Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

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Oct 18, 2005
Biden and the Pentagon have already been laying the groundwork for who is to blame for their own foreign policy failures since last year:

-It’s Orangeman’s fault, a guy who hasn’t been president in 4 years

-It’s Mike Johnson’s fault, because he is a tool of Orangeman

-It’s Zelenskys fault, because he didn’t use our arms properly during thier failed counteroffensive

This country has a history of propping up foreigners, then discarding them when they no longer serve a purpose:

-Saddam Hussein
-Manuel Noriega
-Muammar Gaddafi
-Osama Bin Laden

Make no mistake about it, they will not accept blame and will blame someone else. This all could have ended with negotiations but Biden+Pentagon+resident armchair keyboard warriors wanted to ‘stick it to Russia’. It’s blowing up in their faces and now they’re in a panic.

Ukraine was supposed to get its aid in Dec and now we’re in April. It’s also amazing how the European warmongers have convinced these tools that a country 7000 miles away with an ocean between them should be providing the bulk of the funding for this war instead of the continent that borders Russia.

In the end, Russia will come out of this stronger militarily AND financially, and they will serve as an example of a country who successfully rid itself of western hegemony for other countries who want to move on from the dollar.

And once enough countries move away from the dollar, now the waiting game kicks in for hyperinflation. It’s not a surprise gold is along with the stock market. No sense in keeping dollars around, better to buy up assets.

Young Grasshopper

Senior member
Nov 9, 2007

It couldn't have happened to a better country.

Another copium article. Gotta give the Ukraine cheerleaders SOMETHING to feel good about right?

‘We’re losing territory on a daily basis, the Russians have turned $100 billion of our tax dollars into ruble, but at LEAST we killed a bunch of orcs in the process!’

You can’t make this stuff up.


Mar 17, 2008
Another copium article. Gotta give the Ukraine cheerleaders SOMETHING to feel good about right?

‘We’re losing territory on a daily basis, the Russians have turned $100 billion of our tax dollars into ruble, but at LEAST we killed a bunch of orcs in the process!’

You can’t make this stuff up.
Russia ~150 million Orcs.
Ukraine ~ 40 million human beings.

Thats a rough 1:4

So when Russia is losing men at a banging 8 to 1 ratio, how is that translating into a win for you?

Incidentally if I am not mistaken, at least prior to joining NATO this was Finland's defense strategy vs a potential Russian invasion, strategic retreat and incurring maximum damage on the invading force while doing so.


Jul 17, 2003
Another copium article. Gotta give the Ukraine cheerleaders SOMETHING to feel good about right?

‘We’re losing territory on a daily basis, the Russians have turned $100 billion of our tax dollars into ruble, but at LEAST we killed a bunch of orcs in the process!’

You can’t make this stuff up.

Every day Russia is prevented from stamping out Ukrainian sovereignty it's something to feel good about. Listening to you eat shit on a web forum in support of genocidal fascism, also quite pleasant. You accusing others of copium use? Priceless! What's one more projection at this point right? So sad. You must be completely destroyed over Russia's finances, the limp as shit ruble depressing you? Must be, it's got you spewing utter nonsense about the US dollar again. Do I smell another one of your BRICS fever dream delusions brewing? Phew, someone open a window!

The US dollar dominates the globe, and there is no chance of that changing anytime soon. Certainly not with both India and China saying there will never be a common currency for BRICS. In fact, it looks like India is about done with BRICS for the most part. *womp womp* Which countries are "moving away from the dollar"? It's the currency everyone wants.

Cry some more cyka. Maybe once Putin is gone Russia has a chance at not being broke AF? 'We're being used as cannon fodder and the world hates us, but at least Putin keeps us poor and shitting outdoors.'

Last edited:


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Biden and the Pentagon have already been laying the groundwork for who is to blame for their own foreign policy failures since last year:

-It’s Orangeman’s fault, a guy who hasn’t been president in 4 years

-It’s Mike Johnson’s fault, because he is a tool of Orangeman

-It’s Zelenskys fault, because he didn’t use our arms properly during thier failed counteroffensive

This country has a history of propping up foreigners, then discarding them when they no longer serve a purpose:

-Saddam Hussein
-Manuel Noriega
-Muammar Gaddafi
-Osama Bin Laden

Make no mistake about it, they will not accept blame and will blame someone else. This all could have ended with negotiations but Biden+Pentagon+resident armchair keyboard warriors wanted to ‘stick it to Russia’. It’s blowing up in their faces and now they’re in a panic.

Ukraine was supposed to get its aid in Dec and now we’re in April. It’s also amazing how the European warmongers have convinced these tools that a country 7000 miles away with an ocean between them should be providing the bulk of the funding for this war instead of the continent that borders Russia.

In the end, Russia will come out of this stronger militarily AND financially, and they will serve as an example of a country who successfully rid itself of western hegemony for other countries who want to move on from the dollar.

And once enough countries move away from the dollar, now the waiting game kicks in for hyperinflation. It’s not a surprise gold is along with the stock market. No sense in keeping dollars around, better to buy up assets.
The level of wishcasting here is frankly hilarious.

Do you guys actually believe this?


Mar 17, 2008
Goddamnit, attrition to the end.
Those poor sods are just going to get grinded down for nothing.
If we're not even in overt attack mode/crushing mode, that means that they'll just keep going slowly and methodically until there's barely any response/anyone alive on the Ukr side.

War is hell and I'm reminded every time I have to write something like that.

Another point about the bolded, tell me you know nothing about military doctrine without saying anything about military doctrine.

Attack mode?
Crushing mode?

Obvious expert testimony from mahboi here.
(That being said, their English has improved!)

NATO doctrine(for comparison):
Fundamental principles by which the military forces guide their actions in support of objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgement in application.

Russia mobik doctrine:
Crushing mode.

You dumb son of a mobik'.
Reactions: Meghan54


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I know several others have pointed this out before me. Thank you to those who did.

Well, that didn't take long. Less then three days after that one joined?
Yes, I would be very interested to know who ‘we’ refers to. I suspect he will never answer, while complaining about the lack of substantive debate.
Reactions: Leeea and Meghan54


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
I know several others have pointed this out before me. Thank you to those who did.

Well, that didn't take long. Less then three days after that one joined?

- Are we on some sort of FSB psyop bulletin or something what the fuck is going with all the Russian troll farmers on AT?

That said, as I've participated more on Techspot and TPU forums, there seems to be a lot of uh... unusual political beliefs that go along with interest in PC hardware so dunno what that's about. AT is actually far more left leaning than some of the other tech sites out there.
Reactions: Leeea


Oct 18, 2005
- Are we on some sort of FSB psyop bulletin or something what the fuck is going with all the Russian troll farmers on AT?

That said, as I've participated more on Techspot and TPU forums, there seems to be a lot of uh... unusual political beliefs that go along with interest in PC hardware so dunno what that's about. AT is actually far more left leaning than some of the other tech sites out there.
Hardforum is the exact opposite. Their soapbox section reads like a q anon fan site. It’s all the crazy.
Reactions: Leeea


Senior member
Apr 4, 2024
your first post in this thread, just opinion


Claims to be able to post facts but can’t be bothered.

Opinion no facts



Still no facts on Ukraine.

Discredited info, no response to fact check.

Still no Ukraine facts

Conspiracy theory and opinion no facts

Opinion but does self identify as a Russian.

Still looking for facts


More whining

More opinion

More opinion

More opinion

Just weird

Opinion and an attempt to ignore who invaded who


Sure are a lot Russians dying to weapons from countries that have no militaries. Also ignores significant increases in European military spending


So then:
- demand facts
- get told facts
- claim the facts are all "opinions" or "whining" or "not facts enough"
- demand facts

rinse and repeat until we reach another 36000 messages of collective denial. All the facts that don't fit your propaganda's narrative are instantly not facts but opinions, all the opinions that fit your narrative are facts.

The funny thing is, your war is lost and it's an unavoidable result. It's about waiting for the result of this sad affair, and the sooner the better. I could tell you "we can just wait and see who's wrong and you can come back to me when I'll be proven wrong" but, you won't, because I won't. The game is already set. We may not even see a single card left to play yet. Ukraine just going to be a sad, slow murder of men who die for a lost cause. And I can't stop it, clearly even just trying to spread some knowledge about the situation online is a lost cause.

@Young Grasshopper has also already mentioned the deepest of the horrible mistakes of this war, the death of the Dollar as the monopolistic global currency, which you have done entirely by yourselves. The Empire managed to pick what was its greatest tools of pressure and control, dollar global monopoly for international trades and SWIFT, and shot both of them by kicking Russia out of it in the hopes that it would kill their economy. In the end, Russia is doing quite well without them, and this move will have the same effect as..................................I actually can't find one. I can't think of a moment in History where a move this absurdly bad was ever played.

You had a way to tax the entire world through inflation thanks to the petrodollar. You had a way to control, monitor and block all international transfers in the banking system, or nearly all.
And you've shot them both by showing to the entire world that not using the dollar anymore would turn out fine, and giving Russia the incentive to create a SWIFT equivalent that they can just grow and provide to the world as an alternative.
You have taken a highly gas and petrol rich country, Russia, and forced it away from its natural economic and political partners in Europe, which you fully control as vassals, towards an alliance with a highly industrialised and populous country, China, that is thoroughly independent of you politically. And whose official goal is to retake its status as Greatest Empire on Earth after 150 years of humiliations (1830-1980).
The depth of this strategic mistake is beyond staggering, I can't think of a historical precedent this bad. Maybe firing Minister Calonne, which eventually led to the French Revolution. And that's peanuts compared to this.

While having every single card to play in hand, the U.S Empire has played them in a way that will destroy its global currency monopoly, its naturally dominant status, and its ability to control global trade. And you've offered China a forced partner that happens to have a ton of oil, when their lack of oil was one of their last resource issues along with lack of water. It's a self-own of tremendous proportions that will take decades to be truly felt to the last of its ripples.

I merely have to watch the rest unfold as it unavoidably will. And suffer the consequences as someone who lives in a vassal state to the Empire, but at least I know what to expect. In 10 or so years, Europe will be a shadow of what it was economically, the U.S will be suffering massive inflation (if you think TODAY's inflation is bad, wait for 2035), and there will be absolutely no walking back. And it'll only get worse from there.

The Empire held a crushing army, international trade control, could tax the world at will through money printing and the petrodollar paying for it, had strategic depth equal to what the British had in 1840, leaderless vassals across all Western Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa, a dominant position in the Middle East and held a massive advantage in the most advanced technologies, particularly weaponry, telecoms, chipmaking and pharmaceuticals.

By its incredibly poor moves in the Ukraine war, the American Empire has taken the dollar's hegemony and destroyed it. This and a certain Nordstream "accident" will suck away Europe's economies back to the U.S, since the vassals are always sacrificed before the Master, much like how Hungary, Czechia, Poland and East Germany were sacrificed before Russia fell in the late USSR. But when Europe, particularly Germany, will have been utterly spent, the U.S will face the hyperinflation that it can't dampen through international exchanges anymore, since any alternative will not suffer the same level of inflation and will be increasingly preferred.

The loss of the "free inflation" will mean that the U.S state will have to start facing its expenditures more strictly, which means that the massive army, massive navy, massive research expenditures, money that flowed into the biggest state-supported companies...everything will grow, for a lack of a better word, narrower. Giant pipes of money will become funnels. Funnels will become dead ends. The crushing military-industrial complex, state sponsored R&D, and whatever else that relied on the dollar not being Monopoly money, it's all going to go so painful as time goes on. All the while China irrevocably recovers its N°1 status with Russia in tow, as the West falls into an increasingly visible state of decay.

And much like the strategic situation in Donbass or Luhansk, that game is set. No credible amount of effort or plays will overturn this. You have moved History's gears into a position where the sheer weight of the world, that used to go your way, the "expensively inflationist, extraterritorial but oh-so-unavoidable Dollar" way, will now increasingly go to the competition that you forced to exist. And that's just the Russia moves. The China moves, getting them out of advanced chip/AI availability, is spurring even more efforts to get them to produce advanced chips and lithography. Sure, they rely on ASML, but for how long? 5 years? 10? Geopolitics is a long game, but the idiots who did this have somehow built a perfect block, with the industry, money, natural resources, and every single pillar necessary, against themselves.
SWIFT alternative and international trade currency to Russia, high volume industry and advanced technologies in semiconductors to China.

The Ukraine war will be marked down as the seminal event of the downfall of the U.S Empire, not because of what Russia will have done, but because of what the Americans will have done to themselves.
I still can't believe how poorly this was played. It's like having a perfect deck and somehow playing every card wrong. I would laugh if I wasn't going to be skewered and cooked along with the "This is fine" supporters.
The only silver lining is that two powers will not work as well as one, and that neither Russia or China are much interested in being a beacon of free trade. But the sheer weight of the world will push them into it.

I was going to answer to the rest, but frankly, I've already given you a lot, and got pretty much nothing but denial and insults for it. Trying to make you all think about the reality of what's going on is like feeding a pitbull with veggies. The pitbull vomits everything back, and you get your hands bitten for trying. So this'll be the last bit of wisdom from me. Spit at it, insult me, ignore it, call it "opinions", or whatever you please. Everything I said here, whether about the proxy war in Ukraine or the greater state of the U.S Empire, will come to pass nonetheless. It is only a question of time.


Oct 18, 2005
So then:
- demand facts
- get told facts
- claim the facts are all "opinions" or "whining" or "not facts enough"
- demand facts

rinse and repeat until we reach another 36000 messages of collective denial. All the facts that don't fit your propaganda's narrative are instantly not facts but opinions, all the opinions that fit your narrative are facts.

The funny thing is, your war is lost and it's an unavoidable result. It's about waiting for the result of this sad affair, and the sooner the better. I could tell you "we can just wait and see who's wrong and you can come back to me when I'll be proven wrong" but, you won't, because I won't. The game is already set. We may not even see a single card left to play yet. Ukraine just going to be a sad, slow murder of men who die for a lost cause. And I can't stop it, clearly even just trying to spread some knowledge about the situation online is a lost cause.

@Young Grasshopper has also already mentioned the deepest of the horrible mistakes of this war, the death of the Dollar as the monopolistic global currency, which you have done entirely by yourselves. The Empire managed to pick what was its greatest tools of pressure and control, dollar global monopoly for international trades and SWIFT, and shot both of them by kicking Russia out of it in the hopes that it would kill their economy. In the end, Russia is doing quite well without them, and this move will have the same effect as..................................I actually can't find one. I can't think of a moment in History where a move this absurdly bad was ever played.

You had a way to tax the entire world through inflation thanks to the petrodollar. You had a way to control, monitor and block all international transfers in the banking system, or nearly all.
And you've shot them both by showing to the entire world that not using the dollar anymore would turn out fine, and giving Russia the incentive to create a SWIFT equivalent that they can just grow and provide to the world as an alternative.
You have taken a highly gas and petrol rich country, Russia, and forced it away from its natural economic and political partners in Europe, which you fully control as vassals, towards an alliance with a highly industrialised and populous country, China, that is thoroughly independent of you politically. And whose official goal is to retake its status as Greatest Empire on Earth after 150 years of humiliations (1830-1980).
The depth of this strategic mistake is beyond staggering, I can't think of a historical precedent this bad. Maybe firing Minister Calonne, which eventually led to the French Revolution. And that's peanuts compared to this.

While having every single card to play in hand, the U.S Empire has played them in a way that will destroy its global currency monopoly, its naturally dominant status, and its ability to control global trade. And you've offered China a forced partner that happens to have a ton of oil, when their lack of oil was one of their last resource issues along with lack of water. It's a self-own of tremendous proportions that will take decades to be truly felt to the last of its ripples.

I merely have to watch the rest unfold as it unavoidably will. And suffer the consequences as someone who lives in a vassal state to the Empire, but at least I know what to expect. In 10 or so years, Europe will be a shadow of what it was economically, the U.S will be suffering massive inflation (if you think TODAY's inflation is bad, wait for 2035), and there will be absolutely no walking back. And it'll only get worse from there.

The Empire held a crushing army, international trade control, could tax the world at will through money printing and the petrodollar paying for it, had strategic depth equal to what the British had in 1840, leaderless vassals across all Western Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa, a dominant position in the Middle East and held a massive advantage in the most advanced technologies, particularly weaponry, telecoms, chipmaking and pharmaceuticals.

By its incredibly poor moves in the Ukraine war, the American Empire has taken the dollar's hegemony and destroyed it. This and a certain Nordstream "accident" will suck away Europe's economies back to the U.S, since the vassals are always sacrificed before the Master, much like how Hungary, Czechia, Poland and East Germany were sacrificed before Russia fell in the late USSR. But when Europe, particularly Germany, will have been utterly spent, the U.S will face the hyperinflation that it can't dampen through international exchanges anymore, since any alternative will not suffer the same level of inflation and will be increasingly preferred.

The loss of the "free inflation" will mean that the U.S state will have to start facing its expenditures more strictly, which means that the massive army, massive navy, massive research expenditures, money that flowed into the biggest state-supported companies...everything will grow, for a lack of a better word, narrower. Giant pipes of money will become funnels. Funnels will become dead ends. The crushing military-industrial complex, state sponsored R&D, and whatever else that relied on the dollar not being Monopoly money, it's all going to go so painful as time goes on. All the while China irrevocably recovers its N°1 status with Russia in tow, as the West falls into an increasingly visible state of decay.

And much like the strategic situation in Donbass or Luhansk, that game is set. No credible amount of effort or plays will overturn this. You have moved History's gears into a position where the sheer weight of the world, that used to go your way, the "expensively inflationist, extraterritorial but oh-so-unavoidable Dollar" way, will now increasingly go to the competition that you forced to exist. And that's just the Russia moves. The China moves, getting them out of advanced chip/AI availability, is spurring even more efforts to get them to produce advanced chips and lithography. Sure, they rely on ASML, but for how long? 5 years? 10? Geopolitics is a long game, but the idiots who did this have somehow built a perfect block, with the industry, money, natural resources, and every single pillar necessary, against themselves.
SWIFT alternative and international trade currency to Russia, high volume industry and advanced technologies in semiconductors to China.

The Ukraine war will be marked down as the seminal event of the downfall of the U.S Empire, not because of what Russia will have done, but because of what the Americans will have done to themselves.
I still can't believe how poorly this was played. It's like having a perfect deck and somehow playing every card wrong. I would laugh if I wasn't going to be skewered and cooked along with the "This is fine" supporters.
The only silver lining is that two powers will not work as well as one, and that neither Russia or China are much interested in being a beacon of free trade. But the sheer weight of the world will push them into it.

I was going to answer to the rest, but frankly, I've already given you a lot, and got pretty much nothing but denial and insults for it. Trying to make you all think about the reality of what's going on is like feeding a pitbull with veggies. The pitbull vomits everything back, and you get your hands bitten for trying. So this'll be the last bit of wisdom from me. Spit at it, insult me, ignore it, call it "opinions", or whatever you please. Everything I said here, whether about the proxy war in Ukraine or the greater state of the U.S Empire, will come to pass nonetheless. It is only a question of time.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Leeea


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
So then:
- demand facts
- get told facts
- claim the facts are all "opinions" or "whining" or "not facts enough"
- demand facts

rinse and repeat until we reach another 36000 messages of collective denial. All the facts that don't fit your propaganda's narrative are instantly not facts but opinions, all the opinions that fit your narrative are facts.

The funny thing is, your war is lost and it's an unavoidable result. It's about waiting for the result of this sad affair, and the sooner the better. I could tell you "we can just wait and see who's wrong and you can come back to me when I'll be proven wrong" but, you won't, because I won't. The game is already set. We may not even see a single card left to play yet. Ukraine just going to be a sad, slow murder of men who die for a lost cause. And I can't stop it, clearly even just trying to spread some knowledge about the situation online is a lost cause.

@Young Grasshopper has also already mentioned the deepest of the horrible mistakes of this war, the death of the Dollar as the monopolistic global currency, which you have done entirely by yourselves. The Empire managed to pick what was its greatest tools of pressure and control, dollar global monopoly for international trades and SWIFT, and shot both of them by kicking Russia out of it in the hopes that it would kill their economy. In the end, Russia is doing quite well without them, and this move will have the same effect as..................................I actually can't find one. I can't think of a moment in History where a move this absurdly bad was ever played.

You had a way to tax the entire world through inflation thanks to the petrodollar. You had a way to control, monitor and block all international transfers in the banking system, or nearly all.
And you've shot them both by showing to the entire world that not using the dollar anymore would turn out fine, and giving Russia the incentive to create a SWIFT equivalent that they can just grow and provide to the world as an alternative.
You have taken a highly gas and petrol rich country, Russia, and forced it away from its natural economic and political partners in Europe, which you fully control as vassals, towards an alliance with a highly industrialised and populous country, China, that is thoroughly independent of you politically. And whose official goal is to retake its status as Greatest Empire on Earth after 150 years of humiliations (1830-1980).
The depth of this strategic mistake is beyond staggering, I can't think of a historical precedent this bad. Maybe firing Minister Calonne, which eventually led to the French Revolution. And that's peanuts compared to this.

While having every single card to play in hand, the U.S Empire has played them in a way that will destroy its global currency monopoly, its naturally dominant status, and its ability to control global trade. And you've offered China a forced partner that happens to have a ton of oil, when their lack of oil was one of their last resource issues along with lack of water. It's a self-own of tremendous proportions that will take decades to be truly felt to the last of its ripples.

I merely have to watch the rest unfold as it unavoidably will. And suffer the consequences as someone who lives in a vassal state to the Empire, but at least I know what to expect. In 10 or so years, Europe will be a shadow of what it was economically, the U.S will be suffering massive inflation (if you think TODAY's inflation is bad, wait for 2035), and there will be absolutely no walking back. And it'll only get worse from there.

The Empire held a crushing army, international trade control, could tax the world at will through money printing and the petrodollar paying for it, had strategic depth equal to what the British had in 1840, leaderless vassals across all Western Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa, a dominant position in the Middle East and held a massive advantage in the most advanced technologies, particularly weaponry, telecoms, chipmaking and pharmaceuticals.

By its incredibly poor moves in the Ukraine war, the American Empire has taken the dollar's hegemony and destroyed it. This and a certain Nordstream "accident" will suck away Europe's economies back to the U.S, since the vassals are always sacrificed before the Master, much like how Hungary, Czechia, Poland and East Germany were sacrificed before Russia fell in the late USSR. But when Europe, particularly Germany, will have been utterly spent, the U.S will face the hyperinflation that it can't dampen through international exchanges anymore, since any alternative will not suffer the same level of inflation and will be increasingly preferred.

The loss of the "free inflation" will mean that the U.S state will have to start facing its expenditures more strictly, which means that the massive army, massive navy, massive research expenditures, money that flowed into the biggest state-supported companies...everything will grow, for a lack of a better word, narrower. Giant pipes of money will become funnels. Funnels will become dead ends. The crushing military-industrial complex, state sponsored R&D, and whatever else that relied on the dollar not being Monopoly money, it's all going to go so painful as time goes on. All the while China irrevocably recovers its N°1 status with Russia in tow, as the West falls into an increasingly visible state of decay.

And much like the strategic situation in Donbass or Luhansk, that game is set. No credible amount of effort or plays will overturn this. You have moved History's gears into a position where the sheer weight of the world, that used to go your way, the "expensively inflationist, extraterritorial but oh-so-unavoidable Dollar" way, will now increasingly go to the competition that you forced to exist. And that's just the Russia moves. The China moves, getting them out of advanced chip/AI availability, is spurring even more efforts to get them to produce advanced chips and lithography. Sure, they rely on ASML, but for how long? 5 years? 10? Geopolitics is a long game, but the idiots who did this have somehow built a perfect block, with the industry, money, natural resources, and every single pillar necessary, against themselves.
SWIFT alternative and international trade currency to Russia, high volume industry and advanced technologies in semiconductors to China.

The Ukraine war will be marked down as the seminal event of the downfall of the U.S Empire, not because of what Russia will have done, but because of what the Americans will have done to themselves.
I still can't believe how poorly this was played. It's like having a perfect deck and somehow playing every card wrong. I would laugh if I wasn't going to be skewered and cooked along with the "This is fine" supporters.
The only silver lining is that two powers will not work as well as one, and that neither Russia or China are much interested in being a beacon of free trade. But the sheer weight of the world will push them into it.

I was going to answer to the rest, but frankly, I've already given you a lot, and got pretty much nothing but denial and insults for it. Trying to make you all think about the reality of what's going on is like feeding a pitbull with veggies. The pitbull vomits everything back, and you get your hands bitten for trying. So this'll be the last bit of wisdom from me. Spit at it, insult me, ignore it, call it "opinions", or whatever you please. Everything I said here, whether about the proxy war in Ukraine or the greater state of the U.S Empire, will come to pass nonetheless. It is only a question of time.

-Now this is what I call committing to the bit. I think a copy-pasta has just been born.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Leeea


Jan 28, 2002
So then:
- demand facts
- get told facts
- claim the facts are all "opinions" or "whining" or "not facts enough"
- demand facts

rinse and repeat until we reach another 36000 messages of collective denial. All the facts that don't fit your propaganda's narrative are instantly not facts but opinions, all the opinions that fit your narrative are facts.

The funny thing is, your war is lost and it's an unavoidable result. It's about waiting for the result of this sad affair, and the sooner the better. I could tell you "we can just wait and see who's wrong and you can come back to me when I'll be proven wrong" but, you won't, because I won't. The game is already set. We may not even see a single card left to play yet. Ukraine just going to be a sad, slow murder of men who die for a lost cause. And I can't stop it, clearly even just trying to spread some knowledge about the situation online is a lost cause.

@Young Grasshopper has also already mentioned the deepest of the horrible mistakes of this war, the death of the Dollar as the monopolistic global currency, which you have done entirely by yourselves. The Empire managed to pick what was its greatest tools of pressure and control, dollar global monopoly for international trades and SWIFT, and shot both of them by kicking Russia out of it in the hopes that it would kill their economy. In the end, Russia is doing quite well without them, and this move will have the same effect as..................................I actually can't find one. I can't think of a moment in History where a move this absurdly bad was ever played.

You had a way to tax the entire world through inflation thanks to the petrodollar. You had a way to control, monitor and block all international transfers in the banking system, or nearly all.
And you've shot them both by showing to the entire world that not using the dollar anymore would turn out fine, and giving Russia the incentive to create a SWIFT equivalent that they can just grow and provide to the world as an alternative.
You have taken a highly gas and petrol rich country, Russia, and forced it away from its natural economic and political partners in Europe, which you fully control as vassals, towards an alliance with a highly industrialised and populous country, China, that is thoroughly independent of you politically. And whose official goal is to retake its status as Greatest Empire on Earth after 150 years of humiliations (1830-1980).
The depth of this strategic mistake is beyond staggering, I can't think of a historical precedent this bad. Maybe firing Minister Calonne, which eventually led to the French Revolution. And that's peanuts compared to this.

While having every single card to play in hand, the U.S Empire has played them in a way that will destroy its global currency monopoly, its naturally dominant status, and its ability to control global trade. And you've offered China a forced partner that happens to have a ton of oil, when their lack of oil was one of their last resource issues along with lack of water. It's a self-own of tremendous proportions that will take decades to be truly felt to the last of its ripples.

I merely have to watch the rest unfold as it unavoidably will. And suffer the consequences as someone who lives in a vassal state to the Empire, but at least I know what to expect. In 10 or so years, Europe will be a shadow of what it was economically, the U.S will be suffering massive inflation (if you think TODAY's inflation is bad, wait for 2035), and there will be absolutely no walking back. And it'll only get worse from there.

The Empire held a crushing army, international trade control, could tax the world at will through money printing and the petrodollar paying for it, had strategic depth equal to what the British had in 1840, leaderless vassals across all Western Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa, a dominant position in the Middle East and held a massive advantage in the most advanced technologies, particularly weaponry, telecoms, chipmaking and pharmaceuticals.

By its incredibly poor moves in the Ukraine war, the American Empire has taken the dollar's hegemony and destroyed it. This and a certain Nordstream "accident" will suck away Europe's economies back to the U.S, since the vassals are always sacrificed before the Master, much like how Hungary, Czechia, Poland and East Germany were sacrificed before Russia fell in the late USSR. But when Europe, particularly Germany, will have been utterly spent, the U.S will face the hyperinflation that it can't dampen through international exchanges anymore, since any alternative will not suffer the same level of inflation and will be increasingly preferred.

The loss of the "free inflation" will mean that the U.S state will have to start facing its expenditures more strictly, which means that the massive army, massive navy, massive research expenditures, money that flowed into the biggest state-supported companies...everything will grow, for a lack of a better word, narrower. Giant pipes of money will become funnels. Funnels will become dead ends. The crushing military-industrial complex, state sponsored R&D, and whatever else that relied on the dollar not being Monopoly money, it's all going to go so painful as time goes on. All the while China irrevocably recovers its N°1 status with Russia in tow, as the West falls into an increasingly visible state of decay.

And much like the strategic situation in Donbass or Luhansk, that game is set. No credible amount of effort or plays will overturn this. You have moved History's gears into a position where the sheer weight of the world, that used to go your way, the "expensively inflationist, extraterritorial but oh-so-unavoidable Dollar" way, will now increasingly go to the competition that you forced to exist. And that's just the Russia moves. The China moves, getting them out of advanced chip/AI availability, is spurring even more efforts to get them to produce advanced chips and lithography. Sure, they rely on ASML, but for how long? 5 years? 10? Geopolitics is a long game, but the idiots who did this have somehow built a perfect block, with the industry, money, natural resources, and every single pillar necessary, against themselves.
SWIFT alternative and international trade currency to Russia, high volume industry and advanced technologies in semiconductors to China.

The Ukraine war will be marked down as the seminal event of the downfall of the U.S Empire, not because of what Russia will have done, but because of what the Americans will have done to themselves.
I still can't believe how poorly this was played. It's like having a perfect deck and somehow playing every card wrong. I would laugh if I wasn't going to be skewered and cooked along with the "This is fine" supporters.
The only silver lining is that two powers will not work as well as one, and that neither Russia or China are much interested in being a beacon of free trade. But the sheer weight of the world will push them into it.

I was going to answer to the rest, but frankly, I've already given you a lot, and got pretty much nothing but denial and insults for it. Trying to make you all think about the reality of what's going on is like feeding a pitbull with veggies. The pitbull vomits everything back, and you get your hands bitten for trying. So this'll be the last bit of wisdom from me. Spit at it, insult me, ignore it, call it "opinions", or whatever you please. Everything I said here, whether about the proxy war in Ukraine or the greater state of the U.S Empire, will come to pass nonetheless. It is only a question of time.

Reactions: Leeea

Young Grasshopper

Senior member
Nov 9, 2007
Russian economy - $2.2 trillion

US economy - $25 trillion

Like what are you morons telling each other.

Russian Debt - 280 Billion
US Debt - 33 Trillion

The only thing keeping our worthless dollar from collapsing is it being the global reserve currency.

Although the rest of the world is working hard to get off of it

Like I said, keep slapping those sanctions on countries to try and control them, and blatantly trying to steal their money to fund proxy wars.

Eventually enough countries get tired of it and find ways to move away from it. Russia is a prime example of how a country can rid itself of it.

Might want to start buying real estate, gold or stocks. Read inflation is already starting to creep up again. Refinery strikes + potential attack by Iran probably not going to do Biden any wonders with inflation.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Mahboi


Jul 17, 2003
So then:
- demand facts
- get told facts
- claim the facts are all "opinions" or "whining" or "not facts enough"
- demand facts

rinse and repeat until we reach another 36000 messages of collective denial. All the facts that don't fit your propaganda's narrative are instantly not facts but opinions, all the opinions that fit your narrative are facts.

The funny thing is, your war is lost and it's an unavoidable result. It's about waiting for the result of this sad affair, and the sooner the better. I could tell you "we can just wait and see who's wrong and you can come back to me when I'll be proven wrong" but, you won't, because I won't. The game is already set. We may not even see a single card left to play yet. Ukraine just going to be a sad, slow murder of men who die for a lost cause. And I can't stop it, clearly even just trying to spread some knowledge about the situation online is a lost cause.

@Young Grasshopper has also already mentioned the deepest of the horrible mistakes of this war, the death of the Dollar as the monopolistic global currency, which you have done entirely by yourselves. The Empire managed to pick what was its greatest tools of pressure and control, dollar global monopoly for international trades and SWIFT, and shot both of them by kicking Russia out of it in the hopes that it would kill their economy. In the end, Russia is doing quite well without them, and this move will have the same effect as..................................I actually can't find one. I can't think of a moment in History where a move this absurdly bad was ever played.

You had a way to tax the entire world through inflation thanks to the petrodollar. You had a way to control, monitor and block all international transfers in the banking system, or nearly all.
And you've shot them both by showing to the entire world that not using the dollar anymore would turn out fine, and giving Russia the incentive to create a SWIFT equivalent that they can just grow and provide to the world as an alternative.
You have taken a highly gas and petrol rich country, Russia, and forced it away from its natural economic and political partners in Europe, which you fully control as vassals, towards an alliance with a highly industrialised and populous country, China, that is thoroughly independent of you politically. And whose official goal is to retake its status as Greatest Empire on Earth after 150 years of humiliations (1830-1980).
The depth of this strategic mistake is beyond staggering, I can't think of a historical precedent this bad. Maybe firing Minister Calonne, which eventually led to the French Revolution. And that's peanuts compared to this.

While having every single card to play in hand, the U.S Empire has played them in a way that will destroy its global currency monopoly, its naturally dominant status, and its ability to control global trade. And you've offered China a forced partner that happens to have a ton of oil, when their lack of oil was one of their last resource issues along with lack of water. It's a self-own of tremendous proportions that will take decades to be truly felt to the last of its ripples.

I merely have to watch the rest unfold as it unavoidably will. And suffer the consequences as someone who lives in a vassal state to the Empire, but at least I know what to expect. In 10 or so years, Europe will be a shadow of what it was economically, the U.S will be suffering massive inflation (if you think TODAY's inflation is bad, wait for 2035), and there will be absolutely no walking back. And it'll only get worse from there.

The Empire held a crushing army, international trade control, could tax the world at will through money printing and the petrodollar paying for it, had strategic depth equal to what the British had in 1840, leaderless vassals across all Western Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa, a dominant position in the Middle East and held a massive advantage in the most advanced technologies, particularly weaponry, telecoms, chipmaking and pharmaceuticals.

By its incredibly poor moves in the Ukraine war, the American Empire has taken the dollar's hegemony and destroyed it. This and a certain Nordstream "accident" will suck away Europe's economies back to the U.S, since the vassals are always sacrificed before the Master, much like how Hungary, Czechia, Poland and East Germany were sacrificed before Russia fell in the late USSR. But when Europe, particularly Germany, will have been utterly spent, the U.S will face the hyperinflation that it can't dampen through international exchanges anymore, since any alternative will not suffer the same level of inflation and will be increasingly preferred.

The loss of the "free inflation" will mean that the U.S state will have to start facing its expenditures more strictly, which means that the massive army, massive navy, massive research expenditures, money that flowed into the biggest state-supported companies...everything will grow, for a lack of a better word, narrower. Giant pipes of money will become funnels. Funnels will become dead ends. The crushing military-industrial complex, state sponsored R&D, and whatever else that relied on the dollar not being Monopoly money, it's all going to go so painful as time goes on. All the while China irrevocably recovers its N°1 status with Russia in tow, as the West falls into an increasingly visible state of decay.

And much like the strategic situation in Donbass or Luhansk, that game is set. No credible amount of effort or plays will overturn this. You have moved History's gears into a position where the sheer weight of the world, that used to go your way, the "expensively inflationist, extraterritorial but oh-so-unavoidable Dollar" way, will now increasingly go to the competition that you forced to exist. And that's just the Russia moves. The China moves, getting them out of advanced chip/AI availability, is spurring even more efforts to get them to produce advanced chips and lithography. Sure, they rely on ASML, but for how long? 5 years? 10? Geopolitics is a long game, but the idiots who did this have somehow built a perfect block, with the industry, money, natural resources, and every single pillar necessary, against themselves.
SWIFT alternative and international trade currency to Russia, high volume industry and advanced technologies in semiconductors to China.

The Ukraine war will be marked down as the seminal event of the downfall of the U.S Empire, not because of what Russia will have done, but because of what the Americans will have done to themselves.
I still can't believe how poorly this was played. It's like having a perfect deck and somehow playing every card wrong. I would laugh if I wasn't going to be skewered and cooked along with the "This is fine" supporters.
The only silver lining is that two powers will not work as well as one, and that neither Russia or China are much interested in being a beacon of free trade. But the sheer weight of the world will push them into it.

I was going to answer to the rest, but frankly, I've already given you a lot, and got pretty much nothing but denial and insults for it. Trying to make you all think about the reality of what's going on is like feeding a pitbull with veggies. The pitbull vomits everything back, and you get your hands bitten for trying. So this'll be the last bit of wisdom from me. Spit at it, insult me, ignore it, call it "opinions", or whatever you please. Everything I said here, whether about the proxy war in Ukraine or the greater state of the U.S Empire, will come to pass nonetheless. It is only a question of time.

Triggered. Some fap, do you feel better now?

Another delusional fascist lover, butthurt over American dominance both military and economic *sigh* Look at you project Russia's dire economic future on a currently prosperous West, awwww. I thought citing "the long game" with no mention of China's or Russia's problematic demographics was a nice touch to your confused rambling btw. China will always be dependent on ASML for the super high end because it doesn't have time to build and nuture an equivalent. It will also always be dependent on the US for the world's only source of absolutely pure silicon. Fun! Almost as fun as watching Russia lose oil customers like India, or the other stans start to refuse Russian business transactions. Meanwhile business continues to boom for the US, and just look at that Russian slice of the market go directly to France, how about that... I think I would laugh if you posted something factual, the love of projection among your kind is just too strong though, no?

The ax you have to grind with the US is hilarious, heavy enough to affect your vision apparently. The only pitbull here is a Ukrianian one, all grisled and bloody from eating Russians, who think they own the yard. So what if American weapons keep embarrassing Russia, making Russian performance on the battlefield look even worse, the important thing to remember is Ukraine is in this for the long haul. It's not like any kind of negotiation or treaty with Putin would be worth the paper it's written on, so what choice do they have?

It's good you seem to be so anti imperial. If only you could bring yourself to address the current invasion in progress by the only country currently trying to annex others by force. Just imagine how frothy and sanctimonious you'd be if America were at war with Mexico, targeting civilians, forcing kidnapped orphans to abandon Spanish, that kind of thing. Why, that would be some Evil Empire shit, right?

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine will go down in history as the true begining of Russia's second decline, with an ending similar to the one we've seen before. It is only a question of time.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
- demand facts
- get told facts

...since the vassals are always sacrificed before the Master, much like how Hungary, Czechia, Poland and East Germany were sacrificed before Russia fell in the late USSR.
Salient fact! Well put.

Now, please explain to me how and why you are ok with Ukraine sacrificing any part of their sovereign territory to this factually, historically predatory country, all for the peasant Putin's blood soaked dreams of -- what's that word again? -- oh, yeah, EMPIRE.


Aug 24, 2004
The American master couldn't care less how many Ukrainians die as long as their deaths give the image that the war is ongoing and so they don't have to show that they've utterly failed.
Yes, it is that base.

That's entirely wrong. The main problem with the U.S Empire is well known and has nothing to do with capitalism, it's a minor element.
The main cause is the form and ambitions of the Empire, particularly in terms of loss prevention and cost of investment.

Take the F-35, americans diddle themselves all the time on how it's the greATeST PLaNe EvRRRRRRR. In truth, it is a textbook example of an overblown project with infinite delays, infinite reinvestments, infinite conflicts between departments arguing about what they want to have in the plane.
The theory is that it's the Bestest Plane Evarrrr. The practice is that it's an incredibly expensive project that allowed itself to waste amounts of money that would have warranted arrests for corruption long ago in almost any country.

When your planes are the most expensive, your missiles are the most expensive, your men's training is the most expensive, your carriers are the most expensive, etc, then an enemy can't beat you in a straight fight. But they can use techniques to make you lose your expensive crap with less expensive stuff. So you have to compensate for that by using multiple low-value, low-quality cannon fodder to preserve your overly shiny toys.

In case you don't get my meaning, the poor Ukrainians are the cannon fodder.

The U.S isn't incapable of fighting Russia. But its entire military-industrial system is focusing on an expensive, high tech, highest tier technology possible. If tomorrow they decided to send 300 80M$ tanks to Ukraine, the Russians would build 100M$ of crappy suicide drones and lose 90% of them, but still do enough damage that 100M$ worth of tech has tore through a large part of 24B$.
And if you told them "we don't need your super shiny stuff, we just need artillery shells, cannons, older, cheaper tech in large quantities", well, there isn't a single part of the military industrial complex that cares. Margins aren't as high, but beyond that, the goal is to be the supreme ruler of the world. You can't be that with equal weaponry, you need better weaponry. So, nobody's going to walk back to mass producing artillery shells if they can be part of the next level Super Laser of Death, or whatever it is that'll bring in the money.

The Ukraine war is a textbook example of a lower funding, lower quality army that still relies on trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, vs a local proxy that has roughly the same trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, but has immensely less of them.
Now BEHIND that local proxy is a mighty empire, but that empire isn't going to engage its expensive forces into an escalation. Because at worst, it's mutual nuclear destruction. At best, it'll be cheaper drones, cheaper ground-to-air missiles, cheaper everything, versus their expensive everything. They'll lose more than they win. Pyrrhic victory is never good for anyone.

So the U.S has what it takes. It just won't engage them, because the loss is far beyond what they're willing to pay just for Ukraine. It is the cruelty of this empire that Ukraine can bleed and die between the Russian hammer and the American anvil, but they can't be saved from the americans ceasing to push them onwards, or from the russians that won't stop until they've gotten everything they can. Not even because the americans can't afford to lose, their loss is already obvious and consumed to anyone that paid attention. But because whatever CIA analyst, Pentagon general, or politician somewhere that pushed for the war doesn't want to be associated with defeat.
It's ok to make dozens of thousands of dead, it's not ok to lose face.

All with the obscene screams of the "Slava Ukraini" supporters sitting at home with their Red Bull can and their 4K monitor encouraging "the Ukrainian people" to just go on and keep dying, and trying to shut down anyone who dares criticize the policy.

Ukraine is an affair that must end as soon as possible because the only thing these sods are dying for is an american politician's reputation and whoever's getting paid by the U.S in Ukraine to keep being paid.
You make some good points but I have to say that crony capitalism, oligopolies and many more are just a big part of most of the so-called capitalist countries, such as America. This is not to say that their opposition is better but we have to acknowledge shortcomings. Russia and Ukraine, and other eastern countries (and Western countries) have oligarchs with too much power as well, and China's wealth is heavily concentrated. Countries such as India have huge wealth inequalities.

You talk about F-35 so let's stick with that as an example. The military industrial complex makes its living on running beyond budget, delays, overcharging, etc. This is the profit-first ideology of American defense so super duper expensive is good for them. Higher margins, etc. Don't want to get too involved in this topic but the Pentagon, which has more than $1 trillion budget, regularly finds trillions of dollars missing during audits. This is good news for both politicians and defense companies - more money for both. No one is held accountable and people are rewarded. That is why you see 20 years of occupation of Afghanistan - contractors are very happy, defense companies are very happy and politicians are very happy.

The US does not need to be capable of fighting Russia because there is big ocean between them. If America leaves Russia alone and Russia leaves America alone, no need for fight. But if America wants to fight Russia on Russian soil, this is a huge mistake and one key reason is logistics. Same goes for Russia fighting on American soil. So I don't think America and Russia will be going to war because of logistics and because both sides know it will be very costly. These midpower countries such as UK and France are the ones talking dangerous though. I guess they have to compensate for their declining power by talking tough. Macron's 2,000 or 20,000 troops going to make a difference? Very much laughable. Just look at the size of this huge front of the Ukraine/Russia war - the Western countries are not designed to fight such large scale wars. France has a military designed to limited scale operations, such as in Africa, etc.

I am not sure how much quality stuff the Western countries send Ukraine. Much of it seems older and used - not the latest for the most part. Regardless, the West cannot compete on artillery warfare and that is what this war is about right now. Ukraine also has no air power (drones are different story and Russia has many too).

This war needs to end and negotiations must start. Since China has started to play bigger role in world affairs, such as bringing Shias and Sunnis together with Iran and Saudi Arabia, I hope they can bring Russians and Ukrainians together as well. I do not want Ukraine to lose more territory than it has lost already, and if this war continues, it will lose more territory. We are seeing this happen as the Russian offensives are forming, with help from hardening of ground and a lack of Ukrainian counterattacks.
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