Russian Hacking (You People are Idiots)

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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Metal creaking stuff for a film. Paid the junk yard $300 to let my crawl around it opening and closing doors trunks and random stuff. Some amazing cars out there. They do mustang reconditioning. Hence that car in the pic.
My wife is into that (at an amateur level). She records rusty gates, windmills, pumps, etc.

Jump in about 30 seconds.


Jun 23, 2004
Maybe someone should have listened in 2012?
You said Russia ... the 1980s, they're now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War's been over for 20 years," Obama said.
That's a pretty hilarious contention between Romney and Obama now that four years have passed.


Sep 5, 2000
Well ain't you special! Not sure where that's from and it had zero sound for me so..

That doesn't mean you know what's best for American people.

In no way, shape, or form does that that mean you're better than any other American.

Did I say that? You were the one saying I was beneath you because grammar is so important. I just dragged you out to deep water. Once you figure out your sound systems playback (The first step to a click track is hearing it) let me know what you think.


Jun 19, 2000
Hit a nerve, huh?
Not in the slightest but I do understand how your inflated sense of self-worth would make you feel that way.

If you want to channel your inner totalitarian, you may of course, do so. I just wanted to point out that nobody is listening and that contrary to your opinion, nobody has to listen. The realities in a post-Obama U.S. that are rampantly approaching are based in dismissal of progressive ideology. I'll say it again, you're irrelevant.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Thats awesome man. What is she recording with?
She uses a Sony PCM-M10 Recorder, a little pocket recorder. It has extremely low self noise so works well for nature recording. Keeping the wind out of it is the hard thing.


Sep 5, 2000


Sep 5, 2000
I'm telling you right now: I could what you do, but you could not do what I do.

It's OK if you can make money with soundtracks without being versed in English. I'm not mad about that.

Did you ever even take English 101?

Im telling you right now you cant do what I do. Its the dumbest idea. I never attacked your profession. You attacked mine. Hence why we are talking about it.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
You and others are so naïve. You are absolutely correct about the Mossadegh coup. Absolutely correct about the campaign against Allende. And since the CIA from its earliest days was supposed to be knitted to the White House like a glove, then you can also look at the White House occupants at the time those events occurred, although you completely ignore the Greatest Lie of modern times somewhere between 4. and 2. Or was it two Lies -- owing to the confusion over the Pentagon Papers? Or maybe three lies, if you include the initial posture that CIA had nothing to do with Bay of Pigs? In fact, the lie in # 2 is connected to these earlier lies and an assassination of September 20, 1976 which killed 3 people in Washington's Sheridan Circle.

But the actors in the Lies not generally recognized or thought of were few in number. All of those things occurred during the panic of the Cold War. If you haven't paid attention to anything but recent events, consider that everything of concern Today is merely an extension of the Cold War, troubles with the detritus and loose ends of the Cold War, troubles with the same nation-states in the Cold War. And the fog of thinking over "what you call terrorism" or naïve ideas about "bomb the hell out of 'em" comes from a failure to understand these things and their Cold War origins.

You can forgive someone who lost their mental balance in a hazardous job after the Cambridge-Five scandal, but you might have felt relief when he was forcibly retired for the clinical diagnosis. You could even forgive somebody who didn't want the IG's report on the Bay of Pigs printed on paper, who threw a tantrum about it -- returning home to blow his brains out with a shotgun. In those days, the Company was organized for one side of the house to do more than just "gathering intelligence."

It is actually the puerile lack of understanding, the tongue-in-cheek affinity for various Myths -- which leads to this thinking that daily intelligence-gathering is some sort of hocus-pocus concoction with a partisan taint to it. Or that CIA employees magically turn their allegiance from the agency mission or their country whenever there's a new temporary occupant of the White House. They serve the office of the presidency and the country -- not the party in power.

Give the GOP a chance, and they'll try to politicize Jesus Christ and the Bible. Oh. But they've already done that, haven't they?

I don't know what concerns me more: some half-wit's idea that the career-services of the government must be replaced with partisan loyalists in a spoils system, or people who think that the Bourne movies are more than resurrection of an old Myth from a long-dead project of the 1950s. You know what? I think even Snowden acted as he did in parallel to the mythical fiction he saw that year in the "Legacy" sequel. As Vonnegut posits in "Breakfast of Champions:" Americans mostly behave as though they were mimicking characters they saw in movies.

So you admit the CIA has lied, led coups, assassinated leaders and started wars. Look, I get the part about they serve the country not the party in power. I'm not claiming they have some hidden agenda against Trump to prevent him from serving as President. I think there is something very suspicious here that keeps the steady drum of war beating on that we have experienced since I've been alive for 4 decades. That is not being naive, that is real world experience. Trump wants to be friends with Russia, the CIA does not.

And for the record, check my posts I did not expect Trump to win, I though HRC would win in a landslide. I'm not some right wing or left wing partisan. I'm one of the few here on P&N who isn't a lemming that tows the party line. The left wing's reaction to losing the election is what I find worrisome. Amazing how suddenly they just adore the CIA.


Sep 5, 2000
I'm telling you: I am perfectly capable of syncing sounds with motion in a video.
You cannot and never could on your best day do what I do.
Also your English skills are highly lacking. To what do you attribute that?

Where did the sounds come from that you are syncing to picture? What software are you using to sync. What is the sync offset of your system? Are you using tri-level sync via a black burst generator?


Nov 28, 2004
No it was the Bush administration that acted on the CIA report about WMDs. All 4 of those facts I stated about the CIA all well known but you call them BS. Incredible.

sorry, but you can't just rewrite history like that. The CIA did not believe the informant was credible but the Bush admin pushed his lies anyways.

Michael Morell admitted just last year that the Bush administration misrepresented the intelligence, not the CIA.


Sep 5, 2000
sorry, but you can't just rewrite history like that. The CIA did not believe the informant was credible but the Bush admin pushed his lies anyways.

Michael Morell admitted just last year that it was the Bush administration misrepresented the intelligence, not the CIA.

they keep repeating it. Watch in 15 years gwb will be one of the greatest presidents to ever live based on all the fake news they pumped out about the guy.


Senior member
May 12, 2016
What was the information that was obtain for making a deciding factor not to vote for Hillary?


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
sorry, but you can't just rewrite history like that. The CIA did not believe the informant was credible but the Bush admin pushed his lies anyways.

Michael Morell admitted just last year that the Bush administration misrepresented the intelligence, not the CIA.

Do you even read the material you reference. I'll highlight it for you.

On April 8, 2005, CIA Director Porter Goss ordered an internal review of the CIA in order to determine why doubts about Curveball's reliability were not forwarded to policy makers. Former CIA Director George Tenet and his former deputy, John E. McLaughlin, announced that they were not aware of doubts about Curveball's veracity before the war. However, Tyler Drumheller, the former chief of the CIA's European division, told the Los Angeles Times that "everyone in the chain of command knew exactly what was happening."

The director of the CIA was not aware of Curveball's veracity so GWB believed him. Oh but wait, others in the CIA knew exactly what was happening. Sounds like an agency that doesn't have its shit together.

Isn't it possible to think this is happening now?

I ask you again, why is the left so suddenly in love with the CIA?


Sep 5, 2000
I might be using a concrete-block-maker for the soundtrack of "War of the worlds"

I can do what I want.. Trump is your next president. Either embrace it or fall by the wayside and be a seditious person. The choice is yours.

Your right. You can do what you want, if you lived for 1000 years. The issue is our lifespans arent long enough to become experts in more then 2 or 3 things. The other issue for you is you don't seem to have the intelligence to realize that regardless of the work you do. Its ok though. We can all be smart in our own ways. Some of us are meant to think about bigger things while others are set in their ways. As I get older I increase my plasticity. I spend more time with divergence and creativity and less time in the comfort zones of what I knew before. And when you get to that point you will know your true self.


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
they keep repeating it. Watch in 15 years gwb will be one of the greatest presidents to ever live based on all the fake news they pumped out about the guy.

Who is they? I never voted for Bush. You partisan hacks are the worst. No independent thought in any of you. However it does provide non stop entertainment at no cost.


Nov 11, 1999
Not in the slightest but I do understand how your inflated sense of self-worth would make you feel that way.

If you want to channel your inner totalitarian, you may of course, do so. I just wanted to point out that nobody is listening and that contrary to your opinion, nobody has to listen. The realities in a post-Obama U.S. that are rampantly approaching are based in dismissal of progressive ideology. I'll say it again, you're irrelevant.

Heh. Dismissing the will of the majority as irrelevant is totalitarianism at its finest.


Sep 5, 2000
I have no idea what the globalist progressive agenda is but I buy lots of stuff made in america. My socks are made in america even. I purchased a merino wool blanket recently from a couple ladies who live in indiana. All of my denim is made in america. My tshirts are made in america. A lot of my equipment is made in america or another first world country. I have a reclaimed wood dining room table made in la from wood that came from a factory floor in nyc from 1890. All of my furniture is room and board and made in wisconsin or other places. I do drive a volvo. Made in Belgium. Im ok with that. I do have an iphone and thats made in china. Its impossible to get away from it. So I do all of that because I want to make sure my money goes to my people. But now my people have stabbed me in the back. They want me to pay more for any number of random things so they can make more money drilling holes in metal. Thats welfare.


Jun 30, 2004
No it was the Bush administration that acted on the CIA report about WMDs. All 4 of those facts I stated about the CIA all well known but you call them BS. Incredible.

If you're referring to the list of events beginning with Mossadegh, the real facts behind those events weren't really known to the public for as much as two or more decades after they occurred. It was only through the effort and pressure brought to bear for occasional document declassifications that we know what we know now. Iran Contra was probably different in that regard, because the public became aware of the essentials when it was headlined in the news. But even that story goes back to the transition between Carter and Reagan.

So I want to explain my position of partial ignorance regarding the Bush years and the WMDs. I am pleading ignorance, which at the moment I accept as needing no emergency effort to correction.

You don't need to believe it; I have a few witnesses who know it -- some who might say "I remember it a little differently." But when some of those friends don't know a few others, and both groups acknowledged basically the same thing, I have to conclude for myself with confidence.

I predicted everything for eight years and beginning the next morning on the night of September 10, 2001, but no less in mid-November, 2000. How did I do that? I don't know. I was reading a lot of government reports, declassified documents, books about those documents and certain events, books that used some facts and some documents to promote misleading conclusions. That's all I can say about it.

Then, in late 2002, I wrote a letter to a well-known GOP Senator from a western state. I urged him to follow an example of Senator Robert Byrd and his filibuster: put a leash on your dog in the White House. Apparently, my letter was sufficiently polite and civil that I got back a 4-page stationery reply listing the thousands and thousands of WMDs capable of destroying thousands of planets like Earth. It was signed in blue ink, but I know it was an auto-pen.

And I laughed at it! I laughed! I couldn't say that I knew with 100% confidence or no risk of being wrong that the Senator had just made an Ass of himself to me. I was only wishing there had been someone there to make a $1,000 bet on my convictions.

Then, I found the link between Texas oil and my local newspaper in California. But even in 1999, I made my decision against Bush in 1999 on the day he announced he would not run for President, because Wash DC was a cesspool. I could've tempered that decision or even changed it, but the discovery path of my hypotheses over time kept coming up "TRUE" in all windows of the slot machine.

Some point after the curious media handling of Ted Kennedy's 2004 attack on Bush and his war at the National Press Club, I was so sure of my general understanding of the landscape that I stopped looking for more facts.

I read in the news or saw an interview that summarized a key player's book and memoir. The gist of it had the Bush White House, through its influence in the Defense Department, providing either the misleading information, choice of sources, or just pressure on CIA to make those assessments we call Lies now.

I didn't read his book.

So I plead ignorance. Of course, after observation about Palin, her state, its subsidy to citizens from certain "revenues," my view of the world didn't need revision. No problem: we got a community-organizer and law professor over an oil shill or an oil baby.

Your republican candidates of 2016 had quite a handful with connections to oil, the location of oil, the headquarters of oil companies -- from Jindhal to Bush to Cruz and Perry, Esso in New Jersey (who would that be?) -- and then the Wild Card.

Ah, the word just came up again on the news-feed behind my desk. Tillerson! Perry! And, Ladies and Gen'l'men -- there you are.

Somebody think I should read another book? Sure -- post the Amazon link. I'll make an initial assessment as to whether it's a waste of time, worth reading a synopsis, or whatever wider attention I might give.

Oil -- Wall Street. Defense -- Wall Street. Big Pharma -- Wall Street and Oil. Donald Trump with his "own money" -- Wall Street, Wall Street, Russian lenders, Big Oil, Defense and "foreign holdings."

If they even wanted to make an effort for being honest, the GOP could start by changing their name to the Plutocrat Party.

But it's amazing they thought it so useful to whine about "special interests" and the gridlock in Washington. With this sort of "unwarranted influence, sought or unsought" I'd want to see some damn gridlock.


Jun 30, 2004

James Madison, Federalist 10. I'd look at historians like Gibbon. Class struggle, class conflict, whatever you call it for some spin or twist (ah! Class WAR-fare!) exists when a previous president would stand up before the TV prompter to say "America is not a society of classes," and then attend a fundraiser event of defense investors to say "It's always good to see my base -- the Haves and Have Mores." And-- sure -- that's just "anecdotal."

Marxism is simply subscribing to a more rigorous attempt to build a theory about a phenomenon. Marx's Big Delusion was the mistake of the Manifesto.

Do Republicans despise labor unions? Marx despised labor unions.

Mmmm. Seems they'd include an elective in Liberal Arts for a course in the "History of Ideas." Maybe that's your problem.

You don't have any.
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