Rush Limbaugh taking advantage of the soldiers in Iraq


Feb 6, 2002
I?m still wondering when all of his followers will get hip to the fact he is a fraud.

Heard on the news his latest scheme to suck more money from the public. This time he is using the soldiers fighting in Iraq as cover. His ?adopt a soldier program? requires more listeners to send him almost $50/year for his newsletter and website access for a solider. If he supports the military as he claims why not just give them his crap for free?? I think its kinda shameless to use the military to increase his bank account.

Are his dittoheads stupid, brainwashed or just don?t know any better?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: HomerJS
I?m still wondering when all of his followers will get hip to the fact he is a fraud.

Heard on the news his latest scheme to suck more money from the public. This time he is using the soldiers fighting in Iraq as cover. His ?adopt a soldier program? requires more listeners to send him almost $50/year for his newsletter and website access for a solider. If he supports the military as he claims why not just give them his crap for free?? I think its kinda shameless to use the military to increase his bank account.

Are his dittoheads stupid, brainwashed or just don?t know any better?
I'll take door number one.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Train
I dont get it, is the money hes collecting used for the the troops or not?

If it is, whats the problem?
Sounds like you pay him, he donates access to his newsletter and website to a soldier. What a deal!


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Train
I dont get it, is the money hes collecting used for the the troops or not?

If it is, whats the problem?

You pay retail for a service to 'give' to a soldier.

i.e. Rush gives nothing.



Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
I guess his health insurance doesn't cover prescription drugs. We all know where this money is going...

If you didn't lose all respect for this fool after he railed for years about 'scumbag drug addicts', and then admitted he himself was a drug addict, you're a fool too!


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Train
I dont get it, is the money hes collecting used for the the troops or not?

If it is, whats the problem?

Kuwait and Iraq - the Soldiers have no-cost access to internet at their base sites, whether it's from the .mil or their own accounts.

Rush gets to pocket the money - Oberman's Countdown covered this last night.
My son isn't being charged to E-Mail or surf, it's just time available limited so all get a chance - share the resources.



Nov 11, 1999
Of course Rush pockets the money. He's a compassionate conservative, after all.

I'm sure snakeoil salesmen offered the same kind of deal to the public during the civil war...


Jun 22, 2000
ahh, so all they are getting is free subscriptions to Rush's newsletter? From the OP it sounded like he wanted to help pay for the internet access (to the internet, not just his site)

I guess we could always use more toilet paper or crap to burn. Tell him he can send all the paper products he wants.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Train
I dont get it, is the money hes collecting used for the the troops or not?

If it is, whats the problem?

Nope, simply to pay for the subscriptions.

Adopt a soldier

He actually advertises, "Support your armed forces", give me a frigging break
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Train
ahh, so all they are getting is free subscriptions to Rush's newsletter? From the OP it sounded like he wanted to help pay for the internet access (to the internet, not just his site)

I guess we could always use more toilet paper or crap to burn. Tell him he can send all the paper products he wants.

They're not even giving that. He's offering subscriptions at a whopping 15% discount. Some killer deal . . . :roll:


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
While I'm not a Rush listener, I don't see how you people think he is taking advantage of the soldiers in Iraq. From what I've read, the soldiers only get 1hr of his 3 hour show on AFRTS and that they would like to get all 3 hours. A subscription to his online 24/7 thing allows them to access and listen to all 3 hours. Now also, these are donated subscriptions from other listeners which is $10 less than if people just purchased the same for themselves. Sounds like he is giving a deal to the soldiers, not taking advantage of them as you people seem to claim.

Top secret web location of all the details.

Look, I never ask people to do things I don't do. When it comes to donating money to charities and so forth, I always donate too, because I've always been bugged by watching these telethons and watching these people (sniveling voice), "Won't you give? Won't you get off your sofa and stop stuffing your face for one second and give?"

I'm always sitting there saying, "What are you doing?"

"I am donating my time."

"Well, yippee!"

I've never wanted that reaction. So I'm going to buy, personally -- this is not going to be an accounting trick. I am actually going to have a number of these Adopt-a-Soldier subscriptions bought and paid for by me on my super-secret credit card -- and I'm not going to tell you how many. Well, no, I'm not going to tell you how many but it's going to be a significant number. I'm going to do it. I'm going to buy some too. I don't want anybody to think that it's all up to you, because it's a great idea.
Now, here's the second thing that I learned during the break. We got an e-mail from a 24/7 subscriber who lives in Philadelphia. His name is Lawrence Hicks. He said, "Hey, Rush, count me on this but I think you ought to add one more feature to the program. As part of the Adopt-a-Soldier program, could you also send a thank you note on behalf of every soldier and every donor to Senator Tom Harkin? You see, without him, this idea would have never become available. If Harkin hadn't ranted on and on and on, this idea from your caller would not have come up." So, yeah, I think we can do that. We can make sure that thank you notes to Senator Harkin are sent on behalf of every soldier and donor, as part of the Adopt-a-Soldier program.

Some of you should do your homework before ranting.


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
I dont see the problem here.

If you dont like the program, dont participate. Right wingers who have loved ones in Iraq want them to know we are behind them 100%..

the military gets hella lot more support from Rush and the right wing than the left wing who wants to cut and run (leaving the area in disaster as result).
Rush and the rest of the right wing know we have to finish what we started.. regardless of the incessant left wing assault that its based on false pretenses.

The left wing likes to muddle in the theoretical. The bottom line is we have to finish what we started in Iraq.. to be successful in that will take time.

I'll be against the Republicans if they decide to pull out and leave the area in chaos.
Then all those soldiers did die in vain. We have a duty to our fellow man here to make this new Iraqi gov't secure.

The sad truth is, the left wing would rather see the whole endeavor fail just to get at Bush and company.
I have a problem with that.
Many more do too.

Continue your little retarded P&N discussion amongst yourself liberals.. :thumbsup: Hope you enjoy preaching hatred for Rush between yourselves.. accomplishing absolutely nothing.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: southpawuni
I dont see the problem here.

If you dont like the program, dont participate. Right wingers who have loved ones in Iraq want them to know we are behind them 100%..

the military gets hella lot more support from Rush and the right wing than the left wing who wants to cut and run (leaving the area in disaster as result).
Rush and the rest of the right wing know we have to finish what we started.. regardless of the incessant left wing assault that its based on false pretenses.

The left wing likes to muddle in the theoretical. The bottom line is we have to finish what we started in Iraq.. to be successful in that will take time.

I'll be against the Republicans if they decide to pull out and leave the area in chaos.
Then all those soldiers did die in vain. We have a duty to our fellow man here to make this new Iraqi gov't secure.

The sad truth is, the left wing would rather see the whole endeavor fail just to get at Bush and company.
I have a problem with that.
Many more do too.

Continue your little retarded P&N discussion amongst yourself liberals.. :thumbsup: Hope you enjoy preaching hatred for Rush between yourselves.. accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Off topic, but your rational is no better than Bushes at the moment. ie. soldiers have died, don't disrespect their sacrifice by pulling out. Circular reasoning at it's best and if you have have ever taken a logic class you should understand the flawsin that kind of reasoning.

Now back to Rush, this little promo is no better than the put magnetic ribbons on your vehicle campaigns. None of the money actually goes to the troups and pads Rushes pockets.

For the record I listen to Air America off and on if my daily work allows, I also listen to Rush whenever I can, not that I believe half of the stuff he spews. As Al Franken says, "Rush is great at kicking up dust so you can't see the turd laying on the ground."


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: southpawuni
Continue your little retarded P&N discussion amongst yourself liberals.. :thumbsup: Hope you enjoy preaching hatred for Rush between yourselves.. accomplishing absolutely nothing.

to make a crumb trail back to your bridge with.


Jul 25, 2002
So OK you're a soldier sitting there in Iraq. From out of the blue you start getting a free subscription to the Egotism In Action
Limbaugh Letter - just what you had hoped for. No cookies, no can opener, not a cold drink - but a sheet of propaganda.
Paid for by free delivery by the postal service and he's also pushed on you from Armed Forces Radio.
Rush palms $ 50 from the shills and the GI gets a few sheets of tolit paper . . that's too slick to wipe with.

That's not what you're looking for when you're in a war-stress situation, but if 10,000 Rubes buy the Snakeoil, that's half a mil.
Be able to afford Oxycotin for a month.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
So OK you're a soldier sitting there in Iraq. From out of the blue you start getting a free subscription to the Egotism In Action
Limbaugh Letter - just what you had hoped for. No cookies, no can opener, not a cold drink - but a sheet of propaganda.
Paid for by free delivery by the postal service and he's also pushed on you from Armed Forces Radio.
Rush palms $ 50 from the shills and the GI gets a few sheets of tolit paper . . that's too slick to wipe with.

That's not what you're looking for when you're in a war-stress situation, but if 10,000 Rubes buy the Snakeoil, that's half a mil.
Be able to afford Oxycotin for a month.

Actually this was suggested to Rush ... I was listening to the show that this was proposed on.

People have a right to pay for and listen to what ever they want. Believe it or not there are soldiers that actually WANT to listen to the show but cannot. I can rememebr a while back when AFRTS started broadcasting Rush and people said that the military was trying to FORCE his views down soldiers throats and that it was unfair (yes there is an off button on the radios). Now private citizens can spend thier money as they see fit, to make it optional for a soldier to listen to the show and you people still b!tch...I mean wtf?

I could say the same about you cryb!tchers...why are you not taking the money you are wasting on your ISP's bashing people who can do what they want with thier money, when you can take that dollar amount and purchase needed items for the soldiers you claim to be supporting?



Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
So OK you're a soldier sitting there in Iraq. From out of the blue you start getting a free subscription to the Egotism In Action
Limbaugh Letter - just what you had hoped for. No cookies, no can opener, not a cold drink - but a sheet of propaganda.
Paid for by free delivery by the postal service and he's also pushed on you from Armed Forces Radio.
Rush palms $ 50 from the shills and the GI gets a few sheets of tolit paper . . that's too slick to wipe with.

That's not what you're looking for when you're in a war-stress situation, but if 10,000 Rubes buy the Snakeoil, that's half a mil.
Be able to afford Oxycotin for a month.

I believe the soldier has to request the subscription from Rush's site(follow the super secret link I posted above). It's not some random thing handed out to soldiers, it is handed out per their request.


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
While I'm not a Rush listener, I don't see how you people think he is taking advantage of the soldiers in Iraq. From what I've read, the soldiers only get 1hr of his 3 hour show on AFRTS and that they would like to get all 3 hours. A subscription to his online 24/7 thing allows them to access and listen to all 3 hours. Now also, these are donated subscriptions from other listeners which is $10 less than if people just purchased the same for themselves. Sounds like he is giving a deal to the soldiers, not taking advantage of them as you people seem to claim.

Top secret web location of all the details.

Look, I never ask people to do things I don't do. When it comes to donating money to charities and so forth, I always donate too, because I've always been bugged by watching these telethons and watching these people (sniveling voice), "Won't you give? Won't you get off your sofa and stop stuffing your face for one second and give?"

I'm always sitting there saying, "What are you doing?"

"I am donating my time."

"Well, yippee!"

I've never wanted that reaction. So I'm going to buy, personally -- this is not going to be an accounting trick. I am actually going to have a number of these Adopt-a-Soldier subscriptions bought and paid for by me on my super-secret credit card -- and I'm not going to tell you how many. Well, no, I'm not going to tell you how many but it's going to be a significant number. I'm going to do it. I'm going to buy some too. I don't want anybody to think that it's all up to you, because it's a great idea.
Now, here's the second thing that I learned during the break. We got an e-mail from a 24/7 subscriber who lives in Philadelphia. His name is Lawrence Hicks. He said, "Hey, Rush, count me on this but I think you ought to add one more feature to the program. As part of the Adopt-a-Soldier program, could you also send a thank you note on behalf of every soldier and every donor to Senator Tom Harkin? You see, without him, this idea would have never become available. If Harkin hadn't ranted on and on and on, this idea from your caller would not have come up." So, yeah, I think we can do that. We can make sure that thank you notes to Senator Harkin are sent on behalf of every soldier and donor, as part of the Adopt-a-Soldier program.

Some of you should do your homework before ranting.

I think if Rush wanted to do the honorable thing, he would charge soldiers $10 a year or allow people to donate $10 subscriptions or whatever cost is. He's making money off of this and the funny thing is that Rush is going to buy some. Out one pocket and into the other LOL. Guy is worth half a billion and he's still trying to squeeze more pennies out of people. Somebody should tell him that you cant take your money with you when you die.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
While I'm not a Rush listener, I don't see how you people think he is taking advantage of the soldiers in Iraq. From what I've read, the soldiers only get 1hr of his 3 hour show on AFRTS and that they would like to get all 3 hours. A subscription to his online 24/7 thing allows them to access and listen to all 3 hours. Now also, these are donated subscriptions from other listeners which is $10 less than if people just purchased the same for themselves. Sounds like he is giving a deal to the soldiers, not taking advantage of them as you people seem to claim.

Top secret web location of all the details.

Look, I never ask people to do things I don't do. When it comes to donating money to charities and so forth, I always donate too, because I've always been bugged by watching these telethons and watching these people (sniveling voice), "Won't you give? Won't you get off your sofa and stop stuffing your face for one second and give?"

I'm always sitting there saying, "What are you doing?"

"I am donating my time."

"Well, yippee!"

I've never wanted that reaction. So I'm going to buy, personally -- this is not going to be an accounting trick. I am actually going to have a number of these Adopt-a-Soldier subscriptions bought and paid for by me on my super-secret credit card -- and I'm not going to tell you how many. Well, no, I'm not going to tell you how many but it's going to be a significant number. I'm going to do it. I'm going to buy some too. I don't want anybody to think that it's all up to you, because it's a great idea.
Now, here's the second thing that I learned during the break. We got an e-mail from a 24/7 subscriber who lives in Philadelphia. His name is Lawrence Hicks. He said, "Hey, Rush, count me on this but I think you ought to add one more feature to the program. As part of the Adopt-a-Soldier program, could you also send a thank you note on behalf of every soldier and every donor to Senator Tom Harkin? You see, without him, this idea would have never become available. If Harkin hadn't ranted on and on and on, this idea from your caller would not have come up." So, yeah, I think we can do that. We can make sure that thank you notes to Senator Harkin are sent on behalf of every soldier and donor, as part of the Adopt-a-Soldier program.

Some of you should do your homework before ranting.

I think if Rush wanted to do the honorable thing, he would charge soldiers $10 a year or allow people to donate $10 subscriptions or whatever cost is. He's making money off of this and the funny thing is that Rush is going to buy some. Out one pocket and into the other LOL. Guy is worth half a billion and he's still trying to squeeze more pennies out of people. Somebody should tell him that you cant take your money with you when you die.

So his giving isn't good enough according to you? Well, if you don't think he is doing enough, why don't you do it?

It's hilarious to see how liberals tell other people how much they have to give of their own free will to be "honorable".
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