Russia on brink of ... NOPE! Russia INVADES Ukraine!

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Aug 24, 2004
He won’t or can’t read it. Ever wonder where these walls of text come from? Completely prepared for idiots like rawdog, et al, to copy paste into wherever they’ve been assigned to flood with disinformation and propaganda.
That was not addressed to me but anyway, the walls of text has disproved the narrative of Ukrainian successful drone strikes against Russian military targets. Sometimes, the narrative is so strong, the propaganda is so strong, that it takes walls of text to disprove these things.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
That was not addressed to me but anyway, the walls of text has disproved the narrative of Ukrainian successful drone strikes against Russian military targets. Sometimes, the narrative is so strong, the propaganda is so strong, that it takes walls of text to disprove these things.
What’s odd is I really haven’t seen much of anything outside of the usual videos of successful strikes, other than the strikes on refineries, which were clearly at least modestly successful as now Russia is making contingency plans for new gasoline sources.

I get the sense you are coming from an extremely distorted media environment because what you think the rest of us are reading seems very different than my lived experience.

Genuine advice - you might want to ask yourself what sort of propaganda you are consuming. After all it’s led you to act as an apologist for Russian genocide while condemning Israeli genocide.


Aug 24, 2004
Apologist? No I am not. I don't want Ukraine to be destroyed any more than it is now. Time to negotiate and if you don't, more territory will be lost. I am following things as much as I know and I see Russian offensives all over the battlefront. These tricks with drones, as I've noted and shown, are not going to change battlefield results. And the West cannot match Russian industrial output, we have seen this. The West's military industry is based around capitalist (not necessarily bad or good) ideologies of massive profits for the military industry and their shareholders. Nation's security is not their main goal, profits are. Meanwhile, Russian industrial output of military related goods is very high compared to the West. Maybe not wonder weapons but they appear to be useful.

As for Israel/Palestine, well this is another failed American foreign policy area. America's policies have utterly failed here and have led to the genocide of Palestinians. What more can I say on this?

I hope maybe China can broker some sort of peace between Israel/Palestine like they brokered with Saudi Arabia/Iran. The Arab world must realize America is not an honest broker of peace, when it comes to Israel. Too much bias so the Palestinian side will always get bad side of the deal.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Apologist? No I am not. I don't want Ukraine to be destroyed any more than it is now. Time to negotiate and if you don't, more territory will be lost. I am following things as much as I know and I see Russian offensives all over the battlefront. These tricks with drones, as I've noted and shown, are not going to change battlefield results. And the West cannot match Russian industrial output, we have seen this. The West's military industry is based around capitalist (not necessarily bad or good) ideologies of massive profits for the military industry and their shareholders. Nation's security is not their main goal, profits are. Meanwhile, Russian industrial output of military related goods is very high compared to the West.

As for Israel/Palestine, well this is another failed American foreign policy area. America's policies have utterly failed here and have led to the genocide of Palestinians. What more can I say on this?

I hope maybe China can broker some sort of peace between Israel/Palestine like they brokered with Saudi Arabia/Iran. The Arab world must realize America is not an honest broker of peace, when it comes to Israel. Too much bias so the Palestinian side will always get bad side of the deal.
If you think the US cannot match Russian industrial output and/or could not destroy the Russian army with existing stocks you are delusional.

The US has nearly 6 million cluster munitions alone and estimated 5 million 155mm shells. Russia is producing 800k a year and the US is ramping production quickly. Not to mention that’s not even our primary munition of choice.

Russia is so badly lapped they think they are ahead. lol.


Aug 24, 2004
Wall of text is coming, sorry apologies. But sometimes it has to be done.

Cluster munitions are old I believe of US - many are duds. I will quote CNN here, so to assure of no bias:

CNN article

Russia appears on track to produce nearly three times more artillery munitions than the US and Europe, a key advantage ahead of what is expected to be another Russian offensive in Ukraine later this year.

Russia is producing about 250,000 artillery munitions per month, or about 3 million a year, according to NATO intelligence estimates of Russian defense production shared with CNN, as well as sources familiar with Western efforts to arm Ukraine. Collectively, the US and Europe have the capacity to generate only about 1.2 million munitions annually to send to Kyiv, a senior European intelligence official told CNN.

The US military set a goal to produce 100,000 rounds of artillery a month by the end of 2025 — less than half of the Russian monthly output — and even that number is now out of reach with $60 billion in Ukraine funding stalled in Congress, a senior Army official told reporters last week.

The US and its allies have given Ukraine a number of highly sophisticated systems, including the M-1 Abrams tank and, soon, F-16 fighter jets. But military analysts say the war will likely be won or lost based on who fires the most artillery shells.

“The number one issue that we’re watching right now is the munitions,” the NATO official said. “It’s those artillery shells, because that’s where Russia really [is] mounting a significant production advantage and mounting a significant advantage on the battlefield.”

Russian factories working very hard while, as you say, US is "ramping" up. How long does ramping up take? By that time, Ukraine will lose more towns and cities, making is harder to reclaim them. Also, as the article mentions and I have pointed on here, Russia is having more success targeting Ukraine's military targets - including weapons production targets. Just adding to the shortage of Ukraine.

Look at map of Avdiivka:

Russia totally surrounding the city, capturing it and now taking more towns. Even as we are speaking towns are being fought over and eventually being captured. How long can Kharkov stay Ukrainian?

I am surprised to see such artillery shells shortfalls of US that they have begged countries such as South Korea and Pakistan for them. $1 trillion in annual budget can buy fancy jets but not enough artillery shells. Going forward, maybe the military industrial complex can think security for US instead of massive profits. This might also be good for the US taxpayers.
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Senior member
Apr 4, 2024
Apologist? No I am not. I don't want Ukraine to be destroyed any more than it is now. Time to negotiate.
The American master couldn't care less how many Ukrainians die as long as their deaths give the image that the war is ongoing and so they don't have to show that they've utterly failed.
Yes, it is that base.
These tricks with drones, as I've noted and shown, are not going to change battlefield results. And the West cannot match Russian industrial output, we have seen this. The West's military industry is based around capitalist (not necessarily bad or good) ideologies of massive profits for the military industry and their shareholders.
That's entirely wrong. The main problem with the U.S Empire is well known and has nothing to do with capitalism, it's a minor element.
The main cause is the form and ambitions of the Empire, particularly in terms of loss prevention and cost of investment.

Take the F-35, americans diddle themselves all the time on how it's the greATeST PLaNe EvRRRRRRR. In truth, it is a textbook example of an overblown project with infinite delays, infinite reinvestments, infinite conflicts between departments arguing about what they want to have in the plane.
The theory is that it's the Bestest Plane Evarrrr. The practice is that it's an incredibly expensive project that allowed itself to waste amounts of money that would have warranted arrests for corruption long ago in almost any country.

When your planes are the most expensive, your missiles are the most expensive, your men's training is the most expensive, your carriers are the most expensive, etc, then an enemy can't beat you in a straight fight. But they can use techniques to make you lose your expensive crap with less expensive stuff. So you have to compensate for that by using multiple low-value, low-quality cannon fodder to preserve your overly shiny toys.

In case you don't get my meaning, the poor Ukrainians are the cannon fodder.

The U.S isn't incapable of fighting Russia. But its entire military-industrial system is focusing on an expensive, high tech, highest tier technology possible. If tomorrow they decided to send 300 80M$ tanks to Ukraine, the Russians would build 100M$ of crappy suicide drones and lose 90% of them, but still do enough damage that 100M$ worth of tech has tore through a large part of 24B$.
And if you told them "we don't need your super shiny stuff, we just need artillery shells, cannons, older, cheaper tech in large quantities", well, there isn't a single part of the military industrial complex that cares. Margins aren't as high, but beyond that, the goal is to be the supreme ruler of the world. You can't be that with equal weaponry, you need better weaponry. So, nobody's going to walk back to mass producing artillery shells if they can be part of the next level Super Laser of Death, or whatever it is that'll bring in the money.

The Ukraine war is a textbook example of a lower funding, lower quality army that still relies on trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, vs a local proxy that has roughly the same trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, but has immensely less of them.
Now BEHIND that local proxy is a mighty empire, but that empire isn't going to engage its expensive forces into an escalation. Because at worst, it's mutual nuclear destruction. At best, it'll be cheaper drones, cheaper ground-to-air missiles, cheaper everything, versus their expensive everything. They'll lose more than they win. Pyrrhic victory is never good for anyone.

So the U.S has what it takes. It just won't engage them, because the loss is far beyond what they're willing to pay just for Ukraine. It is the cruelty of this empire that Ukraine can bleed and die between the Russian hammer and the American anvil, but they can't be saved from the americans ceasing to push them onwards, or from the russians that won't stop until they've gotten everything they can. Not even because the americans can't afford to lose, their loss is already obvious and consumed to anyone that paid attention. But because whatever CIA analyst, Pentagon general, or politician somewhere that pushed for the war doesn't want to be associated with defeat.
It's ok to make dozens of thousands of dead, it's not ok to lose face.

All with the obscene screams of the "Slava Ukraini" supporters sitting at home with their Red Bull can and their 4K monitor encouraging "the Ukrainian people" to just go on and keep dying, and trying to shut down anyone who dares criticize the policy.

Ukraine is an affair that must end as soon as possible because the only thing these sods are dying for is an american politician's reputation and whoever's getting paid by the U.S in Ukraine to keep being paid.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Wall of text is coming, sorry apologies. But sometimes it has to be done.

Cluster munitions are old I believe of US - many are duds. I will quote CNN here, so to assure of no bias:

CNN article

Russia appears on track to produce nearly three times more artillery munitions than the US and Europe, a key advantage ahead of what is expected to be another Russian offensive in Ukraine later this year.

Russia is producing about 250,000 artillery munitions per month, or about 3 million a year, according to NATO intelligence estimates of Russian defense production shared with CNN, as well as sources familiar with Western efforts to arm Ukraine. Collectively, the US and Europe have the capacity to generate only about 1.2 million munitions annually to send to Kyiv, a senior European intelligence official told CNN.

The US military set a goal to produce 100,000 rounds of artillery a month by the end of 2025 — less than half of the Russian monthly output — and even that number is now out of reach with $60 billion in Ukraine funding stalled in Congress, a senior Army official told reporters last week.

The US and its allies have given Ukraine a number of highly sophisticated systems, including the M-1 Abrams tank and, soon, F-16 fighter jets. But military analysts say the war will likely be won or lost based on who fires the most artillery shells.

“The number one issue that we’re watching right now is the munitions,” the NATO official said. “It’s those artillery shells, because that’s where Russia really [is] mounting a significant production advantage and mounting a significant advantage on the battlefield.”

Russian factories working very hard while, as you say, US is "ramping" up. How long does ramping up take? By that time, Ukraine will lose more towns and cities, making is harder to reclaim them. Also, as the article mentions and I have pointed on here, Russia is having more success targeting Ukraine's military targets - including weapons production targets. Just adding to the shortage of Ukraine.

Look at map of Avdiivka:

April 19, 2022 - Feb 4, 2024 - Feb 19, 2024

Russia totally surrounding the city, capturing it and now taking more towns. Even as we are speaking towns are being fought over and eventually being captured. How long can Kharkov stay Ukrainian?

I am surprised to see such artillery shells shortfalls of US that they have begged countries such as South Korea and Pakistan for them. $1 trillion in annual budget can buy fancy jets but not enough artillery shells.
The US is not begging anyone out of a lack of our own stockpiles, it is republicans blocking the transfer of those massive stockpiles. Also your text references ‘artillery munitions’. If we did that for the US our stockpiles go through the roof.

Simply put we have many years of Russian production sitting in warehouses. We don’t want to send them to Ukraine specifically because we want them for our own purposes. If Russia was stupid enough to get in a war with the US we would quickly change our mind.

@raildogg - I think this is the most important thing you don’t understand. Russia is fighting tooth and nail here. NATO is only half paying attention and the US is paying a quarter attention. Do you realize the slaughter that would happen if the US decided to actually fight?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Also @raildogg - zoom that map out and look at how small the advances really are.



Aug 24, 2004
I will reply further later on to Mahboi, but fskimospy, the Russians are doing this on purpose. As mentioned prior, the point is to grind down the Ukrainians slowly so as to crush the military. Sorry to use such language but seems to be the goal here. Slow, steady but now very forceful as well. Also, I have put a different map now showring growth of Russia's frontlines. As we are speaking, a lot of battles going on and this will likely mean more Russian territorial growth.

Ok, you might be right. US has enough weapons to fight Russia and maybe even China in the SCS, however, if Ukraine falls it will be a huge loss for the West collectively. So, the US has to see what is good for them. National security by having large stockpiles or ambitions of weakening Russia? I have yet to see conclusive proof of massive US military production. Meanwhile, Russia has yet to even request its partners such as N Korea, Iran and China for weapons and ammo. Drones from Iran are being used and trains are running from N Korea, but there is lack of evidence of large scale foreign weapons for Russia. Despite more than 2 years of war, Russian industrial weapons output is strong.

I have to disagree on NATO, they are a huge paper tiger. I will mention more later but manpower shortages, poor upkeep, very little industrial capacity and years of dependency on US have left NATO European countries very weak with a real threat. They can bully around small countries but in a real warlike situation? They have to depend heavily on US.
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Reactions: Mahboi


Jan 28, 2002
The American master couldn't care less how many Ukrainians die as long as their deaths give the image that the war is ongoing and so they don't have to show that they've utterly failed.
Yes, it is that base.

That's entirely wrong. The main problem with the U.S Empire is well known and has nothing to do with capitalism, it's a minor element.
The main cause is the form and ambitions of the Empire, particularly in terms of loss prevention and cost of investment.

Take the F-35, americans diddle themselves all the time on how it's the greATeST PLaNe EvRRRRRRR. In truth, it is a textbook example of an overblown project with infinite delays, infinite reinvestments, infinite conflicts between departments arguing about what they want to have in the plane.
The theory is that it's the Bestest Plane Evarrrr. The practice is that it's an incredibly expensive project that allowed itself to waste amounts of money that would have warranted arrests for corruption long ago in almost any country.

When your planes are the most expensive, your missiles are the most expensive, your men's training is the most expensive, your carriers are the most expensive, etc, then an enemy can't beat you in a straight fight. But they can use techniques to make you lose your expensive crap with less expensive stuff. So you have to compensate for that by using multiple low-value, low-quality cannon fodder to preserve your overly shiny toys.

In case you don't get my meaning, the poor Ukrainians are the cannon fodder.

The U.S isn't incapable of fighting Russia. But its entire military-industrial system is focusing on an expensive, high tech, highest tier technology possible. If tomorrow they decided to send 300 80M$ tanks to Ukraine, the Russians would build 100M$ of crappy suicide drones and lose 90% of them, but still do enough damage that 100M$ worth of tech has tore through a large part of 24B$.
And if you told them "we don't need your super shiny stuff, we just need artillery shells, cannons, older, cheaper tech in large quantities", well, there isn't a single part of the military industrial complex that cares. Margins aren't as high, but beyond that, the goal is to be the supreme ruler of the world. You can't be that with equal weaponry, you need better weaponry. So, nobody's going to walk back to mass producing artillery shells if they can be part of the next level Super Laser of Death, or whatever it is that'll bring in the money.

The Ukraine war is a textbook example of a lower funding, lower quality army that still relies on trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, vs a local proxy that has roughly the same trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, but has immensely less of them.
Now BEHIND that local proxy is a mighty empire, but that empire isn't going to engage its expensive forces into an escalation. Because at worst, it's mutual nuclear destruction. At best, it'll be cheaper drones, cheaper ground-to-air missiles, cheaper everything, versus their expensive everything. They'll lose more than they win. Pyrrhic victory is never good for anyone.

So the U.S has what it takes. It just won't engage them, because the loss is far beyond what they're willing to pay just for Ukraine. It is the cruelty of this empire that Ukraine can bleed and die between the Russian hammer and the American anvil, but they can't be saved from the americans ceasing to push them onwards, or from the russians that won't stop until they've gotten everything they can. Not even because the americans can't afford to lose, their loss is already obvious and consumed to anyone that paid attention. But because whatever CIA analyst, Pentagon general, or politician somewhere that pushed for the war doesn't want to be associated with defeat.
It's ok to make dozens of thousands of dead, it's not ok to lose face.

All with the obscene screams of the "Slava Ukraini" supporters sitting at home with their Red Bull can and their 4K monitor encouraging "the Ukrainian people" to just go on and keep dying, and trying to shut down anyone who dares criticize the policy.

Ukraine is an affair that must end as soon as possible because the only thing these sods are dying for is an american politician's reputation and whoever's getting paid by the U.S in Ukraine to keep being paid.

What a steaming pile; woah, Daddy!


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The American master couldn't care less how many Ukrainians die as long as their deaths give the image that the war is ongoing and so they don't have to show that they've utterly failed.
Yes, it is that base.

That's entirely wrong. The main problem with the U.S Empire is well known and has nothing to do with capitalism, it's a minor element.
The main cause is the form and ambitions of the Empire, particularly in terms of loss prevention and cost of investment.

Take the F-35, americans diddle themselves all the time on how it's the greATeST PLaNe EvRRRRRRR. In truth, it is a textbook example of an overblown project with infinite delays, infinite reinvestments, infinite conflicts between departments arguing about what they want to have in the plane.
The theory is that it's the Bestest Plane Evarrrr. The practice is that it's an incredibly expensive project that allowed itself to waste amounts of money that would have warranted arrests for corruption long ago in almost any country.

When your planes are the most expensive, your missiles are the most expensive, your men's training is the most expensive, your carriers are the most expensive, etc, then an enemy can't beat you in a straight fight. But they can use techniques to make you lose your expensive crap with less expensive stuff. So you have to compensate for that by using multiple low-value, low-quality cannon fodder to preserve your overly shiny toys.

In case you don't get my meaning, the poor Ukrainians are the cannon fodder.

The U.S isn't incapable of fighting Russia. But its entire military-industrial system is focusing on an expensive, high tech, highest tier technology possible. If tomorrow they decided to send 300 80M$ tanks to Ukraine, the Russians would build 100M$ of crappy suicide drones and lose 90% of them, but still do enough damage that 100M$ worth of tech has tore through a large part of 24B$.
And if you told them "we don't need your super shiny stuff, we just need artillery shells, cannons, older, cheaper tech in large quantities", well, there isn't a single part of the military industrial complex that cares. Margins aren't as high, but beyond that, the goal is to be the supreme ruler of the world. You can't be that with equal weaponry, you need better weaponry. So, nobody's going to walk back to mass producing artillery shells if they can be part of the next level Super Laser of Death, or whatever it is that'll bring in the money.

The Ukraine war is a textbook example of a lower funding, lower quality army that still relies on trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, vs a local proxy that has roughly the same trenches/artillery/tanks/air power/missiles, but has immensely less of them.
Now BEHIND that local proxy is a mighty empire, but that empire isn't going to engage its expensive forces into an escalation. Because at worst, it's mutual nuclear destruction. At best, it'll be cheaper drones, cheaper ground-to-air missiles, cheaper everything, versus their expensive everything. They'll lose more than they win. Pyrrhic victory is never good for anyone.

So the U.S has what it takes. It just won't engage them, because the loss is far beyond what they're willing to pay just for Ukraine. It is the cruelty of this empire that Ukraine can bleed and die between the Russian hammer and the American anvil, but they can't be saved from the americans ceasing to push them onwards, or from the russians that won't stop until they've gotten everything they can. Not even because the americans can't afford to lose, their loss is already obvious and consumed to anyone that paid attention. But because whatever CIA analyst, Pentagon general, or politician somewhere that pushed for the war doesn't want to be associated with defeat.
It's ok to make dozens of thousands of dead, it's not ok to lose face.

All with the obscene screams of the "Slava Ukraini" supporters sitting at home with their Red Bull can and their 4K monitor encouraging "the Ukrainian people" to just go on and keep dying, and trying to shut down anyone who dares criticize the policy.

Ukraine is an affair that must end as soon as possible because the only thing these sods are dying for is an american politician's reputation and whoever's getting paid by the U.S in Ukraine to keep being paid.
It's like Ripped Brain decided to start a P&N alt.



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I will reply further later on to Mahboi, but fskimospy, the Russians are doing this on purpose. As mentioned prior, the point is to grind down the Ukrainians slowly so as to crush the military. Sorry to use such language but seems to be the goal here. Slow, steady but now very forceful as well.
The Russians are trying this because their original plan failed catastrophically and they have no other choice.
Ok, you might be right. US has enough weapons to fight Russia and maybe even China in the SCS, however, if Ukraine falls it will be a huge loss for the West collectively. So, the US has to see what is good for them. National security by having large stockpiles or ambitions of weakening Russia? I have yet to see conclusive proof of massive US military production. Meanwhile, Russia has yet to even request its partners such as N Korea, Iran and China for weapons and ammo.

I have to disagree on NATO, they are a huge paper tiger. I will mention more later.
Did you miss the stories about Russia trying to get ammo from North Korea and trying to get drones from Iran?


Jan 28, 2002
In WW2 terms the Soviets were wrong for resisting the Nazis and America was wrong for prolonging the slaughter by supplying them.

Can you believe the low-grade bullshit he is trying to peddle here?

I wouldn't sling that crap if I was paid in Rubles to do so.

Oh, wait...
Reactions: Meghan54


Aug 24, 2004
I have mentioned the drones and have mentioned trains from N Korea. This does not mean Russia cannot meet its military needs without these countries. Iran is definitely helping Russia and that is why we have seen Ukrainian drones trying to go after these drone making plants.

I am now seeing US telling Ukraine to stop attacking Russian oil refineries due to increased oil prices. Once again, Ukraine has to do this because it is failing to achieve any military success right now, whether in defending its cities or in waging drone warfare inside Russian territory's military bases. It is waging asymmetric warfare now because it has no choice.

Biden does not want big oil price increases due to political reasons.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I have mentioned the drones and have mentioned trains from N Korea. This does not mean Russia cannot meet its military needs without these countries. Iran is definitely helping Russia and that is why we have seen Ukrainian drones trying to go after these drone making plants.

I am now seeing US telling Ukraine to stop attacking Russian oil refineries due to increased oil prices. Once again, Ukraine has to do this because it is failing to achieve any military success right now, whether in defending its cities or in waging drone warfare inside Russian territory's military bases. It is waging asymmetric warfare now because it has no choice.

Biden does not want big oil price increases due to political reasons.
Well either Russia is getting ammo from North Korea or they aren’t. Which is it?


Senior member
Apr 4, 2024
I will reply further later on to Mahboi, but fskimospy, the Russians are doing this on purpose. As mentioned prior, the point is to grind down the Ukrainians slowly so as to crush the military. Sorry to use such language but seems to be the goal here. Slow, steady but now very forceful as well. Also, I have put a different map now showring growth of Russia's frontlines. As we are speaking, a lot of battles going on and this will likely mean more Russian territorial growth.
This exactly. Russia isn't going, despite all the propaganda, for a sacrificial zerg rush here. It is a slow, attrition-based artillery barrage that advances until there are no sizeable defenses left. Something against which there is nothing to do but have more artillery, WW1 style, or retreat.
Despite more than 2 years of war, Russian industrial weapons output is strong.
Probably stronger than before. In a very Winter War-esque move, the first weeks of the Russian assault were marred by bad supply, food problems, lack of expected cargo, etc. I still remember Putin's face at his general, you could read the desire to pick his knife and stick him with it.
But since then they've had ample time to reform. It's the same with every war: you enter not really knowing what your weaknesses are, you see them during the war, and time helps you reform and adapt. The Russian army of today and the industry behind it have probably shed a huge amount of useless bloat.
I have to disagree on NATO, they are a huge paper tiger. I will mention more later but manpower shortages, poor upkeep, very little industrial capacity and years of dependency on US have left NATO European countries very weak with a real threat. They can bully around small countries but in a real warlike situation? They have to depend heavily on US.
Speaking as a European, France is the last country with a semblance of an army, and it is, by accounts I've heard, a shadow of what it was. Yet every single neighboring country says that it is the last real army left. So make of that what you will.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I have mentioned the drones and have mentioned trains from N Korea. This does not mean Russia cannot meet its military needs without these countries. Iran is definitely helping Russia and that is why we have seen Ukrainian drones trying to go after these drone making plants.

I am now seeing US telling Ukraine to stop attacking Russian oil refineries due to increased oil prices. Once again, Ukraine has to do this because it is failing to achieve any military success right now, whether in defending its cities or in waging drone warfare inside Russian territory's military bases. It is waging asymmetric warfare now because it has no choice.

Biden does not want big oil price increases due to political reasons.

No, that's exactly what it means. Russian shell expenditures outstrip their own capacity and elevated "production" levels are actually an issue because they are largely reconditioning old stock which will run out or degrade too much in quality to be practical. This is why they are trading oil for shells with NK.
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