Rumor: No high end Kepler until later in 2012


Senior member
Sep 16, 2010
Gotta feeling being bull but really shocking if true :|en&

aken together the story of a leading OEM vendors, are named to the product roadmap for NVIDIA's Kepler generation, but the following four products.

  • GK110: Configure GK104 × 2, supports PCI Express Gen.3
  • GK104: Performance GPU, supports PCI Express Gen.3
  • GK106: Mainstream GPU, supports PCI Express Gen.3
  • GK107: Entry GPU (only OEM?), Supports PCI Express Gen.2
Multiple parties are close to NVIDIA "Initially, GPU core architecture of Kepler is only two" are aligned with the mouth. However, among the participants are getting the same information, "GK107 GK106 is the same GPU core, but aimed to differentiate itself by disabling some of the CUDA Core" and of that, "GK106 is compatible version of PCI Express Gen.3 GK107, GK107 although the meantime be provided as needed for major PC vendor to supply early, and eventually will be integrated or not, "and so on, opinions are divided It is that reality. However, support for PCI Express Gen.3 of GK106, "The outcome of the verification operation may be postponed," and noted that some participants will want to remember.
In addition, GPU for notebook PC, and power pop from that corresponding to the PCI Express Gen.3, expected to be delayed responses. PCI Express Gen.3 story becomes a story of the GPU for the desktop PC.

So, Kepler roadmap Importantly, as can be inferred from the model number, GF100 (= GeForce GTX 480) chips like big (at least for the time being), but that does not appear. 穿 (the sale) if the view was of the AMD "sweet spot strategy" Like, is not considered to have no potential to focus resources on product shipments even NVIDIA, actually, "the Kepler Architecture characteristics, which makes it difficult to introduce because of the big chip "(An official close to NVIDIA).

As mentioned earlier, NVIDIA has not revealed the details of the Kepler architecture to partners. However, the company is "in order to greatly improve the precision floating point performance in Kepler, aimed to optimize the architecture" that is described as turning, as well as strengthen itself CUDA Core, Streaming Multi- processor (SM) Graphics Processing Cluster and (GPC) but also signs revised configuration. Thus, "I heard that the operational efficiency reaches 1.5 to 2 times compared with the Fermi architecture" is the official valve OEM.
Another official close to NVIDIA's "CUDA Core of Kepler, which also heard plans to support integer arithmetic 64bit. Whether it is achieved in the first generation of Kepler is not known, fairly CUDA Core Strengthening saw would be more natural, "that he said. Kepler generation, rather than raising the number of CUDA Core, by strengthening itself CUDA Core, but it is aimed to raise the efficiency of operations per unit of power, but officials agreed view.

GPU Roadmap as of August 2011. The latest information on the 2012 Kepler, Maxwell in 2014 and has been On the other hand, by increased efficiency through improved operations GPU CUDA Core, sister more and more power, and many officials were seen as difficult to manufacture a big chip. OEM official said, "GK104 power exceeds 250W" also points out.
In fact, NVIDIA is in a developing stage of PCI Express Gen.3, and has sought to incorporate into standard PCI SIG power 400W. Initially, the chip had been planned as a big-generation flagship Kepler, it is possible that the development has been postponed and power consumption issues.

In GTC 2010 was held in San Jose, California in September 2010, Jen's NVIDIA-Hsun Huang CEO is "at present is to slow down the cycle and a half years to two years the evolution of process technology, the GPU will need to plan for this cycle, according to the product lineup, "had said. In short, two years of the Kepler architecture portfolio is not market must continue.
The NVIDIA that point, the GeForce GTX 580, has a track record of achieving low power consumption of GeForce GTX 480 while the same process technology. 2013 from the end of 2012, big chip low power consumption technology aimed at the optimization of the process "GK102" or "GK112" (referred to by different Source &#8251 It is reported that there are plans to introduce , the story would say highly likely.

NVIDIA GPU Roadmap for Desktop PC
Furthermore, according to the specifications that are currently exposed to the OEM relationship, the amount of graphics memory or 3GB GK104 is 1.5GB, the memory interface (the same GF110 and GF100) 384bit. Single-precision floating point performance is expected to greatly exceed 2TFLOPS. GK110 GK104 is equipped with two groups, but the clock kept to the problem of low power consumption, processing performance is still coming over the 4TFLOPS. And they mentioned his name GK112 GK102 Furagushippuchipputaru or earlier, is expected to be adopted by 512bit memory interface.
So maybe no high end until 2H 2012 on the Green side?
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happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
So no gtx680 till late 2012 and no dual gtx690 till 2013?
If anyone believes this I have some swamp land I'd love to sell you in Florida.



Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Possible. Maybe why we are starting to see even more 40nm cards coming out this late in the game.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
I hope its true. To spare me the expense of upgrading cards every 12 months.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
I hope its true. To spare me the expense of upgrading cards every 12 months.

You wouldn't have to do that if you purchased an HD5870 for $370 in September/October of 2009 or GTX470/480 in April 2010. Also, if you upgrade the minute new cards are out, that's probably because you want to, not because you need to. The quicker next generation of cards comes out, the better:

1) It allows early adopters to buy the next generation of cards and satisfy their needs for having the best, while letting AMD/NV sell those cards for the highest prices possible;

2) It results in current generation of cards to be sold off at discounted prices;

3) It allows next generation mid-range cards to often achieve performance of previous high-end cards at $200-250 price levels (i.e., it brings better performance to those who don't want to pay $400-500 for it);

4) It elevates the available performance for developers (while they won't necessarily start developing games for GTX680, the lowest common cards will move from 8800GT/9800GT/3870 to say 5770/6770/GTX550Ti, etc.)

5) The longer NV's next generation of cards is delayed, the more reason it gives AMD to raise prices. That's not the optimal scenario for gamers who generally have at least 2 options at the same price level.

6) Remember how Fermi was delayed by 6 months, well that pushed Kepler at least 6 months out since NV's teams were too busy fixing Fermi. If Kepler gets delayed even more, ultimately that delays Maxwell (and even more stagnation in pricing).

If Kepler's high-end cards aren't out by Summer 2012, it's Cypress vs. Fermi all over again. I don't think outside of AMD, anyone wants that.
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Platinum Member
Jul 1, 2004
hope it's not true. Kepler needs to come out or the 7970 will cost 700 bucks easy


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2010
Weren't the AMD new cards touted as coming out in September ? So I guess they must be delayed ?
Revision History


  • Removed PowerColor hardware giveaway
  • Added support for ATI Radeon HD 6320, ATI FirePro V9800, AMD FirePro V4900
  • Added support for GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 cores, GeForce GTX 460 v2, NVIDIA Quadro NVS 420, NVIDIA Quadro NVS 450, NVIDIA Quadro FX 380 LP
  • Fix for incorrect shader reading on Blackcomb
  • Added basic detection for NVIDIA Kepler GK107


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
I hope that is not true. As AMD is no option for me, 2012 would be kind of a dry spell.

So basically they wait until they can bring out the "GTX580" of this generation and forsaking the new "GTX480" because it's to big and to power hungry? On the one hand, it makes sense due to cost and bad publicity (thermi). But I don't get it. It's 28nm and fixed up Fermi quite well with the 580 - why do they apparently have problems again?


Apr 8, 2002
You wouldn't have to do that if you purchased an HD5870 for $370 in September/October of 2009 or GTX470/480 in April 2010. Also, if you upgrade the minute new cards are out, that's probably because you want to, not because you need to. The quicker next generation of cards comes out, the better:

1) It allows early adopters to buy the next generation of cards and satisfy their needs for having the best, while letting AMD/NV sell those cards for the highest prices possible;

2) It results in current generation of cards to be sold off at discounted prices;

3) It allows next generation mid-range cards to often achieve performance of previous high-end cards at $200-250 price levels (i.e., it brings better performance to those who don't want to pay $400-500 for it);

4) It elevates the available performance for developers (while they won't necessarily start developing games for GTX680, the lowest common cards will move from 8800GT/9800GT/3870 to say 5770/6770/GTX550Ti, etc.)

5) The longer NV's next generation of cards is delayed, the more reason it gives AMD to raise prices. That's not the optimal scenario for gamers who generally have at least 2 options at the same price level.

6) Remember how Fermi was delayed by 6 months, well that pushed Kepler at least 6 months out since NV's teams were too busy fixing Fermi. If Kepler gets delayed even more, ultimately that delays Maxwell (and even more stagnation in pricing).

If Kepler's high-end cards aren't out by Summer 2012, it's Cypress vs. Fermi all over again. I don't think outside of AMD, anyone wants that.

Kepler and Fermi has two different design teams. Fermi's delays have no effect on Keplers release.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
If they postulate over 2TF for the GK104 at 250+W, it would contradict the rest of the article. They focus on energy efficiency and bring a chip that has double the SP performance of GTX560Ti and use significantly more power? Makes no sense.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
I hope it isn't true simple because I like the price competition. I fully intend on buying AMD, but if NV is that far out, AMD has no reason to price compete with NV's 40nm cards.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
It does not make sense that it would take Nvidia 2 1/2 years to bring to the market a newly designed high end GPU. March/April of 2009 was when GF100 made it's debut, and even then it was 6 months late. Fermi being late should not have had any impact on Kepler's development.
Feb 19, 2009
GK107 = low-end
GK106= mid-range
GK104 = high-end <--- 250W for a performance part is fine. >2t sp/1t dp performance at 250W (gtx480 has ~550 tflop dp @ 300W) means they managed to slightly more than double Fermi in perf/watt, which is more than perfection when you consider a 40nm -> 28nm node jump enables just that, doubling perf/watt if it scales perfectly.

GK110 = 2x GK104 dies <-- gtx690, enthusiast range.

GK112 = next gen/refresh kepler with 512bus.

IF you believe the rumors, NV has just recently taped out a kepler die on 28nm and its the low end probably gk107 small die. They haven't even taped out the mid range gk106 or gk104, there's no way they are going to bring it to market within the next 6 months given that first revisions theres always some problems. AMD has taped out GCN SI many months ago, and i guess there have been serious problems for their delays. But again, only if you believe the rumors.

Partners are saying NV is not briefing them on any meaningful specs, just expected performance/power target and timeline. Then again, AMD is keeping it tight too.
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Will Robinson

Golden Member
Dec 19, 2009
That info/rumor can't be true because TViceman has repeatedly bet everyone here that it would be within two months of AMD's launch.
Feb 19, 2009
It does not make sense that it would take Nvidia 2 1/2 years to bring to the market a newly designed high end GPU. March/April of 2009 was when GF100 made it's debut, and even then it was 6 months late. Fermi being late should not have had any impact on Kepler's development.

Its not the fault of NV or AMD i dont think. Its the node switch to 28nm.

Thats why as long as these companies use 3rd party fabs such as TSMC, intel will always retain their huge node lead.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
You can't believe any of this rumor crap anymore.

I mean really, the 7970 series was gonna launch in MAy, then it was July. , then it was September, then by Black Friday , then it was CHristmas, NOw it 1st quarter of 2012.

Nvidia said 2 months ago, Keplar will be ready 1st Q 2012. I'm betting end of first quarter about 2 months after the 7000 series.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
I hope that is not true. As AMD is no option for me, 2012 would be kind of a dry spell.

So basically they wait until they can bring out the "GTX580" of this generation and forsaking the new "GTX480" because it's to big and to power hungry? On the one hand, it makes sense due to cost and bad publicity (thermi). But I don't get it. It's 28nm and fixed up Fermi quite well with the 580 - why do they apparently have problems again?

Everyone is having problems with 28nm.

But i bet you will see 28nm nvidia cards before mid 2012. I would bet you will see 28nm chips sooner than most ppl think.....


Senior member
Jul 31, 2010
This is hard to believe, what was Nvidia doing for the past 2 years then?
It is common knowledge that TSMC is the one that is holding everyone back.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Everyone is having problems with 28nm.

But i bet you will see 28nm nvidia cards before mid 2012. I would bet you will see 28nm chips sooner than most ppl think.....

For what its worth, unlike the easily available and well-known issues facing GloFo's 32nm/28nm for the past year, there has been an equally notable lack of crisis or panic coming from the Taiwan contingent.

Not that everything is peachy keen with TSMC's 28nm, obviously D0 numbers are elevated as they are for any new node this early into production ramp an that spells doom and gloom for functional yields on large die chips.

But if Kepler is delayed I'd have to place my bets on it being delayed for respin reasons rather than being delayed for capacity/yields reasons. (unlike the case with GloFo's 32/28nm "debacle")


Sep 3, 2001
something I didn't notice before, but looking at that road map I see something interesting: nVidia will still be stuck with GDDR5 while AMD (at least as far as we know) is going to be moving on to XDR2

to compensate we see nVidia returning to a 512bit bus, which would be necessary to compete with XDR2 on a mere 256bit bus, but of course there are the rumors of AMD putting the 7900s on a 384 bit bus...which means AMD should have a significant bandwidth advantage.

blech, these rumors are driving me nuts
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