I found that Symantec had turned the Windows Firewall on & it was blocking BOINC.
The bastages!!!
Disabled Windows Firewall & BOINC could suddenly connect again.
This is my work machine & is behind a good firewall there, no need for the crappy Windows fireall anyway.
Anyway, that kind of thing can kill your RAC!!!


Feb 22, 2000
Thanks BMC! I really appreciate the stats, they are usually the only stats I have time to check out. I want you to know you're appreciated!

My production is down due to the new scoring system. Most of my herd is running the optimized clients. Also, due to summer's heat and high utily costs, I've been forced to cut back some. "Free" computer heat in the winter is GOOD, so I can crank a little more then, like little fireplaces scattered around the house, lol.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
I'm waiting until they stop working on the CASP WUs (now that CASP submission is over), and move on to something that's actually useful. Somebody here said they were working on AIDS, but I still see CASP7 WUs in the Predictor of the Day. Have they moved on, and they're just not showing it there?

P.S. That doesn't mean I'm coming back immediately either way. I'm a prime nut, so I'm on Riesel Sieve at the moment, and I may go with TAS for a bit. But I do plan to come back.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2005
After talking in his journal about the current state of their HIV research:

Link to Dr. Baker's journal

". . .As Hugo pointed out, we have not quite gotten the design methodology to the point we can run it on rosetta@home, but this should be coming in not too long as several people in my group are now focusing on this. Before this, look for protein-protein docking calculations where we are trying to predict the structures of the complexes between proteins which mediate much of the basic processes important to life. Chu Wang, a graduate student in the group, is close to having his docking methodology compatible with distributed computing, and we anticipate breakthroughs in this importnat problem as it also seems largely limited by cpu power. "


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Fardringle
I'm a stats addict so I read the stats thread every day. I just don't post much anywhere, so don't always respond.

I have optimized clients installed on most of my computers, so my average Rosetta credits dropped by about 40% even though the computers are returning the same number of results. That could account for about 2.5-3K of the "missing" average credits.

Actually, now that all of my machines have been working exclusively on jobs under the new credit system, it looks like I've actually lost about 75% of my points per day. I've dropped from nearly 6K per day to about 1.5K per day.

I know I was getting more points with the optimized clients than people running the generic client, and dropping about 50% of my average was pretty much expected, but that big of a difference really annoys me and I'm considering possibly dropping all Rosetta production once I hit 1 million points in the project (probably in a week or two).

I like the Rosetta project a lot but I like big stats more.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001

I read your stats but dont post all the time.

I am trying to get my House ready to sell and watching my Grandson (does that sound like a good excuse )

I am running 5.2.13 with the optomized client.

Should I start running the new client ??

I am running three PCs with the Rebel Alliance, hope to add on more tomorrow.

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