[Rumor (Various)] AMD R7/9 3xx / Fiji / Fury

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Jun 12, 2015
The rebrands are in stores right now. We will get specs and prices for them but it looks that there wont be reviews...

Stores get product in stock even weeks before release date of said product, video games is excellent example of this. Even 2 weeks before release stores getting hottest upcoming games into stock, but have to keep them under lock and key.

Getting stock doesn't mean release date is within next e.g. 5 days, it may be weeks out. Same applies here and only on 16th we will know when release date is.

Also to note I'm not arguing release date can't be e.g. 16th or 17th, but at the end of the day we don't know anything yet. What if release date is 23rd and sites get HW to bench on E3 week?

You can put words into my mouth because you're an upset fan boy, or you can be objective and discuss this intelligently. Everything thus far leading up to the launches is a failure. No other way to put it. Step outside the AMD Zone and look around at gaming (non technical) website forums / comments. Shacknews, giantbomb, bluesnews, kotaku, ars, gamespot...these people represent 95% of the buying market from ultra high end to low end. Most posters on this subject are being as critical on AMD's current actions as I am, if not flat out given up. There are a few adamant defenders - like yourself - but the vast posters that were waiting with old hardware have been jumping the gun on the GTX 980 TI + 1 game or $499 GTX 980 + two games because there has been very little indication that the 300 series is going to be anything other than the same old chips, and beyond the HBM overview a month ago - there has been virtually nothing on Fiji performance.

Witcher 3, GTA V, Cars, Wolfenstein New Blood, Kerbel Space... all these demanding games have come out in the past 2-3 months and people who bought these games are sick of waiting on uncertainty when they want to be playing NOW, or they were enticed with Nvidia game bundles.

So because AMD isn't leaking details, pics and in-house benches before 16th people are jumping into conclusions based on rumors and somewhat dodgy leaks (early sold HW tested with drivers that don't properly support HW? mkay) and purchasing Nvidia? Well it's their right and prerogative, but to doom and gloom this all to be total 100% failure before anything has been said officially is just ridiculous. Maybe AMD delivers on 16th and maybe they don't, but I would save bashing and such for that moment when they don't deliver.

I would argue these rumors are for many just good excuse to pull trigger on that 980Ti about which they have been on fence for few week, "Well AMD is going to suck anyways so I just may pull trigger now and get free game too..."
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Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
You can put words into my mouth because you're an upset fan boy, or you can be objective and discuss this intelligently. Everything thus far leading up to the launches is a failure. No other way to put it. Step outside the AMD Zone...


Jun 26, 2009
You can put words into my mouth because you're an upset fan boy, or you can be objective and discuss this intelligently. Everything thus far leading up to the launches is a failure. No other way to put it.

You're still talking about it...


May 7, 2002
AMD has given Fury samples out. There is no question about this.
It may not be given to some people/sites, but, who cares, except for their egos?
Heaven forbid that those sites might have to actually spend some $$$ to get an actual card when it is released, instead of getting a freebie/loaner.

The constant browbeating going on in this thread (and certain sites) is typical FUD.
In fact, I bet if this whole thread would be removed, nothing would be lost, except for the constant bickering about who can read between the lines better, and if their crystal ball works better than anyone else's.

It would be a nice change to have AMD boycott all supposed "review" sites.
Let word of mouth sell your product, not paid shills or shill sites.


Feb 23, 2015
I tend to agree - I think 300 series will be a failure - from the looks of it they have done nothing on hdmi, or architecture tweaks. They had almost 2 year and sat there twiddling thumbs. Sure Fiji might be good card and all that but how well will a $700 card sell vs a $200-300? I'm not saying Fiji is bad, I'm saying they haven't done anything for the other cards coming out.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
I am more surprised that the proAMD folks are still cheering as all this is playing out. Its bizarre.

AMD going underground and sticking it to the media. Yeah, I can't see how people think this is great.
I really hate the idea that all these cards are looking to be straight rebrands. Sticking it to the media, that's how they plan on getting marketshare back up?

I can't say 100% that this will turn out bad for them, but scares the crap out of me.

I guess the stay calm "campaign" is in full force.

I am having a real hard time with that. This is really looking terrible to me.

Why are we posting that AMD "Has stuck it to the media" like it's fact. I haven't seen a single site with a shred of credibility come out and say anything negative about the launch.

PCPer is not a review site. It's nvidia's PR Mouthpiece. Until they clean up their act and prove otherwise they should not be given anything for review. They are worse clickbait than WCCF Tech.

I would imagine if AMD does well enough and swings marketshare they will no longer have 75% of the market eating up their swill. We can only hope that they won't be able to afford to keep running because they don't deserve it.


Senior member
Jul 22, 2009
AMD has given Fury samples out. There is no question about this.
It may not be given to some people/sites, but, who cares, except for their egos?
Heaven forbid that those sites might have to actually spend some $$$ to get an actual card when it is released, instead of getting a freebie/loaner.

The constant browbeating going on in this thread (and certain sites) is typical FUD.
In fact, I bet if this whole thread would be removed, nothing would be lost, except for the constant bickering about who can read between the lines better, and if their crystal ball works better than anyone else's.

It would be a nice change to have AMD boycott all supposed "review" sites.
Let word of mouth sell your product, not paid shills or shill sites.

Haven't seen a shred of evidence that Fury samples have gone out yet. Only people I've seen that have gotten Fury early are developers, no media.

But if Fury is launching a bit later as rumors suggest it makes sense that cards might not arrive to reviewers until later next week. That doesn't bode well for the 300 series though imo as all attention will be on Fury.
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Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
Haven't seen a shred of evidence that Fury samples have gone out yet. Only people I've seen that have gotten Fury early are developers, no media.

Well then, you haven't seen a shred of evidence, therefore no samples have gone out. I wish I had known this sooner.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2012
AMD has given Fury samples out. There is no question about this.
It may not be given to some people/sites, but, who cares, except for their egos?
Heaven forbid that those sites might have to actually spend some $$$ to get an actual card when it is released, instead of getting a freebie/loaner.

The constant browbeating going on in this thread (and certain sites) is typical FUD.
In fact, I bet if this whole thread would be removed, nothing would be lost, except for the constant bickering about who can read between the lines better, and if their crystal ball works better than anyone else's.

It would be a nice change to have AMD boycott all supposed "review" sites.
Let word of mouth sell your product, not paid shills or shill sites.
amd still need to market their product :biggrin: marketing is everything. recognizing shills that is 100% for your competitor is very important. there will always be shills for either side. but why give them free stuff when they are clearly 200% against you?

@tv I don't report anyone, ever :biggrin: simply don't care enough. I do point out obvious fud though. coming from very open forums with super lax policies/rules, it takes time to adjust to the strict rules here. but just realized how some of the resident trolls skirt around them. I am learning


Jun 26, 2009
Not what I said. The poster I quoted said there's "no question" samples have gone out, so where is the evidence?

The evidence is what you yourself said: developers have them. Therefore samples are out there.

And if you imagine that strict NDAs aren't in effect... I mean... really?


Senior member
Mar 16, 2014
No fury leaks, rebadged cards with hopefully slightly improved TDP, upset press sites about not getting review samples ahead of launch....

Unless AMD is trolling everyone, which would be stupid in its own way, it's clear that these launches are going to be ho hum. No one knows anything about Fury yet so I guess there is still hope because holding cards so close to your chest means either the perf/$ on the high end won't change, or AMD has got a grand slam and wants to spring it on Nvidia before Nvidia can react with price cuts.

As far as the rest of the rebadged series is concerned, AMD should stop being coy about the rebadged. Instead own up to it, tout whatever (small) improvements there might be, and hammer home the perf/$ metric. A slightly faster Hawaii with 2x the vram and aftermarket coolers at $379-399 will review very well against the $500 5% faster gtx980. Why can't AMD do something right at a GPU launch?? 7970 was meh at launch for a $550 next gen high end, 290x reviewed like a gtx 480 without a clear advantage, and Tonga had less vram and traded blows with the cheaper 7950...

I don't understand how a lack of official information on an unreleased product is in any way being "coy". Also you seem think AMD should "own up" to rebranding a product that's, you guessed it, yet to launch and whose changes from the previous series aren't officially know. Why can't AMD get something right at GPU launches that haven't happened yet?

Who told you I'd the exact same card? It may well be, but we don't know yet.

The standard of proof seems to swing wildly dependent on how pleasing the outcome would be to the person in question.
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Senior member
Jul 22, 2009
The evidence is what you yourself said: developers have them. Therefore samples are out there.

And if you imagine that strict NDAs aren't in effect... I mean... really?

Let me clarify: review samples.

Developers are often given engineering samples far in advance ( didn't Johan Andersson @ DICE tweet a pic of a Fury card almost a month ago?) so I don't think you can assume that review samples have gone out based on that.

Of course I imagine NDAs are effect... in which case there is no way to know if any review samples went out unless someone breaks them. I haven't seen anyone do that in the media.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
AMD has given Fury samples out. There is no question about this.
It may not be given to some people/sites, but, who cares, except for their egos?
Heaven forbid that those sites might have to actually spend some $$$ to get an actual card when it is released, instead of getting a freebie/loaner.

The constant browbeating going on in this thread (and certain sites) is typical FUD.
In fact, I bet if this whole thread would be removed, nothing would be lost, except for the constant bickering about who can read between the lines better, and if their crystal ball works better than anyone else's.

It would be a nice change to have AMD boycott all supposed "review" sites.
Let word of mouth sell your product, not paid shills or shill sites.

Wish we could upvote posts here.

So much whining poison being posted in this thread. It must suck not being able to enjoy new GPU launches from both companies is all I get from a lot of the threadcrapping seen in this thread. To get so angst filled that crap gets made up, called gospel and then use the made up crap to call everything a failure.

I guess the 'rebrand' theory is the only tangible negative that can be found right now and is the current whining point. I don't even get the consternation, but I don't pay too much attention to the mid range cards. 980,970,390X & 390.. etc.. These are all mid range cards and I couldn't care less which is $50 less, 10% faster or which one uses 30W more power. I mean really... The best thing that could come out of this bracket is something to push the 980 down in price. A $500 mid range card is a joke, even with the across the board price hikes on 28nm, the 980 is worth $400 at most given its performance.

I just want to see Fury and how it performs. I'm sure even if it's a screamer there will still be crapping. Probably complaints about the colour scheme, the tubing used for the radiator or that pcper's sample did not arrive with a box of chocolates and a dozen roses.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
You're still talking about it...

Because it's on going and hasn't concluded yet.

I don't understand how a lack of official information on an unreleased product is in any way being "coy". Also you seem think AMD should "own up" to rebranding a product that's, you guessed it, yet to launch and whose changes from the previous series aren't officially know. Why can't AMD get something right at GPU launches that haven't happened yet?

7970 happened, didn't it? It was a mixed bag at launch.
Hawaii happened, didn't it? It was a mixed bag at launch.
R9 285 happened, didn't it? It was a dud.

With all that is going on right now, Deny Deny Deny all you want. If it quacks like a duck and feels like a duck, you usually don't need to see it to be fairly certain that it's a duck.


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2013
I tend to agree - I think 300 series will be a failure - from the looks of it they have done nothing on hdmi, or architecture tweaks. They had almost 2 year and sat there twiddling thumbs. Sure Fiji might be good card and all that but how well will a $700 card sell vs a $200-300? I'm not saying Fiji is bad, I'm saying they haven't done anything for the other cards coming out.

This is really the relevant point.

Try looking at it from the other side. The GTX 980 Ti is a good card, but if Nvidia had released nothing of Maxwell except the Titan X and 980 Ti, and rebranded all the other Kepler stuff, would they have anywhere near the market share they do now? Would people be praising their performance crown, or wondering where the heck mid-range Maxwell was?


Senior member
Dec 12, 2011
If the card is officially launched on the 16th will we get an aaandtech review pretty much soon after? As for me I am excited to see a card that will be priced less than a Titan X and come close or even better in performance. Only a few days to go.


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2013
I am more surprised that the proAMD folks are still cheering as all this is playing out. Its bizarre.

AMD going underground and sticking it to the media. Yeah, I can't see how people think this is great.
I really hate the idea that all these cards are looking to be straight rebrands. Sticking it to the media, that's how they plan on getting marketshare back up?

I can't say 100% that this will turn out bad for them, but scares the crap out of me.

I guess the stay calm "campaign" is in full force.

I am having a real hard time with that. This is really looking terrible to me.

They know the review sites are going to crucify them for doing straight rebrands of their entire freaking lineup, so they're preemptively trying to discredit the review sites. But I don't think this will work with anyone but die-hard fanboys.

I have traditionally been in favor of seeing competition from AMD, and have often fired back against the anti-AMD trolls on this board. But I'm disgusted with this "launch".


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2014
I was doing the same thing up to the launch of maxwell 2. Anticipation. But with AMDs cards I at least can be sure the specs aren't going to be lied about. Almost sure anyway.

those making the argument about review sites being needed to give out info, that never helped stop people buying the 970 for false specs. None of those sites even figured it out till the following year, though I wouldn't put it past some of them knowing and keeping quiet. The reviews will come and imo its in AMDs interest to keep sites from tainting the launch with opinion.


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2013
AMD needed to clear out 2XX channel inventory

Why? So they can spam the exact same uncompetitive products right back out into the channel, just with different stickers?

In summary, the entire reveal/launch is a complete failure before it ever happened and before we have seen a single review of any card. Brilliant post.

See, you think you're joking, but this is actually the complete truth.

Information has been trickling out bit-by-bit, and every bit of information makes AMD look worse. They would have been better off if the launch was for the Fiji cards only, and they had just left the 200 series as-is until if and when they have something actually new available. The 300 series rebrands should have been OEM-only products.

At this point, the story won't be Fiji's performance, whatever that might be. Most buyers don't care about >$500 cards. The story will be that AMD has absolutely nothing new below the $500 price point, and that they're still rebadging old products from 2012. First Vishera, then Cape Verde (in the MacBook Pro), now Pitcairn... this is starting to look very, very bad for AMD.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
If the card is officially launched on the 16th will we get an aaandtech review pretty much soon after? As for me I am excited to see a card that will be priced less than a Titan X and come close or even better in performance. Only a few days to go.

From what I can gather, the 16th in only the unveiling. Launch and reviews come on the 24th. Hope I'm wrong about this and everything else regarding Fury and the 300 series launch.


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2013
I was doing the same thing up to the launch of maxwell 2. Anticipation. But with AMDs cards I at least can be sure the specs aren't going to be lied about. Almost sure anyway.

The entire 300 series launch is a lie. The pretense is that these are new cards, when they're actually old cards with new names. They're even giving new codenames to the same old chips (Hawaii->Grenada, Tonga->Antigua, Pitcairn->Trinidad, Bonaire->Tobago) to try to trick the more technically inclined buyers into thinking these are new products.

Yes, rebrands have been done before, but never this shamelessly, and never with such obsolete products across an entire product stack.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
At this point, the story won't be Fiji's performance, whatever that might be. Most buyers don't care about >$500 cards. The story will be that AMD has absolutely nothing new below the $500 price point, and that they're still rebadging old products from 2012. First Vishera, then Cape Verde (in the MacBook Pro), now Pitcairn... this is starting to look very, very bad for AMD.

I feel like I am the only one who is ok with rebadging so long as there are (at least) minor improvements. If the 290x can get rebadged with the same TDP to come with 8gb vram standard, perform within 5-7% of a gtx 980, get a new name, and obviously much better cooling than the crap cooler it had at it's original launch then AMD is doing themselves a favor. However, trying to circumvent the media (if that is truly happening) and not hammering on the merits of any improvements and it's better perf/$ vs. similarly performing competitive products is dumb dumb dumb.
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