[Rumor]GTX 980Ti to launch somewhere between May 16-26th


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
Just found this. A member with great reputation from Baidu is saying GTX 980Ti will launch somewhere between May 16-26th to beat AMD`s talk in Computex.

Last week, we learned that Nvidia will launch the GTX 980 Ti in September. But the latest news is that Nvidia will advance before R9 390X is announced.

Launch is locked between May 16-26th somewhere to launch the card before Computex starts (In June)
Wonder what the price between plastic and metal version will be...
GTX 980 Ti will be a full GM200 with 3072 cores and 6GB VRAM. There will also be a Metal Enhanced Version launching later
He also said something about the performance although the translation is a bit tricky. I think he is saying GTX 980Ti will have higher clocks than Titan X but not 100% sure :hmm::
So, there is news that GTX980TI this level is most cost-effective, but also the main high frequency performance than the GTX TITAN X times.
Another version launching in September as well (The fabled water cooling edition that was hinted a week ago?)
in September will have a non-public. So there is a more powerful version of the non-public plan
Baidu: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3702150123?pn=1
Baidu translated: https://translate.google.no/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftieba.baidu.com%2Fp%2F3702150123%3Fpn%3D1&edit-text=

Awesome news. :thumbsup:
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Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
Now if only that Metal Enhanced Version was really a Water Cooled Version, that would be interesting indeed.

Late May ties in nicely with my birthday, I should probably drop hints.


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
Now if only that Metal Enhanced Version was really a Water Cooled Version, that would be interesting indeed.

Late May ties in nicely with my birthday, I should probably drop hints.

Could be this one though (translated from source):
in September will have a non-public. So there is a more powerful version of the non-public plan
More powerful = Higher clocks and Water Cooling?

Water Cooling is nice and all, but wait all the way to September? Sigh :/


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2001
good news if so... TAKE MY MONEY!

edit: let's hope not.. "There is also a message that some eggs pain, not sure there will be any"
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Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
good news if so... TAKE MY MONEY!

edit: let's hope not.. "There is also a message that some eggs pain, not sure there will be any"
Did you manage to translate that one?

Good news indeed. Looks like my summer build with Skylake, GTX 980Ti and Acer Predator IPS may be happening! YAY!
Feb 19, 2009
It's pretty assured that the 980ti with custom PCBs & cooling is going to boost out of the box much higher, and with more OC headroom, even if it had crippled GM200, it will still rival Titan X performance. If its a full GM200 with less vram (will lower the power a bit, allowing the core to reach higher boost!), it will smash Titan X.

You have to ask yourself why would NV want to launch the Titan X beating card that sells for less than $999 earlier than they have to?

Why would NV even see AMD as a threat, to pre-empt their 390X launch in Computex?

Also, full GM200 doesn't make much sense. Where's all the harvested dies going? Why would they use a full GM200 for the 980ti to pressure their Titan X perf/price segment?

If true, this suggests NV thinks the 390X is indeed very fast (remember, some game devs & journalists with 390X hands on have said on twitter, its very fast, much faster than leaks suggests), it will stomp on Titan X so NV needs a more high powered SKU to combat it.

Think about the last round, Titan came at $1000, then later, NV released a weaker 780 for consumers. It did not impact Titan, because it was still faster and it had the advantage of DP compute. If NV were to launch a full GM200 on custom PCBs with 6GB vram, it will easily be up to 15% faster than Titan X (imagine Titan X that boost to 1.4ghz out of the box!). There's very little incentive to pay extra for a slower Titan X, since 6GB vram is the sweetspot for 4K and most gamers are still on 1080p with enthusiasts on 1440p.

ps. The only scenario I see to make 390X *that fast* is if its on GF 14nm, early wafers, low yields thus what the AIBs have been saying is true, they haven't launched because they lacked inventory and waiting to build supply. I just don't see a 550mm2 GCN die on 28nm being that fast (potentially R295X2 fast).
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Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
Sounds to me like they are replacing the GTX Titan X. Considering you will find both plastic and Meta build for this card.
The card is def aimed to compete against 390X both in price and in performance. AMD better not wait until September if the 980Ti launch in May. There wont be much market left to fill left if that happens
Feb 19, 2009
Why would they replace Titan X?

NV wants to sell ~$1000 consumer GPU.

Unless 980ti is going to be $999 and 15% faster, it makes no sense for NV to release full GM200 with higher clocks and sell it for less.


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
To match AMD in price.
Its easy. No competition. Great profit.
Competition. Less profit.
I can only think of one reason to keep Titan X. And that is because of the 12GB VRAM.

Its Nvidia being smart and proactive and beating AMD to the punch. There was already news a week ago that Nvidia was done with GTX 980Ti and was looking for a launch date. I guess they found it in May
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Sep 25, 2013
Lemme translate some info I haven't seen posted in thread yet.

"Time is locked between May 16-26, specific dates is unknown at this point, but for sure before computex in June. Unfortunately, 980Ti will first launch as reference card, non-reference cards will have to wait until September."

"GTX 980Ti will be the most performance to price competitive, with a focus on high frequency, performance will not be slower than Titan X."

"The other news is more troubling (egg hurt), though we're not sure if it's true. Seems after the 980Ti there will be a metal enhanced version, spec is unclear at this point. We guess with higher core clock and better cooling. Stay tuned while we verify this info."
Feb 19, 2009
To match AMD in price.
Its easy. No competition. Great profit.
Competition. Less profit.
I can only think of one reason to keep Titan X. And that is because of the 12GB VRAM.

Its Nvidia being smart and proactive and beating AMD to the punch. There was already news a week ago that Nvidia was done with GTX 980Ti and was looking for a launch date. I guess they found it in May

As I've said, this would imply NV knows the 390X is beast mode. Else they won't launch a Titan X beating 980ti that threatens the $999 price mark for Titan X.

This leads me to the other point, leaks suggest 390X is 50% above R290X. That's believable on 28nm with improved GCN + HBM. If its much faster as some sources have said, then I think it must be on GF's Samsung's 14nm.

Interesting times ahead either way.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
Cheezus Christ!

For me this looks again like *another* "graphics card for Power Ball winners", people who are able to (or crazy enough) to spend €800-€1000 on a SINGLE GPU. This is NOT a card for the majority of people.

If this card is just anywhere near Titan X prices, 90% of people will still be running 970s and the more lucky ones 980s, so we're still "stuck" with cards with 4GB max. or worse, with 3.5GB cards like the GTX 970.

What we need is an affordable card like the GTX 970 WITH 6GB MEMORY. Period. To replace the GTX970 in this segment and get rid of this 3.5GB video memory problem. Respective a GTX980 level card with 6GB. I am not interested in this pricing segment of €900+ cards whatsoever. You will hopefully agree there.


Senior member
Jul 22, 2009
You have to ask yourself why would NV want to launch the Titan X beating card that sells for less than $999 earlier than they have to?

Maybe the Titan isn't selling as well as they expected? No stock on retailers, but from what I've seen, it hasn't ever went out of stock on Nvidia's own store... http://www.geforce.com/geforce-gtx-titan-x/buy-gpu

And there seems to be a lot of people waiting for a card that is almost as fast as the Titan but a bit more reasonably priced, especially with games like TW3 coming out soon. At ~$700 they'd lure all these buyers in before AMD releases its new card.
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Senior member
Mar 24, 2015
Maybe the Titan isn't selling as well as they expected? No stock on retailers, but from what I've seen, it hasn't ever went out of stock on Nvidia's own store... http://www.geforce.com/geforce-gtx-titan-x/buy-gpu

And there seems to be a lot of people waiting for a card that is almost as fast as the Titan but a bit more reasonably priced, especially with games like TW3 coming out soon. At ~$700 they'd lure all these buyers in before AMD releases its new card.
TW3 would probably be the best game used by Nvidia to market for the 980 Ti.

Almost same time frame both are out.

Don't really care about Nvidia killing their own Titan X sales.

When consumers win it's good news.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
And there seems to be a lot of people waiting for a card that is almost as fast as the Titan but a bit more reasonably priced, especially with games like TW3 coming out soon. At ~$700 they'd lure all these buyers in before AMD releases its new card.

This is actually a brilliant strategy if you think about it. A lot of this year's major game releases are coming out by the end of June. I really don't know what AMD's game plan this whole generation was but their GPU division is bombing. Did they honestly believe they could use R9 280/280X/290/290X for 10 months against Maxwell and they would be fine? This generation has me scratching my head. GM200 6GB and R9 390 somewhat "behind" in the cycle (they are not technically late because no official release date was announced). I really hate this bifurcating the generation strategy. By June-July 2015, we are getting close to 14nm/16nm GPUs, while 970/980 are approaching 1 year birthdays. If NV beats 390 series by 2-3 months with GM200 6GB, they would get a lot of the hold outs on 680/7970 style cards. It's just amazing how this GPU generation NV is basically dictating everything and AMD is just there hoping reverse their failures in 2016....:hmm:

Either way it would be nice if we say 980Ti with similar performance to the Titan X at $699. Do that, drop the price of 980 to $499 and that's going to put even more pressure on AMD.


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2013
I fully expected this and I'm really glad I skipped the Titan X.
Me too i was hungry for GTX Titan X horse power but i will wait and for GTX 980 Ti SLI or whatever it is called.
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Aug 14, 2000
Me too i was hungry for GTX Titan X horse power but i will wait and for GTX 980 Ti SLI or what it is called.
I might even skip the 980Ti. Seeing a 970 provide equal performance to the original Titan while being 1/3 the price puts a new perspective on things.

Plus I run a 1080p display now by choice, which has the net effect of doubling the performance of my Titan compared to my previous 1600p target. Suddenly I have a whole lot more freedom available to me.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2012
This is actually a brilliant strategy if you think about it. A lot of this year's major game releases are coming out by the end of June. I really don't know what AMD's game plan this whole generation was but their GPU division is bombing. Did they honestly believe they could use R9 280/280X/290/290X for 10 months against Maxwell and they would be fine? This generation has me scratching my head. GM200 6GB and R9 390 somewhat "behind" in the cycle (they are not technically late because no official release date was announced). I really hate this bifurcating the generation strategy. By June-July 2015, we are getting close to 14nm/16nm GPUs, while 970/980 are approaching 1 year birthdays. If NV beats 390 series by 2-3 months with GM200 6GB, they would get a lot of the hold outs on 680/7970 style cards. It's just amazing how this GPU generation NV is basically dictating everything and AMD is just there hoping reverse their failures in 2016....:hmm:

Either way it would be nice if we say 980Ti with similar performance to the Titan X at $699. Do that, drop the price of 980 to $499 and that's going to put even more pressure on AMD.

16nm/14nm GPUs are atleast 12 - 15 months away. Apple and Qualcomm will clean out any 16/14nm wafer allocation at TSMC/Samsung in 2015. Samsung will also be ramping the output for their Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge phones. btw Samsung's S6 chip is just 78 sq mm and still yields are crap. The earliest you will see a 16/14nm GPU from either vendor is mid-2016 (around Computex).

maybe you are assuming that the ramp of 16/14nm will be flawless when its well known that even the mighty Intel has yield troubles at 14nm. Intel is yet to ramp a > 200 sq mm 14nm chip in very high volume. If thats the case what is the hope for TSMC/Samsung. There are rumours of yields in the 30% for Apple A9 at GF (which is using a copy exact of the Samsung 14nm).


If this is the case for sub 150 sq mm chips whats the hope for 300 sq mm chips. Its going to be a long time before we see a 16/14nm GPU with a die size of 300 - 350 sq mm.

You are also underestimating the complexity of transition to HBM. AMD is making the transition to HBM on a very mature and high yielding 28nm process. There is a mention that the first 14nm Nvidia chips are Maxwell shrinks.


There are 2 ways this can work out. Nvidia goes straight to Pascal with a very high risk of serious challenges due to the number of high risk factors - An all new GPU architecture, all new memory system called HBM, all new production process (2.5D stacking), all new low latency high bandwidth I/O tech called NVLink. This is far more riskier than even Fermi as it adds a state of the art communication tech as an added risk. Alternatively Nvidia can go to Maxwell shrinks first which means we are unlikely to see a Pascal GP104 before Q1 2017.

The last time Nvidia was behind with a memory standard they took 21 months to catchup (HD 4870 vs GTX 480). So you can believe what you want to.

btw RS without knowing the performance of R9 390X,R9 390, R9 380X and R9 380 and the OC headroom don't jump to conclusions. Also I will tell you that the majority of 2016 GPUs from both GPU vendors will be at 28nm. I believe AMD has a tough road ahead till Zen and K12. AMD can only save themselves from death if Zen is competitive with Intel Skylake and they are able to gain back market share in servers, desktops and notebooks. Otherwise AMD might not be able to hold on any longer than 2017 and we will eventually see them go away.
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Golden Member
May 21, 2008
980 ti with titan x performance at $699 in may is a very compelling buy. i don't expect to see the next generation of gtx (with another 970-esque value card) until sometime next year.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
Plus I run a 1080p display now by choice, which has the net effect of doubling the performance of my Titan compared to my previous 1600p target. Suddenly I have a whole lot more freedom available to me.

Getting into competitive 120-144Hz FPS gaming? or you prefer DSR +1080P over 1600P?
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