I guess we are the only one with survival instinct? I just pointed out other people have survival instinct too. I didn't say it is not fair for US to use missile and technology, I just say it is dumb to say only we can use what is advantageous to us, and when someone else use what is advantageous to them, we cry foul. War is dirty and people use whatever means to win, that is just the reality. That's why you better think twice when you want to start a war.
Here's a man taking sense. On one hand the rules of war are important to try to avoid unnessesary suffering, conversely, they are a rediculous idea to try to turn war, the ultimate betrayal of decancy and humanity, into a "gentleman's sport."
Let me try a little Devil's advocate here...
How can we complain about Iraq violating "Rules of War" when we illegally invaded a nation who has not attacked us, in opposition to UN rules and decision, international expectations of behavior, and the vast majority of world opinion?! What about the civilians we have killed. Like the 5 in the bus to Jordan? The Iraqi's are wrong for murdering soldiers who invaded their country, yet we are free from culpability in their deaths because our actions were a "mistake" (to quote the general, yeah oops.. :disgust: )????
Deny responsibility if you wish, but all the blood is on our hands. If we can't stomach that thought, then we shouldn't have started the war. We can't be surprized the Iraqi's are doing this, given their situation and history. They are horrible for doing so, but we've forced them into it. We cannot expect them to fight our war and just get slaughtered.
I'm so pissed off at all the "patriotic" cheerleading. "Remember 9/11," "Iraq would do it to us," "if you don't like it you can move to Iraq." Bullsh!t. My America does not behave like this. We're acting like a bunch of children cowering in the corner, so frightened were lashing out at every "bogeyman" we hear in the dark. I have family in the service, and I support them and want them to come home safe, but I am angry they have been so foolishly and recklessly put into harm's way, with so little benefit hoped to be returned.
If you like it, YOU move to Iraq, Afganistan, NK or whatever depraved country that likes to kill innocent people. Leave, my country is better than this. My country stands for decency, humanity, courage and integrity. Your cowardice is a far greater threat to this country than the likes of some 2-bit dictator like Saddam. This war only shames us all, and incurring the wrath and hatred of the rest of the world will not make us safe, only less so. Saddam could not have been left to his own devices, and war *may* have been nessesary, but not like this. This war is a result of failure, and we will all pay the price of it.
forgive my tangent, it needed to be said.