
Feb 2, 2009
Personally I would create a 75W TDP (no 6/8-pin) full Polaris 10 card with 4GB and sell it at $200-230.
Reactions: Ken g6


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2016
Personally I would create a 75W TDP (no 6/8-pin) full Polaris 10 card with 4GB and sell it at $200-230.

Isn't full Polaris 10 the 480 4gb though? They would have had to "downclock" it to hit 75w a lot. Or did you mean the full Polaris 11 which is in the new MBP? That would have made more sense than having a 3rd P10 I agree, Apple must have gobbled them all up though. It sounds like this card might also be chinese market only.


Feb 2, 2009
Isn't full Polaris 10 the 480 4gb though? They would have had to "downclock" it to hit 75w a lot. Or did you mean the full Polaris 11 which is in the new MBP? That would have made more sense than having a 3rd P10 I agree, Apple must have gobbled them all up though. It sounds like this card might also be chinese market only.

Yes RX 480 is a full Polaris 10, yes they would need to downclock it a lot to reach 75W TDP but it would be the best DX-12 PCI-e only card available today.

Its all about Marketing, a 75W TDP Full Polaris 10 destroying GTX 1050ti 75W TDP PCIe cards in every DX-12 game would make AMD cards look much much better in the eyes of many many consumers.


Golden Member
Jul 2, 2013
The difference between 470 and 470D is so less that it makes no sense to release it outside China. If they down clocked it even further to reach under 90W or something with performance still being 20% faster than 1050ti and sell it for $150 then it would be worth it.
Atleast Chinese customers are getting a great deal.


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2001
Higher core clock than a 470 making it nearly as fast and use nearly as much power?

There's still room for this card if they wanted to do true 1:1 price matching with the 1050 Ti to have a clear winner for anyone with a real PSU, but it does seem awfully close to the 470.


Aug 28, 2016
Great card, would be amazing for $150 in the Western market. This card blows the 1050ti out of the water and for $150 its the best price-performance there is. I don't care if it consumes 200W, for $150 this is the best deal period. It literally eats the overpriced 1050ti turd for lunch.


May 25, 2015
What a lame move if this card is China only. It would undercut 1050Ti's sales by quite a margin.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2009
What a lame move if this card is China only. It would undercut 1050Ti's sales by quite a margin.
Naa. Where i live in eu the 470 took 15% cut this week so cheapest 470 is only like aprox 8% more expensive than cheapest 1050ti.
I think 470 will just be ajusted for rest of the world so its more or less like 1050 price. Still the 1050ti even with powerconnectors wil outsell it.
Nvidia is the brand and thats what counts most for sale. High price signal quality and brand.


Senior member
Apr 2, 2016
What a lame move if this card is China only. It would undercut 1050Ti's sales by quite a margin.
Why would AMD sell this card in Western market (USA, CA, EU ~ 850 million people market), when they can sell the same chip for 20-50$ more (470/480). But that price difference might be large in eastern markets (Asia w/o Japan & S. Korea, Eastern Europe, Africa, most of Latin America), so it should be similar as with region locked (priced) games. But it's a little bit harder to do the same with hardware, as sellers could easily ship/export them to countries nearby. So you can go for China only and cover 40-50% of "poor" market


Diamond Member
May 12, 2006
Its all about Marketing, a 75W TDP Full Polaris 10 destroying GTX 1050ti 75W TDP PCIe cards in every DX-12 game...

It would need a severe underclock to reach this target, and you can ask yourself where is mobile RX 480 if you think full Polaris 10 would perform that well at that TDP.

Yes RX 480 is a full Polaris 10, yes they would need to downclock it a lot to reach 75W TDP but it would be the best DX-12 PCI-e only card available today.

If we are imagining products - then it would most likely get 'destroyed' by a 75W GTX 1060 - 85-90% stock performance at 75W. There's also Tesla P4, full GP104 at 50-75W - 25% higher shader throughput than a GTX 1060 (5.5 TFLOPs vs 4.4 TFLOPs).
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Reactions: ShintaiDK


Feb 2, 2009
If we are imagining products - then it would most likely get 'destroyed' by a 75W GTX 1060 - 85-90% stock performance at 75W. There's also Tesla P4, full GP104 at 50-75W - 25% higher shader throughput than a GTX 1060 (5.5 TFLOPs vs 4.4 TFLOPs).

I said best 75W TDP card for DX-12 games, not Metro Last Light (which is 3-4 years old and also NV TWIMTBP game).


Diamond Member
May 12, 2006
I said best 75W TDP card for DX-12 games, not Metro Last Light (which is 3-4 years old and also NV TWIMTBP game).

That was meant to point out the great scaling from GTX 1060 at lower TDPs (85-90% performance @ 62.5% power). But now that you mention it - DX12 or not - severely underclocked RX 480 wouldn't beat the competition at 75W - especially when NVIDIA has shown they can fit a full GP104 clocked at 25% higher shader throughput than a stock GTX 1060 at that TDP or below (as low as 50W). Anyway, enough with imaginary products.


The reason for all these numbers being such is that Polaris TDP downscale faster than the GTX1060 when frequency is reduced.


The GeForce GTX 1060 starts in the 60W to 62W range at all three resolutions. This corresponds to a GPU Boost frequency of approximately 1500 MHz. If you increase the power target to 116 percent and manually set the fan to 100 percent duty cycle, then the clock rate jumps to somewhere between 2050 and 2100 MHz, just like it did when we tested the 1070 and 1080.

AMD’s Radeon RX 480 starts with a GPU frequency in the 850 to 900 MHz range. These numbers are achieved with our "power-saving mode" and a voltage limited to a maximum of 0.85V.

GTX 1060 is a 60-62W card at base clock. And unlike its direct desktop competitor, it has a mobile counterpart that performs nearly the same at a fraction of the TDP - which proves your estimates are way off.

This is a 470 thread. Not a 1060 thread.
Post to the topic or create your own thread.

Anandtech Forum Director
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Reactions: ShintaiDK


Apr 2, 2011
It would need a severe underclock to reach this target, and you can ask yourself where is mobile RX 480 if you think full Polaris 10 would perform that well at that TDP.

Not at all, at least less than the competition..
The 4GB version would need to be downclocked at 900MHz, this amount to 71% of the perf and 29% downclocking.

If we are imagining products - then it would most likely get 'destroyed' by a 75W GTX 1060 - 85-90% stock performance at 75W.

Theses curves and what can be extrapolated from the GTX1060 voltage/frequency curves say that your estimation is only a wishfull thought, even if they managed to downscale the RAM TDP at the same rate,
wich is not possible, it would be at 86-87W at 0.85% of the perf, if we account for the RAM then it should still be at 100W at these settings, to be at 75W it should be set such that it has 67% of the perf, that s 33% downclocking.

The reason for all these numbers being such is that Polaris TDP downscale faster than the GTX1060 when frequency is reduced.


Feb 2, 2009
That was meant to point out the great scaling from GTX 1060 at lower TDPs (85-90% performance @ 62.5% power). But now that you mention it - DX12 or not - severely underclocked RX 480 wouldn't beat the competition at 75W - especially when NVIDIA has shown they can fit a full GP104 clocked at 25% higher shader throughput than a stock GTX 1060 at that TDP or below (as low as 50W). Anyway, enough with imaginary products.

If you have any DX-12/Vulkan perf/watt links please post them, because im searching for more than 2-3 months now and nobody have measured DX-12/Vulkan perf/watt and compared Polaris to Pascal yet.


Apr 2, 2011

What is wrong are those made up curves, i have no difficulty pointing that it s complete BS, or rather than THG think that all people are stupid enough to not catch their tricks..

If we look at the alleged 1060 curve we can see that power downscale perfectly at square rate with frequency for the whole card, yet it should be only the case for the GPU but not the RAM, if we correct the number by accounting for 30W RAM the card should end at 86W.

Now for the RX480 voltage at 1265MHz is 1120mV and at 900MHz it s 830mV, the resulting TDP ratio reduction at 900MHz is (900/1265) x (830/1120)^2 = 0.39.

If we account 40W for the RAM the GPU take 120W at 1265MHz and should be at 46.8W at 900MHz, to wich we add 40W for the 8GB RAM and we are exactly at 86.8W, with 4GB and the resulting 20W we are at 66.8W.

On the RX480 curve it is obvious that they underclocked the chip without reducing its voltage, the numbers match perfectly..

900/1300 = 0.69 and we know that the GPU take 120W, so that s 120 x 0.69 = 82.6W to wich we add the 40W of the RAM and we are right at 120W; exactly what THG is displaying.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003

"So what’s RX 470D? It’s a new model by AMD, which will not be sold outside China. It’s a RX470/RX460 gap filler, which will cost just enough to compete with GTX 1050 Ti. But why is it China exclusive? I’m afraid there is no short answer for this, but you should know that GeForce GTX X50/X60 series are very popular in Chinese Internet cafes. By not offering any alternative, AMD would lose a lot of market share in that region."

470D is a power hog.

This is a 470D thread, not which cards have less downclocked power thread.


Apr 2, 2011
470D is a power hog.

Wich show your bias, the system with the 470D consume 27% more and provide 35-40% better pêrf than the system with the 1050ti, so it has better perf/watt.

This is a 470D thread, not which cards have less downclocked power thread.

Indeed, and as posted above your post about the 470D has even less relevancy to the thread than what you re branding as not relevant...


Mar 13, 2006
Yes RX 480 is a full Polaris 10, yes they would need to downclock it a lot to reach 75W TDP but it would be the best DX-12 PCI-e only card available today.

Its all about Marketing, a 75W TDP Full Polaris 10 destroying GTX 1050ti 75W TDP PCIe cards in every DX-12 game would make AMD cards look much much better in the eyes of many many consumers.

Citation needed for the highlighted. You have zero knowledge of how a 75W 480 would perform.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
This is a 470 thread. Not an Nvidia 1060 thread.

Post to the topic, or infractions will be levied.

Anandtech Forum Director

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Wich show your bias, the system with the 470D consume 27% more and provide 35-40% better pêrf than the system with the 1050ti, so it has better perf/watt.

My point was to say compared to other faster AMD cards , the 470 and 480, the 470D is a power hog.
It uses 7 less watts than a normal 470 but is much slower. See the chart?

I never said the 1050, so what bias are you personal attacking about?


Apr 2, 2011
My point was to say compared to other faster AMD cards , the 470 and 480, the 470D is a power hog.
It uses 7 less watts than a normal 470 but is much slower. See the chart?

I never said the 1050, so what bias are you personal attacking about?

The charts say that the 470D system consume 97% of the 470 system while providing often more than 95% of the perf, even with this metric you are still wrong, moreover the 7W difference is less than meaningless..

As to why i compared to competing solutions it s to point that less performance will degrade the perf/Watt because only the card power scale down while the rest of the system will consume close to the same, this apply also to the 460 in the charts above.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2012

"So what’s RX 470D? It’s a new model by AMD, which will not be sold outside China. It’s a RX470/RX460 gap filler, which will cost just enough to compete with GTX 1050 Ti. But why is it China exclusive? I’m afraid there is no short answer for this, but you should know that GeForce GTX X50/X60 series are very popular in Chinese Internet cafes. By not offering any alternative, AMD would lose a lot of market share in that region."

470D is a power hog.

This is a 470D thread, not which cards have less downclocked power thread.

If you think 220W to 240W for a whole system at the wall is a power hog,goodness grief!!

I mean the GTX1050TI system is consuming only 50W less.My system with a GTX960 tops out at around 200W at the wall.

Even a 400W to 450W PSU would hardly be stressed by that level of power consumption.

I think you are being slightly overdramatic there.

Also the RX470D is 36% faster than a GTX1050TI for a 28% increase in power consumption at he wall.

Not bad for a price increase of only 8% in Yuan.

The charts say that the 470D system consume 97% of the 470 system while providing often more than 95% of the perf, even with this metric you are still wrong, moreover the 7W difference is less than meaningless..

As to why i compared to competing solutions it s to point that less performance will degrade the perf/Watt because only the card power scale down while the rest of the system will consume close to the same, this apply also to the 460 in the charts above.

The RX470D is 93% of the performance of a RX470 for 97% of the power consumption of the RX470. The problem is that is around 4% worse than a RX470,which is within a 5% margin of error.
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